Test Form 8 page 141-143 підручник Карп’юк О.Д.
a). John`s idol
b). Linda`s idol
c). our friend
2. Piano concert is
a). old-fashioned
b). modern
c). traditional
3. Quality music is
a). класична музика
b). сучасна музика
c). якісна музика
4. Hundred thousand people were…
a). at school
b). at the shop
c). at the stadium
5. Who is the king of the piano?
a). Linda
b). John
c). Maxim
6. Giant loudspeakers are
a). гігантська сцена
b). гігантські гучномовці
c). гігантський стадіон
7. Chopin`s music is about..
a). school
b). love and pears
c). wars
8. A matter of taste is
a). справа смаку
b). що трапиться
c). час тесту
9. Who are Linda and John?
a). teachers
b). children
c). mothers
10. Who gave John`s a few hints?
a). his friend
b). his mother
c). his piano teacher
11. Who hates the artificial hysteria?
a). Linda
b). John
c). Maxim