Урок Seven Wonders of Ukraine

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Урок "Seven Wonders of Ukraine." до підручника А. Несвіт (додаток до тесту "Seven Wonders of Ukraine.")
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Підтема: Сім чудес світу.

Objectives: to activate pupils’ vocabulary; to practice pupils’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills; to develop creative thinking; to teach pupils to love native land, with its beauty and wonders; to enrich pupil’s knowledge on the topic; to teach pupils to respecttheir native customs and traditions.

Equipment: Lap-top, handouts for reading, cards with writing tasks ,pictures.


1. Greeting

2. Warming up

I know that all of you love our country and are fond of travelling. So today we’ll speak about the most famous places of Ukraine which are attractive for tourists.

     Answer the questions, please.

  1. Would you like to travel around Ukraine and where?
  2. What places of interest in Ukraine do you know?
  3. Whoud you like to visit any interesting places in your country?
  4. What’s your favourite place in Ukraine?

3. Main part

Look at the blackboard. You see the pictures of 7 wonders of our country. Your task will be to know the names of these places to the end of the lesson.

   Fortress Kamenets-PodolskyKhotyn FortressKhortytsia Island in Zaporozhye Kiev-Pechersk LavraSophia of Kiev Sofievka ParkChersonese                                    

1.   Reading

      Pre-reading tasks :

  1. Fill in correct word from the list

historical, impressive, romantic, right, horse, popular








    2)   Complete  the phrases with the necessary prepositions ( in, on).

1. to go ______________________a trip;

2. __________________________the centre;

3. __________________________the banks of the river;

4. to go _____________________ excursions;

5. to be located _______________ the city;

6. __________________________ the shore of the sea.


      T: And now repeat the words after me: Kamianets–Podilskyi, .Kyiv – Pecherska Lavra, Dendrological,  Saint Sophia Cathedral,  ChersonesosTaurica, Khotyn fortress, KhortytsiaIslahd.

      While – reading the text.

       In July, 2007  77 thousand people in the internet voted for top seven Ukrainian sights for tourists to visit.

  1. The castle in Kamianets–Podilskyi.

This is a really impressive castle with 11 towers. The high wall around the castle connects the towers and makes this sight the first of  the seven most beautiful historical buildings in Ukraine.

  1. Kyiv – Pecherska Lavra.

A large number of tourists visit Kyiv every year to see this magnificent church. It is on the hills close to the river Dnipro. The word “Lavra” means great, big or powerful. All visitors say that the church is very impressive sight.

  1. National Dendrological Park Sofiyivka.

The park is situated in the town Uman, Cherkasy region. This park offers tourists something more than sightseeing. People can go on excursions here, try horse riding or go on a romantic trip on a gondola in the lake. There are also more than 3300 kinds of plants in “Sofiyivka”.

  1. Saint Sophia Cathedral.

In the centre of Kyiv tourists can’t miss a really beautiful cathedral of 11 th century. When the doors of this building open, the visitors see the huge collection of works of art. Experts and tourists admire the ancient architecture and the wonder of Byzantine art.

  1. ChersonesosTaurica.

ChersonesosTaurica is the ancient Greek colony, which is about 2500 years old. The ancient city is located in Sevastopol, on the shore of the Black Sea on the Crimean Peninsula. Tourists can’t miss the Tower, the Bell and ancient buildings when they visit Chersonesos.

  1. Khotyn fortress.

The fortress is located on the right bank of the Dniester river. The most important thing about this fortress is that it is a very popular place for Hollywood filmmakers. Khotyn was the location in many films, like The Three Musketeers, The Arrows of  Robin Hood and Ivanhoe. 

  1. KhortytsiaIslahd.

This is a really impressive island on the river Dnipro in Zaporizhia.Khortytsia Island is very important for the history of the country. Zaporozhian Cossacks lived there. Tourists can visit Zaporozhian Cossacks museum and the horse show.

      Post – reading

      Read and write T for True and F for False.

  1. National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” offers visitors tours to the mountains.___________
  2. The word “Lavra” means “ beautiful church”.  _______
  3. Khortytsia  is a town where Zaporozhian Cossacks lived._______
  4. Both Kyiv – PecherskaLavra and Khotyn fortress are located on the Dnipro banks.________
  5. Ukrainians chose the castle in Kamianets – Podilskyi as the first of the seven most beautiful historical buildings in Ukraine. __________
  6. Nowadays tourists can visit the ancient city ChersonesosTautica._________

Match the parts of the sentences .

1.ChersenesosTaurica is the ancient

a) a very impressive sight

2.This is a really impressive

b) collection of works of art

3. All visitors say that the church is

c) 3300 kinds of plants

4.”Sofiyivka” has also more than

d) 2500 years old Greek colony

5.Visitors can see the huge

e) location for filmmakers

6.Khotyn is a very popular

f) castle with 11 towers




Quis    Test your memory.

 Try to remember and fill in the names of the Wonders of Ukraine according to their location.




Zaporizhia,  Zaporizhia Region

Uman, Cherkasy Region


Khotyn, Chernivtsi Region

Kamianets – Podilskyi, Khmelnytskyi Region




        T: And now you may go to the board and match the pictures with their names.

     There are also 7 Natural wonders of Ukraine. Here are they. So, you see our Motherland is very wonderfull.


1. Biosphere Reserve Askania-Nova (Kherson region). The territory of the unique, wild natural steppe landscapes throughout Europe places animals, gathered from many corners of the world.

Askania Nova


Create your own list of  wonders of  your city ( town, region). Present the list to your classmates. Use the model below and add your own ideas

-1  think   -the monument to…           - is a wonder of our city because it is                ancient

-in my opinion     -the … church                                                                                               beautiful

 huge                     -the museum of …                                                                                        Interesting

Example: In my opinion the Cathedral is a wonder of our town because it is the highest in Ukraine (78m).

2. National Park Podilski Tovtry (Khmelnitsky region). On the territory of which there are the remnants of ancient coral reef formations unusual for plain landscapes.

National Park Podilski Tovtry


3. Lake Synevir - the business card of the Ukrainian Carpathian

Lake Synevir


4. Marble Cave - the symbol of the Crimea, which belongs to the five most beautiful equipped caves in the world and is one of the most visited caves in Europe.

Marble Cave in Crimea


5. Regional-landscape park Granite-Steppe Pobuzhye (Nikolaev region) - one of the best natural "pearls" of Ukraine.

Granite-Steppe Pobuzhye


6. Lake Svityaz - the largest and the deepest lake of natural origin in Ukraine.

Lake Svitiaz


 7. Dniester Canyon (Vinnitsa, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnitsky, Ternopol regions)

Dniester Canyon

4.Summing up.

You were really great. I’m satisfied with your work. I wish you good luck! See you soon.

    5.Home assignment.

Відповісти на питання Впр.4 b), с.157

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
7 травня 2020
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