Урок "Улюблений вид спорту"

Про матеріал
Мета: Навчальна: -актуалізувати лексику теми; - формувати навички усного мовлення; - практикувати учнів у читанні тексту «Хокей –гарна гра», аудіюванні пісні «Улюблений спорт»; -закріпити правила вживання діеслів do, play, go з різними видами спорту Розвивальна: - розвивати комунікативну активність учнів Виховна: -виховувати прагнення до здорового способу життя.
Перегляд файлу

Урок   з англійської мови  для 6 класу.                                                                                                     

          Тема: Улюблений вид спорту



 -актуалізувати  лексику теми;

- формувати навички усного мовлення;

- практикувати учнів у читанні тексту «Хокей –гарна гра», аудіюванні пісні «Улюблений спорт»;

-закріпити правила вживання діеслів do, play, go з різними видами спорту


- розвивати  комунікативну активність учнів


-виховувати  прагнення до здорового способу життя.

           Обладнання: підручник , картки із завданнями, відео пісні і руханки.

Перебіг уроку

          І Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


2.Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

How are you? I’m glad you are fine and full of energy.

Look at the pictures. What can you see? There are many sports and games. Some of them you enjoy some of then you do not like/ Some of them are your favourite.

Today we’ll speak about   your favourite sports and games. By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to present us your favourite sports and games.

3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Phonetic drills

/ʤ/ Judo, gymnastics, gym.

/o:/ Ball, sport, basketball

T: Listen to the poem and say what the proverb reads.


I like riding by bicycle

I’m fond of playing chess

My friend is good at judo

We are keen as you can guess

The proverb reads for everybody

«A sound mind in a sound body»

T: What does it mean?


T: Do you go in for sport?

Do you enjoy it?

Is sport important for you?

4.Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T: Some of your classmates made a survey about role of sport for children. Now listen to the interviews prepared by them. What do people think about sport?

Pls introduce the interviews.

What about you? Is sport important for you? Why?

-Sport is important because …(pupils give their arguments)

-Монологічні повідомлення про спорт у житті людини

            ІІ Основна частина

1.Усне мовлення.

T: What sports do you know?

Champion game (in teams)

T: I’m sure you like competitions. Now I propose you to compete . We’ll have three teams. Each team will get a set of sports. You have to choose the names of of certain type of sports.

1 team –games (team sports)

2 team – individual sports

3 team –winter sports

T: Put the cards on the blackboard. Present your results.

Sport games are …

Individual sports are …

Winter sports are …

T: Well done. I see you know many names of sports.

Let’s remember what verbs do we use with different names of sports.

Complete the sentences with the right verb do , go, play

Самостійна робота завершеного характеру(вживання do , go, play)

Перевіряють самі за допомогою ключа

Mime game (guess the name of sport) (skiing, football, basketball, ice-hockey, athletics, skating, archery)

Pl1 mimes –pls guess the sport

Do you play (do, go)…?

Yes I do. /No I do not.


T: Do you have a favourite sport?

What is it?

I have got a friend. She is fond of many sports. But she has one favourite sport. Let’s learn what  it is. Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-jqYXMBFzA

-Listen to the song and tell me what Anna’s favourite sport is?

-What sports she does (goes in for)

- What sports Anna does not do (does not go in for)


Sports Anna does(goes in for, plays)



Sports Anna does not do(does not go in for, does not play)


3.Усне мовлення

T: Many children of our school go in for sport. Today we have a guest a young sportsman. You can learn about his favourite sport. Make up questions and use them to interview our guest.


1.What sport/ go in for?

2.Attend/sport club?

3.How often/train?


5.Take part /sport competitions?

6.Win/prizes and medals?

7.Why/like this sport?

T: Tell what have you known about his/her  favourite sport.

Розповідь про улюблений вид спорту.(Plan)

Kind of sport

Name of club

How often

Place to train

Sport competitions

Prizes and medals


There are so many fans of sport and games among children . They always want to share their joy. My son got a letter from his pen friend.

Ice hockey -a great game

Dear friends

    I’d like to tell you about my favourite sport.  I enjoy many different sports, but my favourite is  ice-hockey. It is a  popular team sport.

     There are six  players in the team. They wear helmets and big gloves. They play with sticks and a puck. Hockey players try  to hit the puck into the net of the other team. They usually play on the ice-rink.

      I watch hockey on TV every week during the season.

I think this sport makes people strong and healthy, gives them energy.

What sport do you prefer? Write me please.



T: Look through the letter and say what sport likes my son’s friend.

Read and complete the fact file

His favourite sport is …

It is a … sport

There are … players in the team.

They play with …

The players try to …

The play … on the …

He watches ….

… makes him …

6.Проектна робота

-Do you play any games ?

What is your favourite game?

Now you will present your favourite games.

Учні працюють  у групах . Кожна група отримує набір малюнків, аркуш паперу і клей. Вони мають  представити гру.(спорт)

Our favourite sport is …

It is a team (individual) sport.

There are … players in the team.

The play with a …

The players try to …

They usually play on  

We play (don’t play) …

We always watch …matches on TV.

… makes people strong and healthy.

III Заключна частина

1.Підведення підсумків.

You worked well. You were very active.

Now we’ll play one more game

Put into the basket the balls.


Write on the balls what you liked and what you did not like on our lesson.

Most of all I liked …

I did not like …

2. Домашнє завдання

Make the presentation of your favourite game(sport)

We’ll have some more guests prepare them 5-7 questions for the interview (use the plan)*


28 жовтня 2020
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