Тема : «Music is Heard Everywhere.»
Цілі: Закріпити знання вивченої лексики;розвиток навичок аудіювання; уміння працювати в групі, взаємодіяти з колективом; формувати уміння усної взаємодії.
Обладнання: Маршрутні листи,ноутбуки,картa із завданнями.
Тип уроку : Урок за технологією змішаного навчання (ротація за станціями).
Хід уроку
1.Організація класу
(привітання ,повідомлення теми,цілей уроку та об’єднання в групи)
T: Good morning. How are you ? Today our lesson is dedicated to music. It is impossible to live without it, it follows us everywhere, it is in our hearts, feelings and souls. Today we are going to revise everything we have learnt about music , styles of music , music tastes , practice our listening, reading , speaking.
T: First of all we need to form 3 groups. Take the card from the bag. Find your group by colour. Take a seat at a table that has the colour of your card. There you will find route sheets that will explain the tasks that need to be done at each station. You will have 13 minutes for each station. When you pass all the stations you will have to express your own opinions about music.What place does it take in your life?
2. Робота групами по станціях
(Маршрутні листи із завданнями)
3. Підсумок
4 . Домашнє завдання
Make a presentation “Music in my life”
Route sheet
1 station «E-learning»
1. Watch the video ” Music Is Great”
2. Do the tasks below the video
3. Write the answer What The Premises is?
2 station «Collaborative Activity»
1. Do the tasks on the map “MUSIC”(Teamwork)
2. Continue the sentence
For me music is …
3 station «Face-to-Face»
Work with a teacher ( Speaking )
1 station
1. Watch the video ” Music Is Great”
2. Do the tasks below the video
3. Write the answer What The Premises is?
2 station
«Collaborative Work»
1. Do the tasks on the map “MUSIC” (Teamwork)
2. Continue the sentence
For me music is …
2. Continue the sentence
For me music is …
3 station
Work with a teacher ( Speaking )
T: Let’s do Brainstorming. What words do you associate with the word ‘music’?
T: So, you like the music, don’t you? What music do you like listening? Brainstorm some adjectives that come to your mind when you listen to the music you like.
Ps: gentle, joyful, touchy, passionate, soft, sweet, romantic, sentimental, breathtaking, melodious.
T: And what kind music irritates you?
Ps: violent, loud, boring complicated, annoying, sad, monotonous, scary, thoughtless.
T: How do you understand these words?
1) my favourite songwriter
2) talented singer
3) brilliant songs
4) great voice
5) wonderful performer
6) her/his concerts are exciting
T : Choose a card and answer the question.
T: I also like music and today I want to tell you about my favourite singer Adele.
T: Who is your favourite singer or band? Tell about your favourite singers, musicians or groups using sequencing expressions: