Урок "Zero and First Conditionals"

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Конспект уроку для учнів 9 класу на тему "Zero and First Conditionals". Матеріал для вивчення граматичного матеріалу
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Form 9

Topic: “Zero and First Conditionals.”


  • The students learn how to form and use the Zero and the First Conditionals.


     By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • explain how to form and use the Zero and the First Conditionals;
  • distinguish between the Zero and the First Conditionals;
  • form and use the Zero and the First Conditionals.

Materials: cards with tasks, videos of grammar quizzes from YouTube, self-assessment cards, the presentation.    


1. Greeting  

T: Good afternoon, children. I am glad to see you. How is it going?

2. Aim          

T: The topic of our lesson is “Zero and First Conditionals”. Today we are going to learn how to form and use the Zero and the First Conditionals. By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to distinguish between the Zero and the First Conditionals, form and use them.

3. Warming-up     

T: I’ve read an interesting quotation in the Internet “If you never try, you’ll never know”. How do you understand it? Do you agree or disagree with it? Why?

4. Grammar

    4.1. Grammar Explanation.  

T: Let’s start our grammar. Both Ukrainian and English have got conditionals. Let’s compare some sentences in these two languages.

Якщо він знайде інформацію в Інтернеті, то закінчить свій проєкт.

If he finds the information in the Internet, he will finish his project.

Вода закипить, якщо ти нагрієш її до 100 °С.

Water boils when you heat it to 100 °С.

Ми подивимось фільм у кінотеатрі, якщо придбаємо квитки заздалегідь.

We’ll watch the film in the cinema if we buy the tickets beforehand.


T: Conditionals consist of two parts “if clause” and “main clause”. “If clause” expresses condition and “main clause” expresses the result. Read the rules with the examples.

The Zero Conditional expresses situations that are always true and refer to “all time”, not just the present or future.

if clause

main clause

If (when) + noun/pronoun + Present Simple

noun/pronoun + Present Simple

Flowers die if we don’t water them.

 If I drop an egg, it breaks.

We use the First Conditional to talk about something that may happen in the future, as a result of a possible action or situation.

if clause

main clause


If (when)  + noun/pronoun + Present Simple

noun/pronoun + Future Simple (will/won’t (will not))

noun/pronoun + modal verbs

(can, might, may, should, must, have to) + verb

You’ll have a great time if you come in July,.

If you aren’t too tired, you can (you’ll) take part in our snowball competition.

  • When the sentence begins with if/when, we use a comma. 
  • When we use if/when in the middle of the sentence, we don’t use a comma. 

T: Make some notes in your copybooks. 

 4.2. Grammar Practice.

T: Do the exercises. Look at the screen and choose the right option.

  •     Exercise 1. The Zero Conditional. (The students do 5 sentences.)

 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPZ4ZBSKdSI

  •     Exercise 2. The First Conditional. (The students do 5 sentences.)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwLsKs64b08

   4.3. Grammar Practice. Group Work.

T: Let’s do the tasks in groups. Read the sentences and identify the type of conditional. Then complete the sentences. Use the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets.

Group 1

1. If Jack trains a lot, he ________ (win) the competition.

2. We’ll miss the beginning of the concert if we __________ (not hurry).

3. The teacher __________ (get angry) if the students don’t stop talking.

4. When babies ______ (to be) hungry, they cry.

Group 2

1. I ______ (show) you my new computer if you come to my house.

2. When you add sugar, the sauce   _________ (taste) sweeter.

3. If Mary _______ (eat) too many candies, she will spoil her teeth.

4. He always ______  (take) his umbrella when it rains.

Group 3

1. Jane will help your children if you ________ (ask) her.

2. If you ______   (mix) red and green, you get brown.

3. The dog _______ (start) barking if Bob feeds him immediately.

4. When you heat ice, it ______ (melt).


Group 4

1. The students ______ (go) on a school trip if they study hard.

2. If my car _______ (not work), I’ll take it to the mechanic.

3. Water _______  (become) ice when you put it in the freezer.

4. If you drop a glass on the floor, it _____   (break).

(Some sentences were used from the website: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/if_clauses/zero_conditional.htm )

T: Read the sentences. Explain your choice. Other groups may correct the mistakes.

5. Speaking.

T: Finish the sentences:

  •     If my friend has a birthday, ... .
  •     When I meet my close friend, … .
  •     If my mum needs help, … .
  •     If the weather is good tomorrow, … .

6. Homework                         

T: Your homework is to finish doing the tasks from the videos. Finish the sentences in writing form:

  •     If my friend has a birthday, ... .
  •     When I meet my close friend, … .
  •     If my mum needs help, … .
  •     If the weather is good tomorrow, … .

7. Reflection. Self-assessment.                   

T: What types of conditionals have we learnt?  What are the differences between their forms?

T: Use the self-assessment card and evaluate your work today.

Self-assessment card


The tasks were easy. I’ve done all the tasks correctly.



The majority of the tasks were easy. I’ve done more than half of them.



The tasks were a bit difficult. I’ve done nearly half of them.



The tasks were difficult. I’ve done less than the third part of them.



T: The lesson is over. You’re free. Goodbye!












Fishchuk Svitlana
20 лютого
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