Вправи на відпрацювання "to be" в терперішньому та минулому часі

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Вправи на відпрацювання "to be" в теперішньому та минулому часі. Містить пояснення граматики і вправи.
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Тo be в теперішньому часі

Дієслово to be може вживатися в одній з трьох форм am, is, are в теперішньому часі (граматичні часи Present Simple, Present Continuous).




I am a musician.
Я (є) музикант.

I'm not a musician.
Я не музикант.

Am I a musician?
Я музикант?

She is in love.
Вона закохана.

She isn't in love.
Вона не закохана.

Is she in love?
Вона закохана?

You are in my house.
Ти в моєму домі.

You aren't in my house.
Ти не в моєму домі.

Why are you in my house?
Чому ти в моєму домі?

We’re playing.
Ми граємо.

We’re not playing.
Ми не граємо.

Where are you playing?
Де ви граєте?































I am = I'm
are not = aren't
is not = isn't









Вправи на відпрацювання дієслова to be

Вправа 2. Complete what Brenda says about herself on the picture. Use am, is or are.


My name (1) ______ Brenda Foster. I (2) ______ on the left in the picture. I (3) ______ ten years old and I (4) ______ in the fifth form. My birthday (5) _____ on the first of January. I (6) ______ from Santa Monica, California, USA. I (7) ______ American. My phone number (8) ______ 235-456-789. I live at 16 Park Street. My post code (9) ______ LA 30 SM. I’ve got a sister and a brother. Their names (10) ______ Gina and Paul. Gina (11) ______ 16 years old and Paul (12) ______ only three. I’ve also got a dog. His name (13) ______ Spot. He (14) ______ on the right in the picture. My Mum (15) ______ a doctor. She works at a hospital. My Dad (16) ______ a driver. He works in Los Angeles. We (17) ______ all in our friendly family.


Вправа 3. The verb to be. Insert appropriate present forms.

A: Hi, Alex. How (1) _________ you?

B: Hello David. I (2) _________ fine and how (3) _________ you doing?

A: I (4) _________doing fine.

B: How (5) _________ your sister? Where (6) _________she now?

A: She (7) _________ in London. She (8) _________learning English there.

B: Really? That (9) _________wonderful! How about your parents?

A; They (10) _________ fine too. They (11) _________ in Cyprus now.

B: (12) _________ you busy tonight?

A: Not really, why?

B: We (13) _________ having a party. Would you like to come?

A: i’d love to.

B: Then come to our place at 7:00 p.m.


Вправа 4. Write in is / isn’t, are / aren’t, am / ‘m not.

I __________ lazy.

My friend ___________ naughty.

My granny___________ kind.

My granddad ___________clever.

My teachers___________ funny.

I___________ a bad pupil.



Вправа 5. Fill in is, are, he’s, she’s, l m, they’re.

How _____ your mum? — _______ fine, thanks.

How _____ your parents? — _____ OK.

How _____ you? — _____ very well, thank you.

How _____ your uncle? — _____ fine, thanks.

How _____ your children? — _____ OK.

How _____ Liz? — _____ fine, thanks.

How _____ your cousin? — _____ very well, thank you


Вправа 6. Write in am /’m not, is / isn’t or are / aren’t.

I _____ a businessman.

I _____ a pupil.

My friends_____ teachers.

My uncle_____ a driver.

My parents _____ doctors.

My cousins _____ vets.

My mum _____ a shop-assistant.


Вправа 7. Write in is /are

1. How much ________ the trousers?

2. How much ________ these shorts?

3. How much ________ a pair of socks?

4. How much ________ this scarf?

5. How much ________ this dress?

6. How much ________ the jeans?



Вправа 8. Write in is / are

These trousers _______ ?30.

This hat _______ ?5.

The socks _______?3.

How much _______ the shoes?

How much _______ the jacket?

Дієслово to be в Past Simple. Was / were exercises.

Тo be в минулому часі

Дієслово to be в минулому часі має дві форми was та were (граматичні часи Past Simple, Past Continuous).




I was right.
Я був правий.

I wasn't right.
Я не був правий.

Was I right?
Чи був я правий?

You were so close.
Ти був так близько.

You weren't close.
Ти не був близько.

Were you close?
Ти був близько?

They were working at 7 pm.
Вони працювали о 7-й вечора.

They weren't working at 7 pm.
Вони не працювали о 7-й вечора.

Why were they working at 7 pm?
Чому вони працювали о 7-й вечора?
























was not = wasn't
were not = weren't














 question word (питальне слово).


Вправа 9. Write in was / were

_________ Jenny at the party?

_________ Lumpy quiet yesterday?

_________ you in розташовують kongo друкують?

_________ your parents in the local gym yesterday?

_________ your friend at school yesterday?

_________ you happy yesterday?


 Вправа 10. Write in was / were

_______ your mum tired yesterday?

_______ you hungry yesterday evening?

_______ it cold yesterday?

_______ your teacher sad yesterday?

_______ your pet hungry yesterday?


Вправа 11. Write in was / were

The third day _______ Wednesday. The boys _______ in the swimming-pool. Steve _______ the fastest swimmer! On Thursday we _______ at the circus! The bears _______ funny! The fifth day _______ Friday. In the morning we _______ in the zoo.


 Комплексні вправи на відпрацювання to be.

Вправа 12. Вставте дієслово to be в потрібному часу. (Present Simple / Past simple / Present Perfect / Future Simple)


Present Simple


Fred _____ thirteen now.

« ____ you English? «No, l _________.

Her name _____ Ann.

« ______ David a good friend?» «Yes, he _______».

__________ these men doctors?

«You_______ from Belarus, _________ you?» «Yes, that______right».

There__________ a nice lake in the forest. Let’s go!

There ________no more questions, _________there?

Past Simple


«When you ________ a small child, _________ you happy?» «Yes, I ________. I ________ very happy.»

They (not) ________ ready for the lesson last Tuesday.

The days_________ cold and wet last September.

There ________20 pupils in our class last year.

Present Perfect


13. I ________ill for the last few weeks.


14. Where _______ John _________ all day?


15. They (not) ________ to this part of the country.


16. «________ she________ to America? » «No, she ________.»


Future Simple


17. He ________ 13 years old tomorrow.


18. I ________ back home at 6 o’clock.


19. We __________ at the library at that time.


20. They __________ here at 3 o’clock.


21. They ________ happy to see us.




Вправа 13. Вставте дієслово tobe в потрібному часу. (Present Simple / Past simple / Present Perfect / Future Simple)




Hello! Го name ________ Alan. I________ thirteen. My friend’s name ________ David. He ________ thirteen, too. We ________ from Belarus. Last summer we ________ at the seaside. The weather ________ sunny. There________ many people on the beach. We had a good time. I hope next summer it ________ sunny and warm, too. There________ a lot of nice days. I ______ never ________ to other countries. Some day in future I ________ lucky to visit London and my holidays ________ great.





1. The animals ________ in danger.


2. There ________ only a few mountain gorillas in the world now.


3. It ________ the thirty-first today.


4. The wind ________ strong yesterday.


5. We________ at the end of Cliff Road when Alan fell down.


6. What ________ the weather like yesterday?


7. I hope your leg________ better soon.


8. ________ you________ at home tomorrow?


9. _______ you ever________ to London?


10. I ________ ill for a week.


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Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
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