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Smart Teens






Готовые дипломы в Украине продают по 2000 гривен 




                                                                                        Responsible: Shkavrin K.I.


Name the country for each flag


Начало формы






































Countries by Famous Landmark







1)    Taj Mahal







2)    Eiffel Tower







3)    Great Pyramid of Giza







4)    Teotihuacan







5)    Terracotta Army







6)    Uluru







7)    Machu Picchu







8)    Kremlin







9)    Colosseum






Great Britain

1. What is Big Ben?

2. The national shrine of Great Britain.

3. What titles did Byron and Walter Scott have?

4. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

5. What city did ”Beatles’’ come from?

6. The compulsory theme of British conversation.

7. What is the area of England?

8. National sport of Great Britain.

9. What is the national anthem of Great Britain?

10. National symbol of Scotland.


1. How is the seat of government called?

2. What famous car is produced in the USA?

3. What city is the world’s famous resort?

4. How is dollar formally called?

5. What city is Hollywood situated in?

6. What city was the Independence of the USA proclaimed in?

7. What river is New York situated in?

8. One of the biggest lakes situated in the USA.

9. The capital of the USA.

10. What is the residence of the US president?



1. How are adverbs formed?

2. Give the plural to the noun “mouse”.

3. Past form of the verb  ”steal”.

4. Spell the word “accident”.

5. What part of speech is the word “magnificence”?

6. Do we use article with the names of streets?

7. Which tense expresses an action in its progress?

8. What verbs are not used in Continuous form?

9. What verbs are used with the infinitive of another verb?

10. What preposition is used with the names of days?

11. Finish the idiom ”as cool as…”

12. Make up a sentence in Passive Voice.

13. Give synonyms to the word ’’nice’’.

14. Give definition to the word ’’tension”.

15. Past Participle of the verb ’’break”.

16. Synonym to the word ”canvas”.

17. Give definition to the word ”tention’’.

18. Is the word “china” countable or uncountable?

19. Finish the sentence ”We’d rather……’’

20. Finish the proverb ”Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind…

                                                                         -Malcolm Forbes






Guess the words:

1. To operate in different countries; (multinational)

2. A chance or time to do smth; (opportunity)

3. Working well and quickly; (efficient)

4. A business organization; (company)

5. A person who sees something happen; (witness)

6. A search for information about smth; (investigation)

7. Money paid as a punishment; (fine)

8. Telling about possible problem or danger; (warning)

9. Someone who is different from the rest; (a black sheep)

10. Suitable for long use; (durable)

11. To start computer again (to reboot)

12. Programs that track online movements (spyware)

13. To ask for information (to inquire)

14. To get stuck (can’t move)

15. To stop smth by force (to put down)

16. To lose one’s head (be in panic)

17. To look for a long time (to stare)

18. A couch potato (a person who spends much time watching TV)

19. A white elephant (a thing that is useless or no longer needed)

20. To hold the floor (speak during discussion for a long time…)




1. In what city is the statue ”Andersen’s Mermaid” situated?

2. Where does the biggest annual carnival take place?

3. Where are the ruins of Babylon?

4. Where are the monuments to Don Quixote and Sancho Panza?

5. The symbol of freedom in the USA.

6. Which theatre looks like a swan starting to fly?

7. It is equally famous in music, literature and architecture.

8. In which country is the statue of Christ-Salvador situated?

9. Why sandwiches are called sandwiches?

10. What is the Tower of London famous for?

11. What is the name of the architect of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome?

12. The longest hanging bridge in the world?

13. Famous museum in France.

14. Name performing arts.

15. Finish the proverb ”Art washes away from the soul……” (Pablo Picasso)

16. Translate the word ”prominent”

17. What does the word ”sketch’’ mean?

18. A painting of inanimate subjects.

19. Correctly describing events that will happen.

20. Give definition to the word ”scenery”.





1. What has 4 fingers and a thumb but isn’t a hand? (glove)

2. What is white when it’s dirty and black when it’s clean? (blackboard)

3. What gets higher as it falls? (snow)

4. How can you stand behind someone while he stands behind you? (back to back)

5. Where do you find a square ring? (at a boxing arena)

6. What 2 letters of English alphabet have eyes?

7. What goes up and never comes down? (your age)

8. What key doesn’t lock the door? (a music key)

9. What is the best place to put the cake in? (the mouth)

10. What goes up when the rain goes down?

11. I’m neither a rhyme nor a song

     I can be short or very long

     I can be funny or quite sad

     But to read me you’ll be glad. (a story)

12. The outside is a shell

      The inside is a meat

       It grows on a tree

       And is good to eat (a nut)

13. Which 4 letters would frighten a thief? (O, I, S, U-Oh, I see you)

14. When is potato like a boy? (when they both are in jackets.

15. What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never is in hundred years (letter M)

16. What will the baby hedgehog say when it backs into a cactus? (Hello mum (friend).


Smart Teens Marathon Results

10-A. Route.   







Smart Teens Marathon Results

10-B. Route.







Smart Teens Marathon Results

10-V. Route.


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