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План-конспект уроку про зимові свята та традиції різних країн.Розвиває мовну здогадку та знайомить з культурою інших народів
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Suggested level-B2

Tetiana Shybanova,

A teacher of English,

Gymnasia named after V.T.Senator


Cherkasy region



T: New years come and new years go,

     Pieces of time all in a row.

     As we live our life, each second and minute,

          We know we’re privileged to have you in it.

           Our appreciation never ends

           For our greatest blessings: our family and friends.


Good morning dear students! I’m so glad to see your smiling faces round here. Today we have a special lesson. It’s a contest devoted to winter holidays in different countries. We will find out how people celebrate them and what customs and traditions  are followed by people in these countries. First of all I want  to divide you into three teams and then we will start our work. There will be three teams today. And two pupils or judges will help me to check up your answers and calculate the total amount of points and define the winning team. Well, let's start our contest.


T: Read the short texts how people celebrate New Year in different countries and choose the correct answer.

1.In this city a lot of people gather in Times Square and watch the “Big Apple” fall. The "Big Fall" isn't a real apple. It's a moving picture on the side of one of the big buildings in Times Square. Every New Year’s Eve during the last few seconds before midnight it starts to “fall” down the building, and when it gets to the bottom it's the start year.

(Madrid, New York, Moscow.)

2. In this country housewives start cooking special food for New Year’s Day and all the members of the family do a big cleaning. The idea is to get rid of the dirt of the past year, and welcome the New Year without it. On the television or radio you can hear 108 bells. The 108th bell rings just a second before the midnight. The people say: "Happy New Year!” They  eat a special food and drink rice wine during the meal.

(Japan, Italy, Canada.)

3. People call the New Year's Eve "Hogmanay". They visit their friends’ houses just after midnight on the New Year's night. The first person who comes to your house brings you luck. At midnight when the clock begins to strike 12, the head of the family goes to the entrance door, opens it wide and holds it until the last stroke. Then he shuts the door. He has let the old year out and let the New Year in.

(The USA, Scotland, India.)

4.This country is sometimes called "the upside down world". It lies in the Southern Hemisphere. During the Christmas holidays people often sunbathe  on the beach or swim and surf in the ocean. On the 31st of December many people go to the country for the picnic. In January the temperatures are from 20 to 30 °C above zero or higher.

(Egypt, Ireland ,Australia.)

5.In this country it can be dangerous to have a walk at night at the end of December. People usually throw the old things from the house through the window: broken cups and plates, old clothes and boots and sometimes different pieces of furniture. People believe that on the New Year's Eve the magician Befaniya comes to the houses through the chimney and put the presents for children in their stockings or shoes.

(France, Italy, Germany.)

Key: 1. New York; 2. Japan; 3. Scotland; 4. Australia; 5. Italy.


Complete the text with the missed words: eve, boat, Bible, parade, gold, friends', their, lighted, any, first, sack, are, sing, parents, good, presents, brings.

Merry Christmas

In Mexico, during the nine days before Christmas people visit their (1)... houses in the evenings, carrying (2)... candles. They (3)... carols and knock at the door. At (4)... they are not allowed in. This is one of the customs of the posada! Then they explain they are Mary and Joseph, (5)... of the Christchild. They (6)... welcomed warmly.

In many European countries children receive (7)... from St. Nicolas on the 6th of December. In the Netherlands he arrives in Amsterdam by (8)... with his servant Black Peter, who carries a (9)... to take away (10)... children who have been naughty. He brings presents for (11)... children.

In many ports of Spain and South America it isn't father Christmas or St. Nicolas who (12)... the presents, but the Three Kings or Three Wise men, on the (13)... of the 6th of January. In Madrid there is a (14)... in the streets of the Three Kings riding their camels. This commemorates the visit of Melchior, Caspar and Balthuzar to the baby Jesus in Bethlehem, with (15)... gifts of (16)... and frankincense as described in the (17)...

Key: 1. friends'; 2. lighted; 3. sing; 4. first; 5. parents; 6. are; 7. presents; 8. boat; 9. sack; 10. any; 11. good; 12. brings; 13. Eve: 14. parade; 15. their; 16. gold; 17. Bible.


Make up new words using the letters of the word "celebration".

(The word is written on the blackboard)


In the text “Christmas Tree” the words in bold have been used incorrectly. Write the words that should have been used in the spaces below.


Four many years trees decorated with ornaments and lights have bean part of hour Christmas festivities. The trees are usually Balsam or Douglas firs. Long before Jesus was borne evergreen plants played an important part in people's lives.

Too the Ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Hebrews, evergreen trees, wreaths and garlands where symbols of everlasting life. In Europe tree worship was also common and people from Norway and Sweden used two decorate there houses with evergreen plants at Knew Year to scare away the devil. West Germans put Yule logs either at the entrance to or inside they're homes during the midwinter holidays.

When Europeans became Christians they still kept the evergreen traditions has part of the Christmas festival. The custom of having a Christmas tree in the home came from Germany. In medieval times German people had a 'Paradise tree'. This was a fur tree hung with apples to remember Adam and Eve inn the Garden of Eden. These trees were set up on December 24th and candles were often added to represent Jesus Christ. In addition they wood also have a wooden Christmas 'Pyramid triangle' decorated with evergreen plants, candles and a star. However, by the 16th century the Germans decided to combine the to ideas and just have a Christmas tree.

In 1800 Queen Charlotte, the German born wife off George III, as far as we no had the first Christmas tree in Britain at a Christmas Day party at Windsor. Members of the Royal family had Christmas trees long before ordinary people. Princess Victoria had won in Kensington Palace in 1832.

The person responsible fore Christmas trees becoming popular in Britain was the German Prince Albert who was Queen Victoria's husband. In 1848 he aloud The Illustrated London News' to print a picture of the Royal Family gathered round their Christmas tree. After that everyone wanted one. Victorian trees we're decorated with candles, fancy cakes and suites.













































(Key: four-for; hour-our; too-to; knew-new; has-as; inn-in; to-two; no-know, fore-for; we’re-were; bean-been; borne-born; where-were; there-their; they’re-their; fur-fir; wood-would; off-of; won-one; aloud-allowed; suites-sweets)


It's time for the last task now. I want you to put the words in a logical order and read the poem.

( Each team receives the set of sentences and tries to create a poem and then read it aloud.)


My Christmas wish

My Christmas wish for you, my friend

Is not a simple one

For I wish you hope and joy and peace

Days filled with warmth and sun

I wish you love and friendship too

Throughout the coming year

Lots of laughter and happiness

To fill your world with cheer

I wish this all and so much more

May all your dreams come true

May you have a Merry Christmas friend

And a happy New Year, too.

(Kristen M Saccardi)


T: We congratulate the team-winner in our language contest ” Winter Kaleidoscope”. Looking back and being thankful for the wonderful memories of the previous year, and the hope for beautiful times ahead is what the New Year is all about. Don’t forget it and be happy!



2. http://www.netpoets.com/poems/holiday/

15 лютого 2019
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