Урок. Розробка уроку з англійської мови для 1 класу "Colours"

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Цей матеріал доцільно використовувати у 1 класі для вивчення лексики "Colours"та "Numbers".

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TEACHER: Stella Surdu

Topic: Colours

Form 1    



  • 1to recognize and use numbers one to ten,
  • 2to ask and answer questions,
  • 3to say the days of the week,
  • 4to identify different colours,
  • 5to use different colours.

Materials Family and Friends SB, WB, CD1-Tr.08,09;HO1-flashcards”colours”, HO2 names of colours (in black, coloured, cut into pieces),HO3 numbered pictures, coloured pencils, notebook.

HOMEWORK for checking

SB p.6,ex.4.days of the week

HOMEWORK for the next lesson

SB p.7, ex.1, 4; WB p.7,ex.2.

Names of colours
























Good morning, everybody!(revising forms of how we can meet each other).

   What is your name?    My name is…

    How are you?              I’m fine, thank you.

    How old are you?       I’m seven.

Revising numbers. “Jump”

  • I ask the children to stand at their desk.
  • Then I hold up a flashcard from the number vocabulary set and say a word.
  • If the word is the same as the flashcard, they jump. If it isn’t,

They keep still.









  • WB p.6,ex.1
  • Reading the words aloud.

I’ll stick the names of the  days of the week on the board and ask the pupils to read the words.

  • Some pupils write the names of the days on the board and translate them.



Lead -in





I’ll use the picture of a rainbow.

What is this?

It’s a rainbow. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Seven colours. What are these?

These are colours. Seven colours.

Look and say!












1. What’s the colour (the missing one)?

2. Reading aloud the names of colours from the cards.



3. I’ll put the cards on the board.

I’ll give the pupils names of the colours and they put them in the appropriate place on the board, below the cards.C:\Users\Клеопатра\Desktop\урок\PB270312.JPG












Listening and reading in the SBs.ex.1,p.7      tr.08

  • Ask the children to look at the colours in their Class Books.
  • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the colours.
  • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the colours in chorus.
  • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point at the colours and then repeat the words.


Optional activity

  • Practice colour vocabulary further by calling out the names of the colours for children to point the objects in the room that are the same colour.
  • Reverse the activity. Point to different objects for children to call out the name of the colour.

Listen and sing   tr. 09.

  • Ask children to look at the picture of the rainbow

In their books.

  • Elicit the colours they can see. Tell them that they are going to sing a song about the colours off a rainbow.

Elicit the colours they think they will hear.

  • Play the recording while children follow the words.
  • Play the record the second time for children to sing along.

Sing and do    tr.09.

  • Divide the class into groups of seven. Give each child a different coloured pencils or strip of paper in colours from the song. If the class does not divide exactly into groups of seven, two children can have the same colour.
  • Play the song again while children sing along. When they hear their colour they hold up the pencil or paper.
  • Play the song one more time. Children stand up when they hear their colour.
  • Alternatively, children could point to something of that colour in the room when they hear the word. 



Reading, drawing and writing


Give each child a picture with numbers. Each number means a colour. Children have to read the names of colours and choose the appropriate one to colour the things in the picture. After that they write a sentence like this one:

The doll is pink and yellow.

While pupils are doing the activity

I’ll tell them about rainbows.

Culture note: Rainbows Superstitions and legends about rainbows exist in lots of countries. A famous Irish fairy story






It is said that there is always a box of treasures buried in the ground at the end of a rainbow. Many stories and legends are told where characters travel for days trying to find the end of the rainbow, only to find that by the time they get there the rainbow has disappeared.







The pupils write the name of their favourite colour. They are given some balloons of different colours. Each child takes the colour he/she likes the best.







Giving home tasks















25 грудня 2019
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