Відкритий урок урок у 10 класі- Природні катаклізми

Про матеріал
ТЕМА УРОКУ: Природні катаклізми. Введення лексики. МЕТА: Навчальна: ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою та активізувати її вживання в мові, розширити знання учнів про проблеми екології та навколишнього середовища, природні катаклізми; збагачувати словниковий запас учнів; практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення (skimming) та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в тексті (scanning); вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; формувати навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички монологічного висловлювання з опорою на лексико-граматичну структуру; Розвиваюча: розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; запитувати і надавати інформацію; вміти здобувати інформацію з текстів, висловлювати власні думки і припущення; розвивати в учнів увагу, пам'ять, кмітливість та мовну здогадку; Обдаднання: підручники, словники, фото із природніми стихіями. дидактичний матеріал: картки із завданнями для самостійної роботи (квесту), роботи в групах, з тестовими завданнями для рефлексії, текст для читання, мультимедійна презентація, комп’ютери, , відеоролик Майкла Джексона “The Earth Song”, підручник Карп’юк О. Д. Англійська мова, дошка, веб ресурси. Міжпредметні зв’язки: українська мова, географія, екологія, країнознавство.
Перегляд файлу







розробка     уроку


Предмет:                            «АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА»


Тема програми: «Земля в небезпеці»

Тема уроку: «Природні катаклізми. Введення лексики.»














ТЕМА УРОКУ: Природні катаклізми. Введення лексики.



    ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою та активізувати її вживання в мові, розширити знання учнів про проблеми екології та навколишнього середовища, природні катаклізми;

    збагачувати словниковий запас учнів;

    практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення (skimming) та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в тексті (scanning);

    вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення;

    формувати навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички монологічного висловлюван­ня з опорою на лексико-граматичну структуру;


    розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів;

    запитувати і надавати інформацію;

    вміти здобувати інформацію з текстів, висловлювати власні думки і припущення;

    розвивати в учнів увагу, пам'ять, кмітливість та мовну здогадку;


Обдаднання: підручники, словники,  фото із природніми стихіями. дидактичний  матеріал: картки із завданнями для самостійної роботи (квесту), роботи в групах, з тестовими завданнями для рефлексії, текст для читання, мультимедійна презентація, комп’ютери, , відеоролик Майкла Джексона “The Earth Song”,  підручник Карп’юк О. Д. Англійська мова, дошка, веб ресурси.


Міжпредметні зв’язки:  українська мова, географія, екологія, країнознавство.





              Завдання уроку:


          Учні  повинні знати:

        новий лексичний матеріал;

        основні проблеми екології та навколишнього середовища,

природні катаклізми;

Учні повинні вміти:

          вживати новий лексичний матеріал у мові;

          читати текст з метою отримання загального уявлення;

          максимально розуміти всю інформацію, що міститься в тексті;

          усно висловлювати власні думки і припущення з опорою на

лексико-граматичну структуру;




І. Організаційний момент   (1 хв.)

ІІ. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення   (5 хв.)  

1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

ІІІ. Основна частина уроку   (34 хв.)

1. Learning new vocabulary

2. Listening and reading

3. Project work

4. Writing. Grammar revision: Conditional II

VІ. Заключна частина уроку (5 хв.)

1.Підведення підсумків уроку

2. Домашнє завдання




                                                              Девіз уроку:

"The man does better who runs from disaster than he who is caught by it."


І. Організаційний момент (1 хв.)


Т: Good morning, everybody! I'm glad to see you! How are you? Sit down, please.

CI: Good morning! We are glad to see you, too. We are fine, thank you.


ІІ. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

(повідомлення теми уроку, мети, плану  та ходу його проведення)

Look at the board and read the motto of the lesson


“The Earth” is our home and we must take care of it.

Write down this motto to your copy-books.

Then read the quotations of the famous people


1) – The Earth does not belong to us.

 We belong to the Earth

American Indian Chief settle.


2) – Our mother planet is showing the red light,

 “Be careful”, she us saying

 “To take care of our house”

Dalai Lama.


– During our lesson we have to solve some tasks:

• Determine the main natural disasters that damage our planet;

• Find out the ways of solution the planet problem, to less pollution

and protect the environment and what we can / should do to give our

Earth the chance to survive.


2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Answer the following questionnaire, and add your score to find out how environmentally aware you are?


1) What does your family do with empty bottles?

 a) Take them to a recycling bin.

 b) Return them to the supermarket.

 c) Throw them in the rubbish bin.

2) When you buy one or two items at the supermarket, you…

 a) …take a plastic carrier bag.

 b) …reuse an old plastic carrier bag

 c) …use your own bag.

3) How often do you choose products which contain recycled materials?

 a) Always.

 b) Never.

 c)  Sometimes.       

4) If you were asked to contribute to a Save the Animals project, you would 

 a)… give generously.

 b)…give a small amount.

 c)…refuse to give anything.       

5) A local beach has been polluted with oil. You… 

 a)…donate money for the clean-up project.

 b)…do nothing

 c) …volunteer to help with the clean-up project.    

 6) You eat a chocolate in the street. What do you do with the wrapper?

 a) Drop it on the pavement.

 b) Put it in a litter bin.

 c) Save it for recycling.    

7) When you buy paper products, you…

 a)…buy whatever is cheapest.

 b)…try to purchase recycled paper

 c)…purchase recycled paper because it is cheap.    

8) When you clean your teeth, you…

 a)…turn the tap on only when you need water.

 b) …leave the tap running until you have finished.

 c)…only use one glass of water.


Sum up your score and look for the results below: The result: 


18-24 Keep up the good work! You are doing your part to protect

the environment.


13-17 There’s some room for improvement. Change your habits and you’ll soon be green.


0-12 You are part of the problem. You should try to become part of the solution. 




a b c

            1) 3 2 0 2) 0 2 3 3) 3 0 2 4) 3 2 0 5) 2 0 3 6) 0 2 3 7) 0 3 2 8) 2 0 3 Answer




  1. Learning new vocabulary
  1. drought
  2. typhoon
  3. volcano eruption
  4. flood
  5. tsunami
  6. earthquake
  7. tornado
  8. famine
  9. forest fire
  10. a disaster
  11. a frequency
  12. a hazard
  13. a threat
  14. damage
  15. to occur
  16. to respond
  17. to underflood
  18. frequent
  19. resistant
  20. a hurricane
  21. a blizzard
  22. an avalanche
  23. a heat wave
  24. hailstorms
  25. a landslide



виверження вулкану






лісова пожежа

катаклізм, катастрофа













 теплова хвиля







a) Refer the words to the photos. Use your dictionary.

(Презентація  “Natural Disasters”,

Учням пропонують слова, назви природних катастроф.

Переглядаючи фото природних катастроф, їм потрібно використати запропоновані слова

 та назвати кожну катастрофу, що зображена на фото)


  1. THE AVALANCHE (слайд 5)
  2. A FLOOD (слайд 6)
  3. A VOLCANO ERUPTION (слайд 7)
  4. A TSUNAMI (слайд 8)
  5. A LANDSLIDE (слайд 9)
  6. A FAMINE (слайд 10)
  7. AN EARTHQUAKE (слайд 11)
  8. A FOREST FIRE (слайд 12)
  9. DROUGHT (слайд 13)
  10.  A TYPHOON (слайд 14)
  11. A TORNADO (слайд 15)


b) Виконання диференційованих вправ на закріплення лексичного матеріалу


     Розподіл на команди «choose the paper»


     Вправа на первинне закріплення нового лексичного матеріалу. (середній рівень)




     Квест «matching the definitions with the words.» (достатній рівень)















1… is one of names of cyclonic storm that forms over the oceans. It is caused

by evaporated water that comes from the ocean. Typhoon is another name

for it.


2. … are the result of prolonged rainfall from a storm, rapid melting of large

amounts of snow, or rivers which rise up their levels of water.


3. … is a slide of a large snow (or rock) mass down a mountainside. It is one of

the major dangers faced in the mountains winter.


4. … is a hazard characterized by heat which is considered extreme and

unusual in the area in which it occurs.


5. … is a severe winter storm condition characterized by low temperatures,

strong winds, and heavy blowing snow.


6. … is the point in a volcano is active and releases its power, and the eruptions

come in many forms.


7. … is an uncontrolled fire burning in wildling areas. Common causes include

lightning and drought but they may also be started by human carelessness.


8. … are rain drops that have formed together into ice.


9. … is a phenomenon that results from a sudden release of stored energy that

radiates seismic waves. It shows itself by a shaking of the ground.


10. … is a wave of water caused by the displacement of body of water. It can be

caused by undersea earthquakes or by meteorological phenomena.


11. … is a disaster closely related to an avalanche, but instead of occurring with

snow, it occurs involving actual elements of the ground, including rock, trees, parts of houses etc, which may happen to be swept up. It can be caused by an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.




12. … is a natural disaster from a thunderstorm. It is a violent, rotating column  of air, which can blow at speeds between 50 and 48 km/h and possibly  higher. It can occur one at a time or can occur along lines occupying large  areas.


13. … is defined as an acute shortage of water and crop failure. It is an

abnormally dry period when there is not enough water to support water




Веб- квест «Room» (високий рівень) (168158-river, 985613-forest)

(Key word will be the project`s name)



2. Listening and reading

a) Listen and read the article and say what natural disasters are mentioned in the article.

Для формування навичок вимови, вдосконалення навичок читання тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення (skimming) та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в тексті (scanning) учні прослуховують аудіозапис тексту та визначають про які природні катастрофи у ньому розповідається.


"Local road was washed away and damaged. The highway of national route 'Kyiv-

Chop' was blocked because of mud sliding in the Skole district in the Lviv

region. Railroad Lviv-Uzhhorod was blocked because of fall of the tree.

"A private dwelling house was destroyed because of sliding in the Ivano-

Frankivsk region. The master of the house, born in 1965, died. 963

houses-were underflooded by flood water."

"On July, 24 in the evening 27-year-old resident of the Vyzhnytsya district died in

the basement that was flooded as a result of bad weather in Bukovyna."

These lines are from Ukrayinski Novyny report about the natural Disaster that

occurred in Western Ukraine in July 2008. As a result of heavy showers the level

of water had been raised in the rivers, and dwelling houses, farmlands and agricultural

holdings were underflooded. Some crops were destroyed.

Natural disasters have begun to occur in Ukraine with increasing frequency.

After dangerous floods in Zakarpattya storms and tornados have also come their

way. Information about the number of people killed by lightning is more frequent

in different parts of Ukraine. Until recently, we only heard of such disasters

occurring on the other side of the Atlantic.

And what are the causes of natural disasters which are becoming more frequent in

our country? Not waiting for the scientists' explanations, people say this is our

fault. During the last 50 years a great deal of forests in the Carpathians have been

cut down. Deforestation has led to changes in local climate. That's why we have

so much trouble with floods in this region. The scientists remind us that all elements

and systems are interconnected in nature. Irresponsible attitude to it might lead

 to terrible results.

The conducted research work has confirmed the idea about not only natural but

man-made causes of these floods.

What is a natural disaster? The definition is: it is the effect of a natural hazard

that affects the environment and leads to financial, environmental and/or human

losses. A natural hazard is a threat of a natural occurring event that will have a

negative effect on people or the environment. Many natural hazards are interrelated.

For example, earthquake can cause tsunami and drought that can lead directly to famine.

The costs of natural disasters — lives lost, homes destroyed, economies disrupted...

But there is reason for hope. By understanding how and where these natural

events occur, we can build and live safely on the Earth, and by providing real-time information about floods, earthquakes, and other hazards, we can respond effectively

when disaster strikes. We should build stronger, safer communities that are resistant

to natural disasters.


b) Read the article again and choose the best answer (a-c).

Для актуалізації опорних знань, учні виконують тестування, що дозволяє за короткий проміжок часу об’єктивно оцінити знання та розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в тексті, і по результатах тестування  виставити відповідні оцінки.

  1.    What natural disaster did occur in Western Ukraine in 2008?

 a) drought 

b) earthquake  

c) flood


  1.    What happened to the national route 'Kyiv-Chop' in 2008?
  1. It was underflooded.
  2. It was blocked with mud sliding.
  3. It was ruined by volcano eruption.


3 What natural disasters are becoming more frequent in Ukraine?

a) floods and storms 

b) floods and earthquakes 

c) tsunamis and floods


4 What are the causes of frequent floods in Zakarpattya?

  1.                         heavy showers
  2.                         natural and man-made causes
  3. deforestation


5 What is a natural disaster? 

  1. It is a natural hazard.
  2. It is a weather event.
  3. It is the effect of a natural hazard.


6 What is a natural hazard?

  1. It is a threat of a natural event that might have negative effect. 
  2. It is a natural catastrophe.
  3. It is a natural disaster.


7 What is the relationship between natural hazards?

  1. They all result into natural disasters.
  2. They are interrelated, one can lead to another.
  3. They never influence each other.


8 What does 'to respond to natural disasters effectively' mean?

  1.                             It means we shouldn't pay any attention to difficulties.
  2.                             It means that we must remember that all elements and systems are interconnected in nature.
  3.                             It means we should learn more about disasters and build safer communities with real-time information provided.



3.  Project work


- People do not think about nature. People do not think about harmful effect of their activities. For a moment, let’s imagine what our rivers and forests would tell us if they could speak. You have two dialogues “A River and a Man” and “A Forest and a Man”. Your task is to  read the texts, to name the problems, the causes and their solutions.

(Додаток 1)


    4. Grammar revision: Conditional II (white board)


 Finish the sentences    (учні складають речення, висловлюють свої думки)

           If we Past Simple V,                we  would  V1.


          If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet in the street, I would...

         If I were the minister for the Environment, I would...

         If I liked fishing, I would...

         If I lived in a jungle, I would...

         If I were an inventor, I would...

         If I lived in the city…


 (Додаток 2)


VІ. Заключна частина уроку

1.Підведення підсумків уроку

T: I`d like you to fill in a self-assessment card at the end of the lesson.


Points (0-3)

1.     I can tell many names of natural disasters


2.     I can understand the text in English easily


3.     I can communicate on the topic


4.     I can work in group


5.     I`ve got good listening skills





- I’d like to sum up the results of the lesson. All of you take an active part in our discussion. I’m satisfied and proud of you and I hope you’ll do everything to protect the nature. But remember my friends: the most dangerous pollution is the pollution of the soul. Keep your souls clean. Don’t pollute them with anger, envy and the world will be the better place to live.

- I want to finish the lesson with a great song . It is a masterpiece of the famous singer M. Jackson “The Earth Song”


2. Домашнє завдання A,B,

1) A--  Read the paragraphs (A-E) and refer them to the questions (1-5).

  1. What are they?
  2. Why do they happen?
  3. Where do they happen?
  4. How do they affect people?
  5. What can people do?


  1. Over the warm parts of oceans. Tornadoes are common in parts of the USA, Australia and Japan.
  2. The water evaporates from the warm sea. This condenses in the atmosphere. More and more hot, wet air rises up. It becomes a strong wind.
  3. Scientists can usually track hurricanes, but they cannot stop them.
  4. Tropical storms with strong winds. They start at sea, and can travel a long distance. They have different names in different places: 'hurricanes' in the Atlantic Ocean, 'typhoons' in the Pacific Ocean, 'tropical cyclones' in the Indian Ocean and around Australasia. Tornadoes or whirlwinds, are similar, but begin over land.
  5. They can affect ships, blow down houses, cause floods and disrupt traffic.






2) Learn the new words by heart.





























Додаток 1

A Forest and a Man

- Hello, dear Forest! Why are you so sad?

- I’m becoming smaller and smaller.

- Why?

- You, people, cut down my trees all the time.

- But you have a lot of them.

- You are mistaken. Factories and plants use lots of wood. And remember the great fires. My brother-forests disappear after them. But we are necessary for people. Where will we get oxygen from?

- It’s really a problem! Is there the way out? What should we do?

- The first step is to plant more trees. Then you should use paper economically. And, besides, don’t leave fires after picnics.



Додаток 1

A River and a Man

- Hello, dear river. How are you today?

- I’m awful.

- Why? What was happened?

- Oh! Don’t even ask about it! Look at me! Look at all the rubbish on my banks, And my water! It is green and moody. My poor fish is dying.

- Who did it?

- You, people!

- It can be so. I don’t believe you. We only swim in your water in summer and go fishing.

- Only swim in your water in summer and go fishing? And what about rubbish you throw into my waters, or industrial wastes your factories pour into me?

- Oh, dear! Forgive us. We are awfully sorry. How can we help you?

- It’s easy. Put filters, use my water economically and, please, use bins for rubbish. And I’ll be glad to meet you on my banks again.

- These steps are easy. I hope we’ll be able to help you.







Додаток 2



   Make antirubbished laws

   Take care of homeless animals

   Take measures to prevent water and air pollution

   Do research to save wildlife

   Invent cars that pollute less

   Plant a lot of parks and squares

   Put litter in the bin

   Plant trees to make homes for birds and animals.

   Be a friend to fish. Don't throw litter into the rivers.








До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 лютого
Оцінка розробки
Відгуки відсутні
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про публікацію авторської розробки
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