Урок « There is no bad weather, any weather is fine»

Про матеріал
Тема: There is no bad weather, any weather is fine. Немає поганої погоди,всяка погода гарна. Мета: O Розвивальна: розвивати пам’ять учнів, уяву, слухову і зорову пам’ять, розвивати навички аудіювання, говоріння. O Освітня: закріпити вивчену лексику й активізувати її, навчити діяти в нестандартних ситуаціях. O Практична: підвищити інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, практично використовувати набуті знання для досягнення перемоги , розширити кругозір учнів. O Виховна: прищеплювати любов до природи, виховувати в учнів мовну культуру, інтерес до іноземної мови , навички роботи в команді.
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Урок з англійської мови

у 5 класі на тему:

« There is no bad weather, any weather is fine»























Тема: There is no bad weather, any weather is fine. Немає поганої погоди,всяка погода гарна.



  •        Розвивальна:  розвивати пам’ять учнів, уяву, слухову і зорову  пам’ять, розвивати навички аудіювання, говоріння.
  •        Освітня: закріпити вивчену лексику й активізувати її, навчити діяти в нестандартних ситуаціях.
  •        Практична: підвищити інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, практично використовувати набуті знання  для досягнення перемоги , розширити кругозір учнів.
  •        Виховна: прищеплювати любов до природи,  виховувати в учнів мовну культуру, інтерес до іноземної мови , навички  роботи в команді.



Обладнання: презентація, відеоматеріал, картки для роботи у парах.

Епіграф: We should be thankful together

            Whatever the weather


Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент.

1.Привітання     A moment of silence

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please!   


 There are some guests here. Let`s greet them. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our English lesson. Will you smile? Well I see you are in a good mood today. It’s no secret that our mood depends on the weather. I want you to feel happy all the time.  So have a look at the screen please and think about what makes you happy. I give you 1 minute.

Ps: I’m happy because                                                                                                                                 I have a family (friends, toys, a dog…)

I can ride my bike (draw very well, travel, cook,                                                                          help my mum, be a good friend…)                                                                                                   T: Excellent!


2. Повідомлення теми уроку.


Today we are talking about... Oh! Unfortunately, I can't name the theme of our today`s lesson.


Look at the board. You can see a bad magician there. He flew here and turned our topic into questions. This magician is very evil and powerful. He gave this bag to us. We can find the questions in it. And we should answer them.


I think we'll be able to answer these questions and find out the topic of the lesson. Let's do it together. For every correct answer, I give you the letter. Your task is to put all letters on the blackboard and read the word. This word is the topic of our lesson. So, take the question, please.



(Учні відповідають на питання)

1. Which day comes after Monday?(W)

2. What season is it now?(E)

3. Which season comes after winter?(A)

4. Which season comes after spring?(T)

5. What is your favourite lesson?(H)

6.What’s the hottest season of the year?(E)

7. What month is it now?(R)


Today we have an unusual lesson, because we are going to travel. We’ll go to the Seasons and Weather Land. To get to this beautiful magic country you must over some obstacles.

 Look,read and translate these proverbs:

Rain in drought - the Golden rain

Lots of snow and lots of bread.

Its rains cats and dogs!

T.What do you think?

    What are these proverbs about? (about seasons and weather)

So,  you  know  that  there  are  a  lot  of  people  in  the  world  who  love  different  weather. Some people like hot weather, others – rainy.


 Today we are going:

  •      to speak about different seasons and weather.


  •      We’ll practice our skills in speaking and reading, listening and writing.

At the end of the lesson you must name all seasons and speak about your favourite season.


When the Englishmen meet they always talk about the weather.

That’s why you must be good at discussion the weather.

  ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

1. Phonetics.

a)T: But first let’s train the sounds(слайд 4) Look at the blackboard.

Here is the tongue-twister about seasons and repeat the sounds.




T: Look at the screen. Let’s remember the names of  the seasons and  the months!

(СЛАЙДИ 6-9). And now, children, answer my questions:


  1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. What is your favourite season?
  3. What season is the (coldest, hottest)?
  4. What are the winter (spring, summer, autumn) months
  5. What season is it now?
  6. Do you like autumn?
  7. Is it warm or cold today?
  8. Does it rain or snow in autumn?



Do you remember the words which we can use to describe the weather and seasons?

C:\Users\user\Downloads\photo1699635174 (1).jpegLook at the board. We can see the sun.




Ви повинні знайти слова, що асоціюються з погодою та порами року.

You have to find words associated with weather and seasons. So that the sun always shines on us, we need to collect rays of the sun.

Щоб нам світило сонечко завжди,треба зібрати промінці сонечка.


Sunny,windy,rainy,cloudy,hot,warm,cold,foggy,snowy,summer, autumn,winter,spring,


You can see books on your desks.Open them.


  1.     Match the weather to the season


it’s rainy and wet, trees and flowers start to grow


it’s hot and sunny, people go on holiday


it’s cool and foggy , trees lose their leaves


it’s very cold and it snows, Christmas is in this season

b) One Odd Out








to wear

to blow

to fall


to shine















T: You know, boys and girls, that each season has its weather and it can be very different. Listen to some words. If you hear the word related to the topic «Seasons», clap your hands: shower, lightning, friend, book, foggy, dinner, chair, weather, rain, cool, season, house, sky, big, hot, cold, thing, life, thunder






 You have topics with the filling the gaps task. Look at the topics and fill in the gaps.








8. Фізкультхвилинка (пауза для релаксації).

Teacher: It’s time to relax. Sit comfortably, close your eyes. (включаю аудіо) Imagine, you are in the forest.  The bids are singing. You breath different smells of flowers, trees and plants. You are quite. You are happy. You have no problems. OK, open your eyes. We continue our lesson.

            Now, let’s train your brain! I have some riddles for you. Try to guess.









b) You see a pretty lady in a wonderful dress. Your task is to write down words, which mean weather.




  1.     T. Now listen to the short texts and say what season is described in each text. We have new words today.

NIGHT – ніч

FIELD – поле


1) The days are short, the nights are long. It is cold. There is white snow in the fields, in the streets, and in the parks. Children play snowballs in the yard. (Winter)

2) The weather is usually fine. You can see first flowers in the fields and gardens. The days are getting longer. The weather is getting warm. The trees are getting green. Children like this season very much. (Spring)

3) It is usually hot in this season. The days are long, the nights are short. The trees in the streets and parks are green. There are many flowers in the fields and gardens. Children don’t go to school, they have their holidays. (Summer)

4) The days are getting short; the nights are getting long. It usually rains. The trees are yellow and red. There are many apples on the apple-trees and vegetables in the fields. All children go to school. (Autumn)



Інші визначають чи речення є правдивими, піднімаючи вгору. Якщо речення неправдиві – палець опускають вниз.

Team work. Гра «Guess what season it is», (з елементами пантоміми),

T: Let’s play one game. It is called «Pantomime». One pupil goes to the blackboard and shows the weather without saying any word. Things on the table can help you. There are hats, umbrellas, scarves, gloves, fans, sunglasses. If your group guesses what the weather is, you will have one point.

  1. Вчитель пропонує учням  провести гру "Пантоміма". Учні виходять до дошки і показують погоду, використовуючи реквізит (парасолька, шапка, рукавички, капелюх від сонця, шарф, віяло, сонцезахисні окуляри).  Команда, яка першою відгадала погоду, отримує фішку.


2) Рольова гра. Учень виконує роль репортера і розповідає про погоду в різних частинах України.

Teacher: Now you’ll travel around Ukraine. Listen to the weather reports from different parts of Ukraine.

The weather forecast.

Good morning! And here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. In the Western Ukraine it will be cold with snow in the mountains. In the north of Ukraine it will be a wet day with rainstorms that will move to the east during the afternoon. The weather in the centre of Ukraine will be dry but cloudy. In the south of Ukraine the day will be bright and clear with a lot of sunshine but it may be windy in the evening.



ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку. 




Підсумки уроку. Вчитель закінчує урок англійським прислів’ям про погоду.

Teacher: I’d like to finish our lesson with the English proverbs:

  There is no bad weather there are bad clothes.

  У погоди немає поганої погоди.

C:\Users\админ\Desktop\169CANON\IMG_6922.JPG It means that all seasons, all kinds of weather are beautiful. Every season is good in its own way. Each person likes this or that season.

Our lesson is coming to the end. Let’s make the conclusion of our work. Was the lesson interesting for you? How was the weather in our lesson? Let’s go to the blackboard and stick your picture.

Учні виходять до дошки і приклеюють на дошку картинку с погодою, яка відповідала погоді на уроці.

T:Your marks are…The lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye!



C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\full_59101_lets_talk_about_the_seasons_1.jpgДодаток 2



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