Урок з використанням комп’ютерних технологій по темі «Famous Composers» 8 клас

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Розвиток лексичних навичок мовлення. Удосконалення навичок читання та аудіювання. Активізація граматичного матеріалу по темі складання різних типів запитань.
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Урок з використанням комп’ютерних технологій по темі «Famous Composers» 8 клас


Гайдамака Т.М. вчитель англійської мови, Городищенський заклад середньої освіти I-III ступенів №2 Городищенської міської ради Черкаської області  

Підтема:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Практична: розвиток лексичних навичок  мовлення.

Удосконалення навичок читання  та аудіювання.

Активізація граматичного матеріалу по темі складання різних типів запитань.

Розвиваюча :розвивати увагу, пам'ять, уяву.

Розвивати швидку мовленнєву реакцію, комунікативність.

Освітня: розширити знання учнів про музику.

Виховна: формувати повагу до культури інших народів.

Виховувати почуття відповідальності перед своїми однокласниками, етику взаємовідносин.

Обладнання: підручник « English», карточки із завданнями, комп’ютер з записами різних стилів музики, презентація А. В. Моцарт, тексти, дидактичний матеріал, роздатковий матеріал.


Хід уроку

1. Введення у сферу мовленнєвої діяльності


Т: Dear children, good - morning! Your are welcome to our lesson. I am glad to see you healthy. Today you'll hear more new material and reports, some music and music written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.  From your lessons of Famous Composers “you know a lot about biography of Amadeus Mozart . I hope that after this lesson you will love and listen to classical music  .


T: Today we are going to speak about music. People all over the world are fond of music. I think you won’t deny the fact that the role of music in our life is very important. We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the concert halls and in the parks. Some people listen to music, others dance to music, and some learn to play musical instruments.
But what is the role of music in your life?

P1 – As for me, I music helps me to relax.
P2 – Music is a voice for the thoughts and feelings.
P3 – As for me I play the piano and sing songs.
P4 – I sing songs while doing something.
P5 – Music gives me pleasure and a sense of happiness.
P6 – Music reflects my mood and emotions.
P7 – Listening to music is a good way to spend my free time and not to feel bored.
P8 – I dance to music.
P9 - Music gives me delight.

2. Основна частина уроку

Робота в парах:

T: Interviewing is fun and useful. It helps us understand people's tastes. Make a musical programme for TV. You may take into consideration your friends' opinions. We have interviewed our friends to find out their tastes in music.

T: Worked out a questionnaire for the interview using the questions below.

  • What is your favourite sort of music?
  • Do your close friends share the same tastes in music as you?
  • Where and when do you listen to music?
  • If you could choose one musical instrument to be able to play brilliantly, what instrument would it be?
  • Do you like having background music while you are working?
  • How often do you go to concerts?
  • Do you buy records, cassettes or compact discs? If so, how often?
  • What usually makes you decide that you want to buy a certain record (disc, cassette)?
  • Do you have one or two favorite performers (groups, orchestras) at the moment? If so, who?
  • What instrument do you most like the sound of?
  • Do you have an ear for music?

The results

T: Show that young people in our group prefer pop and rap music. Most people listen to music at their free time, some like having background music while working. The musical instrument they would like to play brilliantly is a piano and then comes a guitar. Most of the group buys the cassettes or CDs with new or favorite songs. Some of the group decides to buy a cassette or a CD if it becomes popular among their friends. Moreover the pupils admit that they have no ear for music. And finally, there are pupils who have one favorite performer and they would like to tell us about them

T: The world of music is rich and varied, isn't it?


Т: Match the musical terms and definitions.

a) a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words

b) an American style of music based on variation. Since its beginning in the black community of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA around the turn of the century, it has continuously been involved into many different styles. The constant elements are improvisation and variation

c) a style of music that was popular especially in the 1950s but is still played now. It has a strong, loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments
d) music that is popular in and originated from the southern and western United States. It has many sources: traditional ballads, cowboy songs, Mexican music and the like
e) a type of music that has its origins in America's black community. Most songs are about loneliness, sadness or lost love, sometimes the words express a humorous reaction to life's troubles

jazz, country music, rock’n’roll, blues, rap


Т: The world of music is rich and varied, isn’t it? Now, listen to the music, match the musical terms and definitions.

1) reggae

a) A style of music that was popular especially in the 1950s but it is still played now. It has a strong, loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments.

2) blues

b) A style of music that has a strong loud beat and played on electric guitars with great effort or energy.

3) hard rock

c) A musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.

4) rap

d) A slow, popular song telling, a story about loneliness, sadness or lost love.

5) romantic ballad

e) A type of music that has its origins in America’s black community. Most songs are about sadness or lost love, sometimes the words express a humorous reaction to life’s troubles.

6) rock’n’roll

f) West Indians popular music and dance with strong rhythms.

Key: 1f, 2e, 3b, 4c, 5d, 6a.


( перевірка домашнього завдання робота з підручником )

Звучить музика В.Моцарта «Весілля Фігаро»

Т: I think this is classical music. It’s rather quiet, romantic. I like this music. It evokes different feelings in me. It makes me remember summer. It portrays a light sunny day. Classical music is breathtaking and unforgettable

Teacher: Who is the composer of this music?

Pupil: I think it is Mozart. I guess it is a piece from his opera “The Marriage of Figaro”

TeacherYes, it is. And now I’d like you to form 3 groups:

( вчитель представляє увазі учнів презентацію Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

Робота в групах (клас ділиться на три групи)

The task for the first group: the following parts of the text about Mozart are mixed up. Put them in the right order


  1. When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and his sister to the big cities of Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria, France, England, and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a small boy playing the clavier.
  2. Burdens of life, poverty and disease speeded up his death. He died at the age of 35. The real fame came to Mozart only after his death. Many people now know and like his music.
  3. Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. He was born in1756. His father, a violinist and a composer, noticed wonderful talent of his son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
  4. When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He could not imagine his life without music. By the age of 19 Mozart was the author of ten major musical works.
  5. Being four years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was five or six he started composing music. At the age of eight-nine Mozart created his first symphonies and at the age of ten- his first creations for musical theatre.
  6. At the age of 26 he moved from his native town to Vienna. Though he didn’t have a great success as a composer in Vienna, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies.

Keys: 1-C, 2-E, 3-A, 4-D, 5-F, 6-B.

Teacher: The task for the second group: Fill in the gaps in the text with necessary words.

Wolfgang Mozart

Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian ____. He was born in 1756. His father, a violinist and a composer, noticed wonderful ____ of his son and taught him how to play musical ____ and to compose.

Being four years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was five or six he started ____ music. At the age of 8-9 Mozart created his first symphonies and at the age of ten- his first creations for musical theatre.

When he was six years old his father decided to _____ him and his sister to the big cities of Europe. Two children gave _____ in Germany, Austria, France, England, and Switzerland. The ____ was delighted to see such a small boy playing the _____.

When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He could not imagine his life without ____.

By the age of 19 Mozart was the _____ of ten Major musical works.

At the age____ of 26 he moved from his native town to Vienna. Though he didn’t have a great success, ____ as a composer in Vienna, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies.

Burdens of his life, poverty and disease speeded up his _____. He died at the age of 35.

The real fame _____ to Mozart only after his death. Many people now know and like his _____.

Teacher: The task for the third group of students: You’ll read some more interesting information about Mozart and tell everybody you have learned about this great composer.

  1. When Mozart was a small boy he played the clavier and the violin, but he was afraid of the trumpet very much. He didn’t like the sound of this instrument. One day his father decided to suppress his son’s fear of the trumpet and began playing it to his face. Hardly had little Wolfgang heard such a deafening sound he fainted. His father decided not to make him play the trumpet any more.
  2. Here is an announcement of the concert, which was given by Mozart and his sister in Paris, “Today, on August 30, 1763, at 6 p.m. the last concert will take place: a girl of 12 years old and her brother of seven years old will play the clavier. The girl will perform the most difficult compositions of famous masters and the boy will play the violin and will perform the clavier concerto and also will play blindfolded so well as if he can see the keyboard perfectly, then he will imitate all the sounds emitted with different instruments or things such as bells, glasses, alarm-clocks. And at last he will play the organ as much as the audience wishes since he can do it perfectly.”
  3. When Mozart was twelve he started composing operas. Famous composers and musicians of that time, who had admired Mozart’s talent before, were afraid of his great success, they saw a serious rival in him and began spreading the news that it was his father not the boy himself who wrote operas. They hated him and became the Mozarts’ enemies. It was very difficult to prove the public that it was really young Wolfgang who composed such beautiful operas. The tunes from his opera “The Marriage of Figaro” could be heard everywhere. People loved the opera, it became the folk music.
  4.  Mozart died very suddenly after a short illness. Rumors had it that he had been poisoned, but it is more likely that he had a weak heart. He died so poor that only the gravedigger attended his funeral. There are many legends around Mozart’s death/ They say two weeks before his death a man in black visited him anonymously and ordered him to write a requiem. Mozart agreed because he needed money badly. He was a romantic and impressionable man. He felt sure that it was his death. The visitor in black was just a certain count who wanted to publish the requiem as his own composition.

Teacher:  Now, let’s listen to the story about of W. Mozart.

Кожна група вибирає номер питання в таблиці. Питання записане на картці, але його частинки перемішані. Потрібно правильно поставити його. Якщо запитання поставлене правильно то команди отримують очки.











  1. when / born / Mozart / where / was / and?
  2. did / father / what / his / him / teach?
  3. music / he / composing / did / when / start?
  4. Mozart / young / countries / visit / what / did?
  5. did / when / come / Mozart / to / fame / the / real?
  6. by / did / works / he / how / 19 / of / age / many / create / the?
  7. Mozart / a / enemies / of / didn’t / had / lot / he / young?
  8. great / he / what / compose / did / operas?
  9. suddenly / didn’t / 35 / he / the / died / age / he / of / at?

Кросворд:(робота в групах)Across:

  1. A religious song sung originally by the black peoples of the USA.
  2. The national song of a country.
  3. A large musical instrument played by pressing narrow black or white bars.
  4. A person who directs (conducts) the playing of a group of musicians.
  5. A religious song.
  6. A musical performance.
  7. A musical instrument with six or more strings, a long neck and a wooden body.


1. A piece of music for a large group of instruments, usually having four parts.

8. A large group of people who play music together on stringed and other instruments.

Answers:   Across:

  1. spiritual
  2. anthem
  3. piano
  4. conductor
  5. hymn
  6. concert
  7. guitar


1. symphony

8. orchestra

3. Підсумок уроку

Teacher: It’s time we finished our lesson. You’ve worked hard, I am satisfied with your work. What was difficult for you?

T: As a conclusion, I’d like to say that music is the universal language of mankind. It’s true. Musicians all over the world understand each other with the help of music. The words may not be known, but melody is clear to all people. Music has a great power. It helps them to understand each other. Music is the universal language of mankind. Listen to classical music!  Your home task is to write a composition about your favourite Ukrainian composer.

До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
18 лютого 2022
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