Урок " We Love our Ukraine ".

Про матеріал
Урок спрямований на опанування теми " Ukraine ". Здобувачі освіти ознайомляться з цікавими фактами про історичне минуле та визначні місця нашої країни, попрактикують навички аудіювання, читання, письма та говоріння та вивчать вірш про любов до своєї батьківщини - України.
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ТЕМА: We love our Ukraine.

Мета:  удосконалювати лексичні навички; продовжувати формувати в учнів навички аудіювання; практикувати учнів у монологічному мовленні, читанні та письмі; розвивати мовлення, мислення, пам'ять, увагу; виховувати інтерес і повагу  до пам’яток культури, історії рідної землі.

Обладнання: підручник, зошит, карта України, картки для роботи в групах і парах, iнтерактивна дошка .

Хід уроку

I. The beginning of the lesson


Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you. How are you today?

(We are fine, thank you.)

Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day and date is it today?

Dear pupils, our today’s lesson is devoted to our native country Ukraine. We’ll learn new information about its geographical position, sights and the capital of our country.


 Warming Up

1 ) Quiz “What do you know  about Ukraine?”

1. Where is Ukraine situated?

2. What countries does Ukraine border on?

3. What is the population of Ukraine?

4. What is the longest river of Ukraine?

5. What is Ukraine washed by?

6. Name the biggest cities of Ukraine?

7. What is the official language in our country? 

8. What is the capital of our country?


ІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. Brainstorming

   It is very important to be the patriot of your country. The word comes from the Greek patris, meaning “ fatherland “. What does it mean to love your Motherland ? Is it important for you to be the real patriot of Ukraine ? What do you do for it ?

( Pupils answer the question )

   Comment on the quotations :

- He who loves not his country can love nothing.

- Ask not what your country can do for you , but what you can do for your country?

- Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it.


  1. Look at the blackboard. There is a poem here. Let's read it.


              Love our Ukraine

Love our Ukraine, as the sun love her
As the wind, the grass, the waters
Love it in the moments of joy and bliss
As well as in the moments of sorrow.


Love our Ukraine in your dreams and awake
Love her as a cherry in blossom
Its beauty eternal, her language that rings
Like a nightingale’s song in the orchard.


Without it, we’re nothing, just cinder and dust
That has been dispersed all around
Love our Ukraine with all of your heart
As well as your thoughts and your talents.


For us in this world, it’s the only one
Ukraine with her eyes sober brown
It is in the stars, in the willows and winds
In all our hearts, small and grown.


T.: You will be divided into two groups and get the cards with questions. Your task is to discuss it in groups.

  • How do you understand the words of the poem ?
  • What is the main idea of it ?
  • Do you agree that Ukraine is a country of remarkable beauty?
  • What do you think about Ukraine?
  • What is Ukraine for you? What words do you associate the word Ukraine



3.Listening Comprehension

T. : Our country has a long history. Now it is fighting with an enemy . It wants to be free and independent. There are a lot of things to be proud of Ukraine. It has many places of interest worth seeing. Listen to the text about some of them.

                                         Welcome to Ukraine

    We are glad to invite you to my native country. It’s Ukraine. It has numerous  places of historical interests here.

    Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. You can visit Kyiv – Pechersk Lavra , one of the most ancient monasteries on the territory of Eastern Slavonic states. You can visit underground labyrinths of caves with mummies of monks, the Museum of Treasures and the Museum of Micro miniature. You will admire Volodymyr’s Cathedral, the most prominent sacral painting complex of the late XIX - s, St. Sophia Cathedral and St. Andrew’s Church with magnificent mosaics and frescoes. Andriivskyi Uzviz will impress you with its unique atmosphere.

    The tourists of our country enjoy also visiting Museum of Folk Architecture and Life which is situated in the picturesque suburb of Kyiv Pyrohovo.

    The guests are impressed by the Building with Chimeras which is one of the best – known work of art in Kyiv.

    One of the most favourite places of meeting is Maidan Nezalezhnosti or Independence Square . Here you can see the Monument to Nezaleshna Ukraina on the high column.

    Our country is the pride and glory of all Ukrainian people.

Complete the sentences :

    - Kyiv has numerous ______________________________________________.

    - Kyiv is the _____________ of Ukraine.

    - You can visit underground labyrinths of caves with _____________________.

    - The most prominent sacral painting complex of the late XIX- s is ___________.

    - Andriivskyi Uzviz will impress you with ______________________________.

    - Museum of Folk Architecture and Life which is situated __________________.

    - One of the best – known work of art in Kyiv is _________________________.

    - On Independence Square you can see _________________________________.

Answer the questions to the text :

  - How many places  of historical interests are there in Kyiv ?

  - Where are the most ancient monasteries situated ?

  - What cathedral is the most prominent sacral painting complex of the late XIX  s?

  - What museum do the tourists of our country enjoy  visiting ?

  - The Building with Chimeras which is one of the best – known work of art in Kyiv,

    isn’t it ?

  -What place has a high column with the Monument to Nezaleshna Ukraina ?

3. Reading

The capital of our country is beautiful and ancient city, it’s Kyiv.

What do you know about the history of Kyiv?

Read this text, translate it and  do the tasks.


The history of Kyiv

Kyiv is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, its official history dating to the 5th century, although settlement on this location was present since much earlier. According to an ancient legend, Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, was founded by three brothers, Kyi, Schek and Khoryv, and their sister Lybid. Kyiv means the City of Kyi .It is one of the oldest Slavic centres. The first settlement on the territory of modern Kyiv appeared  from 1500 till 2000 years ago.

 In 1654 Kyiv was liberated from the commonwealth by Cossack Hetman Bohdan  Khmelnytsky. In 1991 Kyiv became the capital of independent Ukraine .

   Today our capital is an important industrial, scientific, educational and cultural centre of Eastern Europe. Many high – tech industries, higher educational establishments , mane research institutes ,world – famous historical landmarks are situated in Kyiv.

   Our capital has a great cultural potential. It is one of the greenest cities in the world.

True or false

  1. Kyiv is one of the oldest cities in Western Europe.
  2. According to an ancient legend, Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, was founded by four brothers.
  3. In 1992 Kyiv became the capital of independent Ukraine
  4. The first settlement on the territory of modern Kyiv appeared  from 1500 till  
  1. years ago.
  1. In 1654 Kyiv was liberated from the commonwealth by Cossack  Hetman Ivan


  1. Many high – tech industries, higher educational establishments , mane research institutes ,world – famous historical landmarks are situated in Kyiv.


4.  Now look at these slide: all these places are in Kyiv. Let’s name them.

You have advanced task for today. You prepared some information  about  your favourite sight of Kyiv.


The St. Andrew’s Church, stands on a hill in the historic center of Kyiv. It is one of the most famous Orthodox temples in the Ukrainian capital.

According to legend, St. Andrew the Apostle made a cross during his travels to the Scythian country.

Тhe St. Andrew’s Church is notable for its unusual elegance, luxurious decor, exquisite refinement, and airiness of form.

Today, the St. Andrew’s Church is a working temple, and services are conducted here. It also houses a museum, whose collection tells the difficult history of this architectural masterpiece.


Built in the 11th century, the Saint Sophia Cathedral is unique historical monuments. In fact, it was the first Ukrainian landmark to be included onto the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Construction on the cathedral began in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise.

The Saint Sophia became not only the head church in Kyivan Rus, but it also played the role of an important social, political, cultural, and educational center. The first school in Rus was opened on the territory of the cathedral; the first library, created by Yaroslav the Wise, was located here.


Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra monastery was founded in the 11th century. Its construction lasted for 9 centuries. The monastery complex makes a great impression even today. Especially well known are the underground caves of the monastery. On any given day numerous domes can be seen from almost anywhere in Kyiv. Most of the buildings of the Monastery were built in the 17-18th centuries and belong to the style of Ukrainian Baroque.


Golden Gate - the main gate of the ancient Kyiv. Got its name from the similarity to the Golden Gate of Constantinople. Golden Gate of Kiev is one of the few buildings of Kyivan Rus, which have come down to our day. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is often the starting point of many tours round Kyiv.


The Independence Square  is the heart of the modern Kyiv, its main and the most beautiful square that has become the symbol not only of the Ukrainian capital, but of the whole country.  Today it is the capital’s most famous and visited sight.

Most buildings on the Independence Square  were raised after the World War II. At the same time, one of the square’s most famous buildings appeared – Ukraine Hotel. Later the square was repeatedly rebuilt and reconstructed. In 1991, with proclamation of Ukraine’s Independence, it got its modern name.

Ukraine’s capital’s main square obtained its key symbol: a tall column with a statue of a girl dressed in national clothes, standing on the globe and holding a cranberry branch, the symbol of Ukraine’s independence, was installed in its center. On the other side of the square is  the statue of the Archangel Mykhail – the patron of Kyiv.


The main square is crossed by the legendary Khreshchatyk, Kyiv’s main street, stretching for almost one and a half kilometers  and connecting two small squares: European and Bessarabian. Khreshchatyk is the perfect place where you can best feel the original rhythm and atmosphere of Kyiv. Here, you can admire interesting buildings, listen to street musicians, watch the performances, and enjoy the sights of the blossoming chestnut trees .


5. Writing

Complete the sentences with the words from the box


National, places of interests, heritage , democratic, museums , banks, resources, diverse.


  1. The nature of my country is rich and __________________________.
  2. You can find a lot of ____________________________ in my country.
  3. One of the symbols of Ukraine is the ________________________ flag.
  4. Kyiv is situated on the picturesque ______________ of the Dnipro river.
  5. There are many cinemas, theatres and __________________ in the city.
  6. Ukraine is a developed industrial country with rich mineral __________.
  7. My country has a rich histirical and cultural ______________________.
  8. In the modern era Ukraine has become more _______________ country.


III. Summerasing

    Thank you for your nice work. Today we ‘ve learnt interesting facts about the history of Ukraine, its places of interest. But the main thing is that we love our dear Ukraine. And our task is to make it more beautiful and the best country in the world.

Let's sing the anthem  of Ukraine in English language.


Glorious spirit of Ukraine shines and lives forever.

Blessed by Fortune brotherhood will stand up together.

Like the dew before the sun enemies will fade,

We will further rule and prosper in our promised land.

We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom.

Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people.


Well done. Your marks are ….. Thank  you everybody. Good bye.

Home task

       Project  work.  Make  a  poster  about  Ukraine.


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