Урок "Школа моєї мрії"

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Урок узагальнення та систематизації знань, умінь і навичок з елементами проєктної роботи для 6 класу.
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6 клас

Урок 16

Тема: Шкільне життя.

Підтема: Школа моєї мрії.

Мета: сприяти розвитку в учнів уміння планувати свої висловлювання та уміння учнів знаходити спеціальну інформацію в прослуханому та прочитанному тексті, висловлювати власні переконання, думки, згоду й незгоду, використовуючи для цього необхідний лексико-граматичний інвентар. сприяти розвитку логічного мислення, самостійної роботи, формувати дружні стосунки у колективі класу.

Очікуванні результати: На кінець уроку учні вмітимуть  висловлюватися по темі «Шкільне життя», навчаться правильно застосовувати тематичну лексику та вмітимуть працювати самостійно та в групі, робитимуть свої власні висновки.

Обладнання: картки з завданнями, таблиці з новими лексичними одиницями,  тематичні ілюстрації, картки з питаннями, ноутбук, мультимедійна презентація, дидактичні картки, листки формату А- 3, олівці, презентація.

Тип уроку: урок систематизації набутих знань.

                                    Хід уроку

I. Організаційний момент уроку.

  1.   Greeting. Привітання

T: Hello, my dear friends! Could you show me your friendly eyes? Thank you!

Take your seats. So nice to see you.  Everybody looks wonderful today. I suppose. Is it so? Make a compliment to each other.

Ps. You look great/ perfect/ wonderful/ terrific/ stylish/ cool/ excellent/ fantastic/ cute/ charming/ attractive/ today.

Answer: thank you/ so do you/ Thank a lot/ Many thanks/ Thank so much/ My sincere thanks/ How kind it was of you/ You are so thoughtful/ so do you.

T: The compliments are made and I think everybody is OK. Let’s start our lesson.

1.2 Оголошення теми і постановка задач уроку.

Today we’ll check your knowledge and language skills on the theme “School life” in an unusual way; during our lesson we are going to speak about schools, we’ll try to find out the importance of school life, you’ll present us your project works. Today we are going to talk about schools, subjects, students and everything about schools. So, the theme of our lesson is My Ideal School and we’ll make it all together.

  1. Мовленнєва зарядка                                                                                                      Метод ,,Мікрофон”

T: Who are you?

P: I am a pupil.

T: What form are you in?

P: I am in the sixth form.

T: What school do you study at?

P: I go to school of Yurivka.

T: Can you live without school?

P: No, I can’t.

T: Why?

P: Because school gives us knowledge.

T: Why do you need knowledge?

P: We need knowledge to be good in our future life.

1.4 Phonetical drills (Фонетична зарядка).

Let’s start with a poem.

A poem: “School is my home

School is my home,                           School is my life,

School is my future,                           Every day and night.

There is only one rule,                       To study at school,

         Never give up,                                    And only early, get up!

IІ. Основна частина уроку.

2.1 Прийом «Кластера».

Let’s revise the words associated with the words school life.














2.2 Speaking

T: Why do you go to school?

P1: I go to school to learn new things.

P2: I go to school to improve my English.

P3: I go to school to communicate with my friends.

P4: I go to school to have fun.

P5: I go to school to learn a lot of interesting.

T: I will ask you in another way. How does it help? What does it teach?

Cl: It helps us…. It teaches us…

Діти працюють в групах

(To make our own decisions, to understand ourselves better, makes us polite and well-behaved, to train  for a future job, to teach  about our country, its history, culture etc., to learn a lot of interesting things, to know a lot about the world, to find real friends for the whole life to prepare for future  life, to choose future profession).

What are your pros and cons of going to school? Прийом «за» і «проти»

Going to school



We meet classmates and friends

We enrich our knowledge about life, nature and science

We do interesting projects and experiments

We get some social skills, learn to be positive and flexible

We learn how to cope with difficulties we can face

We have to get up very early

We have to wear a school uniform

We always have to do a lot of homework and don’t have much free time for hobbies

We have to stick to some rules at school

We have to study some subjects, which are not useful for somebody in life


2.3 Reading

1)Pre-reading. Let’s speak about your school. What rooms are there at school? (classrooms, staff room, corridors and a hallway, headmaster’s office, library, canteen, computer room, bathroom, toilet, gym) Let’ read about Calves school and answer some questions. (ромашка Блума)

2) Reading. “Calvins’ school”

3) Post-reading. Answer the questions according to the Blooms flower.

Which room would you like to have in your school?












The pupils stick the names of rooms they would need at their Ideal School.

2.4 Vocabulary practice.

1) School things.Актуалізація лексики.

Every profession demands some suppliers,pupils need some necessary things as well.What are they?

What you'll need and how much of it will depend on your courseload and teachers' requirements. But there are must-have it ems you'll want to have on hand before the year begins.

Sort out the things you use at school, at home and both variants.








At school: whiteboard, blackboard, register, video projector, globe, microscope,


At home: computer, printer, bookshelf, stapler, calculator, paper clip, scissors.

Both: books, sharpener, eraser, copybook, pens, pencils, glue, pencil-case.

2)Прийом «коло по воді»








3)What subjects do we study at school? Look at the pictures and define the name of the subject.(робота з малюнками)

4)What do pupils learn at these lessons?....

1. In World Literature we read books by the writers from different countries.

2. In History we learn the things and people in the past, study the history of different countries of the world.

3. In English we learn to read, write and speak in a foreign language.

4. In Ukrainian we learn to read, write and speak in our native language correctly.

5. In Maths we learn to work with numbers and do sums. We do all sort of calculations. We can add, subtract, multiply, divide.

6. In Ukrainian Literature we read a lot of books by the writers from our country, learn poems by heart.

7. In Craft we make things with our own hands.

8. In PT we really have fun, we learn to be strong, play sport games.

9. In Music we learn to sing and understand music.

10. In Science we study the nature around us, all living creatures on our planet. We learn what they eat, where they live, how they grow. We can even do some experiments.

11. In  Art  we  draw plants and  funny animals.

5)What subjects would you like to learn at your ideal school?(YOUR FAVOURITE SUBJECTS)The pupils stick their favourite subjects on the blackboard.


    Т: What do you do at school every day? (read, write, speak, count,   

    describe, run, jump, communicate, do sums…)

At home   you made timetable.   And now your variant of your school days.

The pupils stick the time-table they’d like to have at their school.

2.6 Speaking(dialogues).

Let’s go to our next point. What pupils would you like to be? The students should be: clever, organized, attentive, polite, not to be nervous, hardworking, not to be passive, be ready for the lesson, to read much, not to be late, disciplined, creative,

honest,kind,patient,cooperative,persistent,ambitious,intelligent,determined,lively, be ready to help.

Is it always so? Let’s listen to the dialogue.

D. Hi, Ksenia! How are you?

K. OK, thank you! And you?

D. So-so.

K. Why?

D. I’m not ready for our English lesson.

K. Typical, just typical of you! As for me I worked hard yesterday, learned the new words and wrote questions to the text.

D. How clever of you! You are a model girl. I’m not so organized as you are.

 K. You are a lazybones.

D. No, I’m not. I helped my Dad in the garage last night, got tired and then I fell asleep.

K. That won’t do! You should plan your time ahead.

D. True. I often have problems with my time management.

K. Never say die! I can help you if you wish.

D. OK! Thank you, Ksenia! You are a real friend

The pupils stick the traits of character the pupils should have to be good at school.

2.7 Grammar. Must, mustn’t. Rules at school.

So, if we want to be nice pupils, to get good knowledge you  are to be disciplined and follow some rules at school.









come to school before the lessons begin.

be late for the lessons.

do homework.

bring pets to school.

be rude.

run around school.

bring textbooks and exercise books to school.

speak to classmates at lessons.







What rules would you suggest to follow?

“Rules to follow”

Pupils` possible answers:

1. Students must always listen to the teacher

2. Students must be friendly and kind

3. Students will be polite and respectful.

4. Students must raise their hands

5. Students must always be early

6. Students will be on time for class

7. Students must always be prepared

8. Students will keep hands, feet, and all objects to themselves

9. Students must always say the truth

10. Students will obey all school rules at all times

11.To attend school regularly.

12.To respect the right of others to learn.

What do you think? Are school rules important for pupils? Are there any rules you don’t like to follow but you have to? The pupils make their own rules for Ideal School and stick them on the blackboard.

2.8 Physical exercises-a song “follow the directions” Фізкультхвилинка

2.9 After-school activities. Riddles.

Different people have different interests. Listen to some stories and define what they do at their spare time after school.(the pupils take the cards and read the sentences)

Now, as you know, different people like doing different things. Listen to some short stories and say what hobby it is.

      Some people like to dance. Sometimes they go to special clubs and dance at home. They like to go to discos. (Dancing)

      They can play football or hockey, swim or run very well. People like to go to the stadium or to the sports ground. (Sports)

      People like to sing songs. Sometimes they go to the music school. They like to listen to songs and sing them. (Singing)

      People like to collect something, for example: coins, stamps, badges, dry leaves, etc. It’s easy and interesting. They can have a thematic collection. (Collecting)

      I know some people who like to watch different kinds of programs or films on TV. (Watching TV)

The pupils stick the names of activity they would like to have after school.

2.10 Прийом “Priority ladder”.Повторення прикметників.

«The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside»

And who helps you to get knowledge at school? Of course, teachers.

Who waits for you at school? Who gives you knowledge? I give you some adjectives and you are to defined  the most important.

A teacher is a very responsible profession. You’ve characterized your teachers with the help of adjectives. What traits of character will pass the teacher? I give you the cards with traits of character and you are to put them in a logical order to your mind.(patient, friendly, intelligent, smart, practical, polite, kind, hard-working, creative, reliable, careful, easy-going ,good -tempered, helpful, brave, sociable, attentive)It is an individual work ,but then we define all together which traits of character take the first three places.

Your homework for today was to prepare some words about the teachers you like best of all. Let us listen to your reports. The pupils tell about their teachers.

Прийом «за» і «проти».

And now look at the blackboard, investigate the word- combinations and subdivide them into two columns .The words with which you agree and disagree.

  1.      teach their subject well
  2.     are strict
  3.      tell jokes
  4.     often laugh
  5.      Are friendly and kind.
  6.       are patient
  7.     are firm with students but not too strict
  8.     are fair and honest
  9.       have pet students
  10.       shout in class
  11.     are young
  12.       give too much homework
  13.   give low marks

                           I like and don’t like in my teachers



Teach their subject well,..

Shout in the class…


The pupils write down what kinds of teachers they would like to have.


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

3.1Домашнє завдання. Write down your hometask for the next time: Write some short story about your own school.

3.2Виставлення оцінок.

First, I’d like to mention all pupils were active and tried to work hard and did all

our tasks properly.

 Some pupils were brilliant. … get excellent marks.

 Some pupils have made some mistakes in their speaking, reading or writing.

Good luck for everybody!  See you at the next lesson.



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31 жовтня 2023
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