Урок "Засоби масової інформації"

Про матеріал
Ви напевно всі у своєму житті зустрічалися з різноманітними засобами масової інформації (радіо, газети, поштові марки, фотографія тощо), але можливо не знали, що вони і є різновидами ЗМІ. Потік інформації, що постійно надходить та споживається нами, став для цивілізованої людини не просто важливим, а й життєво необхідним. Проведені в багатьох країнах експерименти з метою з'ясувати справжнє значення інформації для психічного і навіть фізичного здоров'я людини показали, що вже через 15 хвилин після перекривання потоку будь-якої інформації (це також стосується інформації, яку отримує людина через органи відчуттів — зір, слух, тактильні тощо) у людини починаються справжні розлади психіки. Можна собі уявити на скільки важлива для людини інформація. Саме для задоволення таких потреб й існують засобимасової інформації.
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Урок у 8 класі

на тему:

«Mass Media»








Mass Media

Aims: to improve students’ skills for reading, listening, speaking and writing.

To develop creative skills.

To practice the use using of direct and indirect speech.

To practice a work on projects making computer presentations.

To educate interest in using mass media.

Equipment: books, cards, a noughts and crosses grid, presentations, computer, clothes for heroes from the tale.

Type of the lesson: lesson - project



-         Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you today! How are you?

-         I’m fine…

Warm up

Game “Guess the word”

-         Let’s guess a word  - 13, 1, 22, 22   13, 5, 4 10, 1 (mass media)


-         Today we continue to tell about mass media and to the end of our lesson you’ll represent your projects. And we’ll try to generalize our knowledge from this unit.

Game “Noughts and Crosses”

-         You will be divided into two teams A and B. On the board you see a noughts and crosses grid. Each team will answer my questions The object of the game is the same as the original noughts and crosses game: to get 3 consecutive crosses or noughts: either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

  1. Translate the word “mass media”
  2. How many kinds of mass media are there? (2)
  3. What kinds of mass media are there?
  4. What print mass media do you know?
  5. What electronic mass media do you know?
  6. Translate «Ми передплачуємо газети»
  7. Translate «Вони використовують інтернет»
  8. In what mass media do commentator work?
  9. In what mass media do lighting specialist work?

The presentation of the first group “Newspaper”

Work with the textbook

-         Open your books at page 91 look ex. 3. Read some headlines from British and American newspapers and say what types of newspapers they may be from.

  1. Rare mountain gorilla born in Congo park
  2. Top Italian film-maker beaten in Rome
  3.  World Health Organization warns of global epidemic risk
  4. Britain enjoying ‘digital boom’

Reading. Work in pairs

  1.   Read the text and fill in the necessary words: technology, independent, regional, control, national, free.

         Great Britain is really a newspaper reading nation. More _____________and _____________daily papers are sold in Britain than in most other developed countries. The press is _________ to comment on matter of public interest, subject to law. There is no state ____________ or censorship off the press, which caters for a variety of political views, interests and level of education. Newspapers are almost always financially __________of any political party.

           All national newspapers use computer ____________, and its use in the provincial press is increasing.

          The twelve national morning daily papers are available in most parts of Britain.

  1.    Choose the best headline for this text:

-         Press in the USA.

-         Press in Great Britain.

-         Mass Media.

-         Mass Media in the English-speaking countries.


The presentation of the second group “Television“


Acting the tale «The three little pigs»

1-st group


Decide if the following statements about the tale are true (T) or false (F).

  1. This story is about cats. (F)
  2. There were 5 pigs in the tale. (F)
  3. The Rosy Pig had made the house of sticks ()
  4. The Black Pig had made the house of grass ()
  5. The white Pig had made a house of bricks
  6.  The wolf has eaten the three little pigs. (F)



2-nd group 


Make a dialogue. Talk if you like this cartoon or not.


Development of grammar skills

-         Complete the sentences in reported speech.

Pupils of variant I will do 1, 2 and variant II – 3, 4.

  1. “What’s time is it?” he asked. – He wanted to know…
  2. “How long does the film last?” - Could you tell me…
  3. “Did you see my magazine?” Martin asked. – Martin asked us…
  4. “How often do you use the internet?” – Could you tell me…


-         There are a lot of genres of music. What of the do you know?

Today we’ll try to sing the song which you know “Old Macdonald had a farm”. But we’ll do it in rep style. Look at the board. Let’s sing

Old Macdonald has a farm, e-i-e-o.

On that farm he has some comp, e-i-e-o.

Comp, comp’s here, Comp, comp’s there

Here comp, there comp, everywhere comp, comp.

Old Macdonald has a farm, e-i-e-o.

The presentation of the third group “Internet”


-         I agree that Internet is very popular now. And you can use it and I’m sure you can write e-mail messages. So, you task is to write an e-mail to your friend. Write your and his\her e-mail address.


-         Retell the text “Press in Great Britain”


We had worked on information of different kinds of Mass Media, what summary can you do?

        Finish the sentence:

I think…

In my mind…

In my opinion…

As for me…

-         You have faces on your desk draw if you like our lesson or not.

-         I thank you for your work. You were really very active today.




















I think Mass Media is very important because you can get know news.

In my opinion Mass Media can be also used for entertainment.

As for me Mass Media must be necessary part of our life if we want to be educated people.



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