Урок у 9 класі до підручника Chalanges 4.

Про матеріал

Розроблено з урахуванням усіх вимог до планування уроків. З додатками у вигляді аудіо-відео файлів та презентацій. Основною метою було показати роль грошей у повсякденному житті. Наскільки важливо цінувати свій час, що кожна хвилина має свою ціну. В даній роботі було використано підручник з англійської мови видавництва Pearson, Longman "The New Challanges 4"

Перегляд файлу

До підручника Chalanges 4.

Тема: Гроші.Аукціон.Благодійність.

Мета: Активізувати вживання в мові учнів лексику по темі "Гроші.Аукціон.Благодійність." через різні види мовленнєвої діяльності: читання, аудіювання, говоріння, письмо;
Вдосконалювати навички усного і писемного мовлення.

Удосконалити знання учнів по темі Passive Voice.

Удосконалювати вміння робити висновки за допомогою технології  роботи в малих групах.

Розширювати кругозір, виховувати любов до знань та бажання дізнаватися більше нового.

Виховувати дбайливе ставлення до грошей як необхідного засобу у повсякденному житті.

Обладнання: комп'ютер, монітор, презентація уроку, роздатковий матеріал, підручник, зошит.


Хід уроку:

  1. Warming up

T.: Good morning dear pupils!

P.:  answers

T.: I’m glad to see you today. How are you?

P: answers (3-5 pupils)

T.: Let me introduce what we are going to do today. But at first let’s listen to the record. Ok?

P: Ok

(record “ABBA” “Money,Money,Money”)

  1. Introduction of the topic and checking home assignment

T.: So, guess, what topic our lesson will be connected with?

P: answers (MONEY)

T: Yes, right. An eternal problem! But not only about money we’ll be talking during our lesson. Also about auction and charity. We’ll try to answer some important questions:

(questions on the board: Does money really make the world go round?

       Can money make us happier?)

Also we shall revise and learn more about Passive Voice

But a little bit later… now let’s check your home task. If I’m not mistaken, you had to learn words by heart from our previous lesson, right?

P: yes.

T: So, I’ll give you 1 minute to revise them. Ok?

P: yes, thanks (pupils are revising words in the book)

T: well, time’s up. Now shut you books and look at the screen. You can see definitions of the words you learnt. Your task is to find the appropriate word.

(addition #1, presentation 1)

 (task on the screen) (pupils answers)

T: Ok..Good job.

  1. Main part
  1. Listening/reading
    1. Preparation to the reading/listening

Pupils have to open their books. (addition #0)

T: You can open your books ..p36-37. And now let’s speak about money and the way we use them.

(Addition #2 questions on the screen)

T: Tell me, do you agree that money rules the world?

P: answers (3-4 pupils)

T: ok one more question, where can we get money and spend it?

P: answers (5-6 pupils)

T: ok... Тell me, have you ever spent money buying anything in Internet?

P: answers (5-6 pupils)

T: ok. And in a few minutes we’ll listen to the text, but before…you’ll watch the video.

(additional video 1 advert – E-BAY) (pupils are watching the video)

T: Well, tell me what about this video?

P: answers

T: ok. You’re right...So what is E-BAY? Market…auction or internet magazine?

P: answers (auction)

T: Right it’s an auction website founded in 1995 in the USA and sells million of objects every day.

And now guys tell me please, what is charity? Can you translate this word? I want you to find out about charity on E-BAY and how auctions on E-BAY work. Listen (Ex 2 p 36) …

 (addition #0)

(pupils are reading and listening to the task)

  1. After reading/listening task

T: So, I shall repeat questions again:  What is charity? And have you found out about charity on E-BAY and how auctions on E-BAY work?

 Guys your answers…

P: answers (3-4 pupils)

  1. Introduction of the new Passive structures and revision the previous structures

T: Well done … Now it’s time to revise and learn more about Passive Voice. What is Passive Voice? Give the definition. What Passive forms do you remember?

P: answers (3-4 pupils)

T: Ok. Good job.

T: Look at the screen. Present Simple and Past Simple you know. But to revise them I want you to translate sentences.

(addition #3, presentation 2 about Passive)

P: answers (translation)

T: Ok. Let’s look and read the sentence in Present perfect and translate it.

P: answers

T: Well done. And now let’s read the sentence with modal verbs and translate it, as well.

P: answers

T: ok let’s sum up. We can use Passive Voice not only with tenses but also with model verbs.

  1. Stirring up these grammatical structures

T: I want you to look at your books and do ex3 p36 at once. But pay special attention to the Passive forms. Ok? (addition #0)

P: answers

T: well done.

  1. Writing

T: Now check yourselves and do ex.5 p36 in your books. (addition #0) You have to complete sentences according to the text you have already read. I’ll give you two minutes for that.

T: Time’s up. Well let’s read and check.

P: answers

T: good job

  1. Speaking

T: And now you turn, imagine that you have a chance to raise money for charity and you are offered to sell clothes, donated by famous people.

(addition #4 pictures with clothes)

Student in pairs will make the advertisements.

T: How will you advertise them? Try to use Passive forms and make up 3-4 sentences. As the example you can use ex3 p36.  (addition #0) Divide into pairs. I’ll give you three minutes for preparing that.

(pupils are preparing the task)

Time’s up. Let’s see who will raise more money by advertising your goods… Who wants to be the first?

(pupils are answering)

T: Thank you very much for your ideas

  1. Summing-up

Pupils will be discussing the main value of money.

T: Now let’s sum up everything we have learnt today.

(Addition #5, questions on the board)

So, money… can we imagine our life without it?

P: answers (3-4 answers)

T: ok. How do you think, can we raise a lot of money with the help of auctions?

P: answers (3-4 answers)

T: what about E-BAY? Will you use it if you need to buy or sell anything?

P: answers (3-4 answers)

T: what about Passive. Can we use it with modal verbs?

P: answers

T: What passive structures have you learnt?

P: answers (3-4 answers)

T: well done.

  1. Home assignment

T: And now open your daybooks and write down your home assignment for the next lesson. It’s in your workbooks. Ex. 1,2,4 p 30 (addition # 6)

Thank you guys for the lesson. You were active enough. So ….(names and marks)













Addition #6 - Home assignment:

























Addition #1 (presentation)

Find an appropriate word

Salary, debit card, pocket money, cash, cheque book, lend, save, spend, win money, raise, wage, credit card, earn, borrow, bank account, savings

1.a small amount of money that parents give regularly to their children, usually every week or month _____________

2.money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month ____________

3.money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work ____________

4.an arrangement between a bank and a customer that allows the customer to pay in and take out money   ________________

5.money in the form of coins or notes _______________

6.a book of cheques with your name printed on them that is given to you by your bank to make payments with __________________

7.a small plastic card that you use to buy goods or services and pay for them later  ________________

8.a plastic card with your signature on that you can use to pay for things

9.all the money that you have saved _____________

10.to use something that belongs to someone else and that you must give back to them later _____________

11.to let someone borrow money or something that belongs to you _________

12.to receive a particular amount of money for the work that you do _________

13.to increase an amount or to collect money that you can use to do a particular job or help people _____________

14.to keep money in a bank so that you can use it later or to use less money ____________

15.to use your money to pay for goods or services ___________

16.to get a prize in a competition or lottery ____________



Addition #2

Do you agree that money rules the world?

Where can we get money and spend it?

Have you ever spent money buying anything in Internet?


Addition #3 (presenttion)

Passive voice




Addition #4

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Addition #5

Can we imagine our life without it?

Can we raise a lot of money with the help of auctions?

Will you use it (e-BAY)if you need to buy or sell anything?






























Addition #0





























Addition #0





Horodetska Ann
18 жовтня 2018
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