Урок-табу в 11 класі за темою : "Criminal. Law. Crimes."

Про матеріал

Урок - табу в 11 кл. за т. " Смертна кара. За чи проти? " розвиває вміння висловлювати власну думку стисло переказувати текст, вести групову бесіду; формує навички вживання лексики, поглиблює знання учнів про кримінальний кодекс та злочини, розширює уявлення про конституції різних країн. розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію. формує критичне ставлення до вчинків людей; прищеплює любов до мови.

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Урок-табу в 11 класі


Тема уроку: "Criminal. Law. Crimes."


розвивати вміння стисло переказувати текст, вести групову бесіду; формувати навички вживання лексики.

поглибити знання учнів про кримінальний кодекс та злочини, розширити уявлення про конституції різних країн.

 розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію.

 формувати критичне ставлення до вчинків людей; прищеплювати любов до мови.

Обладнання уроку: карти США, України; тести, роздатковий матеріал, картинки, прапорці, ноутбук, Конституція України.



                                                           Хід уроку:


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Організація класу.



II. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: The topic of our lesson concerns "Law". A dictionary gives the following definition of this word:

"The law is all rules, established by authority or custom for regulating the the behavior of members of a community or a country."

Sometimes the law has been unjust-for example, an excessively lenient or harsh decision.

But nevertheless, the law has its rules and rights, and any country can't exist without it.

We know that law is introduced by the Constitution. The Constitution is the main law of the country.

Each country has its own Constitution. Every Constitution has its own history, background and laws.

Today we have the Constitutions of 2 countries at our disposal, the Constitution of the USA and the Constitution of Ukraine. Let's speak about them.


Основна частина уроку

2. Монологічне мовлення.

(Учні розповідають про конституцію обох країн)

3. Дискусія на тему «Смертна кара.»

Т: Recently, the Criminal Codex was adopted in Ukraine. It was a real event for our country. Besides such punishment as the death penalty was abolished. Abolishing of the death penalty was an urgent problem of most countries for a long time. And at last, the decision of abolishing the death penalty is now in place. - Who knows why it happened?

Why was the dealth penalty abolished?

P1: - Because the European Council insisted on it.

T: And what is your opinion on this problem? Let's discuss it.

I want you to split into 2 groups. Let's think of pros and cons of this problem.

The group on the left is for the death penalty. And the group on the right is against it. Discuss the problem. Write down some ideas, and prepare short reports on this subject.

Choose the speakers among the members of each group.

A possible answers of the group, which is for the dealth penalty.

- Our group is for the dealth penalty. It's so difficult to be for the death penalty, but it's our task and we'll try to give you some ideas. Maybe you'll share our opinion.

The 1-st idea: we think that the death penalty is necessary in our country. We think that the men, who have killed and raped a lot of people can't live in society. It's better to kill such murderers by the law than to have them kill or rape some innocent person.

The 2-nd idea: These murders don't bruing any use to society. Some per cent of taxes, which we pay, go for keeping man slaughterers and other criminals in prisons.

The government should spend money on them.

The 3-d idea: A psychological fact from the point of view of the victims of the crimes (e. g. murders, rape etc).

Victims or their relatives can't forgive criminals for the pain and suffering that they have brought into their lives.

It hurts and cannot be called a human being.

The Conclusion

We think that the death penalty is really horrible, but sometimes it is necessary.

A possible answer of the group, which is against the death penalty.

- Our group is against the death penalty. The death penalty was abolished in most countries of the word. But some countries refused to do it. We think that the death penalty is the remainder of the past.

The 1-st idea against the death penalty is:

Every person has the right to live.


Only God can take the life away.

The Bible is against it. People commit the same crime the death penalty in place.

The 2-nd idea: Even the most cruel criminal has the right for a just court.

The 3-d idea: The court can make a mistake having sentenced the innocent person.

The 4-th idea: your relative or close friend can happen to be in shoes of the accused person.

The 5-th idea: being killed, criminals wouldn't understand their fault. They must realize their guilt.

The 6-th idea: the death penalty is too easy, for such monsters as murderers, for example. They must suffer for what they have done.

The Conclusion

Imprisonment for life is punishment itself, just like the death penalty, even worse.

Teacher: You see, we have more cons than pros of the death penalty. So, we also support abolishing the death penalty.

Thanks for discussion.

4. Групова робота "Find these women"

Групам роздаються портрети людей. Учні описують письмово зовнішність. Ці описи переміщуються і роздаються групам, а портрети вішаються на дошці. Guess: "Who is who?"

5.  "Put sentences in correct order."

Групам роздаються конверти з текстом, де речення перемішані. Потрібно скласти оповідання.


A story

A man and his son had been to a party.

They were driving home together.

It was raining and the road was wet.

A cat was crossing the road.

The man swerved avoid the cat.

The car crashed into a tree.

The man was killed and his son was seriously injured.

An ambulance came and rushed the son to the hospital.

He was taken directly to an operating room.

The surgeon entered the room.

The surgeon saw the boy and shouted: "My son!"


6. Аудіювання "A Cruel Man"

a) Pre-Listening Activities

  • What makes people cruel?
  • Can cruel people be happy?

б) Пред'явлення тексту «A cruel Man» в запису.

в) Comprehension check.





1. The man smiled as he entered the living room...

  1. of his house.
  2. of his mountain camp.
  3. of his friend's house.
  4. of his cottage.

2. He crossed to the small room where he kept his...

  1. pens, books, notebooks.
  2. boots, socks, trousers.
  3. guns, fishing-rods, liquor.
  4. bags, sacks, boxes.

3. Not even his wife was allowed to have...

  1. a key
  2. a friend.
  3. a dog.
  4. a cat.

4. At that time his wife came into the room...

  1. holding a baby.
  2. carrying her bag.
  3. closing the door.
  4. putting the things.

5. Her eyes narrowed as she...

  1. looked at him.
  2.              watched him.
  3. pointed to it.
  4.              showed it.

6. She understood that he was putting some poison...

  1. on the plate.
  2. into the bottle.
  3. into the glass.
  4. into the liquor.

7. He went to take his hunting boots...

  1. out of the drawer.
  2. out of the box.
  3. from the table.
  4. from the car.

8. But this time he would wish he...

  1. will not.
  2. has not.
  3. had not.
  4. wouldn't.

9. At that time his neighbor was coming up...

  1. from the lake.
  2. from the nearest cottage.
  3. to the cottage.
  4. to the mountain camp.

10. A small glass with some liquor was pressed...

  1. to his mouth.
  2. to the door.
  3. to the teeth.
  4. to his lips.


Вибрати вірний варіант закінчення речення.





7) "Who is this?"

- Someone who hides on board a ship or plane in order to travel without paying the fare.

(stowaway- "заєць ")

- Someone who murders for money or for political reasons.

(assassin — вбивця)

  •   Someone who is running away or huddling, often from the law.

(fugitive - "втікач ")

  • Someone who loves money and really hates spending it.

(miser - скнара)

- A solider who runs away from the army.

(deserter - дезертир).

- Someone who is still alive after being involved in a plane crash, car accident, etc.

(survivor — який залишився живим.)


IV. Заключна частина уроку.


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання. Написати міні-твір «Смертна кара»


Summarizing 2. Під сумок уроку.

Т: - What have we done today?

  • What kind of work do you like best?
  • If you like the lesson show me . If you don't like, show .

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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 березня 2018
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