Урок "Свята. Present Simple Passive. "

Про матеріал
Повторення лексичного матеріалу до теми «Свята та традиції», повторення назви свят та звичаїв, повторення та відпрацювання граматики – Теперішній Простий Пасивний.
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Клас: 7                                 Урок   41 (за темою 6)                               Дата:                   

Traditions… Traditions …

Тема: Свята. Present Simple Passive.

Lesson aims МЕТА: repeat the words to the topic Traditions…Traditions, repeat the names of the holidays and traditions, Present Simple Passive, work in a pair; зацікавити дітей англійською мовою. (Повторити лексичний матеріал до теми «Свята та традиції», повторити назви свят та звичаїв, повторити та відпрацювати граматику – Теперішній Простий Пасивний; вчити працювати у парі – ставити  питання та відповідати англійською, розвивати діалогічне мовлення; мотивувати до вивчення мови, зацікавити дітей англійською мовою; розвивати повагу до власної країни)

Materials: a book, pictures, words, tongue twisters, the videos  

Target language:  words for you + p. 64, 67

Тип уроку: формування вмінь та навичок     

Хід уроку


- T: Good afternoon. I’m glad to see you all here, smiling and in a good mood. It would be great to make our mood even better – let’s sing a song - the song – We wish you a Merry Christmas

- Did you like it? Do you like holidays? What are your thoughts about the topic of our lesson? Yes, Holidays. Merry Christmas! 


1. Warm-up

How do we prepare for Christmas? Associations

  •           decorate a Christmas Tree
  •           prepare presents
  •           greet friends
  •           make a wish
  •           sing Christmas songs

T: Today we’ll decorate our Christmas tree, every time you do your task correctly we’ll put a …..

What can we decorate the Christmas tree with? (Xmas balls)

What? Why?

- T: Please, look at the blackboard – Christmas is celebrated all around the world. What other winter holidays do you know? – St. Nikolas Day, New Year, St. Valentine’s Day. Thank you. We spoke about different holidays. And today I want us to pay attention to one of the most magical day – Christmas Day. So, today we continue to talk about holidays. Look at the sentence – Christmas is celebrated all around the world -  how do you think, what else we’re going to repeat? PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE. We’ll learn how to make sentences and use it. 

- Let’s begin.  

1.  Checking homework – Christmas in Ukraine p. 70, ex. 4 - When do we in Ukraine celebrate the X-mas Day?

(11-10 – tell some traditions; 6-9 – read about some traditions) – ON ЩЕДРИК

What? Why?


2. Повторення та закріплення лексики 

a) Match the English words and their translation:

New Year’s Day              ялинка

Winter                              Різдво

Snow                                подарунки

A fir-tree                          Новий рік

Snowball                          сніг

Christmas                         сніжка

Santa Claus                       Санта Клаус

Presents                             зима

3.  Grammar – Present Simple Passive.

a) T: Make a sentence with your word using this table:

Christmas tree/ our/ Every year/ is/ by/ decorated/ family. (Every year Christmas tree is decorated by our family.)

  •           What grammar do we use? (Pr.S. Passive). Why do we use  Pr.S. Passive? How do we make sentences? Let’s repeat sentences. In pairs.

b) T: Make your sentence negative and interrogative (-, ??)

c)  task – wordwall https://wordwall.net/play/54865/074/7342

d)  do the exercise, use video – Real Santa

T: What is this cartoon about? Did you hear any words from little Santa? No. Let’s help him to tell his story, using Present Simple Passive. These questions may help you.

Where is the learning taken place? (The learning is taken place in a school of magic)Why is little Santa run away? (He is bulled) What is happened to the dear? (It is fed with sweets)What is happened with the girl near the fireplace? (The present is given to her) Why is the sledge flown? (The sledge is driven by Santa)

What did we do? Why?

4. Reading – p. 65, the text

T: Pair work – Look through the text and tell what are the traditions of celebrating Xmas in different countries

What? Why?


5. Speaking –

-  STOCKINGS. We have a magical time during Xmas. And we try to make as best wish as we can. So, what can we wish?


Make a wish, write it and put into the stockings and let’s give all our positive energy to make this dream come true. (give pupils the stickers)


What? Why?





   Did you like our lesson?  What was difficult for you? What was easy? What didn’t you like?

I think, all of you worked really hard today. Look at our Xmas tree! It’s beautiful (amazing, gorgeous, fantastic, picturesque, pretty). And of course there must be some presents under it. Please take your marks. They are amazing, gorgeous, fantastic, picturesque, pretty (give marks on stickers with candies)

Homework – make dialogues – talk about Xmas and traditions of celebrating of this holiday. 


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 грудня
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