Урок з теми "Подорожуємо англомовними країнами"

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Розробка уроку у 8му класі на тему: Подорожуємо англомовними країнами.


Освітня: формувати більш повне уявлення учнів про англомовні країни, поглибити і розширити знання про відомі та нові факти, тренувати учнів у читанні, письмі, говорінні і аудіюванні.

Перегляд файлу

Розробка уроку у 8 класі.

Тема: Подорожуємо англомовними країнами. Мета:

Практична: формувати в учнів міжкультурну комунікативну компетенцію (вимовні лексичні навички, мовленнєві тощо) Освітня: формувати більш повне уявлення учнів про англомовні країни, поглибити і розширити знання про вже відомі та нові факти, тренувати учнів в читанні, письмі, говорінні й аудіюванні.

Розвивальна: Розвивати пам'ять та логіку, розумові та речові здібності учнів.

Виховна: виховувати толерантне відношення й пізнавальний інтерес учнів до англомовних країн.

Обладнання: Комп’ютер, проектор, презентація в Power Point, сайти:

(Random dice!, You-tube), завдання на картках.


Introduction.  Greeting.

- Good morning children. How are you? I'm glad you're fine.

Now as you are divided into two teams we can start our lesson.

Today you will have the tasks to do to compete to be the winning team. But please be attentive, tolerant and friendly to each other.

First I’d like to create a warm and friendly atmosphere. So I suggest you wish something pleasant to your classmates. Let’s start a “wish chain”


1.   I wish you good impressions.

2.   I wish you witty answers.

3.   I wish you to be successful in life.

4.   I wish you excellent marks.

5.   I wish you, our dear teacher, clever and creative pupils.

6.   I wish you good luck.

7.   I wish you happiness8. I wish you to be healthy.

Warming- up

And now I want to draw your attention to the screen. Please answer the following questions in turns. Слайд 3

-   Where are these people?

-   What are they doing?

-   Why do they buy tickets?

-   Are they enjoying themselves?

-   Why do people travel?

-   Do you like travelling?

Повідомлення теми:

So, what do you think is the theme of our today’s lesson?

Слайд 4

You are right. The theme of our lesson is "Traveling around the Englishspeaking countries".

And now try to guess what we are going to do in our lesson today.

Yes, today we are going to check how you remember the main facts about Great

Britain and the USA. Also we're going to travel to Canada, New Zealand and Australia with the help of your classmates. We will play and listen to a famous song. I hope you will enjoy the lesson and this experience will help you get to know the English speaking countries better.

So we begin with the first task. Let's check the motto  of our lesson…

Слайд 5

Better to see something once than to hear about it many times.

So, the first team, do you agree with it?

(Yes we do. Because it is very interesting to visit different countries and cities to see all the sights.

Travelling teaches us more than anything else).

I now an English proverb for the second team:

Slide 6.

He that travels far knows much.

Try to explain this saying.

Повторення вивченого.

Thank you and off we go to the next task.

I want you to remember some facts about the United Kingdom and the USA.

See the next slide. Who wants to be the first? The lot will decide.

Slide 8. Random questions about the UK.

Slide 9. Random questions about the USA.

Okay, thank you teams. We are moving to the next task and it's a  board game about the UK! Who is going to be the first? Slide 11

Перевірка домашнього творчого завдання.

Thank you and now it's a high time to listen to our presenters telling us about Canada, New Zealand and Australia. As you know I asked three volontiers to prepare a presentation. Your task will be to listen to the presentation and make questions to the presenter. Each question and each answer will bring you a point. Now let's see who is ready. You're welcome! Slides 12, 13

To finish our journey I have prepared for you a famous song "Englishman in New York" performed by the world- known star Sting.

Slide 14.

Your task is to listen to the song once. Then I give you the text with the missing words and while you're listening you'll write the missing words into spaces. We're going to check the spelling of your answers. The more correct answers the more points you'll get.

Заключна частина. Summary.

Well, time really flies quickly. And now our lesson is coming to the end. You've worked hard to get the marks...

Your homework is to prepare a report about your favorite sight from any English speaking country and tell the class about it on the next lesson.

Thank you for your participation. Have a great day! Goodbye!

30 березня 2021
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