Виховний захід "Heads and Tails"

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На проекторі заставка шоу «Орел та решка». Виходять ведучі!

На проекторі відео будівлі аеропорту. За кадром чути звуки літаків.

P1: Hello!

P2: Hi!

P1: We glad to see you, our dear audience!

P2: It's your favourite TV-show HEADS OR TAILS and it's mean that I … (name) and my friend …(name) tell you about one's more town!

P1: So, today we are in London

P2:London? London is the capital of Great Britain?

P1:Yes, yes, exactly that London. The city from our textbooks and English lessons!

P2: Wow! It's cool, cool, cool!

P1: So, our plane touchdown in Heathrow

Перегляд файлу

На проекторі заставка шоу «Орел та решка». Виходять ведучі!

На проекторі відео будівлі аеропорту. За кадром чути звуки літаків.


P1: Hello!

P2: Hi!

P1: We glad to see you, our dear audience!

P2: It’s your favourite TV-show HEADS OR TAILS and it’s mean that I … (name) and my friend …(name) tell you about one’s more town!

P1: So, today we are in London

P2:London? London is the capital of Great Britain?

P1:Yes, yes, exactly that London. The city from our textbooks and English lessons!

P2: Wow! It’s cool, cool, cool!

P1: So, our plane touchdown in Heathrow

P2: I promise you will get to know everything about this exiting city!

P1: And now we solve who of us will trip with 100 dollars and who could not to refuse himself in his wishes.

P2: So, heads…

P1: …or tails!

P2: Yes, yes, yes! The gold card is mine for today! Take your travelbag! See you tomorrow!

P1: Good bye!

Другий учень йде. Перший залишається на сцені. З’являється обмінний пункт та автобусна зупинка чи метро.

P1: So… What is in my bag? It’s too heavy.  Let’s find smth interesting. So, 100 dollars. It’s usefull. What? Tent? Cans? So, you want to tell that this city is too expensive and I should sleep in a sleeping bag and eat cans. Oh, no! Our people never give up!

 In spite of only 100 dollars in my pocket I hope it will be the best weekend for me.

So, firstly, I go to exchange my money for the national currency! 100 dollars is 82  pounds

На проекторі зразок валюти країни

And now I go to search for а bus or metro station. It’s so brilliant that my English is well, and I can ask people so important for me questions on their mother tongue.


Oh, lady, excuse me, can you tell me where is the station? How much does the ticket cost? 

Oh, let’s go to underground. However, Do you know, how Londoners call underground? Tube! My ticket costs 10 pounds. It’s too much, but it’s price for some trips and it’s big advantage.

Декорації  прибирають, на проекторі з’являється автомобіль.

P2: So, while … (name) search for transport I tell you about London where I go by my magnificent car. Attention! My car for today is CAB. The Austin FX4 is a taxicab that was produced from 1958 until 1997. It is the most recognizable taxi in the world. Oh, my God!

So, Mr, take me to the hotel.

We are in the best hotel in London! We are in “Savoy”.

Hello! Ms, I need the most expensive room. 15000? It’s not a problem. Here you are.

WoW! My room is amazing! I have a magnificent view of  Big Ben! And London Eye! And Thames! The great river!


P1: And I’m in a hostel. I’ve found the cheapest one! It costs 20 pounds! It’s not bad. It’s the center of the city, but there are 6 people in my room!

So, I have 52p for my trip! Come on! You should see the main palace. Do you know this place? Yes? It’s Green park. There are so many people on the grass. They eat, drink and grass. Also, you can find desk chairs here. But it cost 15p for an hour. Can you believe? But I come here not to sit! I want to watch changing ceremony. It takes place at Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is the London residence  of the monarch of the United Kingdom.It’s Located in the City of Westminster, It’s majestically. Do you agree with me? Maybe, I will be lucky to see the Queen. 

Let’s move on!

As I have a little money, I decide not to spend my money for transport! I’ll go on food. I can see real double-deckers, red call-boxes. It’s real London. We are at out destination. Big Ben! Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London  and is usually extended to refer to both the clock and the clock tower. Big Ben is the largest of the tower's five bells and weighs 13.5 long tons (13.7 tonnes; 15.1 short tons). It was the largest bell in the United Kingdom for 23 years.

Behind this long and beautiful building stands medieval Westminster Abbey where many historic weddings, coronations and burials took place. 

Not far from Big Ben it is Trafalgar square. It is the most popular London’s square. In the middle of Trafalgar Square tourists stop to admire a 52-metre Nelson’s column dedicated to Admiral Lord Nelson. And what is this? National Galery! I remember how my English teacher told me about it. . London’s National Gallery has the greatest collection of paintings of Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, Renoir and many others. London is famous for its wonderful museums and art galleries. In British Museum one can see ancient paintings, sculptures and even Egyptian mummies. 


… What does it smell? It’s smth delicious. I have no time. I need to go there. 

P2: What? Museums? Come with me. I show you smth more interesting. Where am I? The most known and popular museum in London. Madame is a wax museum in London. All people can make photo with Elisabeth II or film star. You can kiss Joni Depp or Angelina Jolie. But I have more possibilities. I can order vax model for my own. It costs… 50000P

Unfortunately,  I have no time for this! Let’s go to the cab. We will go to the Tower of London.

In the past the Tower of London served as a royal palace, a fortress and a prison. Today it’s a museum. But the main reason to visit it is Black ravens.

Black ravens meet tourists there. They have lived there for centuries. The raven master takes care of them. He gives them meat in the morning and in the evening.  The old legend says that if the ravens are lost or fly away the crown will fall and the Britain with it.

They eat better than me. It’s time to eat and to find one more interesting place.

London Eye. The heart of London. The ticket costs 15p. But  not for me. I order my cabin for 820p. Why so expensive? I can  explain. Do you know what time is it? It’s 5 o’clock. It’s time for tea. Yes, I’ll have my tea and dinner in London’s Eye’s cabin. Oh, what a great view of  London. What tasty tea! However, do you know that Englishmen don’t drink tea with lemon. Oh, уes, they think it’s a strange Russian tradition. Crazy people!


P2: So, London. You are great, you are amazing, you are wonderful.

P1: You are breathtaking. You are fantastic. You are magnificent.

Діти виходять на середину сцени.

P1: Oh, hello, dear! How do you like here?

P2: Everything is amazing.  It’s a marvelous city!

P1: We say bye for now. See you next time in other unexpected city.

P2: Ok, of course, we have not gold card!

P1: … Or ever 100 dollars!

P2: But we hope our dream to visit London will come true…





23 березня 2023
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