Урок "What is the Environment"

Про матеріал


to develop pupil's communicative skills;

to use active lexis on the topic;

to develop critical thinking;

to improve pupil's skills in skimming and listening;

to teach pupils to work in groups;

to enrich pupil's knowledge on the environmental problems;

to foster the desire to learn English.

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Date:                                        Form 9                      Lesson 7


The Subject of the Lesson:

                   What is the Environment?



to develop pupil’s communicative skills;

to use active  lexis on the topic;

to develop critical thinking;

to improve pupil’s skills in skimming and listening;

to teach pupils to work in groups;

to enrich pupil’s knowledge on the environmental problems;

to foster the desire to learn English.


Materials: picture of globe on the board, quotation on the board, video songs, presentation, handouts.


The Procedure


1. Greeting

2. Warming up

T: What do you think the environment is?

P-s: Environment is the natural surrounding of the living things.

        Environment is the air, water land on Earth which can be harmed by man’s activities…

T: Here on the board there are words said by Chief Seattle in his letter to the USA President:

                            “Teach your children what we have taught our children that the Earth is our mother. All things are connected like the blood which unites on family. The Earth doesn’t belong to man, man belongs to the Earth.

T: Do you agree with this quotation? Who agrees—stand to the right. Who disagrees – stands to the left. Explain your choice.


3. Take the card and find your group. ( cards).


4. Group work.

 T: We may call our planet fragile (delicate, easily broken or damaged). I want you to fill in the blanks in the text. I give you three minutes to do the task.

3min. Video song is sounded (Kids Green Sustainable) while pupils are filling the blanks.


                                                           This Fragile planet

      This word “environment” means simply what is around us. The air we breath, the soil we stand and walk, the water we drink are all parts of the …(1). … (2) people understand how important it is to …(3) the environmental problems that… (4) people’s lives. The most… (5) environmental problems are:

pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, … (6) pollution);

… (7) from cars, planes, trains;

destruction of … (8) and countryside beauty;

… (9) of natural resources (water, metals, different kinds of fuel);

the growth of …(10).

(nowadays, serious, environment, shortage, population, nuclear, noise, wildlife, endanger, solve).

T: Read the text one by one.


5. Presentation

T: Watch the presentation about the problems we have in our environment and write them on the board  (the mind map).


Environmental – a greenhouse effect or the global warming;

          problems -- the ozone hole, climate change;

                                       --  acid rain;

                                       -- pollution (noise, air, land water);

                                       -- disappearing animals (endangered species);

                                       --  too much garbage, toxic waste;

                                       -- deforestation;

                                       -- urban problems (growth of population);

                                       -- shortage of natural resources…








Pupils make the mind map on the blackboard.

T: What kinds of pollution do you know?

 T: What is the air pollution?

P: It comes from car stations, chimneys or factories, smoke, gases, smog.

T: What is water pollution?

P: The sewage and waste from farms, factories, homes, hospitals. Underground water can be polluted by gasoline or other harmful liquids that seep into the ground. People dump garbage and poisonous chemicals in the ocean.

T: What is noise pollution?

P: Noise from factories, vehicles and land speakers. If you are watching TV or computer in full volume you are also responsible for creating noise pollution.

T: What is land pollution?

P: Some human activities also damage the environment

--cutting down the trees;

--purring the forest for building cities and cultivated crops;

--hunting and killing the animals for food, clothing, cosmetics…

T: What is greenhouse effect or global warming?

P: Factories, electric power plants and cars are making a lot of gases. Even trees, when they are cut down give off gases. These new gases are trapping more and more of the sun’s heat. If the earth temperature gets hotter by just a few degrees it could change the weather all over the world.

T: What is the ozone hole?

P: We are lucky to have the ozone layer to protect us from the sun rays that can harm our skin. Now the ozone layer is being damaged by gases that people have made. The gases called carbons are used in refrigerators, fire extinguishes, air-conditioners, plastic foam and some other things float up to the top of the atmosphere and “eat up” the ozone.

T: What can you tell me about acid rain?

P: When power plants burn coal to make electricity, and cars burn gasoline, invisible gases are released into the air. Some of these gases can mix with rain or snow and make it acidic, like lemon juice or vinegar. Then the acid falls back to earth with rain or snow.


8. Read the following explanations and match them with the words from the box. The first letters of the words give you a name of a very important international organization which works to protect the environment.












environmental problems



nuclear testing









animals in danger







1. It is rubbish, waste or other things we throw away.                                  

2. It is a thick forest in tropical parts of the world, like in Amazon area.

3. It is our planet.

4. We have so many of them like air, sea, and land pollution, holes in

 the ozone layer and so on.

5. They are experiments with nuclear weapons (like bombs).

6. It is the process of making our environment dirty and unhealthy for


7. It can come from nuclear, electrical, solar or wind power.

8. It is a very big problem of our time. If we don’t protect them,

 they will disappear forever.

9. A great deal of pollution comes from the fumes (gases) they give off.

We should walk or use bikes instead, whenever we can. 

10. It is a science that studies the relations of plants, animals and

people to each other and to their environment.


9. Working in groups match the environmental words with their definitions. I give you 3 min.

1. greening

a) the phenomenon by which the earth’s atmosphere traps some of the sun’s heat as it radiates from the earth’s surface.

2. ecology

b) a moist, densely wooded area with an annual rainfall of 200 cm

3.endangered species

c) person who works toward protecting the environment from destruction or pollution

4.rain forest

d) a division of biology concerned with the relationship between living things


e) the destruction of forests resulting from excessive clearing

6.ozone layer

f) using little energy

7.greenhouse effect

g) the process of collecting used products and remanufacturing them into new products instead of throwing them away as garbage

8. global warming

h) a  region in the upper atmosphere containing a high amount of ozone gas that absorbs the sun’s ultraviolet radiation


i) nuclear waste or an industrial by-product that is potentially damaging to the environment  and harmful to the health and well being of living organisms

10. recycling

j) the act of making something green or fresh; a restoration

11. hazardous waste

k) animals that are threatened with extinction

12. energy efficient

l) the increase in world temperatures due to the greenhouse effect


10. Complete these sentences with the correct word.

1) What can we do to reduce the __________of the atmosphere?

2) The change in the climate has produced ___________floods.

3) Many rare species are threatened with ___________.

4) Many of the gases produced by factories are ________to our health.

5) Many countries must try and control the growth of the ___________.

6) Protecting the environment is essential to our ________.

7) The ___________of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

8) 40 per cent of the world’s ________ have disappeared in the last 80 years.

9) People don’t just pollute the ________ , they pollute themselves, too, with cigarettes, junk food, alcohol, illegal drugs.

10) Many countries bury and forget millions of tones of ________ every year.

11) A lot of what we throw is still useful, and it’s possible, in fact, _______ 80 per cent of domestic rubbish.

12) ________ is expensive, but it saves trees, saves energy and cuts pollution.

(population, protection, disastrous, pollution, survival, extinction, atmosphere, harmful, rubbish, to recycle, recycling, rainforests).


11. What the three R-s do you know?


  3R-s      recycle                    





     Lets listen to the song and watch the video about it.


12.T: Lets write some kind of running dictation.

…. some pupils, come to me, read the text and dictate your team the word they must write into the text.





    In recent years, the number of  …(1) problems has increased dangerously. One of the most serious problems in changes in the  …(2) which has led to the …(3) effect; this is making most climates warmer. It is already affecting several areas of the world with unusual  …(4) causing draughts or heavy storms. Cutting down on …(5) fumes from cars and buses would help solve the problem. Natural . …(6) such as oil and coal are not endless, so using other forms of …(7) such as sun, wind, water and even sea waves would help preserve our planet. Very soon we will be able to drive cars in cities and towns that run …(8) electricity __ a much cleaner …(9) than patrol. And we can also help to reserve finite resources by…(10) things made of glass, aluminium, plastic and paper.

(weather, exhaust, fuel, resources, environmental, on, greenhouse, recycling, energy, atmosphere).



13. Anyone of us can do something to save the Earth. Think how you can complete the sentence on the blackboard.

 P-s:     I can save the Earth by…

- riding a bicycle instead of using public transport;

- not doing harm to birds and animals;

- using old plastic bags instead of buying new ones in shops;

- by recycling plastic;

- not taking kitchen and home waste together with plastic;

- using reusable bags made of cotton, paper for shopping;

- saying no to plastic;

- planting more trees;

-saving the plants and not cutting them because plants make air fresh;

-using organic fertilizers which do not harm the soil;

-reducing, recycling plastic waste;

-using energy from sun, plants;

-using unleaded fuel only;

-saving rainforests and wildlife;

-driving our car less;

-saving energy…


T: It’s high time for us to start taking care of our environment.


13. Song “Mother Nature Needs Us”    Pupils sing the song and watch the video.


Summarizing / assessment / home task  



















Mother Nature Needs Us


If just one person shines 

Others will follow in line

As we board the greenhouse train

We’ll say good-bye to acid rain

        As we fight global warming

        We’ll stand united as one

        All around the world

        A new day has begun

 We’re so afraid of pollution

But we can find a brighter day

Let’s work on the solution

So our children can play

        In pure clean water

        And blue skies above

        It’s not a fantasy

        We’ll make it our reality

We’ve got to all come together

And start planting the seeds

Mother Nature Needs Us

We were blind but now we see




        Mother Nature Needs Us Now!!!



        We’re so afraid of pollution

        But we can find a brighter day

        Let’s work on the solution

        So our children can play


Let’s save our planet


We’ve got to all come together

And start planting the seeds

Mother Nature Needs Us

It’s up to you and me

    Chicken little said the sky is fallen’ down

    We’ve got to work together

    To keep the world goin’ round

    To keep the world goin’ round

Let’s think about the children

 And leave a cleaner world behind

Mother Nature needs us till the end of time…

Mother Nature needs us till the end of time…

    We’ve got to all come together                                               

    And start planting the seeds

    Mother Nature Needs Us

   It’s up to you and me









Kolomiiets Liliia Mykolaiivna
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
20 серпня 2018
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