Відкритий урок з англійської мови у 8 класі на тему: "Чи важко бути вчителем"

Про матеріал

В конспекті використані матеріали щодо ролі вчителя в школі. А також діяльність учня та вчителя на уроці, додержання шкільних правил. Використаний мамеріал для аудіювання, читання.говоріння.

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  Відкритий урок з англійської мови на тему:  Чи важко бути вчителем

 Вчитель І категорії НВО№2 «ЗШ-гімназія І-ІІІ ст.» м. Гайворон Шаргородська О.Г.



 - to revise and enrich student’s vocabulary on the topic;

 - to develop students’ speaking, listening and reading skills;

 - to develop students’ students’ skills in expressing opinions, giving suggestions and arguments;

 - to form students’ abilities of critical thinking;

 - to bring up the culture of communication, friendly and tolerant attitude to each other, the ability to prove one’s point of view.


cards for different activities, a tape recorder, grammar tables.



Good morning, dear friends. Glad to see you. I think you will try your best and succeed. Today we are going to speak about education; the best ways and places to get good education. We will practice our vocabulary and grammar. We will also speak about schools, the role of teachers. We will do listening and a test.

What does school give to you?

School:  education, knowledge, friends, mood, future job.

How do you get all this things?

We study. We make friends. We do our homework. We communicate. We take part in different contests. We make friends.

Are you good pupils? Do you keep school rules? What are they?

1.Come to school in time

2.Not to be late at the lessons

3.Do homework

4.Be active

5.Be tidy, wear school uniform

6.Don’t buly

7.Respecr teachers


You will write a test about how you feel yourselves at school (підручник)

Count you points and listen your characteristics.

A minute of relaxation

Shut your eyes and dream. What did you dream about? Use phrases:

I dreamt about

I saw

I thought about

Who is the main person at the lesson? Who is the boss? What features must the teacher have? Kind, clever, honest, tolerant, responsible

Work with the textbook ex.1p.87

Is it difficult to be a teacher? Why?

                  Teach children

                  Behave kids

Teacher      Organize contests

                  Work with parents

Listening what children think about their teachers ex.2p.88

Complete the sentences in your sheets of papers


Homework: write about your class teacher



До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 лютого 2018
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