Урок " Schools in Ukraine and abroad"

Про матеріал
Objectives: to revise and practise vocabulary on the topic of the lesson; to develop pupils’ skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing; to develop pupils’ critical thinking; to provide interactive work in pairs and small groups; to arouse interest of the lesson and to broaden pupils’ outlook.
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Schools in Ukraine and abroad (8 Form)


Objectives:   to revise and practise  vocabulary on the topic of the lesson;

                       to develop pupils’ skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing;

                       to  develop pupils’ critical thinking;

                      to provide interactive work in pairs and small groups;

                      to arouse interest of the lesson and to broaden pupils’ outlook.


Equipment:  pictures , cards,Video " Schooling in the USA",song "Believe yourself"



  1. Greeting

-Good morning, pupils. How are you today? Are you all healthy?



     II. Aim

The theme of our lesson is very important. Today we shall discuss the problems of education in our country, Great Britain and the USA. So, look at this poster. What can you see there?( Pupils describe a poster) What do you think?     How these things are connected with our topic? You can see an apple, a pencil and a bell. A bell is the symbol of school in Ukraine, yellow pencils were commonly  used in American schools, and apples are traditional presents given by the pupils of primary school to their teachers.


І want to suggest you to choose the motto of our lesson from those quotations and saying about school. Read them and choose the one that you like most and explain your choice.

 By doing nothing we learn to do ill.

 What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing.


 Live and learn!


IV. Check on homework



1. Vocabulary Practice

Let's recollect your previous experience and

a) Correct the wrong statements as in the model:

Model: The school year begins on June 30.

-Oh, no! The school year begin on September, 1.

1. In Ukraine children start to go to school at the age of 9. (6)

  1. The heard of the school is called instruction.
  2. At colleges students give lectures to professors.
  3. Students study 8 years at a primary school.
  4. The system of education in Ukraine is rather complicated.
  5. The upper secondary school lasts 3 years.
  6. Schools in Great Britain have two terms.

8. The system of education in Ukraine is divided into 2 stages: primary and
upper secondary.


b) Pair's Work

Complete the sentences. Write down the missing words.

1. A: Does your younger sister study in a g__________or 1______?

B: No, she studies inas__________s_______.

2. A: You speak English so well. Do you go to a 1________s______?

B: Yes, I do. I've been studying there for eight years.

3. A: Where did you get your secondary e__________, Mum?

B: In the same school where you study at.

4. A: Who is the H__________of your school?

B: Alia Victorivna Drahanchuk. Her office is on the first floor.

5. A: Does your younger brother study at the p_______s______?

B: No, he is only 4 and he goes to the к_____________.

 2. Speaking 

T: And now let's come to our main topic "Schools in Ukraine and abroad".     The pupils of the first row will be the Ukrainians and the pupils of the second  raw will be the British. Compare the system of education in both countries.  Pupils talk about theirs schools system and exchange with the questions.      

3.Watching video

1) Before-Watching Activities

-Do you know any information about school in the USA?

- Would you like to study in American school? Why?

2) While-Watching

Schooling in the USA

American children go to school from the age of 5 to 18, but many children attend nursery school first. Americans spend six years in elementary school and also six years at secondary or high school. The school year start in September and lasts until June or July. At more advanced level students can choose some subjects. At the end of every school year the students take a test. If the student doesn't do well the test he has to repeat a year once more. Americans attend school from 8.30a.m. until 3.30p.m. five days a week. They don't have to wear school uniform.

Pupils take an active part in after classes activity. They can play sports, music or visit places of interest.

3) After Watching

A) Mark the sentences as "True" or "False"

  1.   American children study at school from the age of 6 to 18.' _F_
  2.   American children don't go to the nursery school.    _F_
  3.   Elementary school is for children from the age of five to eleven. _T_
  4.   The school year starts in September. _T_
  5.   Students take a test after the fourth and the ninth forms. _F____
  6.   Americans attend school 6 days a week. _F_
  7.   They don't have to wear school uniform. _T_

B)Group's Work. Complete the table with the information about schools in Ukraine and the USA


Schools in the USA

Schools in Ukraine

Children start to go to school at the age of ...



Children finish school at the age of ...



School year usually begins in ...



The lessons usually start at ...



The lessons usually finish at ...



How many days of the week do the children go to school?



Must children wear a uniform?



T: So, we can see that our systems of education have a lot of common, and its no

wonder. Nevertheless each school has its own advantages and disadvantages. What things do you like and dislike?


4. Reading and Writing

I think that the richest jewels of our school are our pupils. Let's check are you so

good pupils?

Answer these questions and count your score.

1. When do you arrive at school?

  1. just in time;
  2. after your teacher;
  3. 10-5 minutes before the lesson. \

2. How long does it take you to do your homework?

  1.   what homework;
  2.   1-2 hours;
  3.   Other.

3. What are your hobbies?

  1.   watching cartoons;
  2.   sports'
  3.   reading.

4. What do you like about school?

  1.   interesting lessons;
  2.   holidays;
  3.   meeting with classmates.

5. You are going to choose foreign language to study at school. You'll prefer
the one which...

  1.   you think is the easiest;
  2.   which is with the nicest teacher;
  3.   you think is the most useful in your future.

Your score:

l.a)l;   b)0; c) 2

2.a)0;   b)2; c) 1

3.a)0;   b)l; c) 2

4. a) 2;   b) 0; c) 1

5.a)l;   b)0; c) 2


Less than 3

SOS! You hate school. You have to change your attitude to school! 

More than 3 but less than 7 


Your school success depends upon your efforts in study. You're one of "so-so"

More than 7 

Wow! You are a real perfect pupils. You have got a chance to go far in your future. Don't stop! Go on!


Summing up

- Group's Work   (Write the cinquain)

Example :


interesting, exciting

to study, to play, to grow

I like to know some new

My second home

Listen to this song "Believe yourself "and be lucky and believe in yourself and you

will get to the stars!


To tell about the schooling in Ukraine or Great Britain or in the USA.


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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
6 березня 2023
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