Урок та Презентація "Nellie Bly" 8 клас

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Розробка уроку читання за підручником Карпюк О. Д. 8 клас " Nellie Bly". Містить план-конспект уроку, аудіо запис тексту та презентацію

Зміст архіву
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

«Із історії журналістики. Нелі Блай.» (8 клас) Презентацію підготувала вчитель англійської мови Ренійського НВК Пєтрук Ю. О.

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

From the history of journalism. Nellie Bly.

Номер слайду 4

Questionnaire for an interview “Ping – Pong” How often do you read newspapers or magazines? What periodicals does your family subscribe to? What do you prefer – to subscribe to newspapers or to buy them in the newsagents? What is your favourite newspaper or magazine? Why do you prefer it? Do you think that a newspaper reporter is an interesting job?

Номер слайду 5

Wednesday, the twelfth of February Class work

Номер слайду 6

A real journalist

Номер слайду 7

Brave Risky Educated smart sociable A real tolerant journalist Organized hard-working honest

Номер слайду 8

? Nellie Bly

Номер слайду 9

Revising vocabulary A mind A venture Mysterious Upset To pretend To venture To make a living To give a chance

Номер слайду 10

Listen and read the text p.96 Nellie Bly What is the story about? What is the main character?

Номер слайду 11

Put the sentences in the correct order: 1) Elizabeth Cochrane visited a lot of countries while she was travelling. 2) Elizabeth Cochrane started to write about poor people. 3) Elizabeth Cochrane sent her letter to a newspaper 4) Elizabeth Cochrane was given money for the trip. 5) Elizabeth Cochrane began to work as a reporter in New York. 6) After less than eighty days she returned home. 7) Elizabeth Cochrane had an interview with the editor.

Номер слайду 12

Key : Elizabeth Cochrane sent her letter to a newspaper Elizabeth Cochrane had an interview with the editor. Elizabeth Cochrane started to write about poor people. Elizabeth Cochrane began to work as a reporter in New York. Elizabeth Cochrane was given money for the trip. Elizabeth Cochrane visited a lot of countries while she was travelling. After less than eighty days she returned home.

Номер слайду 13

Brave Risky Educated smart sociable Nellie tolerant Bly Organized hard-working honest

Номер слайду 14

Put the destinations of Nellie’s trip 1)The Suez canal, 2)Japan, 3)New Jersey, 4)San Francisco, 5)the Pacific Ocean, 6)France, 7)England

Номер слайду 15

Nellie’s trip San Francisco France Japan

Номер слайду 16

Finish the sentence: If I were a reporter I would write about…

Номер слайду 17

Hometask Ex. 2, 3 p.50 WB

Номер слайду 18

Thank you for the lesson! I wish you good luck! Good-bye!

Перегляд файлу

Lesson 41 Тема: «Із історії журналістики. Нелі Блай.»

Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексику теми.

Формувати лексичні навички і навички вимови;

Навчати учнів читання.

Тренувати учнів в аудіюванні.

Формувати навички монологічного мовлення.

Розвивати вміння аналізувати інформацію та визначати головні ідеї.

Виховувати цілеспрямованість та наполегливість у досягненні мети.

Обладнання: підручник(О. Карп’юк, 8 клас), картки для роботи в групах та парах, мультимедійна презентація


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

Greeting 1. Привітання.

T: Good morning, pupils.

Ps: Good morning, teacher.

T: It’s so nice to see you today. We have some guests today at our lesson. So, I hope you’ll work hard and will learn something new. We are going to work in three groups, it’ll help you to cope with difficult tasks faster. I’d like to see which group is more active and has more ideas.  Today we’ll continue our work on the topic “Press”and will learn more about the profession of a journalist, we’ll read and discuss a text about a woman journalist.

2 Warming up Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Imagine that you are journalists. Let’s take an interview each other.(4 slide)

Now open your exercise-books and write down the date. Work in groups and make a mind map. Let’s create a portrait of a real and successful journalist.



Real journalist





Time starts now! (6 slide) we’ll see which group gives more qualities.

Optimistic, clever, brave, disciplined, tolerant, hard-working, easy-going, friendly, smart, serious, organized etc.(7 slide)

Well done. Hope you are right, but let’s check up your ideas at the end of the lesson after reading the text about Nellie Bly.(8 slide) Well, let’s start our trip on the text “Nellie Bly”.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

3.Vocabulary practice. Revising vocabulary(9 slide)

A mind

A venture



To pretend

To venture

To make a living

To give a chance

Учні спочатку повторюють слова хором за вчителем, а потім 1 учень читає слова та перекладає українською.

4. Reading and Listening. Подання тексту  для читання. Впр. 1 (с. 96).

1)Pre-Reading Activities

Спочатку учитель знайомить учнів із власними назвами та іменами. Учитель вголос читає слова, подані в рамці на с. 96 підручника, звертаючи увагу учнів на вимову, клас хором повторює.

фонетична зарядка

Listen and repeat after me – page 96


Elizabeth Cochrane

Joseph Pulitzer

Jules Verne

the Suez Canal

San Francisco

New Jersey

Nellie Bly

2)While –reading activity.(10 slide)

1)Потім учні слухають текст з аудіо запису та читають у підручнику одночасно, шукаючи відповіді на запитання:

What is the story about?

What is the main character?

3)Post-Reading Activities

1. Rearrange the sentences according to the text.( 11 slide)

Elizabeth Cochrane sent her letter to a newspaper

Elizabeth Cochrane had an interview with the editor.

Elizabeth Cochrane started to write about poor people.

Elizabeth Cochrane began to work as a reporter in New York.

Elizabeth Cochrane was given money for the trip.

Elizabeth Cochrane visited a lot of countries while she was travelling.

After less than eighty days she returned home.

Учні ставлять речення у потрібний порядок згідно з текстом.

2. Учні отримують картки для самостійної роботи  і самостійно читають текст вправи, виконуючи завдання в картках протягом 5—6 хвилин.Потім ланцюжком читають доповнені речення. Учитель контролює правильність виконання завдання.


1)Let’s back to Nellie’s characteristics. Do you agree that Nellie is a real journalist? Учні характеризують журналістку, використовуючи Mind Map.( 13 slide)

 2) Пошукове читання  Let’s read the passage from the text about Nellie’s trip around the world and put the destinations of her trip into the correct order(Учні в групах на фізичній карті підписують  назви місць, які відвідала Неллі у вірній послідовності . (14 -15 slides)


Finish  the sentences: (16 slide)

If I were a reporter I would write about…

Учні доповнюють речення та записують його у зошити.

III. Заключна частина уроку

7. Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

Ex. 2, 3 p.50 WB

8. Summarizing 2. Підведення підсумків уроку.



Unit 4. Nellie Bly

1. What did a Pittsburgh newspaper publish one day?

A a story that a woman should work outside the home.

 B an article about Nellie Bly.

C a story that a woman should work only at home.

 D poems about women.

2.Why did the editor ask E.Cochrane to come to him?

A because her letter was very good.

B because he didn't like the letter.

 C because he wanted to ask her some questions.

D because he wanted to send her letter to another


3.What did Elizabeth want to be?

 A a nurse.

B a teacher.

C an editor.

D a reporter.

4. What did she begin to write?

A runny stories.

B exciting stories.

 C poems.

D ballads.

5.Why were the owners of the factories angry?

A because Nelly wrote that factories were dirty.

B because she wrote that factories were

dangerous places to work.

 C because she wrote that owners paid a little

money to the workers.

D because she wrote that the workers worked

 too much.

6. What newspaper did Nelly work on in New York City?

 A "The Sun".

B "The Independent".

C "The Times".

 D "The World"

7.  Why could readers believe the things she said

 in her stories?

A because she could write in a perfect way.

B because she used a lot of photos and pictures,

C because her stories were true-to-life.

D. because she pretended to be real friend of readers.

8. What made her best known?

A her trip around the world.

B her book about the life of poor people. 

C her acticle about factories.

 D her book about the life in jail.

9. When did Nelly leave New Jersey?

A on November 24,1879, at 9,40 a.m.

B on November 14,1889, at 9,40a.m.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

C on December 14,1889,9,40a.m.

D on November 14,1889, at 9,40 pm.

10.How did Nelly travel?

A by train and by ship.

B by car.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

C by plane and by steamship.

D by steamship and by train.

11. When did Nelly Bly come back in New Jersey?

A On January 26,1S9Q at 3,15 p.m.

B on November 14,1889 at 9,40 a.m.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

C on December 16,1890 at 3,15 p.m.

D on January 26,1890 at 3,15 a.m.

12.How long did she go around the world?

A 80 days.

B 72 days 4 hours and 5 minutes.

C 72 days 6 hours and 11 minutes.

D 76 days 6 hours and 11 minutes,            












Put the numbers on the map:

1)The Suez canal, 2)Japan, 3)New Jersey, 4)San Francisco, 5) the Pacific Ocean, 6) France, 7)England

C:\Users\petrikoff\Desktop\Новая папка (2)\100125map....gif




Put the numbers on the map:

1)The Suez canal, 2)Japan, 3)New Jersey, 4)San Francisco, 5) the Pacific Ocean, 6) France, 7)England

C:\Users\petrikoff\Desktop\Новая папка (2)\100125map....gif


Put the sentences in the correct order:

1) Elizabeth Cochrane visited a lot of countries while she was travelling.

2) Elizabeth Cochrane started to write about poor people.

3) Elizabeth Cochrane sent her letter to a newspaper

4) Elizabeth Cochrane was given money for the trip.

5) Elizabeth Cochrane began to work as a reporter in New York.

6) After less than eighty days she returned home.

7) Elizabeth Cochrane had an interview with the editor.


Put the sentences in the correct order:

1) Elizabeth Cochrane visited a lot of countries while she was travelling.

2) Elizabeth Cochrane started to write about poor people.

3) Elizabeth Cochrane sent her letter to a newspaper

4) Elizabeth Cochrane was given money for the trip.

5) Elizabeth Cochrane began to work as a reporter in New York.

6) After less than eighty days she returned home.

7) Elizabeth Cochrane had an interview with the editor.


Put the sentences in the correct order:

1) Elizabeth Cochrane visited a lot of countries while she was travelling.

2) Elizabeth Cochrane started to write about poor people.

3) Elizabeth Cochrane sent her letter to a newspaper

4) Elizabeth Cochrane was given money for the trip.

5) Elizabeth Cochrane began to work as a reporter in New York.

6) After less than eighty days she returned home.

7) Elizabeth Cochrane had an interview with the editor.


Put the sentences in the correct order:

1) Elizabeth Cochrane visited a lot of countries while she was travelling.

2) Elizabeth Cochrane started to write about poor people.

3) Elizabeth Cochrane sent her letter to a newspaper

4) Elizabeth Cochrane was given money for the trip.

5) Elizabeth Cochrane began to work as a reporter in New York.

6) After less than eighty days she returned home.

7) Elizabeth Cochrane had an interview with the editor.


Put the sentences in the correct order:

1) Elizabeth Cochrane visited a lot of countries while she was travelling.

2) Elizabeth Cochrane started to write about poor people.

3) Elizabeth Cochrane sent her letter to a newspaper

4) Elizabeth Cochrane was given money for the trip.

5) Elizabeth Cochrane began to work as a reporter in New York.

6) After less than eighty days she returned home.

7) Elizabeth Cochrane had an interview with the editor.


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