Урок ''Storytelling''

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Використання методу "Storytelling"на уроці англійської мови в 4 класі. Розробка уроку
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       Once there lived a little Elephant.

        His name was Gaston. His mother and father worked from morning till late at night as all the elephants usually did. But Gaston didn't like to work. He liked to play and that was what he did all day long.

        One morning Gaston's mother said, "My dear, it' time for you to work, too."

As Gaston didn't want to work, he ran away. He had a very good time: he ran, jumped and played games. In the evening he was very hungry. It was his mother who usually gave him food to eat. But there was no mother with him there. Who could help him? The Gaston had an idea.

        He went to Lion and said: "Mr. Lion, I'm so hungry. Would you give me some bananas to eat?" "All right!" said the Lion, " but you must work first. Then you can get your supper." The little Elephant did want to have his supper, but he didn't want to work! So he ran away.

        Then he saw the Tiger. He asked the Tiger to give him some apples to eat. "OK," said the Tiger, "but you must work first." And Gaston ran away.

         He asked a lot of animals to give him something to eat. But they all asked him to work first. So the hungry Elephant ran back home to his parents. When he saw his mother, he said, "Dear Mam! I'm so sorry! Now I know that if I want to have something to eat I must work."

                                                                                                (from Internet)


       This is a story for younger listeners about lazy elephant who didn't want to work but wanted to run, jump and play games

Main outcomes:

  • to make up sentences with new vocabulary
  • to answer the teacher’s questions
  • to represent a picture of the story
  • to draw and represent a story-picture
  • to practice listening to and giving instructions and to think about typical things  in pupil’s own behavior.

Linguistic objectives:


  • listening for general understanding; listening to instruction.
  • speaking: repeating vocabulary items, asking and answering questions.
  • reading: vocabulary items, reading sentences with missing words.
  • writing: descriptions of animals



  • Verbs: live, like, say, run, go, ask, work, eat, jump, play.
  • Nouns: elephant, name, mum, father, game, lion, tiger, banana, applle, food, animal, elephant.
  • Adjectives:hungry.


  • Individual sounds: [ae] as in name, Gaston, a; [e] as in

there, went, then, get, elephant, away; [^] as in must, mum, hungry, but; [aı] as in tiger, lion, right, I.


Cross-curricular links

  • Art and design: drawing different pictures for the story .
  • Learning strategies: comparing, classifying, predicting, making associations, using story as an aid to memory, checking instructions and meaning.


Cultural information

  • To understand that business before pleasure.(зробив діло, гуляй сміло)

Pre – storytelling activity


- To introduce the topic.

- To introduce the heroes

- To revise verbs.


- Text of the story (for each pupil )

- Pictures to the text (for each pupil )

- Colouring pencils, sheet of paper

- A ball


  1. Answer the questions:
  • Do you like animals?
  • What wild animals do you know?
  • What kind of pet do you have at home?
  • What other pet (maybe wild) would you like to have?
  1. Guess the characters of the story. One of them is our main character.

It is a wild animal.

It is a big animal. It is grey.

It lives in Africa.

It has got a long nose.

It likes fruit and leaves. (Elephant)


It is a wild animal.

It lives in Africa.

It is yellow and brown.

It likes to hunt. (Tiger)


It is a wild animal.

It lives in Africa.

It is strong and fast.

It is a king of animals. (Lion)


3. Let’s study new words before listening to the story. Mime and guess.

(вчитель показує - діти відгадують значення кожного слова).


to be hungry - бути голодним

run away - тікати

jump - стрибати

eat - їсти

work - працювати

play games - грати ігри

give food - годувати


   While - storytelling activity


  • To encourage children to create the story in their minds .
  • To read the story.
  • To compare illustrations with the story.


  1. Read the story and put the pictures according to the text.






   Post – storytelling  activity


  • To help pupils to draw the story.
  • To reconstruct and sequence the story.

 1. Complete the sentence. (Перейдіть за посиланням і виконайте завдання.)


2.Throw the ball and continue the story.

A child begins the story and then throw a ball to another child who must continue it.

3.Draw a picture-story and present it for your classmates in 4-5 sentences.


          Finishing the lesson.

Pupils are supposed to answer the teacher’s questions:

1. How do you think the story has the happy end?

2. Will Gaston work to eat from now?

3. Is it good thing that Gaston apologized to his mother?

4. Have you enjoyed the lesson?

5. What was the most interesting for you at the lesson?

6. What was easy/hard ?

20 березня 2022
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