Урок з англійської мови для 8 класу за темою "Family and Friends", "Rather, quite, almost".

Про матеріал
Правило використання rather, quite, almost. Вправи на використання rather, quite, almost в реченні.
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family and friends


1. put the words in the correct order and form sentences.

1. her/she/beautiful/as/Is/sister/as?

    __________________________________________________ 2. so/you/people/think/he/gorgeous/Do/as/say/is?     __________________________________________________ 3. as/attractive/Is/as/his/friend/he/not?

    __________________________________________________ 4. yesterday/the/Is/not/as/as/her/one/she/wore/dress/stunning ?

    __________________________________________________ 5. elegant/not/other/in you/her/so/find/as/women/the/Do/room?     __________________________________________________ 6. her/not/ballet/dancing/graceful/as/Is/as/teacher's/her?





2. use "RATHER, ALMOST, QUITE" to completethe sentences.

1.She was ________ tired after the long day at work.

2.I'm ________ finished with my homework.

3.The movie was _______ entertaining and kept me on the edge of my seat.

4.He would _____ stay home and relax than go out to a party.

5.The book is _______ 500 pages long.

6.The weather is _______ pleasant today, not too hot or cold.

7.I would ________ have pizza for dinner than sushi.

8.She's _______ done with her painting and it looks amazing.

9.The concert was _______ crowded, with almost 10,000 people in attendance.

10.He would ______ go for a hike than spend the day indoors.

11.The exam was _______ challenging, but I managed to answer almost all the questions correctly.

12.I would _______ take the train than drive in heavy traffic.

13.The project is _______ complete, just a few more details to finish.

14.The restaurant was _______ busy, but we were able to find a table with a bit of wait.

15.I'd _______ go to the beach than the mountains for vacation.



1."Rather": "Rather" використовується для вираження вподобання або вибору між двома варіантами. Наприклад: "I would rather stay at home than go to the party. - Я б радше залишився вдома, ніж пішов на вечірку".

"Rather" також використовується для позначення певної ступені або характеристики. Наприклад: "She is rather tall for her age. - Вона досить висока для свого віку".


"Almost" означає "майже" або "практично" і вказує на те, що щось майже досягнуто або виконано. Наприклад: "I almost missed the train. - Я майже пропустив поїзд". "Almost" також може використовуватися для вираження приблизної або наближеної ступені. Наприклад: "It's almost 10 o'clock. - Майже 10 годин".


image"Quite" має кілька значень і може використовуватися для вказівки на значну ступінь або повноту чогось. Наприклад: "She is quite talented. Вона досить талановита". "Quite" також може використовуватися для вираження згоди або підтвердження. Наприклад: "Yes, I quite agree with you. - Так, я повністю погоджуюся з вами". В деяких випадках "quite" може мати значення "досить" або "достатньо". Наприклад: "The movie was quite good - Фільм був досить хорошим".


family and friends


3. Fill in the gaps with words from the table.

go, confident, satisfied, finished, always,

challenging, familiar, reached, visit, spend

1.Would you rather _________ your vacation at the beach or in the mountains?

2.Are you quite __________ with the service at this restaurant?

3.Do you find it rather _________ to learn a new musical instrument?

4.Have you almost __________ reading the book you started last week?

5.Would you rather __________ to a crowded concert or enjoy a quiet evening at home?

6.Are you quite ___________ with the history of this city?

7.Do you almost ___________prefer coffee over tea in the morning?

8.Would you rather __________ a bustling city or explore a tranquil countryside?

9.Are you quite __________in your ability to solve complex math problems?

10.Have you almost __________ your fitness goal for this month?


5. use "RATHER, ALMOST, QUITE" to complete the text.



QUITE" to complete the sentences.

1.I would _____ not go to that party tonight.

2.She is _____ unhappy with her recent test results.

3.He is not _____ ready to make a decision yet.

4.We would _____ not eat at that restaurant again.

5.It's not _____ what I expected from the movie.

6.They would _____ not deal with such a difficult situation.

7.She is _____ disappointedwith the service at this hotel.

8.He's not _____ convinced about the effectiveness of the new product.

9.We would _____ not take on that projectdue to its complexity.

10.It's _____ impossible to finish all the work in such a short time.

image       Friendship is a beautiful bond that connects people on a deep level. It is not just about having a lot of friends, but (1)_____ about cultivating quality relationships. A true friend is someone you can trust with your deepest secrets and fears. They are (2)_____ like a mirror, reflecting back your true self without judgment. In a world full of superficial connections, genuine friendships are (3)_____ rare and should be cherished. True friends are those who stand by you during both the ups and downs of life. They offer unwavering support and encouragement when you need it most. A strong friendship is built on mutual respect, understanding, and acceptance. It is (4)_____ remarkable how friends can uplift and inspire us to become better versions of ourselves.

      They bring joy, laughter, and warmth into our lives, making the journey much more enjoyable. Even during difficult times, a friend's presence can provide solace and comfort. Friendship is not about quantity, but (5)_____ about the quality of the connections we form. It is about finding those few individuals who truly understand and appreciate us. A true friend is someone you can rely on, no matter what.

17 червня 2023
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