Усний журнал з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу"Window on Britain"

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В даній розробці на основі випереджальної групової роботи й зібраного учнями і вчителем матеріалу формується і розвивається мовленнєва та аудитивна компетенція учнів, творчі здібності , виховується повагу до історичного минулого і сьогодення. Даний захід інтегрується з історичними й літературними матеріалами.

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Усний журнал «Window on Britain»


Мета :  на основі випереджальної групової роботи й зібраного учнями і вчителем матеріалу сформувати і розвивати мовленнєву та аудитивну компетенцію учнів, творчі здібності , виховувати повагу до історичного минулого і сьогодення. Інтегрувати з історичними й літературними матеріалами.


 We  have quests. They are English teachers. We are greeting them in our school. When the members of our circle gather we always remember the words: (показує на дошку де записане гасло В час дозвілля можна рости якщо розумно його провести

Today the members of our circle have prepared something very interesting. We shall see some pages of our magazine “Window on Britain

 You will know different interesting things about books. You will learn more about the history of English Literature revise the knowledge about the W. Shakespeare and greet all of you with the largest February holiday. 

 At the beginning I propose to you to guess some riddles!





  1. My Answer is in a big room is set

   It’s a place where books you get,

        And where good friends often meet,

          Haven’t you guessed my answer yet?

(a library)

                                   2. I have many learners,

                                       But I am not a free,

                                       I’m a nice thing,

                                       Come and read me.

(A book)

                                   3. The field is white

                                       Black in the seed

                                       The man who saw it

                                       Is clever indeed!

(A page in a book)


If you see It is very interesting page! How do you think what the first page will be about?







 (Входять учні 8 класу і виносять першу сторінку “Books are our best friends”).

1 стор. "Books are our best friends"

  1. Books are full of many things that I would like of know
    Books are full of greatest man that lived long, long ago
    Books are full of countries that I would like to see.
    Books are full of people that I would like to be.
  2.    Books are full of children that I would like to meet
    Books are full of sweet fruits that I like no lat
    Books are full of mountains that can be high or low.
    Books are full of flowers that I would like to grow
  3. Books are full of journeys that I would like to take
    Books are full of nice things that I would like to make
    Books are full of good songs that I would like to sing.
    Books are full of green trees that blossom every spring.
  4. Books are full of letter that I would like to write

Books are full of pen-friends both with black skin and while Books are full of many games that I like would like to play. Books are our best friends as people often say.

5. A book I think, is very like
A little golden door

That takes me into places Where I've never been before You will be wise if you read books.

6. You will be educated if you read books
You will be clever if you read books
You will be sensible if you read books

You will be beyond if you read books.

7. You will be dull if you don't read books
You will be funny if you don't read books
You will be silly if you don't read books
You will be stupid if you don't read books.

You will be foolish if you don't read books.


Пісня “Take me back to the Book Land”.

1. Take me back to the Bookland,

Everyone s is happy there

It's more then a girl and boy land

Where dreams, just like books, can be shaгed.

2.. If you believe in Bookland
Believe in things that you can not see,
All the world become joyland

What a wonderful world this would be!




At the English lesson you wrote compositions on the topic “Books in our life”.

- Listen to the best two compositions (читає 2 учнів).



Finishing our page we want to remind about the “Golden Rules”


“Golden Rules”

  1. Books are our best friends.
  2. Choose an author as you choose a friend.
  3. Never read while eating.
  4. You must not read books in bed.
  5. Return the books to the library in time.
  6. Wash your hands before you begin to read.
  7. Don4t tear the pages of the book.
  8. Do not make marks on the pages with a pen or a pencil.
  9. Do not make dog’s - ears in the books.
  10. Do not lose your books. That means that you lose your friends.


(Учні закривають сторінку)



І think that pupils understand that modern life is impossible without books. Books are really one of the greatest inventions of mankind, whatever we do, wherever we go, we always need a true friend and a good teacher. This friend and teacher for us is a book.


(Звучить класична музика.)




 - Next page we dedicate to the history of English Literature. You will hear about the English Literature from the Dawn period.

- Please, Let’s start to begin page №2

“From the history of English Literature”

(Учні виносять сторінку №2) 6 учнів.

Page №2

The Down of English Literature.


1. Many hundred years ago (about the 4th century before our era) the country we now call England was known as Britain, and the people who lived there were he Britons. They belonged to the Celtic raсe; the language they spoke was Celtic. Their culture, that it to say their way of thinking and their understanding of Nature, was very primitive. They believed that different gods lived in the thickest and darkest parts of the wood. The oak-tree was thought to be sacred. The Britons were governed by a class of priests called the Druids who had great power over them.

    By the time the Anglo-Saxons conquered Britain\, they already had letters of their own called "runes" which they carried on stone and wood, but they had no written language yet, and the stories and poems they made up had to be memorized. There letters were brought by the Anglo-Saxons to Britain. One very beautiful poem "Beowulf" has reached our days. This period may be called the dawn of English literature.


Anglo-Saxon Literature.


2. The culture of the early Britons changed greatly, under the influence Christianity. Christianity penetrated into the British Isles in the 3rd century. This was the time when the great Roman Empire was ruled by several emperors. The first poet which appeared in the 7th century was Caedmon wrote in Anglo-Saxon. The monks took him to the abbey, and from that time he spend his life in composing religious poetry. He wrote a poem -the "Paraphrase". It tells part of the Bible-story in alliterative verse.

Another writer of the time was Bede. Born in 673. He wrote in Latin. His famouse book "The History of the English church" was well known. Bede died in the year 735.

   The literature of the early Middle Ayes taught that Man was an evil being at his life on earth was a sinful life. As Man was subordinated to good, he had to prepare himself for the after life by mortifying his passions.   


The Literature of the Norman Period.


3. Most of the British writers and poets about whom we are going to speak were educated at universities. It will be interesting to know how and when the two great universities of Oxford and Cambridge were founded in England. The fully developed university comprised four faculties: three higher faculties, that of theology (the study of religious books), of Canon Law (church laws) and of Medicine, and one primary faculty, that of Art, where Music, Grammar, Geometry, Logic and some other subjects were studied.

Oxford University was founded in 1168 and Cambridge University was founded in 1209. There were gathered most famous teachers in each place.

The first represented of the Norman Period was Wace. He was born at the beginning 12th century. He wrote a history of England under the title "Brut or the Acts of the British". The next represented of this epoch was Layamon. In 1205 he created a version of Mace's "Brunt". It was called "Brut or Chronicle of Britain". He wished to show England as a powerful and glorious country.


Pre-Renaisance in England.


4. The protest against the catholic church and the growth of national feeling duri8ng the first years of the Great War immediatly found an echo in literature.

   One such poor priest was the poet William Langland. He was born in 1332. He belived in the grace of hard work, he said that everybody was obliged to work. He wrote the poem "Piers Plowman", about 2,500 lines, is a dream allegory.

   Next was John Wyclif. He also was a poor  English priest. John Wyclif developed his viewes on the church by 1377. He remembered in English literature as one who debated high questions of government in the common tongue. John Wyclif helped the people to prepare for uprising of 1381.

   The greatest writer of the 14th century was Geoffrey Chaucer. He was the writer of the new class, the bourgeoisie. He was simply a writer of the world, that is to say he wrote about things he saw, and described people he met . Claucer was the first who broke away from medieval forms and cleared the way for realism.


The Literature of the 15th Century

 5.In the year 14.76 Caxton set up the first English printing-press in Westminster (London), did knowledge begin to spread? William Caxton was the first printer in England. In the 15th century, folk poetry flourished in England and Scotland. The best of folk poetry were the ballads. English and Scotch ballads were short in verse, partly lyrical and partly epic, which were either for singing or for reciting. They expressed the thoughts and sentiments of the people, and they became so popular that the names of their authors were forgotten. The ballads were handed down by word of printing did not stop the development of folk songs and ballads; they continued to appear till the 18th century when they were collected and printed. The most popular ones were those about Robin Hood.

 The names of those authors who made up songs in the 17th century have not been forgotten.


The Renaissance.


 6.The “dark” middle ages were followed by a time known in art and literature as the Renaissance. It was in Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. Superstitions born of ignorance, and fear of the unknown gave way to knowledge. Man saw the world in a new light. Man began to understand reason about his natural rights and turned against the teachings of the Church that subordinated Man to God.

 In England of the Renaissance we find the great writers Thomas More, Francis Bacon and W. Shakespeare.

 The development of the drama in England was in close connection with the appearance and development of the theatre.

 Since ancient times there existed in Europe two stages upon which dramatic art developed. The chief place of performance was the church, and second to it was the market place where clowns played their tricks.

 The end of the 16th century we find most of the play houses far from the city proper.



  • Do you know what is the next page about?
  • – Let’s answer the questions: You have completed of cards with the plays (by W. Shakespeare) and you must show me right answer!


  1. What main hero lost his father, who was killed by his uncle?                        a) Hamlet;     b) Othello;     c) King Lear.
  2. What was the name of the girl who fell in love with the man in mask?      a) Juliet;     b) Ophelia;     c) King Lear.
  3. What King has 3 daughters?                                                                                         a) King Lear;     b) Claudius;      c) Jagues.
  4. Who said: “To be or not to be – that is a question?”                                                        a) Hamlet;     b) Antony;     c) Yago.
  5. Whose last words were: “Thus with a kiss I die?”                                               a) Romeo’s;     b) Richard’s;     c) Tybalt’s.
  6. Who said: “I kissed you before I killed”?                                                                    a) Othello;     b) King Lear;     c) Julius Caesar.
  7. Who do the words: “All the world’s a stage, and all the man and woman merely players”?   a) Jagues;     b) Yago;     c) Claudius.


(Ведуча допомагає проводити конкурс, вручаючи учням за кожну правильну відповідь листівку. Хто одержить найбільше листівок – той переможець)


 Ведуча You are fine fellows!



(учні виносять сторінку)


  • Next page will be under the title

“How well do you know Shakespeare?”

(Звучить класична музика)

Виходять 4 учні


Pupil 1: On April, 23, 2006, the 442 anniversary of William Shakespeare’s birthday will be celebrated around the world. More has been written about the greatest English dramatist and a poet than about any other writer. And yet many facts of his life are unknown to us.

Pupil 2: William Shakespeare was born on or about April, 23, 1564, in the town of Stratford-on-Avon. His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover and a dealer in wool and other farm products. He was respected figure in Stratford. In his childhood William went to the Stratford Grammar School where, besides reading and writhing he was taught Latin.

Pupil 3: In 1582 when he was little more than eighteen Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s daughter, who was eight years older than himself. In 1583 Susanna, their first child was born and then twins, Hamlet and Judith, followed in 1585. Later that year Shakespeare left for London.

 Pupil 4: We know absolutely nothing about Shakespeare’s life for the next seven years. We only know from Robert Grune’s pamphlet on Shakespeare that he had become a dramatist. In 1594 Shakespeare became closely allied to the theatre company of the Lord Chamberlain's Servants, which first occupied a playhouse called "The Theatre" and than built the famous Globe Theatre and held their performances there.

Pupil 1: Shakespeare became the principal playwright to the company. He was also an actor, not a first-rate one. He usually acted only small parts. But Shakespeare experience as an actor helped him greatly in writing his plays. His knowledge of the stage and his poetical genius made his plays the most remarkable ever written.

Pupil 2: William Shakespeare lived at the time of the English Renaissance. By that time the yoke of the feudal barons had been thrown off and England had become a powerful state and the power of gold grew stronger. Shakespeare saw the contradictions and reflected them in his works.

Pupil 3: Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, which occupy a unique place in his literary legacy. Their main characters are: the Poet, his Friend and the Dark Lady. The Poet expresses the warmest admiration for the’ Friend and love for the Dark Lady.

Pupil 4: The tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" stands apart from the other tragedies. The problems raised in these tragedies still produce a powerful impression on our emotions and on our intellect.

Pupil 1: Although Shakespeare made London his home, it is probable that he often visited Stratford-on-Avon, where his family continued to live. In 1597 he bought the largest house in Stratford and in 1612 he retired there to spend the last years of his life in his native town.

Pupil 2: William Shakespeare died on April 23,1616, exactly fifty-two years after the supposed day of his birth. He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument was erected to the memory of the great playwright in Westminster Abbey.

Pupil 3: Shakespeare's works are admired by the greatest mind's of the world and all people in general. We highly value his realism, the popular nature of art and the profound way in which he slowed the process of social development.




- and now, we would like you to see fragment from the play "Romeo and Juliet" by W. Shakespeare.


(Звучить класична музика.)



It was your task to translate the poem Sonnet 130.


(Учні читають переклади. Журі оцінюють переможців)


Page 4



-Next page will be dedicate to the largest February holiday

– St. Valentine’s Day.


 Life is the moment in space

And we never know why

The road is harrow and long

When eyes meet eyes

And the feeling is strong

And this feeling is Love


St. Valentine’s Day is very popular in Ukraine. St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers, end on the 14th of February young men and women declare their feelings for each other. It is interesting to know how this holiday came into being.

 St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several different legends. But we prefer the following one.




Author: Three hundreds years after the death of Jesus Christ, the Roman emperors still demanded that everyone believed in the Roman gods. Valentine, a Christian priest, had been thrown to prison for his teaching.

A Roman: Valentine, you are accused of spreading your false ideas. Besides, you secretly married couples, counter to the laws of the Roman emperor. Tomorrow, on the 14th of February, you will be executed. We’ll fulfil your last wish.

Valentine: I’d like to write a farewell letter to the jailer’s daughter.

“My sweetheart!

Tomorrow we’ll part forever. Thank you for you king heart and tendersness. In this dark jail our hearts were touched by the fire of love and truth. May god bless you with wisdom and compassion.

Your Valentine.”

Author: Years passed. Valentine became a saint. St. Valentine’s now is a day for sweethearts. You can show your love to a person by sending presents, flowers or “Valentines”, greeting cards named after the message that St. Valentine wrote from his jail. Let’s listen some of them:

  1. February, the 14th day

It’s Valentine, they say

I choose you from among the rest

The reason is I love you best


  1. Sure as the grape grows on the vine

So sure you are my Valentine.

The rose is red, the violet is blue

Lilies are fair and so are you.


  1. Round is the ring that has no end

So is my love for you, my friend.

Again to take this in good part

Along with it have my heart

But if you do the same refuse

Pray, burn this paper and me excuse.


  1. I want to say you, dear boy

You are very handsome, very strong,

I wish you bring me only joy

And love forever me alone



Love… It’s the most beautiful feeling mankind has ever know. It fills our hearts and thoughts and deeds. It’s a strong feeling but it’s very fragile and sometimes it needs protection. And if it does not have any, it may become a sad story…

Song “My Heart Will Go On”


Every night in my dreams

I see you I feel you

That is now I know you go on

For across the distance

And space the between us


Near Far wherever you are

I believe that the heart does go on

Once more you opened the door

And you are here in my heart

And my heart the will go on


Love can touch us one time

And east for a life time

And never and go fill we’re gone

Love was when I loved you

One true time to hold on to

In my life we’ll always go on


You’re here there’s nothing I fear

And I know that my heart will go on

We’ll stay forever this way

You are safe in my heart

And my heart the will go on.


We greet you with the holiday which passed. With best wishes to you pupils of Husakiv School.

Our last page we want to finish with the words: “Many people would agree that they want to love and to be loved.” That’s what we wish you!

Our magazine was prepared by:

Editor-in-chief – Duzha I.A.

Critics – Kinash O.M. and Harda O.O.

Musician – Tatusko A.A.

Decorations – Paklikovska L.I.

Pupils which take part in preparation are from 8 form, 10-A form, 10-B form, 10-V

form, 11-A form and 11-B form

21 лютого 2018
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