Урок "Шкільні предмети" 6 клас

Про матеріал
Даний матеріал можна використовувати для повторення й активізації лексичного та граматичного матеріалу за темою "Школа".
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Приходько Тетяна Петрівна





План – конспект уроку

“School subject”



Підготувала вчитель англійської мови

Приходько Тетяна Петрівна

Тема: School subjects

Мета:  Повторити й активізувати лексичний матеріал теми. Розвивати вміння діалогічного мовлення . Тренувати учнів в читанні. Практикувати учнів у письмі.

Виховувати вміння працювати в колективі.

  1. Привітання.
  • Good morning!
  • Who’s on duty today?
  • How are you today?
  • What season is it now?
  • What month is it now?
  •  What day of the week is it today?
  1. Повідомлення теми, мети.

Слайд №1

Our topic today is “ School Subjects” Today we are going to speak about school subjects. We’ll speak, write, make up dialogues and of course play.

Today we have an unusual lesson. We have a lot of guests. Let’s show them our knowledge of English. I wish all of us good luck and success at the lesson.

Слайд №2

  1. Актуалізація опорних знань учнів.

To begin with look at the blackboard. Tell me: what things do you associate with school? Let’s draw a “Mind – map”.









Would you like to answer my questions? These answers should only be  “Yes, I do” , “No, I do not”. All the rest are wrong and are not taken.

Слайд №3

  • Do you like to go to school?
  • Do you have a great time at school?
  • Do you speak English at your English lessons?
  • Have you got lessons on Saturday?
  • Do you do experiments at school?
  • Does your teacher speak  English at your English lessons?
  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Let’s check your homework. Open your books at page 35 and check exercise 2.

Основна частина уроку

  1. Подання тексту до читання.

Слайд №4

Teacher: you have a lot of subjects at school. They are:


Діти повторюють назви предметів за вчителем.

Teacher: Answer my questions:

  • How many lessons have you today?
  • What lessons do you have today?

Teacher: Please, match the names of school subjects with their descriptions.   Match the names of school subjects with their descriptions.

  1. World Literature                a)  We learn to read, write and speak in our native

                                                  language  correctly;

  1.  History                              b)  We read a lot of books by the writers from our 


  1. English                              c) We learn to work with numbers, do sums;
  2.  Ukrainian Language         d) We learn to read, write and speak in a foreign


  1.  Maths                                e) We study the history of different countries of

                                                the world;

  1. Ukrainian Literature          f) We learn to sing and understand music;
  2. Music                                 g) We read books by the writers from different


  1. Handicrafts                         h) We study the nature around us;
  2. Physical Training               i) We make things with our own hands;
  3.  Nature Studies                  j)  We learn to be strong, play different games.



Діти працюють з картками.

Teacher: Make up short dialogues in which one speaker pretends to be a child from an English – speaking countries. Use the pattern:

Слайд №5

  • What do you do at the lessons of …
  • At the lessons of … we learn / study / make …

Ask questions to each other.

Teacher: listen to me. Guess what lessons they are.

  1. At this lesson we study the nature around us, we study our planet (Geography).

Слайд №6

  1. At this lesson we play different games such as volleyball, football. (Physical Training)

Слайд №7

  1. At this lesson we learn to write and speak in our native language correctly. (Ukrainian Language).

Слайд №8

  1. At this lesson we learn how to use computer. (Сomputer Studies).

Слайд №9

  1. At this lesson we write much , we write on the blackboard and in copy – books. We count, we do sums. This subject is not easy.


Слайд №10

  1. At this lesson we draw pictures.(Art)

Слайд №11

Изображение 070.jpg

Teacher: thank you very much. I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest.

Red, red touch your head

Green, green touch your chin.

Black, black touch your back.

Brown, brown touch the ground.


Hands up. Hands down.

Hands on hips. Sit down.

To the left, to the right.

Jump, jump

It’s all right.

Nod, nod

Turn around.

Clap, clap.

Touch the ground.

Teacher: thank you. Take your seats.

Make up sentences using this table. (див. додаток 1)

Діти складають речення  і записують одне речення в зошит.

Teacher: make up dialogue and act it out (див. додаток 2)

           Teacher: The next your task is to make up questions with the words.

Слайд №12

  • What / are / in / you / form?
  • What / name / is / your?
  • What / favourite / is / lesson / your/?
  • Why / you / do / like / lesson / this?

Teacher: let’s play a game. You are a correspondent of our school newspaper. Ask your friends about your favourite subjects and why they like these subjects.

Слайд №13

Діти виконують завдання.

Teacher: Make up dialogue and act it out. Look at the timetable, complete the dialogue and act it out.




  1. English
  1. Maths


  1. Ukrainian Literature
  1. Geography

2.Ukrainian Language

  1. Maths
  1. Nature Studies

3.Computer Studies

  1. History



  1. Music

5.Physical Training



Tom: Hello, Ann. Do you have a lot of homework to do?

Ann: Hi, Tom. Yes, I do. We always have a lot of homework to do.

Tom: How many lessons do you usually have?

Ann: ___________________________________________________________

Tom: What lessons did you have today?

Ann: Today is Tuesday, so we had ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Tom: On what days do you have English?

Ann: ______________________________________________________________

Tom: What lessons will you have tomorrow?


Tom: What will be the first lesson?


Tom: When do you have Music?

Ann: ____________________________________________________________




Діти працюють з картками і відповідають на запитання.

Teacher: the next your task is to find the names of subjects. (див. додаток 3) .You have got 5 minutes to finish this task.

Заключна частина уроку

Teacher: I want to summarize our work. Answer my questions:

-Are you a good pupil?

- Do you like to go to school?

 - What is your favourite lesson?

- How many lessons have you got today?




Teacher: write now the hometask: read the text and complete the timetable.


























We have English on Monday and Tuesday. It is always the second lesson of a day. Our first lesson on Monday is Maths and the last is Physical Training. The first lesson on Tuesday is History and the last is Handicraft. The third lesson on Monday is Geography and the fourth is Ukrainian Literature. After English we have World Literature and Maths on Tuesday. On Wednesday we have only four lessons. They are Arts, Maths, Ukrainian Literature and Music.



Thank you for your lesson. The lesson is over. Good bye.









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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
15 грудня 2020
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