Урок з теми "Організації із захисту навколишнього середовища"

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ДНЗ «Херсонське вище професійне училище сервісу та дизайну»







Конспект уроку з теми: «Організації із захисту навколишнього середовища»

Картинки по запросу захист навколишнього середовища



                                                                                                                                       Підготувала :

викладач  англійської мови

Барвинська О.О



Тема:Наука і технічний прогрес. Природа і довкілля.

Підтема: Організації із захисту навколишнього середовища (Environmental organizations).

Мета: засвоїти основні поняття теми; формувати  навички аудіювання,усного мовлення,читання і письма;розвивати уміння пошуку, систематизації, обробки інформаційного матеріалу,здатності логічно викладати результати роботи;розвивати творчу та пізнавальну активність учнів;виховувати дбайливе ставлення до природи та усвідомлення важливості охорони довкілля.

Тип уроку:  урок засвоєння нових знань

Методи навчання,прийоми: робота з підручником,складення кластеру,проблемне питання,випереджуюче завдання,самостійна робота,робота в групах,мультимедійний супровід.

Основні терміни і поняття:  Environment, аir pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, destruction of forests, dumps, garbage, litter, ozone hole, greenhouse effect

Наочність: слайдова презентація, підручник О.Карп’юк «English 11», роздатковий матеріал,флеш-картки онлайн із веб-сайту https://quizlet.com/416364514/environmental-organizations-flash-cards/.

Обладнання: мультимедійна система,комп’ютер.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: екологія, інформаційні технології


І. Introduction. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Greeting . Привітання.

T: Good morning, children! How are you getting on?

Ps: We are very well, thank you!

2.Aim . Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Today we’ll start a new topic .Let’s see the video and you’ll guess what we are going to speak about.

T: Yes,pupils,Environment is our today’s theme.There are lots of problems facing our planet today. A lot of people live on our planet,and the Earth’s resources won’t last forever. So, today we’ll speak about the problems which exist and think what we can do to prevent or solve them, and besides you’ll get to know about the activities of some of the environmental organizations.

3. Warming up . Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

a) Метод «Мозкового штурму».

Учитель малює схему на дошці, а учні підказують йому слова.

T: What words do you associate with the topic «Environment»?


Т: Well,it contains many different parts,just like the pieces jf a big jigsaw puzzle. Human beings,animals,buildings,the earth,the air,the seas,our climate…and all these parts interconnect.

b) Використання прислів’я.

Т: We live in a wonderful world, everything is connected on the Earth. The harmony is the main feature of our life. If the harmony exists we can live happily. But situation is not perfect now. Look at the blackboard,read the mixing words and try to make the words by Dalai Lama. His words are the motto of our lesson. (The teacher cuts the sentence before the lesson and glues them on the blackboard).

«Our planet is showing us the red warning light-«Be careful»-she is saying.-To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house».

Т: Do you agree with this quotation? (Учні дають свої відповіді).

Ps: Our planet is our home. That’s why we must take care of it. We want to breathe fresh air. We want to swim in clean rivers. We want to drink pure water. We want to live in clean cities. Everybody wants to be healthy, so we need to take care about our environment. The Earth needs our help.

4. Listening (аудіювання пісні «Sweet people»)

Т: You know, that people all over the world are worried about our environment. Many celebrities make their contribution to the protection of environment.  I suggest you listening to the song and telling me what the message of this song is? (Яке посилання (ідея) пісні? Яку назву ви дали б пісні? Чому проблема збереження природи популярна у творчості знаменитостей?


ІІ. Main part. Основна частина.    

  1. Check-on homework. Перевірка д/з.

Т: Now let’s check-on your home-work. Your task was to enter the web-site and to learn the words

 https://quizlet.com/416364514/environmental-organizations-flash-cards/ .

Presenting vocabulary. Пред’явлення нових ЛО.

Acid rain - Rain mixed with acids formed by gases released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned.

Air pollution- The contamination of the atmosphere by noxious gases and particulates

Deforestation-The process of destroying a forest and replacing it with something else, especially by an agricultural system.

Domestic garbage- Residential waste

Pesticides- a chemical used to kill pests (as rodents or insects a chemical used to kill pests (as rodentsor insects)

pollution - the introduction of contaminants into an environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem

water pollution - pollution of the water in rivers and lakes

garbage- waste(litter)

oil spill- the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment due to human activity

landfill- a location for the disposal of human waste be it domestic, commercial or industrial

ozone hole- a region of the stratosphere over Antarctica (and a smaller one over the Arctic) that is depleted of ozone .

nuclear waste- The radioactive products formed by fission and neutron transmutation of materials in a reactor

greenhouse effect- increase in temperature caused when incoming solar radiation is passed but outgoing thermal radiation is blocked by the atmosphere

global warming- warming that results when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere

hurricane- an intense, rotating oceanic weather system that possesses maximum sustained winds exceeding 119 km/hr (74 mph)

industrial waste- Wastes from any factory, transportation apparatus, from scientific research, dredging, sewage and scrap metal.

drought- temporary abnormalities determined by deficient precipitation

endangered species- species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction

exhaust fumes - gases ejected from an engine as waste products

flood- A form of natural disaster when there is more water than the lakes, rivers, oceans, or groundcan hold


  1. Writing.Письмо.

Т: Look at the pictures and try to guess what kind of pollution is this.

  1. Speaking. Говоріння.

(Робота в міні-групах).

Т: Now you will work in small groups. I’ll give you cards with the text. Your task is to read the text, understand the problem and find the ways which can solve this problem. You have 4 min to do this task.

(Учні поділяються на 3 группы, отримають завдання на картках і висловлюють свої думки).

Text 1.

Many years ago people started building factories. Those factories and many of the things they make, like cars, put a lot of harmful gases into the air. Then people started driving cars, which added more pollution to the air. (Air pollution)

P: (Air pollution cars and factories are emitting dangerous fumes. As a result, more and more people are developing breathing problems. We think that government should ban cars from city centres and force factories to use filters).

Text 2.

The planet Earth is mostly water. Oceans cover the biggest part of it - and there are lakes, rivers, streams, and even water underground. All life on Earth – from the bug to the biggest whale – depends on this water. It’s precious. But we’re not doing a very good job of keeping water clean. In many places, the water has become polluted. (Water pollution).

P: Factories pollute rivers with dangerous chemicals and oil tankers pollute the sea. As a result, the rivers get contaminated and the fish in the rivers and the sea die. We think governments should impose strict fines on factories and vessel companies.

Text 3.

Unfortunately, people have always polluted their surroundings. Most of our rubbish goes to big holes in the ground, called «dumps». But dumps are very dangerous for our life, because they are full of rats, which can carry infections away from dumps. (Dumps)

P: People drop litter in the streets. As a result, streets become dirty and people contract diseases. I think governments should recycle litter and people should use recycling bins to dispose of their litter.


  1. Speaking and discussing. Говоріння і обговорення.

 (Робота в парах)

Т: And now in your group but in pairs discuss the problems our planet is facing today such as global warming, Use the language in the box below and suggest solutions. 


 1. (Soil pollution).

P1: I believe that soil pollution is getting worse every year. What do you think?

P2: I agree. Dropping litter can result in dirty street.

P1: That’s true. A useful suggestion would be to use litter bins instead of dropping litter carelessly. Do you agree?

P2: Yes, that’s a good idea. To stop pollution, I think we should encourage industries to use cleaner methods of production.

P1: Yes. And it would be a good idea if we could also recycle more of our waste, so there would be less rubbish.


2. (Air pollution)

P1: It seems to me that air pollution is getting worse and worse in big cities. What do you think?

P2: I agree. I think it would be a good idea if cars were banned from city centres. Do you agree?

P1: Yes. In this way, air pollution would certainly be reduced.

P2: The situation would be improved if people try to use bicycles instead of cars especially in cities.

P1: That’s true. Air pollution can cause serious breathing problems.

P2: And not only that. It can also cause diseases like cancer.

P2: the problem would be solved if government could also help by creating more national parks.


3. (Water pollution)

P1: I believe that water pollution is getting worse every year. What do you think?

P2: I agree. Water pollution can cause stomach illnesses.

P1: That’s true. And not only that, but also many fish die.

P2: I think the problem would be solved if industries stop using so many harmful chemicals.

P1: I agree. Moreover, the situation would be improved if the government could fine factories which pollute the seas and rivers.


  1. Listening  and writing. Аудіювання і письмо.

Перед виконанням завдання учні отримають завдання на картках. Заповнюють їх, прослухавши запис та перевіряють свої відповіді зі слайдом.

T: What can we do to solve this problem? Read the table, then listen to the tape and fill in the missing information. Finally, we will talk about the problems, causes and effects mentioned.





lack of education

streets are dirty, people catch diseases

air pollution

factories and cars pollute the air

cause serious health problems, trees and plants are damaged

water pollution

factories dump waste into rivers, sea is polluted withoil from tankers

people suffer from stomach problems, fish are killed, rivers are contaminated

destruction of forests

people cut down or burn forests

animals and plants lose their homes, animals may even become extinct, people have less oxygen to breathe

T: You are absolutely right! Let’s look at the screen!


  1. Listening. Аудіювання.

 (Group work).

Pupils are split into 3 groups. The task is for each group.

Pre-listening activity

T: What can we do to protect the environment?

If you care about the environment, always remember THE THREE R’s!

While- listening activity

Now I want you to listen to the song and write down

Group 1: what can we reduce?

Group 2: what can we reuse?

Group 3: what can we recycle?

(Учні слухають дивляться відео ролик, слухають і виконують завдання)

After-listening activity

Write down your offers about the 3 R’s.  How can we follow each item?


Group 1: We can do that by buying unpacked goods, like fruit and vegetables, rather than goods which are packed in plastic.

Group 2: We shouldn’t put some plastic bags into the bin. We should use them again. Try to use things as many times as possible before you throw them away.

Group 3:  Glass, plastic, paper –they can all be recycled.


  1.  Pre-reading  (бесіда з учнями)

Т: Fortunately, people are trying to do smth. to help our nature to survive. What environmental organizations do you know?

              Reading (ex.4, p.152)

Т: Read about British environmental groups, and complete each paragraph (1-3) with the suitable final sentence(A-C).

 (Учні самостійно читають текст вправи й доповнюють його пропущеними реченнями (А-С). Потім читають текст удруге й заповнюють таблицю (НО) за його змістом.)


Fill in the table.

              Environmental Group






             Post-reading  activity

Складання повідомлень за змістом прочитаного.

(Учні, користуючись матеріалом таблиці (НО),по черзі розповідають про одну з організацій із захисту довкілля).


  1. Creative work. Творча робота.

 (Робота в групах)

T: Would you like to create your own environmental club? Let’s create it! Take the cards and divide into 2 groups. Here’s the club’s card.

Name your club.

Create a slogan (a phrase which describes your club’s activities).

Write the environmental problems.

Write down your ideas and solutions (How can we help the environment).

   P1. Hello, dear friends! We are the members of the organization “Eco group” which does much to preserve the environment.

   P2. The aim of our organization is to protect the nature, to save the life on the planet not only for the sake of present but also for the future generations. Earth is our home, and we must take care of it.

          P3. “Eco group” protests against different kinds of pollution.

-We want to stop climate change.

-We protect forests.

-We defend oceans.

-We work for peace and disarmament.

-We work on challenging nuclear power, promoting sub stainable agriculture and eliminating toxic chemicals.

Приклади слоганів «Give the animals a chance to breed and survive!», «Clean air and clean water are necessary for existence of all living sings!», «On polluted soil, food cannot be grown!», «Let’s help our planet to be clean and safe for future generations!», «The rainforests need to be protected!», «Let’s prevent the threat to biological diversity!», «Plant more trees!», «Don’t destroy our habitats!», «Keep fishermen’s nets out of the water!», «Pesticides are taking our lives!», «Protect us from hunters!», «Industrial waste is polluting our seas!», «Create more protected national parks!», «Stop cutting and burning forests!»

       We are the Local organization  «Save the nature»

       We regularly take part in ecological actions :

-every year we gather trash, litter in the local park, clear the spring, put the small tables with slogans “ Save Our Nature”;

-We are working hard to make the pupils environmentally aware and our motto is “ Think globally, work locally”.

 Звертання представників Save the nature

Любіть природу рідну,

Завжди милуйтесь нею

Ранковими світанками,

Вечірньою зорею.

Любіть дерева голі,

Любіть дерева в шатах.

Вони, ніби колискова,

Неначе рідна хата.

T: Fortunately, people are trying to do something to help our nature to survive.

 The future of the Earth is in our hands. The famous writer Galsworthy said “If you don’t think about the nature, you will not have it”. Let’s think about the nature. Let’s keep our planet tidy and make it better place to live in.

T: Проблеми глобального характеру можна розв’язати, якщо кожна країна буде займатися ними на своїй території. Чистий дім, чиста вулиця, чиста країна, чиста Земля.Ecological problems worry not only countries, governments, but everybody of us. Only together we can change the world for better. It’s true that you should think global and act local.


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку


T: All of you were active and showed good knowledge, you were imaginative. Now I’m sure you are really green generation and you are able to vote for clean environment.

2. Reflexation. Рефлексія

T: I`d like you to fill in a self-assessment card at the end of the lesson (звучить пісня Н.Матвієнко).


Points (0-3)

I can tell many names of ecological problems


I can understand the text in English easily


I can communicate on the topic


I can work in group


I know safety measures


I`ve got good listening skills






18-13 – a very good result

12-7 – rather well

6-0 – not good


3. Evaluation.Оцінювання.

 T: The beginner level (Початковий рівень):

………… Your marks are not good, because you knew the most common words, but not always correctly used them in speech.

The average level (Середній рівень):

…………You used simple sentences with the reliance. You had some mistakes in your speech.

The sufficient level (Достатній рівень):

………You were able to speak correctly, made the report on the topic.

The high level (Високий рівень):

…… You were able to speak without preparation and kept the conversation appropriate for your situation,effectively using language means.


4. Homework. Інструктаж з виконання д/з. 

T: Your home task is to write an essay «Environmental protection».

Our lesson is over. Good bye!



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