Вхідне діагностування 6 клас

Про матеріал
Вхідне діагностування розроблене на основі вивченого матеріалу в 5 класі НУШ (англійська мова). Містить в собі два варіанта по 12 запитань. Питання охоплюють лексичний і граматичний матеріал.
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Вхідне діагностування 6 клас   1 варіант

1. Find the correct variant:  New Year  is in ...   

October 31                  June 21                     January 1                    August 24

2. Find the correct variant: I can draw or paint in ... lesson. 

Music                          Art                     English                     PE                      IT

3. Find the correct variant:  I can run and jump in ... 

IT                        English                        Music                     PE                          Science

4. Find the correct variant: We can learn about countries in ... 

Geography                       Science                   IT                       English              Literature

5. Find the correct variant: Women’s Day is in …

January 1                        February 14                      March 8                     May 1

6. Find the correct variant:  Christmas is in …                 

December 25 or January 7                 January 1                    February 14                         March 8  

7. Find the correct variant:  The Day of Knowledge is in … 

September 1                   January 1                   February 14                           May 1

8. Find the correct variant: Independence Day   

День знань                                 День Конституції

День незалежності                    День непереможності

9. Find the correct variant: two hundred and forty-seven  

2007                      207                   274                  247

10. Find the correct variant: 901                                          

ninety-one                                           nineteen and one 

nine hundred and one                          nine hundred and eleven

11. Find the correct variant: Двадцятий

twentieth                           twentith                           the twentieth                          the twentyth

12. Обери правильний ряд: 17-й, 10-й, 20-й

seventeenth, tenth, twentieth                       seventeenth, tenth, twentyth

seventeen, tenth, twentieth                          seventeenth, tentht, twentieth


Вхідне діагностування 6 клас 2 варіант


1.There ... posters on the wall 

is                             are                             has                                can

2. I can speak ... 

Italian                                 a bike                           a horse                                    songs

3. Rosa ... swim underwater    

can                                      has                                          is                                            have

4. I always wash ... in the morning

face                                      bed                              breakfast                                     school

5. My dad ... a new green car 

has                                          is                                         can                                   have

6. What are the summer months? 

June                   August                   October                            May                      January                  March

7. fifteen

5                             15                            55                                50

8. 13 

thirty                          thirteen                        threety                        threeteen

9. My pencil ... in my pencil-case 

is                                       are                                    have                            has

10. I usually ... the dog on Sunday 

walk                                    walks                              is walking                             are walking

11. Can I borrow the ruler? 

Sure, here you are.                                    Hello                                            With is your partner  

20, I think

12. Can you stand on your head? 

Yes, I can.                                         No, I can.                                         Yes, she can.


До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 жовтня
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