Урок "Welcome to the World of Food"

Про матеріал
Це розробка нестандартного уроку за формою телевізійного шоу. Урок спрямований на розвиток комунікативної компетенції і культури спілкування учнів.
Перегляд файлу










to the World of Food





Oksana Vinyukova

a senior teacher of English,

school 2 specializing in English and French,


Luhansk region






Мета: розвиток комунікативної компетенції і культури спілкування учнів.


Цілі та завдання:

  •      практичні: активізувати вживання певних лексичних одиниць з теми уроку; вдосконалювати навички усного зв’язного мовлення, вміння адекватно реагувати на запитання; вміння переносу знань та навичок у нову ситуацію на основі здійснення проблемно-пошукової діяльності; готовності до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні;
  •      розвивальні: розвивати оперативну й довгострокову пам'ять, логічне й аналітичне мислення; мовленнєвий і мовний здогад; слуховий самоконтроль; розвивати креативне мислення, творчий підхід до виконання завдань; готовність до подальшої самоосвіти в галузі володіння іноземною мовою;
  •      освітні: розширювати кругозір дітей, активізувати навички вживання лексичного матеріалу теми в усному мовленні, ознайомлювати учнів з фольклором різних країн;
  •      виховні: формувати загальні життєві компетенції в професійній сфері спілкування, виховувати дбайливе, свідоме й відповідальне ставлення до традицій народу, мова якого вивчається; виховувати такі риси характеру, як доброзичливість, толерантність, колективізм, активність, працьовитість.

Тип уроку: нестандартний.

Вид уроку: телевізійне шоу.

Дидактичне та матеріально-технічне забезпечення: проектор, ноутбук, слайдова презентація уроку, учнівська презентація реклами, відеозаписи (учбовий фільм), роздавальний матеріал (картки з завданнями, текст пісні “I like Food”), тематичні таблиці, ілюстрації, емблеми команд, назви команд, девіз групи.

Методи і прийоми навчання: організація діяльності учнів в опрацюванні матеріалу аудіо-відео візуальний метод, комунікативний метод, груповий метод (командна робота), індивідуальна робота, інтерактивні методи («Мозковий штурм», «Мікрофон»).

Міжпредметні зв’язки: українська мова, інформатика.


  1. Introduction. Warming – up

T: Good afternoon, all of you! I’m glad to meet you again! (Students greet the teacher).

St: Good afternoon! We are glad to meet you too!

T: It is a special day today, because this lesson is unusual and non-standard. You can see a lot of guests today, can’t you? Let’s greet them.

Ss: (All together) Hello, dear viewers and all of the guests. Welcome to our class – TV studio.

T: First, as usual, the most favourite motto of our group is (all together)

“Small steps, Big results

It is all about us!

Forward and forward,

We’ll never stop.”

T: I hope that our cooperation will be fruitful today, and I want you to be attentive and active. And, of course, don’t be afraid, don’t be silent. Speak and express your opinion. So, let’s start! Our channel “English through Communication” is presenting a special educational TV programme under the title “Welcome to the World of Food”, but first of all, let’s get acquainted. All the participants of today’s programme will introduce themselves in turn and say a few words characterizing themselves. So, as you can guess, I’m a hostess of the programme. My name is Oksana Vladimirovna and I’m known as a well – organized person. Now introduce yourselves, please.

(Student introduce themselves in turn)

S1: My name is Yeva. I am hard-working.

S2: My name is Sasha. I’m sociable.

S3: I’m Nastya and I’m friendly etc.

T: Nice you are! Dear guests, I hope our today’s programme will be interesting for  you and you’ll enjoy it. We have got two teams and each team has a captain.

Team 1

  •    Hi, everybody! We are “Snickers”. I’m Yeva. I’m captain of the team. We are glad to see you today.

Team 2

  •    Hi, everybody! We are “Cakes”. My name is Dasha. I’m captain of the team. We are here to take part in this programme.


  1. Main Part
  1.              Comments on proverbs

T: Discussing today’s topic our main task is to demonstrate how magic and mysterious the world of known and unknown food is. Let’s prove it. In our previous programme we started mentioning the proverbs concerning the world of food. Look at the screen, please! I’d like you not only to comment on them, but try and give the appropriate Ukrainian equivalents.

“An Apple a day keeps the doctor away”

“Tasters differ”

“Every cook praises his own broth”

“Don’t’ live to eat, but eat to live”

(Students comment on the proverbs and give the appropriate Ukrainian equivalents)

The 1st team

S1: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. – «Якщо яблуко з’їдають, то хвороби оминають».

S2: If you want to be healthy, eat more fruit and vegetables.

S3: Everybody who wants to be healthy, should eat healthy food and more vitamins. Fruit and vegetables help to keep our health.

S4: Apples are so nutritious that if you eat an apple every day, you will not ever  need to go to a doctor.

S5: “Tastes differ”. – «Скільки людей, стільки смаків». «Про смаки не сперечаються».

S6: It’s common knowledge, all people have their own tastes, opinions and views.

The 2nd team

S1: “Every cook praises his own broth.” – Кожен кулик своє болото хвалить.

S2: Everyone praises his/her own, because he/she thinks that if it is mine, it is the best.

S3: “Don’t live to eat, but eat to live”. – «Не живи, щоб їсти, а їж, щоб жити».

S4: We must eat to live, because people can’t live without food.

S5: But we should remember that our health depends on what we eat and how much we eat.

T: Thank you! I agree with all your comments. You’re right!


2. Vocabulary Practice


T: Now some vocabulary practice. It’s the task for our captains. They’ll be given the cards with the task. They have to guess the words by their descriptions.


3. Team Work

T: Let our captains think a little and meanwhile their teams we’ll do their task dealing with fast food restaurants. It’s common knowledge, that fast food is popular not only in the United States and in the UK, but also around the world. In fact, restaurant chains represent a multi-billion dollars industry. Are you “for” or “against” fast food? I’ll give you 3 minutes. Your task is to take any role you like within your teams: it may be the role of a speaker, a secretary, a time – keeper or an expert.

(Students work in team)

T: Are fast food restaurants a good idea?

Team 1

S1: Yes, fast food restaurant are a good idea, because it is a quick service.

S2: They rely on sophisticated marketing especially  targeted on children.

S3: They are innovations in operations and products.

Team 2

S1: We think fast food restaurants aren’t a good idea, because they increase risks of different diseases.

S2: Also they make people less energetic and worsen their mood.

S3: And they are not healthy and nature.

T: Thank you very much for your opinions. As for me, I can agree with both teams.


4. Relaxation Time

T: It’s high time to relax a bit. As you know, any programme isn’t a programme without any advertisement. Now I want you to present you own advertisements. If you remember, it was your home task.

(Teams present their advertisements.)

T: Thanks a lot for your work! As for me, I liked your advertisements. And what about you, our dear viewers? We hope that you liked them, too.


5. Watching video “Food”

T: Now you are going to watch a short video film about the British every day cuisine. The film consists of some scenes from the life of one British family. You should be very attentive while watching and be ready to do some tasks.

Activities after watching

1. True/False

T: Read the following statements and say if they are true or false and if the statement is false, correct it according to the video:

  1. The boy’s name is Sam. (F)
  2. Molly is older than Nick. (F)
  3. There are four people in the family. (T)
  4. They live in London. (F)
  5. All of them are very busy on Friday morning. (T)
  6.               It is 7 p.m. The father of the family is very hungry, and he goes to the restaurant. (F)
  7. Mother and Molly are in the supermarket on Saturday morning. (F)
  8. They have an apple pie for dessert. (F)
  9.               A Sunday roast is one of the most favourite dishes in the British cuisine today. (T)
  10.          All the members of this British family are very friendly and thoughtful of one another. (T)


  1. The boy’s name is Nick.
  2. Molly is younger than Nick.
  3. True
  4. They live in Cambridge.
  5. True.
  6. The father of the family is very hungry and he goes to the “Fish and Chips”
  7. Mother and Nick are in the supermarket on Saturday morning.
  8. They have a Yorkshire pudding for dessert.
  9. True
  10.          True

II. Answer the questions:

  1. What does this video film show? (It shows 3 days from the life of an average British family.)
  2. Where is the film set in? (It is set in Cambridge.)
  3. What is it devoted to? (It’s devoted to English cooking and the most popular traditional food in the UK.)
  4. How many children are there in the family shown here? What are their names? And which of them is older?

(There are two of them. Their names are Nick and Molly and Nick is older than Molly.)

  1. When does the action begin? (Well, it begins on Friday morning. Everybody is very busy, but in spite of that they have their traditional English breakfast and it’s rather big: cereal and milk, toast and marmalade and some other tasty things.)
  2. Does Mum give the children a packed lunch? (Yes, it has already become a tradition in the British families.)
  3. Which of the children prefers a banana in the lunch box? (Molly does.)
  4. What’s Nick’s preference? (“Fish and Chips”)
  5. Who goes to a “Fish and Chips” shop on Friday evening? (Father does.)
  6.          Fish and Chips remains one of the national’s favourite take away, doesn’t it? (Yes, it does.)
  7.          Who goes to the supermarket? (Mother and Nick do. They buy a lot of things according to the shopping list made up by mother. They’re going to cook a Sunday roast and a delicious dessert.)
  8.          Do all the members of the family take part in cooking their Sunday dinner or does the mother cook it alone?

(Their family is very friendly and all of them take part in cooking their traditional English Sunday meal.)

  1.          What can be considered the Englishman’s essential sustenance his birthright? (Roast beef, of course.)
  2.          What about Yorkshire pudding? (Well, it always goes with the beef, but in some parts of the country it is eaten as a separate course.)
  3.          What is custard? (It’s a kind of the most popular British dessert(s). In the film we’re seen that it’s a sweet yellow sauce made from milk and eggs or it can be made from milk and some powder. It’s eaten with puddings.)

T: Summing it up, we can say that the video film we’ve just seen is informative and realistic and even entertaining, isn’t it?

Ss: Sure.


6. Writing Practice

Complete the dialogue. Fill the gaps in the conversation. Use knife, salt, cold, broken, dirty.

Customer. Waiter!

Waiter. Can I help you, sir?

C. Yes, you can! This food is ...

W. Oh, dear.

C. And look at this tablecloth! It`s …

W. Yes, it is.

C. And I haven`t got a...

W. OK. Just a moment.

C. Wait! I need some … too.

W. Right.

C. And another glass. This one is …

W. Yes, sir. Is everything else all right?

The key –

  1. cold;
  2. dirty;
  3. knife;
  4. salt;
  5. broken.

7. Singing a song

T: Very well. And to finish it all, we’ll sing one of our favourite songs “I like Food”. Join us! And you can even dance if you like.

(Students sing a song together.)

  1.                 I like food, I like eating lots and lots of food. (2 times)

Bread and jam, and meat, and fish,

Cakes and biscuits too.

Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,

Mutton steaks, potatoes peas,

And salted mushrooms too.


  1.              I like food, I like eating lots and lots of food. (2 times)

Cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce leaves,

Chocolate and cheese,

Toast and butter, soup and spices,

Onions, cereal, cucumber slices,

Marrows, pumpkins, beets

Don’t forget I also like drinking, when I eat:

Coffee, tea and water soda,

Fruity lemonade, coca-cola,

Sugar makes them sweet.

I like food, l like eating lots and lots of food. (2 times)

Some more, please.

  1. Summing up

T: My dear students, it’s a pity, but our communication is coming to the end. You’ve done a good job. And you’ve shown how creative and smart you can be. Thank you!

Home Assignment

T: Now look at the screen again and write down your home assignment for our next TV show. You’ll have to write a recipe of your favourite dish and find some quotations of famous people about food. And now let’s thank our dear guest for coming to see us. We hope that you enjoyed our today’s programme. Welcome to our next TV show. We’ll be happy to see you again. Good luck to you all! Bye!





17 липня 2021
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