Урок "Schools in the UK, the USA and Ukraine"

Про матеріал
Мета: формувати предметні компетентності з іноземної мови. Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь і навичок. Форми роботи: індивідуальна, парна, групова. Методи навчання: інтерактивні (кооперативне навчання: робота в групах, діалог, синтез думок, пошук інформації, спільний проект,дискусія, інтерв'ювання, мікрофон); проблемно-пошукові, репродуктивні, продуктивні, словесні, наочні, практичні. Прийоми: відпрацювання вживання лексичних одиниць, постановка запитань, виконання завдань на картках до та після просмотру відео, складання діалогів, сенкану, колективна розповідь за тематикою - робота в командах. Принципи інтерактивного навчання: активності, відкритого зворотнього зв'язку, рівності позицій, довіри в спілкуванні.
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      Schools in the UK,

the USA and Ukraine

(8 Form, level pre-intermediate)



                                                                                                                 Prepared by:

Oksana Viniukova,

a teacher of English,

school #2

specializing in English and French,


Luhansk region











I. Introduction. Warming-up (4 min)

T:  Good morning, children. Nice to meet you. Let's start today's lesson with our motto: "We are strong when we are united, but we are weak when we are divided".

- What country do you live in?  - In Ukraine.  

 - Where are you from? -  Rubizhne Luhansk region.

 -What school do you study at?  - We study at school # 2  specializing in English and French.

 -Who helps you to get knowledge? –Our teachers.

- What topic are we going to discuss today? - School.

 -You are right. As  you could guess, today we are going to speak about schools in different countries: in the UK, the USA, and Ukraine. Let's remember some wise quotes:

Knowledge is power”, “Teachers create the future”, “A teacher can open the door but you must enter yourself”.

T: Translate these quotes into Ukrainian, please.

Ss: "Знання-це сила", "Вчителі створюють майбутнє", "Вчитель може відчинити двері, але ви повинні увійти самі".

T: You are right! How can you understand these quotes?

S1: Knowledge is power, because without it we cannot do anything in our life.

S2: Teachers create the future, because they give us necessary knowledge for our future life.

S3: Teachers give us knowledge, but when we finish our school in some years, we'll have to use all our knowledge and skills ourselves.

T: I absolutely agree with you!

II.The main part of the lesson

1. Vocabulary Practice (2 min)

T: I am sure you’ve got many friends. Will you say compliments to each other?  Move a heart pillow in a chain and say some pleasant words  to one another: (Students answer in a chain)

T: Thank you for your answers. And remember for ever: "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed”. Am I right? (Students answer.)

2. Speaking Practice (Role-game "Microphone") 2 min

T: Now some speaking practice. Let's play the interactive game "Microphone". I am a journalist. School is your second home. You go to school 5 days a week. I want to ask you one question: What do you do at school? (Students answer)

T: You are right!

3. Going through home assignment (8 min)

T: At home you were to make your own collective stories on the topic "My  Ideal School" and you were to do it in teams. Are you ready to present your team work? Ok. The first team, please.

(The first team present their work.)

T: Did you enjoy this story? I hope, you did. And now let's listen to the collective story done by team two.

(The second team present their team work.)

T: Thanks a lot! You've done a good job.

   4. Listening & Speaking (3 min)

T:  And now it's time for listening and surprises. Recently I  received a letter from one of my former students Dmitry Kolesnik. And what surprised me most was that it was addressed to you all. Now I am going to read a part of this letter to you. And then we'll discuss it. I'll read it only once, so  be attentive.



 Dear 8th formers of Rubizhne School #2!

 Learn English and enjoy life. The knowledge of English opens many doors to a beautiful world. 10 years have passed since our visit to the USA. I was lucky enough to experience American School System. A group of our students went to America thanks to our English teacher  on an Exchange Program.

We spent 20 days at River Hill High School in the state Maryland. Lessons started at 7-30 a.m. The School was beautiful, very well equipped with all modern technology, a science lab, a TV studio, an orchestra room, an Assembly Hall, a huge library with the Internet. 1600 students from many countries get knowledge in different subjects. American schoolchildren have no uniform. Sport and clubs are very popular among them.

Children start primary school at the age of 6. Then at the age of 10 or 11 they go to a secondary School. Their working days are from Monday till Friday. They may choose subjects at High School. They pass exams to get a Certificate at the end of school.

As for us, we lived in American families and communicated with American teenagers. We travelled to Washington D.C., to New York, visited the White House, museums, malls, amusement parks.

English helped me to see another world and find a common language with American peers.

Good luck and best wishes to you all.


Dmitry Kolesnik

T: As you see, it is very important to learn English. What do you think about it?

(Some students express their opinions.)

T: Thus, English is everywhere! Learning English allows us to communicate with people from all over the world. Now let’s travel to Great Britain and watch a video "This is a school in Britain". After watching the video be ready to do some tasks. Be attentive, please!


5. Watching a video (15 min)

T: Now I suggest you watching a video about one of the British school. The first task for you is to tick T for true and F for false. If the statement is false, correct it. Think over the task for 1-2 minutes.

Task 1(Appendix 1)

1.Jamie lives in the north of England.(F)

Jamie lives in the south of England.

2. Jamie is 11.(T)

3.Annette is a Lollipop Lady.(T)

4.They don't wear school uniforms in Forest School. (F)

They wear school uniforms in Forest School.

5. School starts  with class registration.(T)

6. After class registration all the school children go to the Assembly and sing some lines of their hymn.(T)

7. The first lesson starts at 9.(F)

The first lesson starts at 9:30.

8. The first lesson is Art.(T)

9. Jamie's favourite lesson is Maths.(F)

Jamie's favourite lesson is ICT.

10. They eat lunch in the canteen.(T)

11. After lunch they go back to their classrooms.(F)

After lunch they go to the playground.

12. The end of the school day is 3:15.(T)

T: Very well!

Task 2  (Appendix2)

T: Now, I'm going to give you cards with situations. Try to reproduce some flashes of conversation on the following situations:

1. On the way to school.

2. At the Art lesson.

3. My Favourite lesson.

4. In the canteen.

5. Time to go home.

T:  You've got 2 minutes.

(Some students in pairs reproduce situational flashes of conversation and present them before class.)

6. Relaxation (2 min)

T: It's time for relaxation now. Look at the screen and sing the song "School is cool!" all together. If you like, you may join us, dear guests.(Appendix 3)

                                              School is cool

Oh, we go to school because school is cool.

Yes, school is cool. It's really cool.

We go to school because school is cool.

Yes, school is really cool! What have we got at 9 o' clock?

At 9 o'clock we' ve got ICT.

And at quarter past 10

We' ve got History.

Oh, we go to school because school is cool.

Yes, school is cool. It's really cool.

We go to school because school is cool.

Yes, school is really cool.

We go to school because school is cool.

Yes, school is really cool.

What have we got at half past 12?

At half past 12 we've got  Geography.

At quarter to 3 we've got PE.

Oh, we go to school because school is cool.

Yes, school is cool. It's really cool.

We go to school because school is cool.

Yes, school is really cool.

T: Do you like to go to school?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: Why?

Ss: School is cool.

 7. Reading Practice ( 5 min)

T: Now work in groups. Put the parts of the text in the right order. Glue the parts of the text one by one on the given sheet of paper. Then you'll check your text with the original one on the screen. You've got five minutes. (Appendix 4)

                                        Schools in Ukraine

 A. My name is Sabrina and I'd like to tell you about schools in Ukraine. The right to education in Ukraine is  guaranteed by the Constitution (Article 53). Every boy and girl must get secondary education; it means that secondary education is compulsory in our country. There are state schools where education is free of charge and private schools where students have to pay for their studies.

B. I live in Rubizhne Luhansk region and study at school #2 specializing in English and French. My school was built more than 50 years ago. When I was 10 I left primary school and went to a secondary one.

C.  Now I am 13 and I am a student of the eighth form. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We usually have  6 or 7 lessons a day.

D. Every school has its own timetable which includes such subjects as Maths, Ukrainian and World Literature, Physics, History, Geography, English, French, Physical Education and other subjects.

E.  According to the school timetable we've got  Informative Technology, Art, Music, Handicrafts, Health and Care. I am good at all of them.

F.  Lessons begin at 8 am and last to 1 or 3 pm. We have some breaks for lunch for every class and rest. Our teachers give us home tasks after almost each lesson, but we like to to school.

T: Good job! You are very attentive and smart.

III. Summing - up. Reflection (3 min)

T: Now our  lesson is coming to its end. Thanks a lot! Glad to see you in high spirits and good mood. Thank you for being active, hardworking, smart and friendly. Your marks are good and excellent today. Now we have got a few minutes and I suggest you  making a cinquain with the word Education.


Useful, important

Teach, learn, study

We get new information


T: How do you feel after lesson? (We are fine. Everything is OK. Super.)

What conclusion can we draw from this lesson? (We need to learn English or any other foreign language.)

Did you like our communication at the lesson? (Yes, we did.)

IV. Home Assignment/differential approach (2 min)

T: If you want a higher mark (9-12), your task is to write an informal letter in at least 100 words. Now I'd like to suggest you some situations and you have to choose one of them.

1) You've received a letter from your pen-friend. He/She wrote  that he/she had problems with the study of English and French at school and thought that the lessons were tiresome and not interesting. He/She likes Maths and History better than foreign languages. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which you write:

- why studying foreign languages is important;

- about the foreign language lessons in your school;

- advice him/her how to make the study of foreign languages easier and more interesting.

2) Your pen-friend in England has to write a project on education around the world. He/She has written to ask you for details about Ukraine. Write a letter to your pen-friend, in which you:

- describe the kind of school you go to;

- say how your school is different to other secondary schools;

- explain what you like or dislike about the education system.

T: For those who find it difficult to write a letter to an English-speaking friend, I suggest preparing some information on the topic "My Favourite Subject at School" and tell about it.

Have you got any questions? OK. Our lesson is over. Have a nice day! Good luck!















































































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