Презентація до уроку "Суспільство. Золоті віки Європейських країн та України"

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Надана презентація -це супровід до розробки уроку "Суспільство. Золоті віки Європейських країн та України". Інформація на слайдах допомагає наочно зрозуміти історичну і культурну значимість і цінність щодо розвитку економіки, культури (музика, театр, містецтво, архітектура) та літератури. Учні, спираючись на наочність, мають можливість активно вживати тематичну лексику для опису етапів розквіту країн. Крім того, презентація надає цікаву інформацію про розквіт України, що сприяє вихованню любові до рідної країни.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Презентація до розробки уроку «Суспільство. Золоті віки Європейських країн. Золоті віки України (Київ)- 11 клас учитель англійської мови гімназії №267 м.Києва з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов Кузнєцова Галина Іванівна Society. Golden Ages of European countries and Ukraine

Номер слайду 2

Society n plural societies 1 PEOPLE IN GENERAL (U) people in general, considered in relation to the laws, organizations etc that make it possible for them to live together: technology and its effects on modern society / Children are the most vulnerable members of society. 2 A PARTICULAR GROUP (C U) a particular large group of people who share laws, organizations, customs etc: Britain is now a multi-racial society. / the capitalist societies of the West / the conservative segment of American society

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Society exists only as a mental concept, in the real world there are only individuals. Oscar Wild (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic)

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A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they shall never sit in. Greek proverb

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Problems homelessness poverty drug abuse unemployment domestic violence vandalism racism political instability economic crisis

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The Golden Ages Athens Florence London

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a great time for art and culture an explosion of creativity a golden age a frenzy of creativity a creative flowering a burst of literary activity sculpture and painting flourished

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changing a lot in a period of transition undergoing dramatic changes living through major changes in a state of flux being revolutionized bursting with new ideas

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really good outstanding masterful breathtaking, magnificent it was the start of the birth of was born was the cradle of was emerging

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Golden Age in Athens V century BC

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The Parthenon

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In the 15th century the Italian city state of Florence was to undergo a frenzy of creativity as the cradle of Renaissance.

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Outstanding painters and sculptures

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Florence was the richest city. It was a trading and industrial city.

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Florentine society was in a state of flux between the old , stable medieval world and a new dynamic commercial world. The number of schools increased and literacy rate improved.

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Christopher Marlowe Samuel Johnson William Shakespeare

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The Golden Age Of Kyiv Rus

Номер слайду 27

Match the headings (A–E) with the paragraphs (1– 5) A The strengthening of the city state. B The creative flowering of Kyiv. C The foundation of the state of Kyiv Rus. D Masterful citizens. E The reign of Prince Volodymyr the Great. 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 D

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Номер слайду 29

Schools for the rich and the poor schools for girls and boys improved literacy rate the first school for women at Andriivskyi monastery in 1068 the first library in Rus chronicals were written books were translated from different languages the creative flowering of music theatre arithmetic geometry skilled craftsmen geography The first set of laws Kyrylo and Mephodiy with their Slavic alphabet

Номер слайду 30

Writing. Complete the paragraph with words from the text. In the 10-th – 11-th centuries Kyiv went through a 1 ….. age. Great 2 ….. has the city state lived through. A great task of turning Kyivska Rus into Christianity was 3 ….. by Volodymyr the Great. A lot of rivals were 4 ….. to the influential principality. In 1019 the Prince Yaroslav the Wise strengthened the borders of Kyiv by 5 ….. fortifications and powerful 6 …. The city was 7 ….. great positive changes in culture and education. As a result, the increasing number of schools improved 8 ….. rate. The creative 9 ….. of music, art and theatre promoted individuals to go up socially. In this way, Kyiv played an important role in the 10 ….. of creativity that was 11 ….. in this period. literacy, dramatic changes, frenzy, golden, flowering, landmarks, undergoing, undertaken, flourishing, drawn, building

Номер слайду 31

Writing. Complete the paragraph with words from the text. In the 10-th – 11-th centuries Kyiv went through a 1 golden age. Great 2 dramatic changes has the city state lived through. A great task of turning Kyivska Rus into Christianity was 3 undertaken by Volodymyr the Great. A lot of rivals were 4 drawn to the influential principality. In 1019 the Prince Yaroslav the Wise strengthened the borders of Kyiv by 5 building fortifications and powerful 6 landmarks. The city was 7 undergoing great positive changes in culture and education. As a result, the increasing number of schools improved 8 literacy rate. The creative 9 flowering of music, art and theatre promoted individuals to go up socially. In this way, Kyiv played an important role in the 10 frenzy of creativity that was 11 flourishing in this period. literacy, dramatic changes, frenzy, golden, flowering, landmarks, undergoing, undertaken, flourishing, drawn, building

Номер слайду 32

the early 19 century – the first symphonic and chamber-instrumental works . Gulak-Artemovskyi D. Bortnianskyi M. Lysenko M. Verbitskyi created classical samples of different genres the first professional theatres played an important role in Ukrainian opera formation In Western Ukraine - different genres of choral and instrumental music appeared

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Ukrainian Baroque or Cossack Baroque or Mazepa baroque emerged in Ukraine in the 17th and 18th centuries. Ukrainian Baroque is having more moderate ornamentation and simpler forms. Many Ukrainian Baroque buildings have been preserved, including several buildings in Kyiv Pechersk Lavra and the Vydubychi Monastery in Kyiv. The best examples of Baroque painting are the church paintings in the Holy Trinity Church of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra.

Номер слайду 34

The Golden Age of the Ukrainian theatre The Golden Age of the Ukrainian theatre

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