Урок "To become a Personality"

Про матеріал
Рівень А2 - В1 Тема уроку: Щоби стати особистістю Мета: 1. Розвивати критичне мислення та навички сприймання на слух, читання, усного продукування та письма учнів. 2. Покращити знання англійської мови в учнів (прикметники, модальні дієслова). 3. Виховувати повагу до людей, їхнього способу життя та думок. Додаткові матеріали: висловлювання відомих людей, текст для читання, відео та презентація "Mindmap" на дошці.
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To Become a Personality

Suggested level – A2 –B1

Kate Usatiuk,

A teacher of English,

Kryzhopil district



 1) to develop pupils’ critical thinking and skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing.

2) to promote the cognitive skills of pupils, expand their knowledge of English

3) to cultivate respect to other people’s lifestyle and opinions.


Equipment:  pictures on the topic, a set of provebs, a mindmap on the   blackboard, presentation , video.


Objectives: At the end of the lesson

  1. Students will define and give examples of positive and negative character traits;
  2. Analyze the ways to succeed in future life.
  3. Explain what features helped famous people to become a personality.





T.  –Nice to meet you again. How are you? (5-8 answers)

\quite\ very fine\ not bad\ OK\ well

And what did you think opening the school door?

E.g. – I felt happy\energetic\ courageous

- I was glad to meet my friends

T. – I hope you will be energetic and creative enough discussing the topic of the lesson  “To Become a Personality”.

So what does it mean to become a personality?

Student’ variants:

  • To understand yourself;
  • To sympathize other people;
  • To love and be loved;
  • To be ready to help family, friends;
  • To be green to nature.

T. – It’s important to know some words meaning features of character which help people to discover themselves and become a personality. Work in groups, discuss what the most important words are, write them in the stickers and put them on the mind map.

Easy- going














  T. Write down the unknown words into your vocabulary. So, let’s practice the new words in exercise 3,2 p.5 workbook (Chernyshova,

Activity “Reading” (Tom Sietas)

Before Reading

T. Have you ever heard of Tom Sietas?

Why do you think he is special? (3-5 pupils’ variants)

Video about Tom Sietas.

While-reading: Text Tom Sietas (Reading in groups)


True or false

  1. Tom does a very important thing.
  2. He can jump under water over 20 minutes.
  3. The boy has always known about his talent.
  4. To be good at static apnea mental qualities


Activity -  Creating a poster (What teens should do to become a personality, what they must not) in groups.

Activity Speaking:

Group 1: We should…

Group 2:  We mustn’t …


Examples for poster:

We should

  • Plan our future life
  • Become intelligent (get knowledge)
  • Give up bad habits
  • Prefer healthy lifestyle
  • Get along well with people
  • Share things with friends
  • Do well and succeed in life.

We mustn’t

  • Be lazy
  • Envy other people
  • Steal things
  • Give in to bad ideas
  • Hide away from problems
  • Be suspicious of


Summing up

T. Did you like the lesson? Why?

And what will you do to become a personality? -  It’ll be your homework for the next lesson (in written form).












Tom Sietas

When people first see Tom Sietas, they do not usually notice anything special. He is not very tall, and he is not particularly well-built. But those factors help Tom to do something incredible. Tom has the world record for static apnea. In other words, Tom can hold his breath underwater, without moving, for just over 22 minutes. He only discovered his ability by accident when he went diving in Jamaica at the age of 18. Because he is not very big, it means that he does not need to get a lot of oxygen to his muscles. And it helps that his lungs are 20 % larger than is usual for his height and build. But it is not only a question of his body. His personality plays a big part in his success, too. Thought processes use a lot of oxygen. So it is important that Tom  is calm and patient. Luckily, he rarely gets nervous in the water. In fact, Tom is so calm that he occasionally falls asleep underwater. Obviously, he always trains very carefully to prepare for a new record because what he does is highly dangerous. We are waiting this year to see what he does next. Are we expecting another record attempt? Definitely!










Print the next quotes of famous people on the separate papers.

  1. The more we know ourselves, the more we understand life. (Elen Greenland)
  2. I observe myself and so I come to know others. (Lao Tzu)
  3. Be careless in your dress but keep a tidy soul. (Mark Twain)
  4. Let us say what we say. (Seneca)
  5. Speak of your own self and let it teach you. (D.Runes)
  6. How I like to be liked and what I do to be liked. (Ch.Lamb)
  7. Make yourself an honest man and then you may be sure there is no rascal less in the world. (T. Carlyle)
  8. I want, by understanding myself, to understand others. (K.Mansfield)
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15 березня 2020
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