Про матеріал
При розробці уроку застосовувалась методика "Перевернутого класа" (Flipped lesson) Такий метод сприяє появі більшої кількості часу для практики, розвитку критичного мислення, ведення дискусій, оскільки учні йдуть на урок вже підготовленими. Також під час самостійного опрацювання матеріалу школярі оп ановують сучасні цифрові технології. Водночас вони вивчають матеріал не для оцінки, а для можливості застосування отриманих знань на практиці. На прикінці уроку учні зможуть (Language Objectives): • Учні зможуть визначати та використовувати ключові слова, іменники, словосполучення, синоніми, пов’язані з темою «Мандрівки». • Учні зможуть зрозуміти автентичне відео BBC, знайти ключову інформацію, порівняти та узагальнити її. • Учні зможуть створювати та представляти свої групові міні-проекти та висловлювати думки та ставлення, використовуючи активну лексику.
Перегляд файлу

Class:         8          

Level:         B1/B1+

Topic:        «ЗАВЖДИ В РУСІ» On the go (Travelling)

Overview:   Урок розроблено за методом «Перевернутого класу»

                     FLIPPED LESSON


Before the lesson:


     Students work at home on:

  • Revision of the active vocabulary







 Exercise 3 & Exercise 4 (Fill in the gaps)

          1      'I cross a fast-flowing river on a wire because the suspension bridge collapsed.'

2 'I take a short cut by cycling across a valley because I don't want to cycle uphill.'

3 'I cross a valley on a homemade cable car because it's so deep.'

4 'I walk or run barefoot to school along a dirt track because my school is so remote.'  

5 'I ride a donkey along narrow winding paths because I can't catch a bus as there aren't any.'

6 'I barely have time to fasten my seatbelt because it's such a short flight.'

WORD STORE 3C | Synonyms for trip

a journey   = a long trip overland

a drive= a trip in a car

crossing= a trip by boat from one piece of land to another

a ride= a short trip on a bus, a bike, a motorbike, a horse, etc.

 a voyage= a long trip by sea (or in space)

          a flight= a trip on a plane

          a tour= a trip to see specific things of interest

          a cruise= a trip by ship to visit various places for pleasure


  • WORD STORE 3E | Negative adjectives

avoidable – unavoidable


familiar- unfamiliar


pleasant – unpleasant

rewarding – unrewarding

thinkable – unthinkable


  • Watching the video about an unusual hotel Mashpi Lodge.



Task I. Complete the information about the Mashpi Lodge with the words from the box:


1,500         America          equator         guest     plant  

 Quito      three           twenty-two         two   west 

Ecuador is situated on the (1)__ west _______ coast of South (2)__ America __and the (3)__ equator __goes across the country. Mashpi Lodge is located in Mashpi reserve in the middle of the cloud forest, (4)_ three  _ hours' drive from the capital, (5)_ Quito _. Mashpi lodge is a luxury hotel, with (6) _ twenty-two _rooms, costing up to (7) _1,500 _a night. There are (8)__ two __members of staff for every( 9) ___guest __ .The hotel was opened a few years ago. It's an eco-hotel with breathtaking views from every window. It's like a giant treehouse. People travel from all over the world to experience the extraordinary animal and (10)_ plant   life.

Task II. Complete the phrases with the nouns you heard in the video ‘A hotel in the clouds’.

1      amazing/breathtaking/unique                 views

2 eco/luxury/sustainable                            hotel

3 dense/huge                                              forest

4 observation                                             tower

5 private                                                    reserve

6 rescue                                                     procedure



















Lesson description:

Duration- 45 minutes

Content Objectives (what students will learn during the lesson)

  • Students will talk about travelling and means of transport.
  • Students will practice listening comprehension skills and how to use the extra vocabulary from the video.
  • Students will discuss the topics covered in the video and relate them to their own experiences, improving their critical thinking skills working in breakout rooms.

Language Objectives

  • Students will be able to identify and use key words, noun phrases, collocations, synonyms related to the topic Travelling.
  • Students will be able to understand the authentic natural-language BBC video, find key information, compare and summarize it.
  • Students will be able to create and represent their group mini-projects and express opinions and attitudes using a range of basic expressions and sentences.


Key vocabulary Means of transport, noun phrases, collocations, synonyms for          

                                 trip, extra vocabulary presented in the video.

Materials required

  • SB (Focus-3), Handouts.
  • Video Resource, Digital Resources (Wordwall, Neeto).

Digital Literacy-

  • Collaboration and creativity.
  • Finding information.
  • Online safety skills.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Communication and digital culture.


  • Due to flipped classroom approach we provide learning outside the classroom and gaining more practice time and receiving more feedback from the teacher on students’ performance.
  • We develop learners’ confidence involving them in the learning process by conducting breakout rooms work and peer and self-assessments.



Formative (ongoing) - Observe students while students are performing individual or group activities using a pre-made checklist/rubric. Points for unit vocabulary use, proper grammar use, giving interesting ideas, thinking critically, collaboration…etc

Summative - Group oral presentation. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of travelling related vocabulary and concepts through their dialogue and actions, reflections and feedback.

Self-assessment – doing the Quiz and completing Exit Tickets.

Peer-assessment – presenting mini-projects.


During the lesson:


Activity, Materials

and Timing



Teacher Considerations

Review of learning


Presentation slide

2-3 min

Zoom platform

Identify the main learning objectives with students

Review each of the learning objects that have been predetermined

Ensure that students are engaged, focused, and ready to learn.

Activate students' previously existing knowledge.






Review vocabulary from the unit.

         5 min


Wordwall platform





(T–S, S–T)

Do the activity

‘Make the right collocation’

Have some of the collocations from the previous lesson on the Wordwall platform


 Matching activity.

Words to use:


2. dirttrack

3. publictransport

4. rush – hour

5. shortcut

6. suspensionbridge

7. windingpaths

8. catcha bus

9. cycle – downhill

10. geta lift

11. fastenyour seatbelt

12. walkbarefoot





Activate students' previously existing knowledge. Engage students by making warming up dynamic and playful.

















Main part of the lesson


Checking students’

understanding of the material that was

set as homework.










Revising Activity

(Show what you know)

5 min

Zoom platform

(T–S, S–T)

Do the activity

If I were any means of transport, I would be…because….


Constructing sentences

Using Condition II,

Developing language & Speaking skills


Empower learners’

communicative skills,

formative assessment



Mind Map


A hotel in the clouds’ video

3 min

   Zoom whiteboard


Developing speaking skills


Students’ impressions about the video, using learnt adjectives


Zoom whiteboard


Individual learners reflect and share feedback on how they can use positive and negative adjectives.



Empower learners to take an active part in their own learning, inspire creativity








Video Checking comprehension

            7 min


Neeto platform






(T–S, S–T)

Video Quiz

12 questions



Students perform a multiple-choice quiz, created on Neeto platform with the teacher,

guiding the process.




the areas which need more focus and maximise students’

exposure to the new words. Use formative and self-assessment

of the students.








Breakout rooms

Peer work

          10 min



Zoom platform




Description of an ideal hotel using active vocabulary

From ex.2 (Watching the video)



(What I’m looking for)



The list of the collocations checked previously in the Quiz

is attached for each group in breakout rooms.


Students perform

in groups and learn how to collaborate together to

produce and present mini-projects.



the process. Enable

students to develop skills such as the ability to cooperate,

solve problems and communicate making decisions about

how to achieve their learning objective.







Presentation &

Evaluation of

Peer work



Zoom whiteboard




(S–S, S–T)



Presentation of an ideal hotel


Speakers reflect and share feedback on how they completed the task.

P-P assessment

‘Two stars and a wish’

Peer feedback

(two good things and one thing you wish was better/could improve).


Summative assessment,

peer assessment


Can be used as well












Coming back to the learning objectives and analyzing if they were achieved










Exit tickets




Students reflect and share feedback on how successful they were at the lesson and how much they understood







the areas which need more focus and must be retaught and improved by explaining and mastering next lesson.






   Zoom whiteboard


   Comment-only marking/Homework





           3 min





Writing an informal e-mail using

Teacher’s Tips and Regulations


Have students use active vocabulary to develop their writing skill by writing a summary of the process they followed.


Students have to write an email to a friend describing their staying at the Mashpi Lodge.


Make the summary of the lesson. Evaluate the students’ results: strengths/achievements vs areas of improvement. Take into consideration exit tickets answers to identify students gaps and

weak points to be improved.






Students’ reflection about the lesson

Students choose

emojis to show their impressions about the lesson


Support students and make positive atmosphere to raise motivation and encourage students to master their learning skills by working hard.


10 серпня 2023
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