Урок з англійської мови на тему "Travelers impressions" для 9 класу

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Розробка містить конспект уроку англійською мовою, завдання, міні-словники та презентацію з п'ятіркою найвідоміших тревел-блогерів.
Зміст слайдів
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One of the most popular travel blogs on Instagram belongs to the wonderful duo of Murad and Nataly Osmann, 4 million followers.

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Murad and Nataly became famous by series “Follow Me To” in 2012. @muradosmann

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Quazagstan Kaindy Lake

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Travelling in Moscow

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Louvre, France

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The story of Jack Morris and Lauren Bullen is nothing less than a fairy tale. The adorable couple is in their mid-20s and already have millions of followers on Instagram.

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The two travel bloggers met only last year in Fiji and ever since then they have been traveling together. @doyoutravel

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2,7 million followers

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Beautiful shots

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Interesting and useful content

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The Instagram handle is (co)-owned by Kelly Lund from Colorado and his 2-year-old wolfdog.

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A hybrid of Siberian husky, Malamute, and Arctic Wolf, Loki has a wonderful mentor in Kelly and together they epitomise friendship!

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2 million followers

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Incredible photos

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Jess calls herself as an outdoor enthusiast.

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The girl, on a perpetual journey, describes herself as someone who loves to go to the top of a mountain more often, swim in an alpine lake, or wander down a gusty path!

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She is a renowned figure in the world of travel on Instagram.

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652 000 followers

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Brooke Saward is a restless solo traveler with some serious itchy feet. The 24-year-old wanderer rightly leverages her Instagram handle to inspire people to travel across the globe. 

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The proud author of the book, World of Wanderlust, has a lot to share from her adventures.

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600 000 followers

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Beautiful account

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Traveling to the places unknown and knocking off adventures off her bucket list, that’s what Kiersten – a native of California, does for a living.

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Having traveled to 50 plus countries, Kiersten is a serious inspiration for all the solo female travelers out there.

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550 000 followers

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Amazing pictures

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Перегляд файлу

Date: the fifth of April
Topic: Travelers impressions
Purpose: повторити вивчений лексичний матеріал на тему «Tour of English speaking countries» та активізувати його в реченнях; ознайомити учнів з Топ-10 найвідоміших тревел-блогерів усього світу; ознайомити учнів з новим лексичним матеріалом; навчити використовувати нові ЛО в монологічному та діалогічному мовленні; розвивати навички читання; навчити дітей розуміти незнайомий текст без словника; розвивати навички читання, письма та говоріння; розвивати логічне мислення, пам'ять та увагу; виховувати любов до подорожей та до країни, мова якої вивчається.
Equipment: презентація про відомих тревел-блогерів, підручник, робочий зошит, картки з завданнями, міні-словник


  1. Good afternoon, children! So pleasant to see all of you in this classroom today. Hope everything’s fine and you’re feeling not bad, so let’s start, ‘cause we have to do so much work today, but I’m sure you’ll love our topic which is called “Travelers impressions”! Learning this topic I found so many resources, read so much new information, watched so many useful videos, but I realized – all this is just a drop in the ocean. So what is the travel? Is it necessary or just peoples’ fad? Is it job or enthralling hobby?  Is it fun? Is it endless game? You will find words for every stage of the lesson and write these definitions. (вступне слово)
  2. 21 century is out there. We spend half of our lives in Internet and different social sites, I mean, Instagram, VKonakte, Facebook, Twitter and it’s not always good. Well, I wanna show you people who live in Internet and who are really able to be … Well, you tell me who are they for the rest of people. There are missing letters in this presentation. Please make a word and tell me who all of these people are. (презентація)
  3. Now, please pay attention at small vocabularies I already gave you. There are a few new words. Let’s speak them out and translate them. Look, there are red letters too. That means you can build a word from them. (ознайомлення з новими ЛО)

Hill (хілл) – пагорб
Cross (крос) – хрест
To suppose (ту супоуз) – передбачатися
Through (тру) – через
To reach (ту річ) – досягати
Towards (товодс) – до
To fall in love (ту фелл ін лав) – закохуватися
Kind (кайнд) – добрий
Delayed (ділайд) – затриманий
Violent bout (ваялент баут) – жорстокий бій
Food poisoning (фуд пойзонін) – харчове отруєння
To collapse (ту колепс) – зазнавати краху
To suffer (ту сафе) – страждати
Illness (ілнес) – хвороба
Wallet (уолет) – гаманець
Stolen (столен) – вкрадений
Experience (ікспіріенс) – досвід
Valuable (валуейбл) – цінний
To shape (ту шейп) – оформляти, надавати форми
Hardships (хадшіпс) – труднощі


  1.  We’ve learnt new words, so now we can do some exercises. There are cards with words on your desks, but the words are not in English. The words are in German. Please find the German equivalents. And notice the red letters. (аналогія з німецькою мовою)


die Erfahrung


die Schwierigkeit




die Krankheit



You can see a few cards with different sentences on the blackboard. You should read the sentences, translate them and fill in the words you have in your vocabularies. And yeah, there are few red letters on these sentences. Be attentive, write down the letters and build a word from them. (доповнення речень новими словами)
I lost my ______ somewhere around here.

_______ has shown that money does not bring happiness. Scott was the first man to ______ the pole.

I do not ______ from megalomania. Great people never have it.

_______ prevented me from going to school.

Nothing is so ______ as friendship.


  1. Now after learning new English words and finding German equivalents let’s read some texts on pages 127-128. We must read and translate these texts. (читання)
  2. There’s one more task we have to do, I mean, the last one. We should watch the video and find another not marked word.
  3. Children, we did so much work. We watched presentation, learned new words, found German equivalents, built the sentences, read the text and eve watched the video. All things we did today are for finding an answer. So, do you remember what question did we have on the beginning our lesson? Right, what is the travel? So this is an inspiration, an adventure, a lifestyle, an education and just a happiness.
  4. I’m thankful for your work and think that you were good today. But this is how I feel. What do you feel? What was the lesson? Did you like our topic? Did you learn something new? Hope it was fun today. The lesson is over. You can be free.






  1. Did you like the topic of the lesson?





  1. Did you enjoy yourselves?





  1. Did you work hard?





  1. Did you like to work in groups?





  1. Did you get useful information?





  1. Did you like the video?





  1. Do you like English?







До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Бондар Т.І., Пахомова Т.Г.)
2 листопада 2021
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