Урок "The day of environmental protection"

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Mother Earth is showing us the red warning light — be careful — she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of your own house. The Dalai Lama Look after your planet, it's the only one we have. Prince Philip of Britain, President of the World Wildlife Fund
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Конспект уроку на тему: "The day of environmental protection"




T: Here are some helpful 'ecological' quotations of world leading personalities. Let's read and discuss them in pairs.

The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.

American President Franklin Roosevelt

Mother Earth is showing us the red warning light — be careful — she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of your own house.

The Dalai Lama

Look after your planet, it's the only one we have.

Prince Philip of Britain, President of the World Wildlife Fund



I suggest you play 'Environmental Game' to realize what you really do to keep the environment clean.

1. Do you turn off t h e light when you leave the room?

2. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth?

3. Do you pick up the garbage you see in the street?

4. Do you share your books with your friends?

5. Have you ever planted a tree?

6. Do you reuse old containers?

7. Have you ever given old clothes to sonieone who needed them?

8. Do you want to live in a green city?

9. Do you return used bottles for money?

10. When you have a picnic, do you leave the place cleaner than you found it?

11. Do you turn off the TV when you are not watching it?


While listening


  Do you have a best friend, Ben?

- Sure. It’s Tony. He is my best mate. We started school together.

- Do you trust him?

- Yes. I trust him absolutely and I know he will never betray me.

- You are lucky to have such a friend. You should cherish your friendship.

- Well. I will support him in any situation too.

- Have you ever quarreled with each other?

- Yes, we have. Sometimes we quarrel about some silly things but I’m sure we don’t mean to hurt each other. Besides, Tony is very calm and he usually tries to avoid conflicts.

- Ben, you are so much success with girls. Doesn’t your friend envy you?

- Oh, I didn’t even think about it. I think it’s nonsense.

- OK. And how about your secrets? Can you share them with Tony?

- Certainly. Tony knows all my secrets because he is my real friend. And I’m glad we have so much in common.


- Have you ever travelled by ship, Mark?

 - No, I haven’t. I suffer from seasickness. And you?

- Yes, I have. I travelled with my parents by a modern ocean liner last summer. It was a long sea voyage in the waters of the Indian Ocean.

- Did you like the journey?

- Oh, it was fantastic! We had everything we wanted: comfortable rooms, delicious food, lovely music and much entertainment. I think all passengers were relaxed and happy. And we met a lot of nice people there.

- And did you face any dangers at sea like unexpected icebergs or violent storms?

- We were lucky. The ocean was mainly calm. Don’t worry, Mark. I think that travelling by ship is not so dangerous today.

- Oh, I woudn’t say that. The famous ship “Titanic” was considered safe and unsinkable, you know. But the tragedy happened. Besides, it’s hard to believe but there still exist modern pirates who attack private yachts and even cruise ships.



Диалог «Конфликт между мамой и сыном» - «A conflict between a mother and her son”

- Hi, Bob. Why didn’t you pick up the phone yesterday evening?

- Oh, sorry, Fred. I just had an unpleasant conflict yesterday.

- Who was the conflict between?

- Unfortunately it happened in my family, between me and my mum.

- And what was the reason in your opinion? What caused the conflict?

- Well. My mother always wants me to wear dull, old-fashioned and conservative clothes when we go out together. She isn’t interested in modern fashion. So I told her that everyone would laugh at me because I would look ridiculous and I would better stay at home in such clothes. So we started quarrelling and shouting at each other.

- Well, you both made a fuss about a silly thing. I hope you resolved your problem peacefully.

- Yes. Thanks to my Dad. He defended my point of view and advised my mum to remember her clothes when she was young.

- Oh, dear! Your father’s sense of humour was very helpful. I must say that it’s impossible to prevent all conflicts but we should respect and be tolerant of other people, especially our parents.

- I agree with you. But I’m afraid my mum doesn’t want to respect my rights and she isn’t going to listen to me. I think that every person has the right to disagree with some opinion.

- You are right. Our parents sometimes can’t understand that we have different values because we belong to different generations.










1. Match the Ukrainian words for garbage to their English equivalents.

1) plastic bottles;

2) glass bottles;

3) aluminium cans;

4) packets;

5) tin cans;

6) nylon fabric;

7) leather shoes;

8) cigarette butts;

9) wool socks;

10) cardboard boxes;

11) orange and banana peel;

12) paper products;

13) cotton rags or towels;

a) бавовняне ганчір'я та рушники;

b) пакети;

c) цигаркові недопалки;

d) скляні пляшки;

е)нейлонова тканина;

f) шкіряне взуття;

g) алюмінієві бляшанки;

h) шерстяні шкарпетки;

i) паперова продукція;

j) шкірки від бананів та апельсинів;

k) картоні коробки;

l) пластикові пляшки;

т ) жестяні бляшанки.

Key: 1-1; 2-d; 3-g; 4-b; 5-m; 6-е; 7-f; 8-е; 9-h; 10-k; 11-j; 12-i; 13-а.

2. Make the list of trash you throw away in one week.

Then multiply that list by 52 (52 weeks in 1 year).

Then multiply that number by 60 (avg. years people live). You have got an estimate of t h e trash you would produce in one LIFETIME... And now think of all the people on earth.


Before reading

T: What is that wet stuff we call water? Do you know that our body weight is 75% water? Read the text and find out new facts.


Water is one of t h e most spectacular things in the world. Without it, the earth would be a rather dry and boring place to live. It's what makes our wetlands wet and our rainforests rain. Much of what we use every day is groundwater, which is water that fdls the spaces between rock and soil particles underground. The biggest source of groundwater supplies is precipitation that has trickled down into the soil. This can be a slow process though, deep groundwater may require hundreds of years to be replenished. Can you imagine living one day without any water? I think that it would be almost impossible to not use water in some way.

Let's think of all the ways we use water! Almost everything we do uses water in some way. Flushing the toilet  uses an average of 5-7 litres of water. Taking a seven minute shower uses about 133 litres of water. Washing a load of laundry in a washing machine uses about 147 litres of water. Taking a bath sends almost 170 litres down the drain.

Without water we wouldn't get very far. Did you know that water covers 71 % of the earth's surface? Wow, that's a lot of water! But wait a minute... Can we drink all that water? In reality only about 0.003% of the earth's water is available for our use. Now that isn't very much water at all, is it? Most of the water on earth is salt water, in the oceans and seas. The rest is fresh water and most of that is locked up in the polar ice caps and glaciers. If all of the earth's water was to be represented in 100 litres, then the amount of water that we would be able to use would be less than a spoonful! Although we may not think so, water is more valuable than oil, gold or diamonds. We can live without gold coins or gasoline, but we can't live without water.

After reading

Answer the questions.

1. How much of our body weight is water?

2. Where does most of the water that we use every day come from?

3. What are some ways that we use water everyday?

4. How much water is used to flush the toilet?

5. About how much water does it take to wash a load of laundry?

6. How much of the earth's surface is covered by water?

7. Are we able to use most of the water of the planet? Why or why not?

8. What percentage of water is available for humans to use?

9. What is an interesting way to represent the amount of water available for us to use?

10. What are some ways that you could reduce the amount of water you use each day?


Write a letter to a magazine about environmental problems emphasising the questions what you can do to help the nature.



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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 березня 2019
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