Урок англійської мови у 9 класі з теми «Телебачення: за та проти» (“Television. Pros&Cons”)
- навчати учнів розповідати про переваги та недоліки телебачення, використовуючи відому та невідому лексику, тренувати вживання різних граматичних часів;
- формувати уміння ефективно співпрацювати підчас парної роботи, вчити опановувати стратегії читання та прийоми розуміння тексту, формувати уміння сприймання на слух, зорового сприймання, усної взаємодії та продукування;
- виховувати готовність до спілкування, увагу та повагу до співрозмовника, дисциплінованість у праці.
Обладнання: ноутбук, репліки діалогу та текст на аркушах, плакат зі словами.
Хід уроку
І. Початок уроку.
а) Привітання. Good morning, children! Nice to meet you.
b) Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.
“What if I was the only person in the world and everybody else were just actors in my play?”
Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey, the star of “The Truman Show” believes that everybody in his life has this thought. “The Truman Show” is about a man called Truman who slowly realizes that he is in this situation. Since his birth he has been the star of a TV show which is being broadcast live to the nation 24 hours a day, but he doesn’t know anything about it. The worst thing is that people who Truman thinks are close to him, like his family and his best friends, are all actors. “The Truman Show” is about the power of TV. It is saying that TV can control people’s life.
Today we’re going to investigate bad and good sides of television and find out how to avoid the negative effect of TV. Here we go. “Television: Pros and Cons”
II. Основна частина уроку.
a) Формування уміння зорового сприймання
We shall start with a quiz and find out if TV controls your life. Choose a suitable answer.
1. The phone rings while you are watching your favourite programme on TV. You …
2. In the last episode of your favourite TV series one of the actors was sent to prison, but everyone knows the character is innocent. Do you
3. You have a lot of homework to do. Do you …
4. You see the actor you like advertising chocolate on TV. You …
If you answered mainly a, TV controls your life.
If you answered mainly b, you enjoy TV but you still have life of your own.
If you answered mainly c, you really don’t care about TV.
b) Тренування лексики на рівні слова.
Most people like watching TV very much. There is a wide range of programmes on TV. Let’s name them. Look at the picture and guess the programme.
c) Тренування лексики на рівні речення. Розвиток граматичної компетенції.
What is your favourite programme? What TV programmes are worth seeing?
Mind Gerund.
d) Формування уміння сприймання на слух (https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/video-uk/british-weather)
Some people prefer watching weather forecast to be aware of the weather in their area. Let’s see how they make the weather forecast in Britain in the BBC studio.
Watch the clip and say which five questions are answered in the documentary. The following words will help you understand everything better.
a national obsession – національна одержимість
to predict the weather – передбачити погоду
to be affected by – підпадати під вплив
to be surrounded by – бути оточеним
to run out of conversation – вичерпатися в розмові
to be used to – звикнути до
to be completely self-operated – бути повністю автоматизованим
to come into life - оживати
Choose the questions and answer them.
e) Формування уміння усної взаємодії
Do you often discuss the events of your favourite sitcoms or soap operas with your friends?
Mini and James are talking about the next season of their favourite series.
Order their words and read the dialogue.
Mini: Hey James. What’s the hurry?
James: Hey Mini. I’m getting late. The third season of ‘Game of Thrones’ is starting today. I don’t want to miss the first episode.
Mini: That’s awesome. I’ve been waiting for it for so long. This season has been teased heavily! I’m dying to know if ‘The Mother of the Dragons’ will get the throne back!
James: I know! And what about Joffrey? Do you hate him as much as I do? I’ve watched all the episodes so far. I hope he gets what he deserves!
Mini: Me too. Look, can I join you? I realized I won’t make it to my place in time.
James: Sure, no problem! Let’s go. I parked right across the street.
f) Формування уміння зорового сприймання
The influence of television on people is great. But it’s much stronger when talking about children.
Read an article about television and children and fill in the gaps with one suitable word in an appropriate grammar form.
The (1)_________of television on people’s behavior is great. Most young children watch TV for many(2)________every week. They watch it long before they have any real(3)________of what they are(4)_________. They often watch programmes that are not meant for them. They watch programmes that are meant for adults. Perhaps they stay up late and watch films containing violence. There is a lot of evidence to show that they are often harmed by seeing such things. There is now more crime and (5)___________in our society than ever before. Everyone is worried. Everyone is (6)________to go out at night. These are (7)__________times we live in. this is also the time when more and more people are watching violent films on television. Certainly there is a direct (8)_________. For example, a child may see a bank robbery in a film. The child (9)________from the film how to rob a bank. There have been many cases reported in the newspapers where such things have actually happened. Professor Ivor Mills (Cambridge University) has proved that many young people become too excited by violent films and when the film is over they go out and (10)___________criminal acts. |
influence hour understand watch violence scare danger connect learn commit |
g) Перевірка домашнього завдання. Формування уміння усного продукування
Well, we see that television gives us pleasure and at the same time it may bring harm. I asked you to be ready to talk on advantages and disadvantages of watching television.
What does television do?
entertains |
declines creativity |
teaches |
makes us lazy |
informs |
teaches bad values |
improves skills |
causes health problems |
Bonds |
gives crooked information |
Alerts |
Hooks |
What should we do to get only positive effect from television?
h) Релаксація
To sum everything up I suggest you to write down adjectives that can characterize television. The first letters have been already written. Work in two groups.
t |
rustworty |
e |
xcellent |
l |
ovely |
e |
ntertaining |
v |
iolent |
i |
mportant |
s |
pecial |
i |
deal |
o |
bjective |
n |
ative |
III. Заключна частина уроку.
а) Підведення підсумків.
We can see both positive and negative adjectives as television really has its pros and cons. I wish you to get only useful influence, positive emotions and fun from watching the box.
b) Домашнє завдання: ex.5 p.55 Make a survey asking your friends 5 questions from ex.5 and perform your results at the next lesson.
с) Виставлення оцінок.