Урок на тему: "Typical Ukrainian family"

Про матеріал
Метою уроку є повторити та активізувати лексичний та граматичний матеріал з теми; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання,читання; письма; роботи у групах та парах. вчити учнів вести дискусію за темою, логічно та послідовно висловлювати свої думки; вчити шукати шляхи розв’язання запропонованих проблем та проблемних ситуацій; розвивати креативне мислення, увагу, пам'ять, логічне мислення учнів сприяти вихованню пошани до батьків, родини, культурних традицій України.
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Typical Ukrainian family

Мета уроку:     

  •  повторити та активізувати лексичний та граматичний матеріал з теми;  
  •    удосконалювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання,читання; письма; роботи у групах та парах.
  •     вчити учнів вести дискусію за темою, логічно та послідовно висловлювати свої думки; вчити шукати шляхи розв’язання запропонованих проблем та проблемних ситуацій;
  •     розвивати креативне мислення, увагу, пам'ять, логічне мислення учнів
  •   сприяти вихованню пошани до батьків, родини, культурних традицій України.

        Обладнання: підручник Oksana Karpiuk “English 11”,  проектор, presentation: “Ukrainian family”, “Family problems”, роздатковий матеріал для роботи в парах, групах, індивідуальної роботи.


I) Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1) Greeting

Teacher: Good morning, dear pupils! I hope, you are in a good mood and everything is ready for the lesson.  I believe you’ll enjoy our today’s lesson because the topic of it is “Typical Ukrainian family”. To reach our aim we’ll revise vocabulary and grammar material on this topic, practise your skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing as well. You’ll get additional information about typical Ukrainian family and share your knowledge on this very topic.

There are many proverbs and sayings about family but this one will be the motto of our today’s lesson “Honor your mother and your father”.

2)  Мотивація (Brainstorming).

1) T: As you know we continue to learn the topic “Family Relationships”. So, I propose you to play association game. Name all words that you associate with the word “Family relationships”.

II) Основна частина уроку

  1. Speaking practise:

T: Dear pupils answer my question:

What does the word «family» mean for you?

S1: It means love because all the members of the family love each other.

S2: It means grandparents who care a lot about us.

S3: It means a shelter. In the time of trouble they always support and help me.

S4: It means happiness because all the members of the family try to make the others happy.

S5: It means success. Good family relations are the first step to be successful in life.

  1. Reading, writing and speaking practise.

 T: There are a lot of proverbs connected with family. Your task will be to make these proverbs complete and to comment them.

1) Like father                                           a) by its fruit.

2) The rotten apple                                  b) two families join it

3) A tree is known                                  c) like son.

4) The knife of the family                     d)  if he takes proper care of his family

5) One family builds the wall                e)  if you are inside, you see that each tree has its own position

6) A man can’t get rich                           f) injures its neighbours

7) The family is like the forest: if you are outside, it is dense     g) does not cut

  1. Watching presentation: “Ukrainian family”

T: And now I propose you to watch presentation “Ukrainian family”.

Get ready to answer some questions

  1. What is the structure of typical Ukrainian family?
  2. What is modern Ukrainian family?
  3. How many children are in the Ukrainian family?
  4. Who is the head of Ukrainian family?
  5. Name symbols, connected with Ukrainian family.
  6.  Give examples of family traditions in Ukraine?
  1. Reading practise:Family values in the life of respondents. Gender relations in the modern Ukrainian family”

T: You are to read the text and answer the questions.

Family values in the life of respondents. Gender relations in the modern Ukrainian family

Ukrainian family is one of traditional values which accumulates the deepest wealth of historical and social experience and builds foundation of the national culture and national character.

The modern transformation stage in the development of Ukrainian society coincided with the period of a growing occurrence of non-family orientations characterized by accelerated changes in an individual’s value system with a shift towards dominating focus on professional self-realization and getting high social status.

 However, modernization of value benchmarks does not mean that family values are denied or their significance is undermined. Family values do not lose ground but are rather adapted and reviewed to meet new demands.

As it shown in our survey, the majority of childbearing-age respondents put family and children on top positions of their life values’ hierarchy. Over 90% of females and 85% of males indicated that the family “is very important” for them. Again, the majority of respondents mentioned children among their “very important” life values; (almost 82% of females against 65% of males); not less important is the category work (72% of answers given by male respondents against 64% of answers of female respondents).

As for “grandchildren”, for young people it is difficult to acknowledge and comprehend this family value because of a long time span to pass before they actually become grandparents being rather high.

At the same time, a high level of economic activity of Ukrainian women, their high educational attainment and high professional and occupational status undoubtedly have an impact on the changes in the leadership structure of the family.

To a certain extent, this explains the fact that while the majority of people acknowledge that the family and family values are the most important life values, in terms of real-life behavior non-family orientations often overrule.

As we can see, in the hierarchy of social family values, along with the most traditional ones – “parents”, “mutual assistance in the family”, “trust” – such a value as “material well-being” has come to the front under the impact of social and economic factors.


  1. What is the role of family in Ukrainian society?
  2. What is the influence of modern transformations on the Ukrainian family?
  3. Do these modernizations deny the importance of family in Ukrainian society? Prove your answer.
  4. What are the main life values for the childbearing-age respondents?
  5. What category of life values is not less important for the respondents?
  6. Why young respondents can’t imagine them being grandparents?
  7. Name thee main factors that influence the changes in the leadership structure of Ukrainian family?
  8. What family values became dominant as a result of social and economic changes in Ukraine?
  1. Watching video about family problems.

T: And now I propose you to watch video. After watching it you are to name the problems which are mentioned in it. 


Do we have the same problems in Ukrainian families?

Which of them are the most urgent to your mind?

  1. Listening practise.

T: One of the major problems for many children is who they can ask for advice when they need a help. Considering all family misunderstandings we have just spoken about teens cannot talk to parents frankly. Different TV and radio programmes and magazines for youth come to their rescue. In case of need they can also dial a special "telephone of trust". By the way, do you know the number of Kyiv "telephone of trust"? If not, then remember, it is 5152374. In urgent cases you can consult it and get some pieces of advice.

Now you are going to hear part of radio phone-in programme "Sons and daughters".

Pre-listening task

Look at these statements. What do you think the people are discussing?

  1.              Some things are too embarrassing to talk to your parents about.
    1.   My parents never have time to talk to me.
    2.   I can talk to my parents about anything.
    3.    I can't talk to my parents about things that are really important.
    4.   Parents have forgotten what it's like to be young.
    5.    They always treat me like a child.


  1.    Listen and check your ideas.
  2. Here are the names of the speakers on the phone-in. Listen again and write the numbers of the statements in previous exercise beside the correct name.

□ Cindy Wright

□ Josh MacCall

□ Fiona Smith

□ Stuart Whittaker

□ Molly Prescott

□ Ross Ball

Sons and daughters

DJ: It's nine o'clock and it's time for our phone-in. The subject tonight is talking to parents. And here's our first caller tonight, Fiona Smith. What do you want to say, Fiona?

Fiona: Well, I think the trouble with parents is that for them you are still a little kid. They don't see that you've grown up and you want your own life - even if it isn't what they want.

DJ: Thank you, Fiona. Now Ross Stuart is on the line. Ross.

Ross: Hi. Well, what I'd like to say is, I often want to talk to my parents about things, but it's always the same: "Not now, Ross. Can't you see that I'm busy?" But they're always busy.

DJ: Now Cindy Wright. What do you want to say, Cindy?

Cindy: I get on very well with my parents. If I've got a problem, I always talk about it with my mum and sometimes my dad. We've always done that in our family.

DJ: And here's Molly Prescott.

Molly: Parents were young once, too. So they should know what the problems are, but they don't, you see. I can remember when I was really in love with this boy and then I saw him with another girl. Well, I was really upset.  But my parents said was "Don't be silly, it doesn't matter". Well, that really hurt, because it mattered to me, but they just didn't understand.

DJ: Now on the line is Stuart Whittaker. What did you want to say about this?

Stuart: Well, I get on with my parents all right, but like there are some things you just can't tell your parents. I mean, it would just be too embarrassing. You can talk to your friends about, you know, girls and things like that, but not your parents. DJ: And now our last caller for now is Josh MacCall.

Josh: Well, I think my parents try hard, but we can never talk about things that I really want to talk about.

DJ: Thank you, Josh. Well, lots of ideas there. Let's take a break for now and have some more music.


  1.              What are the problems in your family to argue about?

S1: school and marks.

S2: staying out late.

S3: pocket money.

S4: listening to music too loudly.

S5: clothes, friends.

  1.              Do you ask your parents for advice?
  2.              Is there a generation gap in your family?
  3.              Would you want to bring up your children similarly to the way your parents bring you up?
  4.              What would you do differently from your own parents?
  5.              Should parenting skills be taught at schools?
  1. Speaking practise:

T: As you know in a happy family all its members have their rights and duties.  It is not exclusion for Ukrainian families. And now I want to speak about your rights and duties in your families.

 What are your rights? – to have clothes, food, rest, free time, friends etc.

And what about your duties? They are: to help your parents about the house, for example, cleaning the house, shopping, preparing food, washing up, looking after little children (your brothers and sisters).

  1. Reading and Speaking practise: Pupil’s book. Ex. 4p.91

T: I’d like you to understand: your parents are very busy, they have no much time for you and housework, they need your help and your understanding. They want to rely on you, they wish you to be their friends. And although you have already grown up they love you with all their hearts like little babies. And you always will be such little kids for them as you were in your childhood.

  1. Writing practise. Work in groups. Ex. 5p. 91
  2.                     Grammar revision. Writing practise: Ex. 2p. 90 Pupil’s book

T: And now I propose you to revise grammar material: 3rd Conditional.

  1.                     Work in pairs. Writing practise.

T: Write a senkan on the toic: “Ukrainian Family”

  1.  Noun
  2. Adjectives
  3. Verbs
  4. 1 Sentence
  5. Synonym
  1.                     Speaking practise:

Teacher: Now I’d like you to state your opinion and say what kind of a family you would like to have in the future.  Some of you may write a few sentences on the topic. See the model.

Model: I would like to have an extended family. There will be three kids and many relatives. This will allow me to enjoy great family traditions. And my children will learn to be flexible and communicative…

Pupils represent their talks

III) Заключна частина уроку

  1. Homework.

Group1. Find information and statistics about Ukrainian and British families;  
Group 2. Write a passage about your family to the “Teens” magazine.

  1. Summary

So, what have we done at the lesson? What new things have we learnt? What was interesting/boring/unusual? Why? I enjoyed the way you’ve worked today! I want to say that all of you were active and smart, your marks are...  Thank you! The lesson is over.

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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 січня 2019
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