Варіанти завдання для підсумкової контрольної роботи для учнів 10-11 класів загальноосвітніх середніх шкіл

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Варіанти завдання для підсумкової контрольної роботи для учнів 10-11 класів загальноосвітніх середніх шкіл. Розроблені вправи мають різновиди для різних рівнях підготовки школярів. Повністю відповідають чинній програмі.
Перегляд файлу

Variant 1

A Professor of Aesthetics

(1) for the secret of life, the 19th century Anglo-Irish poet, novelist and playwright Oscar Wilde found that the secret of life was in (2) art. In late 1881, after (3) his rst book of poems, he began a lecture tour in (4) United States as a ‘Professor of Aesthetics’. A well-known Wilde’s joke states that (5) customs upon his entry to America, when asked (6) he had (7) to declare, he answered: ‘Nothing but my genius’. The American tour, (8) the east to the west coast, helped Oscar Wilde to establish himself (9) an expert on ‘matters of art and taste’. Wilde’s sense (10) humour soon became legendary, and stories about him spread through all social circles. His most familiar plays (11) and successfully performed upon the London stages. Oscar Wilde (12) one of the most popular people in his country until he (13) and sentenced (14) two years of hard labour. The time (15) in jail was the beginning of the end for Wilde. He soon (16) bankrupt, his sons were taken from him, his house and belongings were auctioned o, and most friends of (17) left him. (18) , his wife took his children to Switzerland and changed their family name to ‘Holland’.  Oscar Wilde never returned to England, he died in Paris in November  1900, penniless in a cheap hotel room (19) the age of 46. Yet he (20) leave this world without the last dose of his characteristic wit, joking that ‘either the wallpaper in his room must go, or he must’.

 1. a) to look  b) look  c) looking  d) was looking

2. a) a b) an c) the d) –

 3. a) publish b) to publish  c) being published  d) publishing

 4. a) a b) an  c) the d) –

 5. a) on b) at  c) in d) for

 6. a) if b) that c) what d) while

 7. a) something   b) anything   c) nothing   d) everything

 8. a) since b) of  c) from  d) in

 9. a) like b) as  c) so d) so as

 10. a) in b) on c) at d) of

 11. a) wrote  b) written  c) are written  d) were written

 12. a) has been   b) had been   c) was  d) were

 13. a) has been arrested   b) had been arrested   c) was arrested  d) arrested

 14. a) to  b) with  c) of  d) for

 15. a) spending b) spent  c) was spent d) was being spent

 16. a) declared b) has declared  c) had declared d) was declared

17. a) him b) his  c) he d) himself   18. a) moreover b) nevertheless   c) however d) actually

 19. a) in b) on  c) at d) of

 20. a) needn’t   b) couldn’t  c) shouldn’t  d) mightn’t

2. Заповніть пропуски одним з нижчеподаних варіантів:

1. The auditors … when he … his lunch.

А) were arriving, was having Б) was arriving, was having 

В) arrived, was having Г) arrived, had

Д) were arriving, had

2. Share prices … daily until the market ….

А)  were increasing, crashed Б) were increasing, was crashing 

В) increased, crashed Г) increased, was crashing Д) increased, will crash

3. My taxi … while I … the office.

А)  arrived, was leaving Б) arrived,  leaving В) was arriving, was leaving

Г) was arrived, was left 

Д) will arrive, leaving

4. I … her about her new role while we … to the conference.

А) will tell, travelling Б) told, travelled В) told, were travelling Г)

was told, were travelling Д) were telling, were travelling

5. The Board … the name of the new CEO while the staff … the opening

of the new office.

А) announced, were celebrating Б) announced, were celebrating 

В) was announcing, was celebrating Г) were announcing, were celebrating

Д) announced,  celebrated

6. When she … a child she … to be an actress.

А) is, wanted Б) was, was wanting В) was, wanted Г) being, wanted Д)

was, wants

7. While I … to decide where to work, my friends … me a lot.

А) is trying, helped Б) was trying, are helping В) was trying, helped Г)

will try, will help Д) trying, helped

8. I … Cathy’s office while they … mine.

А) am using, are redecorating Б) use, redecorate В) use, will redecorate Г)

am using, redecorate Д) use, are redecorating

9. I … while I … my book last night.

А) fell asleep, was reading Б) falled asleep, was reading В) was falling

asleep, was reading Г) fell asleep, read Д) falled asleep, readed

10. My wife … as a waitress when I first … her.

А) was working, was meeting Б) worked, was meeting В) was working,

met Г) worked, met Д) works, met

11. He … for the taxi when she … him.

А)  waited, seed Б) was waiting, was seeing В) was waiting, saw Г)

waited, was seeing Д) waited, saw

12. We … a meeting when you … me.

А)  were having,  phoned Б) had,  were phoning В) were having, were

phoning Г) had,  phoned 

Д) were having,  would phone

13. Somebody … at the front door while Gary … lunch.

А) knocked, maked Б) were knocking, made В) was knocked, made Г)

was knocked, was made 

Д) knocked, was making

14. They … him last night – he … out of that new café.

А) saw, came Б) were seeing, was coming В) saw, was coming 

Г) were seeing, came Д) saw, is coming

15. I … the computer when it …. 

А)  did not use, crashed Б) did not use, was crashing В) was not using,

crashed Г) was not using, was crashing Д) did not use, was crashed

16. We … in the garden when it suddenly … to rain.

А) sat, started Б) were sitting, was starting В) were sitting, started Г) sat,

was starting Д) will sit, will start

17. My brother … out new words while he … television.

А) writed, watched Б) was writing, was watching В) was writing, watched

Г) wrote, was watching Д) wrote, watched

18. I met Jane while I … (walk) on the beach.

А) meeted, wlaked Б) met, walked В) was meeting, was working Г) was

meeting, walked Д) met, was walking

19. I … about work when my alarm clock … in the morning.

А) was dreaming, rang Б) dreamt, rang В) dreamt, was ringing

 Г) was dreaming, was ringing Д) dreamt, was ring

20. We … TV when our mother … home.

А)  were watching, came Б) was watching, came В) were watching, was

coming Г) watched, came Д) watched, was coming

Variant 2

Melting Clocks

A Dali-Universe, (1) in London in summer 2000, is a permanent exhibition of the works of Salvador Dali at a County Hall, part of (2) cultural hub along the South bank. (3) with Dali-inspired style and flair in a dreamlike labyrinth of galleries, the Dali Universe (4) viewers in the heart of a surreal fantasyland. The exhibition unravels the master’s mind (5) precision and creativity. Melting clocks, Mae West’s lips, space elephants, snails and angels are just (6) of the extraordinary works of Dali at the stunning 30,000 square foot exhibition centre. There are (7) surrealist paintings in the world, but Dali is one of few whose works are able to convince that this (8) world (9) also be real. Salvador Dali was almost (10) surreal character as he was an artist. (11) he went, he stood out through clothing, coiure and behaviour, (12) a moustache that was (13) a work of art. His interest (14) the enigma of the mind brought him into contact with Sigmund Freud who (15) to see an artist with one leg in this reality, and one leg in the other. When once interviewed on an American television show, Dali referred to himself (16) the third person, proclaiming ‘Dali is immortal and will never die.’ No doubt, he was right (17) that in his extravagant manner. He is (18) living in his immortal paintings, and (19) our time is melting like his clocks, his art (20) , a mysterious message to new generations.

 1. a) founded b) is founded c) was founded d) has been founded

 2. a) London b) the London c) London’s d) the London’s

 3. a) presenting b) is presenting  c) was presenting d) presented

4. a) place b) placed c) places d) was placed

 5. a) by b) with c) in d) at

 6. a) little b) few c) a little d) a few

 7. a) quite a lot b) a quite lot c) quite lot d) quite lots

 8. a) another b) the other  c) other d) others

 9. a) should b) could  c) ought d) need

 10. a) like b) unlike c) as d) not so

 11. a) whatever b) whoever c) whenever d) wherever

 12. a) support b) supported  c) supporting d) are supported

 13. a) himself b) itself c) themselves d) oneself

 14. a) by b) with  c) in d) at

15. a) pleased b) is pleased c) has been pleased d) was pleased

16. a) of b) in  c) at d) with

17. a) said b) say c) saying d) is saying

18. a) yet b) still  c) else d) just

19. a) in spite of b) contrary to c) besides d) although

20. a) remain b) has remained  c) remains d) would remain

2. Виберіть правильний варіант речення.

1. Baird invented TV. 

А) TV is invented.

Б) TV was invented by Baird.

В) TV is invented by Baird.

Г) TV was invented with Baird.

Д) TV was being invented be Baird.

2. Egyptians built Pyramids.

А) Pyramids are built by Egyptians.

Б) Egyptians were built by Pyramids.

В) Pyramids were built by Egyptians.

Г) Pyramids have been built by Egyptians.

Д) Pyramids had been built by Egyptians.

3. They grow coffee in Brazil

А) Coffee is grown in Brazil.

Б) Brazil grows coffee.

В) Coffee was grown in Brazil.

Г) Coffee is being grown for Brazil.

Д) Coffee is being grown in Brazil.

4. They use chopsticks in China.

А) Chinas use chopsticks.

Б) Chopsticks are used in China.

В) Chopsticks must by used in China.

Г) China is used by chopsticks.

Д) Chopsticks are to be used in China.

5. Cows produce milk.

А) Milk was produced by cows.

Б) Cows are produce milk.

В) Milk wasn’t produced by cows.

Г) Milk is produced by cows.

Д) Milk is not produced by cows.

6. Somebody has broken the vase. 

А) The vase was broken by somebody.

Б) The vase has been broken.

В) Somebody was broken.

Г) The vase is broken.

Д) The vase has broken.

7. They had cleaned the windows.

А) The windows had been cleaned.

Б) The windows hadn’t been cleaned.

В) They had been cleaned.

Г) The windows are cleaned.

Д) They have been cleaned.

8. They put up the curtains.

А) The curtains are being put up.

Б) The curtains were put up.

В) The curtains must be put up.

Г) The curtains are putting up.

Д) The curtains was put up.

9. Somebody watered the plants.

А) The water is planted.

Б) The plants were watered.

В) They watered the plants.

Г) The plants have been watered.

Д) The plants are watered.

10. They took the injured man to hospital.

А) They injured man has been taken to hospital.

Б) The injured man will be taken to hospital.

В) The injured man was taken to hospital.

Г) They are taken to hospital.

Д) The injured man is taken to hospital.

11. Alex is repairing the car.

А) The car is repaired by Alex.

Б) The car was repairing.

В) Alex is being repaired.

Г) The car is being repaired by Alex.

Д) The car is been repaired by Alex.

12. They wore long dresses in 1890.

А) Long dresses were wearing in 1890.

Б) Long dresses were worn in 1890.

В) Long dresses were worn by them in 1890.

Г) Long dresses are being worn in 1890.

Д) Long dresses are worn in 1890.

13. They will buy the new carpets for their new flat.

А) The new carpets will be bought for their new flat.

Б) They bought the new carpets.

В) The new carpets were bought for their new flat.

Г) The new carpets will being bought for their new flat.

Д) The new carpets have been bought for their new flat.

14. He gave me a present.

А) A present is given to me.

Б) A present was given to me.

В) I have been a present.

Г) A present gave me.

Д) A present were given to me.

15. The waiter will bring us bill.

А) The waiter is brought a bill.

Б) The bill is brought to us.

В) The bill will be brought to us.

Г) The waiter is bringing the bill to us.

Д) The bill was brought to us.

16. The Queen presented him with a medal.

А) A medal is presented to him by the Queen.

Б) The Queen is presented with a medal.

В) He was presented with a medal by Queen.

Г) The medal is being presented to him by the Queen.

Д) The Queen has been presented with a medal.

17. Her mother brought Mary some sweets. 

А) Some sweets were brought Mary by her mother.

Б) Some sweets are brought Mary by her mother.

В) Mary has been brought some sweets by her mother.

Г) Mary will be brought some sweets.

Д) Some sweets have been brought Mary by her mother.

18. Bob has sold Ted a second-hand car.

А) A second-hand car was sold by Ted.

Б) Ted was sold a second-hand car.

В) Ted has been sold a second-hand car.

Г) A second-hand car was sold by Bob.

Д) Ted was sold a second-hand car.


19. Larry is going to send a letter to Tom.

А) A letter is being sent to Tom.

Б) Tom is going to be sent a letter.

В) Tom has been send a letter.

Г) Tom had been send a letter.

Д) Tom had been sent a letter.

20. Someone is helping her with the housework.

А) She is being helping with the housework.

Б) She is helping with the housework.

В) Someone is being helped with the housework.

Г) She was helped with the housework.

Д) Someone was being helped with the housework.

Variant 3

Alice Liddell

Alice Pleasance Liddell (1852-1934) was (1) middle of three daughters of Dr Henry Liddell, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. One summer day, an Oxford Mathematics Lecturer Charles Dodgson, (2) literary name was Lewis Carroll, took three little girls, Alice and her two sisters, (3) a boating trip.(4) to amuse them he told a delightful tale involving Alice and White Rabbit. Later he presented his book ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ to Alice Liddell who was the heroine of the stories which also had a range of extraordinary characters, (5) the Queen of Hearts, the Cheshire Cat and (6). There is a rumour that Alice Liddell always seemed (7) rather a strange girl. She (8) quite felt that she belonged in this world. (9) her imagination, she (10) follow talking rabbits down their holes, meet strange and magical beings and talk (11) semi invisible cats. Later she turned to the occult, (12) modern day goth antics and practices. One story tells that Alice became a romantic interest of Prince Leopold, (13) son of Queen Victoria. It is true that Leopold’s first daughter (14) Alice and that he acted (15) godfather to Alice’s son. (16) September 15, 1880, Alice married Reginald Hargreaves in Westminster Abbey. They had three sons: Alan and Leopold (both (17) in action in World War I) and Caryl, who survived (18) a daughter of his own. Alice denied that the name Caryl was (19) associated with Charles Dodgson’s pseudonym. (20) Alice’s husband inherited a considerable fortune, and she became a noted society hostess.

1. a) a b) an  c) the d) –

 2. a) which b) that c) who d) whose

 3. a) on b) at c) in d) for

4. a) tried b) trying c) tries d) to try

 5. a) so b) such c) so as d) such as

 6. a) the other b) another c) others d) other.

 7. a) to be b) being c) having been d) was being

 8. a) ever b) never c) yet d) so far

 9. a) on b) at  c) in d) with

 10. a) had to b) was to c) was due to d) used to

 11. a) with b) to  c) at d) up

 12. a) adopting b) adopted  c) being adopted d) to adopt

 13. a) youngest b) the youngest c) the younger d) more younger

 14. a) called b) to be called c) was called d) is called

15. a) like b) as c) so as d) such as

 16. a) in b) at c) on d) of

 17. a) killed b) were killed  c) were being killed d) have been killed

 18. a) to have b) to have had   c) has had d) had had

 19. a) in no way b) in some way c) in any way d) on any way

 20. a) in 1920s b) in the 1920s c) at 1920s d) at the 1920s

Виберіть правильний варіант.

1. A pickpocket robbed me.                  

А) I am robbing a pickpocket.

Б) I am robbed by a pickpocket.

В) A pickpocket had been robbed.

Г) I was robbed by a pickpocket.

Д) I was being robbed by a pickpocket.

2. You must extinguish your cigarettes.

А) Your cigarettes must be extinguished.

Б) You must be extinguish your cigarettes.

В) Your cigarettes are extinguished.

Г) Your cigarettes must have been extinguished.

Д) Your cigarettes must have been extinguished.

3. The mail-order company sent Mrs. Green a parcel.

А) A parcel is send to Mrs. Green.

Б) A parcel was send to Mrs. Green.

В) A parcel was sent to Mrs. Green by mail-order company.

Г) The mail-order company is send a parcel.

Д) A parcel was send to Mrs. Green by mail-order company.

 4. You must dry-clean this shirt.

А) You are to dry-clean this shirt.

Б) This shirt must been dry-cleaned.

В) This shirt must be dry-cleaned.

Г) This shirt was dry-cleaned.

Д) This shirt must have been dry-cleaned.

5. A dog is chasing the child.

А) The dog is chased by a child.

Б) The child is being chased by a dog.

В) The child is chased by a dog.

Г) A dog is chased the child.

Д) The child is being chase by a dog.

6. Someone will pay you within the next few days.

А) You will be paid within the next few days.

Б) You will be paying within the next few days.

В) Someone will be paid by you.

Г) Someone is being paid by you.

Д) You will have been paid within the next few days.

7. You can improve health with more exercise.              

А) More exercise can improve your health.

Б) Your health has been improved with more exercise.

В) Your health can be improved with more exercise.

Г) Your health will be improved with more exercise.

Д) Your health may be improved with more exercise.

8. My friend sent me an invitation.

А) An invitation is send to me.

Б) I have been sent an invitation.

В) I was sent an invitation by my friend.

Г) I am sending an invitation.

Д) I have been sent an invitation by my friend.

9. The cleaner is going to mop the kitchen floor.

А) The cleaner is mopping the kitchen floor.

Б) The kitchen floor is going be mopped by the cleaner.

В) The kitchen floor is being mopped.

Г) The kitchen floor has been mopped by a cleaner.

Д) The kitchen floor was going be mopped by the cleaner.

10. The farmer is building a new barn.

А) A new barn is being built by the farmer.

Б) A new barn was built for the farmer.

В) A new barn is built.

Г) A new barn is being build by the farmer.

Д) A new barn was being built for the farmer.

11. The secretary has given Mrs. Jones some letters.

А) Some letters have been given to Mrs. Jones by the secretary.

Б) The secretary was given some letters.

В) Some letters were given to Mrs. Jones.

Г) Mrs. Jones will be given some letters.

Д) Some letters had been given to Mrs. Jones.

12. The traffic warder had already given him a ticket for illegal parking.

А) He is already given a ticket for illegal parking.

Б) The traffic warder had been given a ticket for illegal parking.

В) He had been already given a ticket for illegal parking.

Г) He has been already given a ticket for illegal parking.

Д) He was already given a ticket for illegal parking.

13. People must obey the law.

А) The law must be obeyed.

Б) People must be obeyed.

В) The law is obeyed.

Г) The law is being obeyed.

Д) The law is being obeyed.

14. Someone had broken our door down.

А) Our door has been broken down.

Б) Someone was broken down.

В) Our door is broken down.

Г) Our door had been broken down.

Д) Our door had being broken down.

15. They chose him as the best actor of the year.

А) They are chosen as the best actor of the year.

Б) He was chosen as the best actor of the year.

В) He has been chosen as the best actor of the year.

Г) The best actor of the year was chosen.

Д) He had been chosen as the best actor of the year.

16. Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night.

А) A UFO is seen in the sky above London last night.

Б) A UFO was seen in the sky above London last night.

В) A UFO is being seen in the sky above London last night.

Г) Some people were seen in London last night.

Д) A UFO was being seen in the sky above London last night.

17. Experts are looking at them now.

А) They are looked at now.

Б) Experts are looking at now.

В) They were looked at now.

Г) They are being looked at now.

Д) They were being looked at now.

18. Somebody has stolen a bus from outside the school.

А) A bus was stolen from outside the school.

Б) The school was stolen from outside.

В) A bus is stolen from outside the school.

Г) A bus has been stolen from outside the school.

Д) A bus had been stolen from outside the school.

19. Our school is organizing a contest.

А) A contest is organizing at our school.

Б) A contest is being organized at our school.

В) A contest was organized at our school.

Г) Our school is organized for a contest.

Д) A contest was being organized at our school.

20. The school will give the winner a set of encyclopaedias.

А) The winner will be given a set of encyclopaedias.

Б) A set of encyclopaedias was given to the winner.

В) The winner must be given a set of encyclopaedias.

Г) A set of encyclopaedias will being given to the winner.

Д) The winner would be given a set of encyclopaedias.

Variant 4

Charles and Camilla

The young Camilla Shand, who (1) as a debutante in 1965, first met Prince Charles (2) a polo match in 1970. She (3) by a friend as then a ‘very fanciable’ slim blonde, with an earthy sense of humour. (4) year later, it (5) that she told Charles: ‘My great-grand-mother was your great-great-grandfather’s mistress, so how about it?’ But after Charles’ decision to concentrate (6) a naval career, Camilla married her long-standing admirer, Major Andrew Parker Bowles, in 1973.But she stayed (7) contact with Prince Charles and they became close again by the end of the 1970s. In 1981 Charles married Diana Spencer, a union said (8) by Camilla Bowles. But marriage did (9) to quell their passion, and two years after the birth of Prince Harry in 1984 their relationship (10) . A jealous Diana, Princess of Wales, was said (11) Mrs Parker Bowles ‘The Rottweiler’. Famously in a television interview she said: ‘There were three in the marriage, (12) it was a bit crowded.’ Finally, in 1994 the Prince admitted in a TV documentary that he (13) adultery. The ‘other woman’ became a national hate figure - women threw bread rolls (14) her in a supermarket. In 1995 Camilla and Andrew Parker Bowles (15) , and she became a regular at the prince’s Highgrove home. After Diana’s death in a Paris car crash in August 1997, Camilla (16) to take a (17) high profile position. (18) in 1999 Mrs Parker Bowles met Princes William and Harry and in 2000 she met the Queen. In June 2004, she appeared (19) in the prince’s ocial accounts, and on 9th April 2005 the world saw them (20) .

1. a) came b) has come c) had come d) coming

 2. a) on b) at c) in d) within

 3. a) described b) describing c) has described d) was described

4. a) a b) an  c) the d) –

 5. a) claims b) claimed c) was claimed d) has claimed

 6. a) on b) at c) by d) with

 7. a) on b) at c) in d) over

 8. a) encourage b) to encourage c) to have encouraged d) to have been encouraged

 9. a) few b) a few c) little d) a little

 10. a) renew b) renewed  c) has renewed d) had renewed

 11. a) nickname b) nicknaming c) to nickname d) to have nicknamed

12. a) so b) that c) then d) for

13. a) commits b) committed c) has committed d) had committed

 14. a) in b) to c) at d) in

15. a) divorced b) have divorced c) had divorced d) have been divorced

16. a) forced b) has forced c) was forced d) has been forced

17. a) little b) less c) least d) the least

 18. a) besides b) though  c) however d) thus

 19. a) first time b) the first time c) at the first time d) for the first time

 20. a) to marry b) to be married  c) marry d) have married

Оберіть правильний варіант.

1. Some children saw the thief.

А) The thief saw some children.

Б) Some children were seen by the thief.

В) The thief was seen by the children.

Г) The thief has been seen by the children.

Д) The thief is seen by the children.

2. My uncle painted this picture.

А) This picture was painted by my uncle.

Б) This picture was painting by my uncle.

В) This picture must be painted by my uncle.

Г) My uncle has painted this picture.

Д) This picture is painted by my uncle.

3. The teachers will choose the best project about the environment.

А) The teachers will be chosen for the best projects about the


Б) The best project about the environment was chosen.

В) The best project about the environment will be chosen.

Г) The best project about the environment will be chose.

Д) The best project about the environment won’t be chosen.

4. The students must include pictures and drawings in their projects.

А) Their projects must include pictures and drawings by students.

Б) Pictures and drawings must be include in students’ projects.

В) Pictures and drawings must be included in students’ projects.

Г) Pictures and drawings must include in students’ projects.

Д) Pictures and drawings must being include in students’ projects.

5. The students will do all the writing themselves.

А) They will do all the writing themselves.

Б) All the writing will be done by the students themselves.

В) All the writing will being done by the students themselves.

Г) The students will be done all the writing themselves.

Д) All the writing is to be done by the students themselves.

6. Someone broke into a local jewellery shop yesterday.

А) Someone was broken into a local jewellery shop yesterday.

Б) A local jewellery shop has being broken into yesterday.

В) A local jewellery shop had been broken into yesterday.

Г) A local jewellery shop was broken into yesterday.

Д) A local jewellery shop was broke into yesterday.

7. Doctors are treating the owner of the shop for shock.

А) Doctors are being treated for shock.

Б) The owner of the shop was treated by the doctors for shock.

В) The owner of the shop is being treated for shock.

Г) Doctors have been treated the owner of the shop for shock.

Д) The owner of the shop has being treated for shock.

8. They will use the children’s descriptions to catch the thief.

А) They will be used for the children’s descriptions.

Б) The children’s descriptions will be used to catch the thief.

В) The children’s descriptions will used to catch the thief.

Г) The children’s descriptions were used to catch the thief.

Д) The children descriptions will be used to catch the thief.

9. A beautiful young actress played the leading role.

А) A beautiful young actress was played the leading role.

Б) The leading role was played by a beautiful young actress.

В) The leading role was being played by a beautiful young actress.

Г) The leading role was playing by a beautiful young actress.

Д) The leading role is played by a beautiful young actress.

10. They send flowers to my house every day.

А) Flowers are send to my house every day.

Б) Every day they send flowers to my house.

В) My house was sent by flowers every day.

Г) Flowers are sent to my house every day.

Д) Flowers were sent to my house every day.

11. Some writers have written 3 books about this actress.

А) This actress was written 3 books about her life.

Б) Three books has been written about this actress.

В) Three books have being written about this actress.

Г) Three books have been written about this actress.

Д) Three books had been written about this actress.

12. He delivers letters.

А) He is delivered letters.

Б) Letters are being delivered.

В) Letters are delivered.

Г) Letters were delivered.

Д) Letters are not delivered.

13. They serve dinner at 2 o’clock.

А) Dinner was served at 2 o’clock.

Б) Dinner is served at 2 o’clock.

В) Dinner is serve at 2 o’clock.

Г) Dinner is serving at 2 o’clock.

Д) Dinner is served by 2 o’clock.

14. They show films at the Hotel Cinema every night at 10 p.m.

А) They were shown films at the Hotel Cinema every night at 10


Б) They are show films at the Hotel Cinema every night at 10 p.m.

В) Films are shown at the Hotel Cinema every night at 10 p.m.

Г) Films were shown at the Hotel Cinema every night at 10 p.m.

Д) Films have been shown at the Hotel Cinema every night at 10 p.m.

15. People saw two men breaking into a house in my street last night.

А) Two men were seen breaking into a house in my street last night.

Б) Two men were saw breaking into a house in my street last night.

В) People were seen by two men breaking into a house in my street last night.

Г) Two men are seen breaking into a house in my street last night.

Д) Two men were being seen breaking into a house in my street last night.

16. They called the police and they arrived very quickly.

А) The police is called and they arrived very quickly.

Б) The police was call and they arrived very quickly.

В) They have called the police and they arrived very quickly.

Г) The police was called and they arrived very quickly.

Д) The police was called and they were arrived very quickly.

17. The police caught one man immediately.

А) The police was caught by one man immediately.

Б) One man was caught immediately.

В) One man was catch immediately.

Г) One man is called immediately.

Д) One man has been caught immediately.

18. The other escaped, but the police found him very soon.

А) The other escaped, but he was found very soon.

Б) The other was escaped, but he found very soon.

В) The other escaped, but he has been found very soon.

Г) The other escaped, but he was find very soon.

Д) The other escaped, but he was founded very soon.

19. They took them to the police station where the police officer

questioned them separately.

А) They are taken to the police station where they were questioned

separately by the police officer.

Б) They were taken to the police station where they were questioned

separately by the police officer.

В) They were took to the police station where they are questioned

separately by the police officer.

Г) They were taken to the police station where they were question

separately by the police officer.

Д) They were taken to the police station where they were

questioning separately by the police officer.

20. They charged the two men with burglary.

А) The burglary is charged with the two men.

Б) The two men were charge with burglary.

В) The two men have been charged with burglary.

Г) The two men were charged with burglary.

Д) The two men had been charged with burglary.

Variant 5

The 2012 London Olympic Games

Wednesday 6th July 2005 (1) scenes of jubilation in (2) Trafalgar Square as London won the contest to host (3) Olympic Games in 2012. Thousands gathered under big screens in order (4) the announcement. As International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge revealed London’s victory, there was a collective intake of breath (5) by shouts (6) shock and elation. The voting went (7) London’s favour (8) only 54 to 50 votes. Victory was snatched (9) Paris after a very strong final presentation in Singapore, backed by Prime Minister Tony Blair. Mr Blair was said (10) at the result.Her Majesty the Queen sent a message (11) the organizing committee, commenting ‘it is a really outstanding achievement to beat (12) field.’ London deserved the Games, (13) the most multi-cultural city in the world. The wealth of culture in this city is extraordinary, and it certainly feels like (14) , most vibrant capital in Europe.The greatest show on the Earth came to its (15) exciting city. Once the celebrations (16) , the capital began preparations on a massive scale. London 2012 turned out (17) , but it was gorgeous. (18) the heart of the campaign there was the new Olympic stadium and village in Stratford, East London. The Olympic village (19) at Mill Meads and accommodated almost 20,000 people for the 17-day period. This meant a housing project on the scale of a small town, which (20) successfully into low-cost housing.

1. a) witness b) witnessed  c) has witnessed d) had witnessed

 2. a) a b) an c) the d) –

 3. a) a b) an c) the d) –

4. a) to watch b) watch

 c) have watched d) watching

5. a) following b) followed c) were following d) were followed

 6. a) for b) from c) of d) at

 7. a) on b) in  c) for d) of

 8. a) by b) on c) in d) at

 9. a) for b) from  c) of d) by

 10. a) ‘dancing a jig’ b) having ‘danced a jig’ c) to have ‘danced a jig’ d) being ‘danced a jig’

 11. a) congratulate b) congratulating c) was congratulating d) to be congratulating

 12. a) such highly b) so highly competitive competitive c) such a highly d) a such highly competitive competitive

 13. a) being b) to be c) is d) is being

14. a) most busy b) the most busy

 c) busiest d) the busiest

 15. a) more b) most  c) the most d) much more

 16. a) died down b) are dying down c) had died down d) have died down

 17. a) will be a surprise b) would be a surprise c) be a surprise d) to be a surprise

18. a) at b) in c) on d) from

 19. a) is located b) was located  c) has been located d) had been located

 20. a) to be converted b) is converted c) was converted d) would be converted

Оберіть правильний варіант

1. Michael feeds his monkey every day himself.

А) The monkey every day is fed by Michael himself.

Б) The monkey is fed by Michael himself every day.

В) Michael is feeding his monkey every day himself.

Г) The monkey is feed by Michael himself every day.

Д) The monkey is feeded by Michael himself every day.

2. The gardener has planted some trees.

А) Some trees have been planted by the gardener.

Б) Some trees were planted by the gardener.

В) Some trees have planted by the gardener.

Г) Some trees have been plant by the gardener.

Д) Some trees have be planted by the gardener.

3. Doctor Brown will give you some advice.

А) Doctor Brown will be given some advice.

Б) You will give some advice to Doctor Brown.

В) You will be given some advice by Doctor Brown.

Г) You must be given some advice by Doctor Brown.

Д) You will be given some advices by Doctor Brown.

4. A famous designer will redecorate the hotel.

А) The hotel will have been redecorated by a famous designer.

Б) The hotel will be decorated by a famous designer.

В) The hotel has been redecorated by a famous designer.

Г) The hotel will be redecorated by a famous designer.

Д) The hotel will been redecorated by a famous designer.

5. Steven Spielberg directed “E.T.”

А) “E.T.” was direct by Steven Spielberg.

Б) “E.T.” is directed by Steven Spielberg.

В) “E.T.” was directed by Steven Spielberg.

Г) Steven Spielberg has been directed “E.T.”

Д) “E.T.” was being directed by Steven Spielberg.

7. Someone has broken the crystal vase.

А) Someone was broken by the crystal vase.

Б) The crystal vase is broken.

В) The crystal vase been broken.

Г) The crystal vase has been broken.

Д) The crystal vase was broken.

8. His parents have brought him up to be polite.

А) He has been brought up to be polite.

Б) He was brought up to be polite.

В) He brought up to be polite.

Г) He has been bring to be polite.

Д) He had been brought up to be polite.

9. Fleming discovered penicillin.

А) Penicillin must be discovered.

Б) Fleming has discovered penicillin.

В) Penicillin discover by Fleming.

Г) Penicillin was discovered by Fleming.

Д) Penicillin has discovered by Fleming.

10. They will advertise the product on television.

А) The product will advertised on television.

Б) The product will be advertised on television.

В) The television is advertised by the product.

Г) The product has to be advertised by the television.

Д) The product will being advertised on television.

11. Someone is remaking that film.

А) That film is being remade.

Б) That film is remade.

В) That film is been remade.

Г) That film is remake.

Д) That film has been remade.

12. Columbus discovered America.

А) America was discovered by Columbus.

Б) America was discover by Columbus.

В) Columbus has been discovered.

Г) Columbus is discovering America.

Д) America is discovered by Columbus.

13. We keep money in a safe.

А) We are kept money in a safe.

Б) Money are kept in a safe.

В) Money is kept in a safe.

Г) Money must be kept in a safe.

Д) Money are kept in a safe.

14. A bee srung her.

А) She was sting by a bee.

Б) A bee was stung by her.

В) A bee has been stung.

Г) She was stung by a bee.

Д) She was stinged by a bee.

15. They speak Italian in Italy.

А) Italy is spoken Italian.

Б) Italian is spoke in Italy.

В) Italian was spoken in Italy.

Г) Italian is spoken in Italy.

Д) Italian is speaked in Italy.

16. They have taken his aunt to hospital.

А) They have been taken his aunt to hospital.

Б) His aunt has been taken to hospital.

В) His aunt had been taken to hospital.

Г) They are taken to hospital by their aunt.

Д) His aunt is taken to hospital.

17. The boys damaged the TV.

А) The TV was damaged by the boys.

Б) The TV was damage by the boys.

В) The TV has been take by the boys.

Г) The boys will damage the TV.

Д) The t TV is damaged by the boys.

18. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.

А) The Mona Lisa is painted by Da Vinci.

Б) The Mona Lisa was painted by Da Vinci.

В) Da Vinci was painted the Mona Lisa.

Г) The Mona Lisa was paint by Da Vinci.

Д) The Mona Lisa has been painted by Da Vinci.

19. He invited 30 people to his party.

А) 30 people were invited to his party.

Б) He was invited to the party by 30.

В) He is invited to 30 parties.

Г) 30 people are invited to his party.

Д) 30 people have been invited to his party.

20. They grow bananas in Africa.

А) Bananas are grew in Africa.

Б) Bananas were grow in Africa.

В) Bananas are grown in Africa.

Г) Africa grows bananas.

Д) Bananas are grewn in Africa.

Variant 6

The Start of Google’s Empire

The Google history looks (1) a fiction. It started in 1995 when two PhD students of Stanford University, California, found that they (2) a common vision for the development of a system which (3) make it accessible to (4) in the world to gain information in organized and easy (5) way. (6) that the pages with the most links to them from (7) highly relevant web pages (8) be (9) relevant pages associated (10) the search, young scientists tested their thesis, and laid the foundation for their search engine. Originally, the search engine (11) the Stanford University website

with the domain google.stanford.edu. The domain google.com (12) on September 15, 1997, and the company was incorporated as Google Inc. in September 1998 at a friend’s garage in Menlo Park, California. In March 1999, the company moved (13) oces in Paulo Alto, home (14) several other noted Silicon Valley technology startups. The company’s unocial slogan became ‘Don’t be evil’. However Google is (15) controversy related to its business practices: there are concerns (16) the privacy of personal information, copyright and censorship. By the end of 2003 the company (17) 3 billion documents (18) the Internet. The figure (19) already over 25 billion at present. With innovations (20) to the front such as Froogle, map search, Gmail, photo editing, sitemap and others, Google is becoming the most important player on the Internet.

1. a) as b) like  c) similar d) so

 2. a) have b) has had c) had d) having

 3. a) can b) could  c) should d) need

4. a) someone b) anyone c) everyone d) no one

 5. a) to use b) use c) using d) have used

 6. a) convincing b) convinced  c) to convince d) were convinced

 7. a) other b) others c) the other d) another

 8. a) should b) need c) ought d) must

 9. a) most b) the most  c) much d) more

 10. a) to b) from c) with d) by

11. a) use b) to use c) used d) used to

12. a) registered b) was registered  c) has been registered d) had been registered

 13. a) at b) on c) into d) by

 14. a) at b) to  c) of d) for

15. a) with b) without c) not with d) not without

16. a) regard b) regarded c) regarding d) was regarded

 17. a) indexed b) was indexed c) has indexed d) had indexed

 18. a) in b) on c) at d) by

19. a) has grown b) had grown c) was grown d) grew

 20. a) has come b) had come  c) coming d) were coming

Оберіть правильний варіант.

1. You must leave bathroom tidy.

А) You must be left tidy.

Б) The bathroom must be left tidy.

В) The bathroom is left tidy.

Г) You have to leave the bathroom tidy.

Д) The bathroom must be leaved tidy.

2. You should water this plant daily.

А) This plant should watered daily.

Б) This plant should be water daily.

В) This plant should be watered daily.

Г) This plant daily watered should be.

Д) This plant should be watering daily.

3. Our neighbour ought to paint the garage.

А) Our neighbour ought to be painted.

Б) The garage ought to be painted by our neighbour.

В) The garage ought painted by our neighbour.

Г) The garage ought be painted by our neighbour.

Д) The garage ought being painted by our neighbour.

4. I have to return these books to the library.

А) These books should be returned to the library.

Б) These books have be returned to the library.

В) These books have to be returned to the library.

Г) These books have return to the library.

Д) These books have returned to the library.

5. Someone has offered him a lot of money for it.

А) Someone was offered a lot of money for it.

Б) Someone has been offered a lot of money for it.

В) He has been offered a lot of money for it.

Г) He have been offered a lot of money for it.

Д) He had been offered a lot of money for it.

6. He will deliver the painting tomorrow.

А) The painting will be delivered tomorrow.

Б) The painting will delivered tomorrow.

В) The painting is been delivered tomorrow.

Г) The painting will deliver tomorrow.

Д) The painting will being delivered tomorrow.

7. They are typing the letters at moment.

А) The letters are being typed at the moment.

Б) The letters were being typed at the moment.

В) They are being typed the letters.

Г) The letters are being typing at the moment.

Д) The letters are to be typed at the moment.

8. Picasso painted Guernica.

А) Guernica was paint by Picasso.

Б) Guernica was painted with Picasso.

В) Guernica was painted by Picasso.

Г) Picasso was painted for Guernica.

Д) Guernica was paint by Picasso.

9. They haven’t delivered the parcel yet.

А) They are not delivered the parcel yet.

Б) The parcel hasn’t been delivered yet.

В) The parcel hadn’t been delivered yet.

Г) They haven’t been deliver the parcel yet.

Д) The parcel has been delivered yet.

10. They make Alpha Romeo cars in Italy.

А) They are made in Italy.

Б) Alpha Romeo cars were made in Italy.

В) Alpha Romeo cars are made in Italy.

Г) Italy is making Alpha Romeo cars.

Д) Alpha Romeo cars were maded in Italy.

11. Someone has stolen my wallet.

А) My wallet has been stolen by someone.

Б) My wallet has be stolen by someone.

В) My wallet has been steal by someone.

Г) My wallet had been stolen.

Д) My wallet have been stolen.

12. James Cameron directed “Titanic”

А) James Cameron was directed by “Titanic”.

Б) “Titanic” was directed by James Cameron.

В) “Titanic” was direct by James Cameron.

Г) “Titanic” is directed by James Cameron.

Д) “Titanic” were directed by James Cameron.

13. The doctor has examined him. 

А) He was examined by the doctor.

Б) He has been examined by the doctor.

В) He must be examined by the doctor.

Г) He have been examined by the doctor.

Д) He had been examined by the doctor.

14. They will make the announcement tomorrow.

А) They will be made the announcement tomorrow.

Б) They are made the announcement tomorrow.

В) The announcement will be made tomorrow.

Г) The announcement will be make tomorrow.

Д) The announcement will be maded tomorrow.

15. Emma designed this dress.

А) This dress has been designed by Emma.

Б) This dress was designed by Emma.

В) Emma has designed this dress.

Г) Emma is designed this dress.

Д) This dress was design by Emma.

16. People make jam from fruit.

А) Fruit is made from jam.

Б) Jam was been made from fruit.

В) Jam is made from fruit.

Г) Jam is make from fruit.

Д) Jam is to be made from fruit.

17. Jason broke the window.

А) The window was broken by Jason.

Б) The window is broke by Jason.

В) The window could be broken by Jason.

Г) Jason had been broken.

Д) The window was breaked by Jason.

18. A burglar broke into our house last night. 

А) A burglar was broken into our house.

Б) Our house was broken into last night.

В) A burglar is broken into our house last night.

Г) Our house was break into last night.

Д) Our house was broke into last night.

19. Marie Curie discovered radium.

А) Radium was discovered by Marie Curie.

Б) Radium must discovered by Marie Curie.

В) Radium discovered by Marie Curie.

Г) Marie Curie was discovered radium.

Д) Radium was discover by Marie Curie.

20. Every year Eading School organizes a big party for the pupils.

А) Every year is organized a big party for the pupils at Eading School.

Б) A big party for the pupils has been organized every year at Eading School.

В) A big party for the pupils is organized every year at Eading School.

Г) A big party for the pupils was organized every year at Eading School.

Д) A big party for the pupils has been organized every year at Eading School.

Variant 7

Lady Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognized symbols of American freedom (1) . Standing tall on (2) Liberty Island in the middle of (3) Hudson River in New York City Harbor, the Statue of Liberty(4) to (5) US by (6) France in 1886. (7) French presented it to the United States as a token of friendship.Alexandre Gustave Eiel, the creator of the Eiel Tower, designed the interior structure, (8) Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was the sculptor. (9) of copper, the statue depicts Lady Liberty (10) tall with the torch of freedom raised with her right arm. Her left hand holds a stone tablet close to her. The tablet contains the date July 4, 1776, which acknowledges and commemorates the American Declaration of Independence.The Statue of Liberty is (11) and is made (12) pure copper on a steel framework. Lady Liberty’s thorny crown has seven points (13) the seven seas. The torch represents a burning passion (14) freedom and contains a flame that (15) in gold leaf. The broken shackles (16) the base of Lady Liberty’s feet represent freedom (17) oppression. The Statue of Liberty remains the main symbol of American freedom that people from the US and abroad are eager (18) . As one of the most symbolic gestures of all times, the Statue of Liberty represents freedom, liberty, justice, as well as friendship of foreign nations who that believe (19) freedom and fair and equal treatment (20) all.

1. a) somewhere b) nowhere c) anywhere d) elsewhere

 2. a) a b) an c) the d) –

 3. a) a b) an c) the d) –

4. a) presented b) has presented c) was presented d) has been presented

 5. a) a b) the c) an d) –

 6. a) a b) an c) the d) –

 7. a) a b) an c) the d) –

 8. a) when b) while c) during d) which

 9. a) made b) has made c) was made d) making

 10. a) stood b) is standing c) standing d) having stood

 11. a) tall 151 feet b) 151 feet tall c) the 151 feet tall d) tall the 151 feet

 12. a) out b) from c) of d) in

 13. a) represented b) representing c) represent d) having represented

 14. a) of b) for  c) from d) with

15. a) coats b) coatedc) is coated d) has coated

16. a) at b) on c) over d) below

17. a) for b) from  c) of d) with

 18. a) visiting b) having visited c) to visit d) is visited

 19. a) for b) from c) in d) –

 20. a) for b) of  c) in d) –

Оберіть правильний варіант.

1. People celebrate Halloween on the 31-st of October.

А) Halloween is celebrated on the 31-st of October.

Б) Halloween was celebrated on the 31-st of October.

В) People are celebrated Halloween on the 31-st of October.

Г) Halloween must be celebrated on the 31-st of October.

Д) Halloween was to be celebrated on the 31-st of October.

2. People call this a stocking.

А) People are called this a stocking.

Б) It is call a stocking.

В) It is called a stocking.

Г) It has been called a stocking.

Д) It was called a stocking.

3. People don’t eat Turkey at Halloween.

А) People are eating Turkey at Halloween.

Б) People didn’t eat Turkey at Halloween.

В) Turkey is not eaten at Halloween.

Г) Turkey is ate at Halloween.

Д) Turkeywas not eaten at Halloween.

4. They make some Ford cars in Europe.

А) Ford cars were made in Europe.

Б) Ford cars are made by them.

В) Ford cars are make in Europe.

Г) Ford cars are made in Europe.

Д) Ford cars was made in Europe.

5. But they don’t make the Ford Mustang in Europe.

А) The Ford Mustang aren’t made in Europe.

Б) The Ford Mustang were made in Europe.

В) The Ford Mustang isn’t made in Europe.

Г) Europe isn’t making Ford Mustangs.

Д) The Ford Mustang is made in Europe.

6. People in India and Turkey don’t celebrate Christmas.

А) Christmas is not celebrated in India and Turkey.

Б) India and Turkey don’t celebrate Christmas.

В) People are not celebrated Christmas in India and Turkey.

Г) Christmas hasn’t been celebrated in India and Turkey.

Д) Christmas has not celebrated in India and Turkey.

7. They give presents on Christmas Day.

А) Christmas Day is given presents.

Б) On Christmas Day they were given presents.

В) Presents are given on Christmas Day.

Г) Presents are give on Christmas Day.

Д) Presents are give on Christmas Day.

8. They eat Turkey at two festivals.

А) Turkey is eaten at two festivals.

Б) Turkey is eat at two festivals.

В) They were eating Turkey at two festivals.

Г) Turkey has been eat at two festivals.

Д) Turkey is eaten at three festivals.

9. Some countries don’t celebrate Easter.

А) Some countries are celebrated Easter.

Б) Easter is not celebrated in some countries.

В) Easter is celebrated in some countries.

Г) Easter wasn’t been celebrated in some countries.

Д) Easter has not celebrated in some countries.

10. What food do they eat on Christmas day in England?

А) What food is eaten on Christmas day in England?

Б) What food  eaten on Christmas day in England? 

В) What food did they eat on Christmas day in England?

Г) What food has been eaten on Christmas day in Britain?

Д) What food is ate on Christmas day in England?

11. When do people give Christmas presents in your country?

А) When were people given Christmas presents in your country?

Б) When are Christmas presents gave in your country?

В) When have people been given presents in your country?

Г) When are Christmas presents given in your country?

Д) When were Christmas presents given in your country?

12. What food do people eat during Easter in your country?

А) What food were people eaten during Easter in your country?

Б) What food is eaten during Easter in your country?

В) What food was eaten during Easter in your country?

Г) What food is eat during Easter in your country?

Д) What food was eaten during Easter in your country

13. They owe a lot of money to the bank.

А) The bank was owed a lot of money.

Б) They are owed a lot of money to the bank.

В) A lot of money is owed to the bank.

Г) A lot of money isn’t owed to the bank.

Д) A lot of money is owe to the bank.

14. Someone will drive you to the airport.

А) You could be driven to the airport by someone.

Б) You will be driven to the airport.

В) You won’t be driven to the airport.

Г) You will driven to the airport.

Д) You will be drive to the airport.

15. They informed me about it.

А) They were informed about it.

Б) I was informed about it.

В) Me was informed about it.

Г) It was informed about them.

Д) I will be informed about it.

16. You must obey the rules.

А) The rules should be obeyed.

Б) You must be obeyed by the rules.

В) The rules must be obeyed.

Г) You mustn’t be obey the rules.

Д) The rules must not be obeyed.

17. They have proved that there is no life on the moon.

А) It has been proved that there is no life on the moon.

Б) It have been proved that there is no life on the moon.

В) The moon had been proved to have no life.

Г) It has proved that there is not life on the moon.

Д) It was proved that there is no life on the moon.

18. You can buy videos like this one anywhere.

А) You can be bought videos anywhere.

Б) Videos like this one be bought anywhere.

В) Videos like this one could be buy anywhere.

Г) Videos like this one can be bought anywhere.

Д) Videos like this one could be bought anywhere.

19. They have sold their car.

А) They are selling their car.

Б) They have been sold their car.

В) Their car has been sold.

Г) Their car have been sold.

Д) Their was sold.

20. They hold a meeting in the village hall once a week.

А) A meeting in the village hall is hold once a week.

Б) They were held a meeting in the village hall once a week.

В) A meeting in the village hall held once a week.

Г) A meeting in the village hall is held once a week.

Д) A meeting in the village hall is holded once a week.

Variant 8

A Professor of Aesthetics

(1) for the secret of life, the 19th century Anglo-Irish poet, novelist and playwright Oscar Wilde found that the secret of life was in (2) art. In late 1881, after (3) his rst book of poems, he began a lecture tour in (4) United States as a ‘Professor of Aesthetics’. A well-known Wilde’s joke states that (5) customs upon his entry to America, when asked (6) he had (7) to declare, he answered: ‘Nothing but my genius’. The American tour, (8) the east to the west coast, helped Oscar Wilde to establish himself (9) an expert on ‘matters of art and taste’. Wilde’s sense (10) humour soon became legendary, and stories about him spread through all social circles. His most familiar plays (11) and successfully performed upon the London stages. Oscar Wilde (12) one of the most popular people in his country until he (13) and sentenced (14) two years of hard labour. The time (15) in jail was the beginning of the end for Wilde. He soon (16) bankrupt, his sons were taken from him, his house and belongings were auctioned o, and most friends of (17) left him. (18) , his wife took his children to Switzerland and changed their family name to ‘Holland’.  Oscar Wilde never returned to England, he died in Paris in November  1900, penniless in a cheap hotel room (19) the age of 46. Yet he (20) leave this world without the last dose of his characteristic wit, joking that ‘either the wallpaper in his room must go, or he must’.

 1. a) to look  b) look  c) looking  d) was looking

2. a) a b) an c) the d) –

 3. a) publish b) to publish  c) being published  d) publishing

 4. a) a b) an  c) the d) –

 5. a) on b) at  c) in d) for

 6. a) if b) that c) what d) while

 7. a) something   b) anything   c) nothing   d) everything

 8. a) since b) of  c) from  d) in

 9. a) like b) as  c) so d) so as

 10. a) in b) on c) at d) of

 11. a) wrote  b) written  c) are written  d) were written

 12. a) has been   b) had been   c) was  d) were

 13. a) has been arrested   b) had been arrested   c) was arrested  d) arrested

 14. a) to  b) with  c) of  d) for

 15. a) spending b) spent  c) was spent d) was being spent

 16. a) declared b) has declared  c) had declared d) was declared

17. a) him b) his  c) he d) himself   18. a) moreover b) nevertheless   c) however d) actually

 19. a) in b) on  c) at d) of

 20. a) needn’t   b) couldn’t  c) shouldn’t  d) mightn’t

2. Заповніть пропуски одним з нижчеподаних варіантів:

1. The auditors … when he … his lunch.

А) were arriving, was having Б) was arriving, was having 

В) arrived, was having Г) arrived, had

Д) were arriving, had

2. Share prices … daily until the market ….

А)  were increasing, crashed Б) were increasing, was crashing 

В) increased, crashed Г) increased, was crashing Д) increased, will crash

3. My taxi … while I … the office.

А)  arrived, was leaving Б) arrived,  leaving В) was arriving, was leaving

Г) was arrived, was left 

Д) will arrive, leaving

4. I … her about her new role while we … to the conference.

А) will tell, travelling Б) told, travelled В) told, were travelling Г)

was told, were travelling Д) were telling, were travelling

5. The Board … the name of the new CEO while the staff … the opening

of the new office.

А) announced, were celebrating Б) announced, were celebrating 

В) was announcing, was celebrating Г) were announcing, were celebrating

Д) announced,  celebrated

6. When she … a child she … to be an actress.

А) is, wanted Б) was, was wanting В) was, wanted Г) being, wanted Д)

was, wants

7. While I … to decide where to work, my friends … me a lot.

А) is trying, helped Б) was trying, are helping В) was trying, helped Г)

will try, will help Д) trying, helped

8. I … Cathy’s office while they … mine.

А) am using, are redecorating Б) use, redecorate В) use, will redecorate Г)

am using, redecorate Д) use, are redecorating

9. I … while I … my book last night.

А) fell asleep, was reading Б) falled asleep, was reading В) was falling

asleep, was reading Г) fell asleep, read Д) falled asleep, readed

10. My wife … as a waitress when I first … her.

А) was working, was meeting Б) worked, was meeting В) was working,

met Г) worked, met Д) works, met

11. He … for the taxi when she … him.

А)  waited, seed Б) was waiting, was seeing В) was waiting, saw Г)

waited, was seeing Д) waited, saw

12. We … a meeting when you … me.

А)  were having,  phoned Б) had,  were phoning В) were having, were

phoning Г) had,  phoned 

Д) were having,  would phone

13. Somebody … at the front door while Gary … lunch.

А) knocked, maked Б) were knocking, made В) was knocked, made Г)

was knocked, was made 

Д) knocked, was making

14. They … him last night – he … out of that new café.

А) saw, came Б) were seeing, was coming В) saw, was coming 

Г) were seeing, came Д) saw, is coming

15. I … the computer when it …. 

А)  did not use, crashed Б) did not use, was crashing В) was not using,

crashed Г) was not using, was crashing Д) did not use, was crashed

16. We … in the garden when it suddenly … to rain.

А) sat, started Б) were sitting, was starting В) were sitting, started Г) sat,

was starting Д) will sit, will start

17. My brother … out new words while he … television.

А) writed, watched Б) was writing, was watching В) was writing, watched

Г) wrote, was watching Д) wrote, watched

18. I met Jane while I … (walk) on the beach.

А) meeted, wlaked Б) met, walked В) was meeting, was working Г) was

meeting, walked Д) met, was walking

19. I … about work when my alarm clock … in the morning.

А) was dreaming, rang Б) dreamt, rang В) dreamt, was ringing

 Г) was dreaming, was ringing Д) dreamt, was ring

20. We … TV when our mother … home.

А)  were watching, came Б) was watching, came В) were watching, was

coming Г) watched, came Д) watched, was coming

Variant 9

Written Report

Definition of the research paper

The research paper is a typewritten paper in which you present your views and research findings on a chosen topic. Students usually work on the ‘term paper’ or the ‘library paper’ or the ‘diploma paper’, postgraduates work on their dissertations. No matter what the paper is called, the task is essentially the same: to read on a particular topic, evaluate information about it, and report your findings in a paper.

The research paper cannot be written according to a random formula but must conform to specific format. The format governs the entire paper from the placing of the title to the width of the margins, and to the notations used in acknowledging material drawn from other sources.

The format of scholarly writing is simply an agreed-upon way of doing things – much like etiquette, table manners, or rules of the road.

Interpreting the facts

After gathering all the necessary information, you must decide upon the most logical way to present it. Perhaps the key word is logical because it is through logic that you will take disparate facts and order them into a meaningful pattern. Logic will help you to discover a pattern from the facts and the results of the study; discovering a pattern and developing a viewpoint are key issues in interpretation.

Clear presentation of information can be accomplished only if you take the time to think about your task before you begin to write. Presentation of information in a logical manner will be enhanced if you cover all aspects of your topic. In covering all aspects of the topic, you will find that you will have answered many of the readers’ questions before they have had a chance to ask them.

The following outline represents the various kinds of information that it is necessary to include in most technical reports. In addition, the outline breaks a long technical report down into these components: introduction, body, and conclusion. Part 1, labelled The Problem, consists of the kind of information that must be included in the introduction of any technical report.

I The Problem

Introduction to the Problem

Statement of the Problem

Background (summary of the known and the unknown)

Definitions of Unfamiliar Terms (Operational Terms for Experiment)

Value of Study or Experiment

Limitations of Study or Experiment

By stating the problem precisely, the writer clearly and concisely defines the writing task for the reader. If purpose is always in mind, clear presentation of ideas will not be far behind.

The other parts of the Problem section are self-explanatory except for the Definition of Unfamiliar terms. You should remember that it is necessary to define any word that the reader might not understand. This is the point of definition section of any report: to define the terms used in the reports so well that they are clear to the audience.

The next four steps of the outline represent the body of the report.

II Background Information

III Designing and Procedures of Important Experiments

IV Results of Experiments

V Discussion

First, you should give enough background information to demonstrate that you have some knowledge of the subject. Your next steps are to discuss the designs and procedures of your experiment and to list these results. In listing the results, if possible, use graphs and tables for clear presentation of facts and explain whatever is necessary from the graphs and tables. The discussion is not the place to introduce new ideas, this is just a discussion of the facts presented in the body.

VI Conclusions, Summary, Implications and Recommendations

The final part of the report is used to summarize the information, to state your interpretation of the patterns reported in the body of the report and to make any recommendations you think necessary. Whereas the body of the report is used to state the facts, the conclusion is used to state your interpretation of the facts. An interpretation should always flow logically from the information presented in the introduction and the body.

Abstract or Summary

An abstract or a summary highlights the most important ideas in the proposal, manual or dissertation. Abstracts or summaries are very helpful to people outside your scientific field so they need to be worded carefully in general, not scientific terms.

Визначення наукової роботи

Науково-дослідна робота є друкованою роботою, в якій ви представляєте свої погляди та результати досліджень з обраної теми. Студенти зазвичай працюють над “курсовою роботою” або “бібліотечним документом” або “дипломною роботою”, аспіранти працюють над дисертаціями. Незалежно від того, який документ називається, завдання по суті те ж саме: читати на певній темі, оцінювати інформацію про неї і повідомляти свої висновки в документі.

Дослідницька робота не може бути написана за випадковою формулою, але повинна відповідати конкретному формату. Формат визначає весь документ від розміщення заголовка до ширини поля та позначень, що використовуються для підтвердження матеріалу, отриманого з інших джерел.

Формат наукової літератури - це просто погоджений спосіб виконання речей - подібно до етикету, манерів за столом або правил дорожнього руху.

Інтерпретація фактів


Зібравши всю необхідну інформацію, ви повинні вирішити, який саме логічний спосіб його представити. Можливо, ключове слово логічне, тому що через логіку ви будете приймати розрізнені факти і упорядковувати їх у змістовну схему. Логіка допоможе вам виявити закономірність з фактів і результатів дослідження; відкриття моделі та розробка точки зору є ключовими питаннями в інтерпретації.

Чітке представлення інформації може бути здійснено лише тоді, коли ви подумаєте про своє завдання, перш ніж починати писати. Презентація інформації в логічній формі буде посилена, якщо ви охопите всі аспекти вашої теми. Висвітлюючи всі аспекти цієї теми, ви знайдете відповідь на багато запитань читачів, перш ніж вони матимуть можливість запитати їх.

Наступний контур представляє різні види інформації, яку необхідно включити до більшості технічних звітів. Крім того, схема перериває довгий технічний звіт на ці компоненти: введення, тіло та висновок. Частина 1, позначена як Проблема, складається з типу інформації, яка повинна бути включена у вступ будь-якого технічного звіту.


Вступ до проблеми

Постановка проблеми

Передумови (резюме відомого і невідомого)

Визначення незнайомих термінів (терміни дії для експерименту)

Значення дослідження або експерименту

Обмеження вивчення або експерименту

Висловлюючи проблему точно, письменник чітко і лаконічно визначає завдання письма для читача. Якщо мета завжди на увазі, чітке подання ідей не буде далеко відставати.

Інші частини розділу Проблема не потребують пояснення, за винятком визначення незнайомих термінів. Ви повинні пам'ятати, що необхідно визначити будь-яке слово, яке читач може не зрозуміти. Це розділ визначення будь-якого звіту: визначити терміни, що використовуються у звітах, так добре, що вони зрозумілі аудиторії.

Наступні чотири етапи схеми представляють тіло звіту.

II Довідкова інформація

III Проектування та процедури важливих експериментів

IV Результати експериментів


V Обговорення

По-перше, ви повинні надати достатню довідкову інформацію, щоб продемонструвати, що у вас є певні знання з предмета. Наступні кроки полягають у обговоренні проектів та процедур вашого експерименту та до переліку цих результатів. При перерахуванні результатів, якщо можливо, використовуйте графіки та таблиці для чіткого представлення фактів і пояснюйте, що потрібно з графіків і таблиць. Дискусія не є місцем для введення нових ідей, це лише обговорення фактів, представлених в тілі.

VI Висновки, підсумки, наслідки та рекомендації

Заключна частина звіту використовується для узагальнення інформації, визначення вашої інтерпретації моделей, що відображається в тілі звіту, та надання будь-яких рекомендацій, які ви вважаєте необхідними. В той час як тіло звіту використовується для викладу фактів, висновок використовується для викладу тлумачення фактів. Інтерпретація завжди повинна логічно випливати з інформації, представленої у вступі та тілі.

Анотація або резюме

Анотація або резюме висвітлює найважливіші ідеї у пропозиції, керівництві або дисертації. Тези або резюме є дуже корисними для людей поза вашою науковою сферою, тому вони повинні бути сформульовані обережно, а не науковими термінами.


After reading the text decide whether you think these statements are true or false:

  1. Students’ and postgraduates’ research papers usually have polar tasks. T?
  2. Research papers can be written according to a random formula. F
  3. Students should start to present information in the research work without wasting time on thinking over the structure of the paper. F
  4. The writing task for the reader should be defined in the introduction of the research work. T
  5. Terms are not to be defined in the paper as readers are good experts in the problem discussed. F
  6. Graphs and tables are strongly recommended when listing the results of the experiment. T
  7. Conclusions differ from the body of the report in the way of presenting the facts. T?

Після прочитання тексту вирішіть, чи вважаєте ви, що ці твердження істинні T або невірні F:

1. Дослідження студентів та аспірантів зазвичай мають полярні завдання. T?

2. Наукові роботи можуть бути написані за випадковою формулою. F

3. Студенти повинні починати представляти інформацію в дослідницькій роботі, не витрачаючи часу на мислення над структурою статті. F

4. Письмова задача для читача повинна бути визначена при впровадженні дослідницької роботи. T

5. У статті не визначено термінів, оскільки читачі є добрими фахівцями в обговорюваній проблемі. F

Графіки і таблиці рекомендується при переліку результатів експерименту. T

7. Висновки відрізняються від тіла доповіді у вигляді подання фактів. T?


Vocabulary work

1. Match the columns.

1. to present the views e  a) посилювати, збільшувати

2. random formula  c  b) охоплювати всі аспекти

3. to conform to  f  c) безладна формула

4. to evaluate information h  d) упорядкувати непорівнянні факти

5. to order disparate facts d e) знайомити із поглядами

6. to cover all the aspects  b f) підпорядковувати, погоджувати

7. to enhance a   g) стисло визначати

8. to define concisely g  h) оцінювати інформацію

  1. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

The baby boy saw ... in the mirror and started to cry.

a. itself                b. herself       c. himself

2. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

A lot of trains ... late today due to the heavy storms.

a. are run               b. run            c. are running

3. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

... was a strong wind last night.

a. There                      b. Here                              c. This

4. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Firstly, I want to congratulate you all. Secondly, I would like to wish you good luck and ... I hope you have enjoyed the course

a. in the end                      b. at last                             c. finally

5. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

You ... clean your teeth twice a day to avoid having problems.

a. can                    b. should                                   c. Will

6. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

The children thought they were ... when they saw the bull.

a. in a danger          b. in danger                    c. in the danger

7. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Jack: I think it’s going to rain.
Jill: I ... , the clouds are clearing.
Jack: We’ll soon see.

a. disagree                   b. complain                                 c. Argue

8. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

I really don’t like this meal. ... money in the world wouldn’t get me to eat it.

a. Whatever                            b. Enough                                 c. All the

9. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

 Last year, Joanna bought two ... coats in New York.
 a. long, black, leather                        b. black, long, leather                            c. leather, black, long

10. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

I must report to the meeting that Cyrus completed his first piece of work well ahead of schedule. ... however, his work has been handed in late.

a. Sequentially                          b. Subsequently                                      c. Consequently

11. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

That’s very good of you but you ... have paid me back until tomorrow.

a. needn't                      b. wouldn't                                 c. couldn't

12. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

I ... intending to stop smoking even before I got this bad cough.

a. would have been                   b. had been                                c. have been

13. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

Anne: Oh! I watched the new TV show last night.
Jo: Was it any good?
Anne: Yes, ... the TV set is so old I could see very little.

a. mind you                       b. still                              c. by the way

14. Choose the word which has a similar meaning to:


a. think about            b. seem well                        c. go for

15. Choose the word which has a similar meaning to:

 a. stroll                      b. point out                             c. Converse

16. Choose the word which has a similar meaning to:


a. finish                b. go through                  c. Full

17. Choose the word which has a similar meaning to:


a. account                        b. go back                                c. Reverse

18. Choose the word which has a similar meaning to:


a. go after                         b. account                           c. respect

19. Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

She hit her ... while she was playing football.

a. motor                      b. tail                                    c. shoulder

 20. Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

The ... went to the police.
 a. crime                       b. solicitor                                    c. Shoulder

Variant 10

The Start of Google’s Empire

The Google history looks (1) a fiction. It started in 1995 when two PhD students of Stanford University, California, found that they (2) a common vision for the development of a system which (3) make it accessible to (4) in the world to gain information in organized and easy (5) way. (6) that the pages with the most links to them from (7) highly relevant web pages (8) be (9) relevant pages associated (10) the search, young scientists tested their thesis, and laid the foundation for their search engine. Originally, the search engine (11) the Stanford University website

with the domain google.stanford.edu. The domain google.com (12) on September 15, 1997, and the company was incorporated as Google Inc. in September 1998 at a friend’s garage in Menlo Park, California. In March 1999, the company moved (13) oces in Paulo Alto, home (14) several other noted Silicon Valley technology startups. The company’s unocial slogan became ‘Don’t be evil’. However Google is (15) controversy related to its business practices: there are concerns (16) the privacy of personal information, copyright and censorship. By the end of 2003 the company (17) 3 billion documents (18) the Internet. The figure (19) already over 25 billion at present. With innovations (20) to the front such as Froogle, map search, Gmail, photo editing, sitemap and others, Google is becoming the most important player on the Internet.

1. a) as b) like  c) similar d) so

 2. a) have b) has had c) had d) having

 3. a) can b) could  c) should d) need

4. a) someone b) anyone c) everyone d) no one

 5. a) to use b) use c) using d) have used

 6. a) convincing b) convinced  c) to convince d) were convinced

 7. a) other b) others c) the other d) another

 8. a) should b) need c) ought d) must

 9. a) most b) the most  c) much d) more

 10. a) to b) from c) with d) by

11. a) use b) to use c) used d) used to

12. a) registered b) was registered  c) has been registered d) had been registered

 13. a) at b) on c) into d) by

 14. a) at b) to  c) of d) for

15. a) with b) without c) not with d) not without

16. a) regard b) regarded c) regarding d) was regarded

 17. a) indexed b) was indexed c) has indexed d) had indexed

 18. a) in b) on c) at d) by

19. a) has grown b) had grown c) was grown d) grew

 20. a) has come b) had come  c) coming d) were coming

Оберіть правильний варіант.

1. You must leave bathroom tidy.

А) You must be left tidy.

Б) The bathroom must be left tidy.

В) The bathroom is left tidy.

Г) You have to leave the bathroom tidy.

Д) The bathroom must be leaved tidy.

2. You should water this plant daily.

А) This plant should watered daily.

Б) This plant should be water daily.

В) This plant should be watered daily.

Г) This plant daily watered should be.

Д) This plant should be watering daily.

3. Our neighbour ought to paint the garage.

А) Our neighbour ought to be painted.

Б) The garage ought to be painted by our neighbour.

В) The garage ought painted by our neighbour.

Г) The garage ought be painted by our neighbour.

Д) The garage ought being painted by our neighbour.

4. I have to return these books to the library.

А) These books should be returned to the library.

Б) These books have be returned to the library.

В) These books have to be returned to the library.

Г) These books have return to the library.

Д) These books have returned to the library.

5. Someone has offered him a lot of money for it.

А) Someone was offered a lot of money for it.

Б) Someone has been offered a lot of money for it.

В) He has been offered a lot of money for it.

Г) He have been offered a lot of money for it.

Д) He had been offered a lot of money for it.

6. He will deliver the painting tomorrow.

А) The painting will be delivered tomorrow.

Б) The painting will delivered tomorrow.

В) The painting is been delivered tomorrow.

Г) The painting will deliver tomorrow.

Д) The painting will being delivered tomorrow.

7. They are typing the letters at moment.

А) The letters are being typed at the moment.

Б) The letters were being typed at the moment.

В) They are being typed the letters.

Г) The letters are being typing at the moment.

Д) The letters are to be typed at the moment.

8. Picasso painted Guernica.

А) Guernica was paint by Picasso.

Б) Guernica was painted with Picasso.

В) Guernica was painted by Picasso.

Г) Picasso was painted for Guernica.

Д) Guernica was paint by Picasso.

9. They haven’t delivered the parcel yet.

А) They are not delivered the parcel yet.

Б) The parcel hasn’t been delivered yet.

В) The parcel hadn’t been delivered yet.

Г) They haven’t been deliver the parcel yet.

Д) The parcel has been delivered yet.

10. They make Alpha Romeo cars in Italy.

А) They are made in Italy.

Б) Alpha Romeo cars were made in Italy.

В) Alpha Romeo cars are made in Italy.

Г) Italy is making Alpha Romeo cars.

Д) Alpha Romeo cars were maded in Italy.

11. Someone has stolen my wallet.

А) My wallet has been stolen by someone.

Б) My wallet has be stolen by someone.

В) My wallet has been steal by someone.

Г) My wallet had been stolen.

Д) My wallet have been stolen.

12. James Cameron directed “Titanic”

А) James Cameron was directed by “Titanic”.

Б) “Titanic” was directed by James Cameron.

В) “Titanic” was direct by James Cameron.

Г) “Titanic” is directed by James Cameron.

Д) “Titanic” were directed by James Cameron.

13. The doctor has examined him. 

А) He was examined by the doctor.

Б) He has been examined by the doctor.

В) He must be examined by the doctor.

Г) He have been examined by the doctor.

Д) He had been examined by the doctor.

14. They will make the announcement tomorrow.

А) They will be made the announcement tomorrow.

Б) They are made the announcement tomorrow.

В) The announcement will be made tomorrow.

Г) The announcement will be make tomorrow.

Д) The announcement will be maded tomorrow.

15. Emma designed this dress.

А) This dress has been designed by Emma.

Б) This dress was designed by Emma.

В) Emma has designed this dress.

Г) Emma is designed this dress.

Д) This dress was design by Emma.

16. People make jam from fruit.

А) Fruit is made from jam.

Б) Jam was been made from fruit.

В) Jam is made from fruit.

Г) Jam is make from fruit.

Д) Jam is to be made from fruit.

17. Jason broke the window.

А) The window was broken by Jason.

Б) The window is broke by Jason.

В) The window could be broken by Jason.

Г) Jason had been broken.

Д) The window was breaked by Jason.

18. A burglar broke into our house last night. 

А) A burglar was broken into our house.

Б) Our house was broken into last night.

В) A burglar is broken into our house last night.

Г) Our house was break into last night.

Д) Our house was broke into last night.

19. Marie Curie discovered radium.

А) Radium was discovered by Marie Curie.

Б) Radium must discovered by Marie Curie.

В) Radium discovered by Marie Curie.

Г) Marie Curie was discovered radium.

Д) Radium was discover by Marie Curie.

20. Every year Eading School organizes a big party for the pupils.

А) Every year is organized a big party for the pupils at Eading School.

Б) A big party for the pupils has been organized every year at Eading School.

В) A big party for the pupils is organized every year at Eading School.

Г) A big party for the pupils was organized every year at Eading School.

Д) A big party for the pupils has been organized every year at Eading School.





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