Урок в 2 класі по темі Зовнішність. Діти подорожують по різним станціям, виконуючи різні цікаві завдання.
The parts of our face
Song “Hello"
Тема уроку
Станція “ Фонетична
Знайди звук [eə] Family, chair, book, hair, bag, on, there
Звук [eə] Сhair, hair, there
Звук [iə] Dog, nose, ear, black, hear, fish, dear
Звук [iə] ear, hear, dear
Звук [əu] cat, nose, fat, rose, bag, close
Звук [əu] nose, rose, close
Звук [аі]small, fly, granny, eye, clap, cry, mouse, my
Звук [аі] fly, cry, my
The classroom of new words
Голосно, тихіше, тихо!
Let us sing a song
Disappearing pictures
Картинна галерея
What is missing?
Song Touch your nose, head, put your hands up!New words: Toes. Clap your hands. Everybody, turn around
Гра на увагу
Гра "Touch your …"
Клас малювання
Поділ на групи №1№2№3
This is a girl. She has got blue eyes. She has got a small nose. She has got a red mouth. She has got small ears. She has got blue hair.
Все знаю!!! Нічого не запам‘ятав! Допомога!!!
The lesson is over. Good bye!
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