Урок у 5 класі "Пори року"

Про матеріал
Мета: продовжувати вчити учнів розповідати в усній та письмовій формі про природу та пори року; продовжити розвиток умінь аудіювання, говоріння, читання, письма в межах теми; виховувати бажання піклу- ватися про природу, берегти її.
Перегляд файлу

  Тема : Seasons

   Мета: продовжувати вчити учнів розповідати в усній та письмовій формі

про природу та пори року; продовжити розвиток умінь аудіювання,

говоріння, читання, письма в межах теми; виховувати бажання піклу-

ватися про природу, берегти її.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, матеріали до завдань. 


                                              ХІД УРОКУ


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

  Привітання. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T.: Good morning! I`m glad to see you! How are you? Are you in a good mood? I hope you are fine. Sit down and be ready for the lesson. Now let`s start.

Лунає пісня “The Future In Our Hands”.

  The Future’s in Our Hands

   We want to see blue seas

   We want to see green trees

   We are defenders of our land

   We want to breathe clean air

   We want to show we care

   We know the future’s in our hands

    We want to see birds fly

    Up into a clear sky

    We are defenders of our lands

    We want to see flowers grow

   To pollution we say, “No!”

   We know the future’s in our hands.

Перевірка домашнього завдання

Впр. 3, с. 179 — перевірка виконання вправи.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

Розвиток навичок говоріння

Today we continue to learn more about Nature and Weather. We`ll  revise , develop our reading, communicative and creative skills. We`ll do different exercises, puzzles and crosswords. It`ll be a great opportunity to improve your English and learn something new. We are going to speak about the weather in different seasons.

T.: Let`s remember when it is spring, summer, autumn and winter in our country.   Find out what kind of weather your classmates like the best in a particular season.

Картинки по запросу лето картинка Картинки по запросу весна картинка для детей

скачанные файлыКартинки по запросу осень картинка




P1, P2, P3:What kind of weather do you like in  spring? I prefer spring weather because I like to spend much time outdoors.

 Do you listen to weather forcast?

 Do you trust them? Have you heard weather forecast for today? Is it true?

Speaking   practice.

Look at the list of words. Translate them into Ukrainian. Say which of them we use expressing our emotions when we  speak   about weather  we  like or hate.

It is horrible (fine, nice, hot, dreadful, wonderful, lovely, brilliant, stormy, excellent, uncertain, rather warm, terrible, too hot, awful, clear, windy, foggy, rainy) Use the words and try to characterize  weather you like or don’t like. 

Pair work

Make dialogues using the words. Ask your friend like nature  looks in different  seasons. Give  reasons  for your answers .Work in small groups.

Розвиток навичок  аудіювання

Pre - listening

What climate does our country have? What do tourists need to wear (bring, carry) in our country?

While- listening

Listen to the article and tell some facts about British weather conditions.

                                The English and the Weather

The weather in England explains much about the English. The umbrella is carried even if it doesn’t rain, for good luck with the weather. The well-dressed man in England always carries his umbrella. To many English people the word “umbrella” means “good weather”. The weather in England wet, dry, hot, cold, tropical or arctic is the conversational topic for all English people.

British climate is rather cold. The weather is often rainy and foggy. It usually snows in winter and it is cold. In summer is usually warm and sunny. Spring is a warm and pleasant season. It is often windy and foggy in autumn, and it rains a lot. You`ll never know what weather to expect in Britain.

Post - listening.

Make the true/false statements.

  1. Britain has warm climate.
  2. The umbrella isn’t carried for good luck with the weather.
  3. It is often warm in autumn.
  4. It is usually rainy and foggy in Britain.
  5. Spring is a pleasant season.
  6. You always know what weather to expect in Britain.

Recommend the best season for British tour. Give reasons for your choice.



Впр. 1, с. 180 — робота в парах.











































1. It’s seasons comes after winter

There are many flowers and birds.

2. It’s seasons comes after spring

The weather is very hot.

3.  It’s seasons comes after summer. The children go to school.

4. It’s yellow, big and hot on the sky.

5. It’s white, light and cold on the ground.

6.  It’s seasons comes after autumn. The weather is very cold and snowy.   























ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.

Підбиття підсумків уроку

T. What did you practice at the lesson? What did you like to do at

the lesson? Let’s sum up the results of our work . I think today’s lesson was very fruitful and useful .You were very active, so you get only good marks.

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 4, с. 181.

Today you have learned a lot of in information about climate and weather. Thank you. Good luck.


29 листопада 2022
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