Тема: Улюблена Їжа. Meals. Yummy!
Тип уроку: закріплення знань
активізувати вживання лексичних одиниць теми в усному мовленні, практикувати учнів у зв’язних монологічних та діалогічних висловлюваннях, навчати учнів працювати в парах та групах;
формувати навички аудіювання та читання, вміння вживати ЛО теми, розвивати пам’ять та логічне мислення;
виховувати пізнавальний інтерес, здатність виконувати хатні обов’язки.
Обладнання: підручник, флешка, прислів’я, вірш для фонетичної зарядки, роздатковий матеріал (картки для роботи в групах, діалог, рецепти), тематичні малюнки.
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття мовлення
1. Привітання
T: Good morning, children! We’ve got a very interesting lesson today. Many guests have come to you. Let’s greet them.
P: Good morning!
T: The weather is good.
What about your mood?
P: Very good
First at all, let us pronounce our chant to build up our self-esteem:
P1 I’m a talented pupil;
P2 I’m a hard-working pupil;
P3 I’m a clever and serious pupil;
P4 I’m an active pupil etc.
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: Loot at these pictures.
Do you like them?
How do you think what will you speak about at our today’s lesson?
T: You are right. The theme of our lesson is: “Meals and Household Chores”.
T: Today we’ll continue speaking about your duties and meals. So, by the end of our lesson you should be able to speak about food and household сhores. Also we`ll review some grammar material connected with Present ense and write a short test in listening.
The motto of the lesson is “The more we learn the more we know”
Let’s start.
3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
T: To begin with I’d like you to start from the sounds. At first let’s train our tongues.
[i] fish, big, dish
[f] fresh, fry, frost
A big fresh frozen fish on a dish.
T: Read and translate some proverbs. Give their Ukrainian equivalents.
All is well that ends well.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can today.
The more we learn the more we know.
T: Read the poem
When you have a job that’s not much fun,
And you wonder when you’ll get it done,
Don’t wait till later – time may not allow!
Don’t wait till later – do it now!
When you have some work that’s not much fun,
A job to do before the day is done,
Don’t wait till later – time may not allow!
Don’t wait till later – do it now!
When you have some work that’s not much fun,
A job to do before the day is done,
Don’t wait till tomorrow – better not delay!
Don’t wait tomorrow – do it today!
T: What proverbs fit our poem?
II. Основна частина уроку
T: Now, let’s speak about common ideas about food:
Eating carrots is good for the eyes.
Fish is good for the brain.
Eating cheese at night made you dream.
Garlic keeps you from getting cols.
Drinking coffee keeps you from sleeping.
Yoghurt makes you live long.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Warm milk helps you to sleep.
(Students name these common ideas orally)
T: Now, we’ll play and review a lot of topical words.
Answer: bread, soup, pizza, ice-cream, sandwich (or some others)
Answer: water, juice, tea, milk, coffee
Answer: apple, plum, strawberry, raspberry, red currants
Answer: banana, lemon, pear, grapes, apricot
Answer: cheese, yoghurt, butter, cream, curds
Answer: fish, eggs, sausage, ham, beefsteak
Ex. 7 p. 71 – обрати правильне слово і доповнити ним речення
Невеличке арт-завдання для відпочинку:
Монологічне мовлення
T: What is your favorite dish? What dish can you cook?
Some pupils of our class have prepared projects.
Let listen to them.
Учні по черзі захищають свої проекти
1. Omelet recipe:
S1: Take some eggs and break them into a bowl
S2: Mix the eggs with a form
S3: Put some oil into the frying pan
S5: Chop some tomatoes and put them into the frying pan, too
S6: Add some salt
S7: Put the omelette onto a plate. Your omelette is wonderful dish for lunch
2. How to make English tea
T: Students, I’d like you to tell us about making English tea.
S1: Fill the kettle with cold water
S2: Boil the water.
S3: Warm the pot
S4: Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot
S5: Pour hot water into the pot.
Enjoy your tea
3. Another recipe (cakes):
S1: Mix the flour and baking powder
S2: Add the butter, sugar, raisins, an egg and milk
S3: Roll out the pastry to about 1 cm thick
S4: Cut into rounds
S5: Bake 20-25 minutes in a hot oven.
Enjoy your pies
T: What is your favorite recipe?
S1: …
4. Fruit salad
S1: Purge apples and pears from a skin and seminal box.
S2: Cut on blocks
S3: Clean from a skin bananas, oranges, peaches and kiwi
S4: Mix up
5. Hamburger
S1: Preheat a grill for high heat.
S2: In a large bowl, mix together beef onion, cheese, sauce, egg, garlic, garlic powder, parsley, basil, oregano, salt, and pepper. Form into 4 patties
S3: Grill patties for 5 minutes per side on the hot grill. Serve on buns with your favorite condiments
Робота з картками, активізуємо лексику:
Аудіювання тексту
T: Listen the story and write down the recipe of the vegetable soup:
Спочатку учні слухають текст і виписують у зошити назви продуктів харчування, потрібних для приготування овочевого супу.
Потім учні слухають тест вдруге і, спираючись на виписані слова записують рецепт приготування супу.
Speaking household chores
T: And now tell me about your household chores. Answer the questions:
Заповнити пропуски, з’єднати слова з картинками:
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
T: Answer the question:
What can you do to help your parents about the house?
T: Let’s singing the song “Do it now”
When you have a job that’s not much fun,
And you wonder when you’ll get it done,
Don’t wait till later – time may not allow!
Don’t wait till later – do it now!
When you have some work that’s not much fun,
A job to do before the day is done,
Don’t wait till later – time may not allow!
Don’t wait till later – do it now!
Our lesson has come to the end, so let’s sup up our results. Thank you very much for active work and I hope our lesson was interesting for you.
Good bye! Have a good day!