Впровадження системи лексико-граматичних вправ з метою формування комунікативної та соціокультурної компетентностей учнів на уроках іноземної мови
Системне використання універсальних лексико-граматичних структур (Substitution tables) забезпечує формування, вдосконалення навичок, розвиток комунікативних умінь іншомовного спілкування, які дають можливість учням самостійно вирішувати комунікативно-пізнавальні завдання.
Лексико-граматичнi структури (Substitution tables) відповідають етапам формування, вдосконалення навичок механізму говоріння, розвитку умiнь непiдготовленого усного мовлення; використовуються в процесі навчання всiх мовленнєвих ситуацій в ході певних етапiв уроку; охоплюють всю тему, або є ключовими опорами
Лексико-граматичнi структури (Substitution tables) дають можливiсть цiлеспрямовано:
активiзувати вживання в мовленнi розмовних клiше; комбiнувати рiзноманiтнi структури в мовленнi залежно від поставленого комунiкативного завдання.
Substitution tables
Youth subcultures
1. What are the modern subcultures in the world?
The most common subcultures in the world |
are |
hippies, goths, emos, skinheads, punks |
2. Are the youth subcultures fading away?
The youth subcultures |
are fading away disappeared are absorbed by internet social nets interacted in mass culture intergrated into mass cultures |
3. Are subcultures dangerous for society?
Very often young people |
meet together listen to music rest help each other |
but |
young people |
think become make imitate unite use |
force is the only decision of the problems addict, weak-willed war between certain groups lifestyle people in / within the limits drugs, alcohol, in order to relax |
subcultures |
is dangerous is useful |
because |
it deprives person’s individuality |
Charity and Volunteering
1. What are well-known charity organizations?
Some well-known charity organizations |
are include |
Oxfam Save the Children World Food Programme UNICEF Doctors Without Borders. |
2. What are goals of charity organizations?
Some well-known charity organizations |
focus on |
giving support people in need poverty hunger healthcare humanitarian crises around the world. |
3. What are well-known volunteering organizations?
Some well-known volunteering organizations |
are include |
Habitat for Humanity Red Cross Doctors Without Borders Peace Corps. |
4. What are goals of Volunteering organizations?
Volunteering organizations |
are aimed have goals |
to address various social / environmental / humanitarian needs / community development / disaster relief / healthcare provision / education support / environmental conservation to give addressed suppot people in need |
Volunteering organizations |
strive to make a positive impact on |
society mobilizing volunteers contributing time /skills/resources |
to achieve goals |
5. Is volunteerism popular in Ukraine? What is the impact of volunteerism in Ukraine?
Some people They Volunteers
The vet volunteers |
prefer like make a difference could join up do help
join donate
treat |
volunteering in their free time volunteering in the day-to-day life of people in the community. with people who share your interests. useful things together. the Ukrainian army and the wounded people who come from the conflict zones. the war victims in the charitable activities to projects helping those affected collect clothes and household goods for people from conflict zones sick or injured animals at the animal bazaar/shelter |
6. Are schoolchildren active in different kinds of charity work?
Schoolchildren |
are take part participate |
very active in different kinds of charity work in different kinds of charity work. |
7. What projects can be organized by volunteers in schools?
Schoolchildren |
organize different projects take part in different projects |
“Kind Hearts” “Make the Area Beautiful” “Instruct the Elderly” “Bring Joy to Children” “Bring stationery for our local orphanage” “Rake leaves and clean up local park” “Paint the playground and fence in the kindergarten.” |
9. Where can schoolchildren find these like-minded people?
Schoolchildren |
can you find like-minded people |
in social media/ local newspaper |
1. What is school for us?
It is a place where pupils |
learn demonstrate realize gain develop get |
to respect each other their talents different things themselves knowledge their relationship education |
2. Do children like to go to school?
We I Children |
like(s) dislike(s) |
to go to school |
they I we |
can (not) |
develop our (my) abilities play interesting games choose different kind of activities there show our / talents talents learn to become self-confident gain knowledge |
3. What and who help(s) you to study?
Visual aids Maps Pictures Rules A good book |
help(s) |
pupils us |
to understand |
grammar rules difficult material different subjects |
4. What is your favourite subject and why?
My favourite subject(s) |
is are |
Maths Literature PE Ar Russian English Nature Study |
because |
I we |
is are am |
fond of interested in good at |
reading books doing sums running jumping |
5. Why do pupils wear school uniform? Do you always try to get it tidy? Why?
Pupils |
wear |
school uniform |
because |
a uniform disciplines they like to look tidy they feel they belong to a certain group they can concentrate on work rather than on classmates clothes schoolchildren don’t envy each other |
6. Is it necessary to wear a school uniform?
A school uniform |
gives introduces breaks down |
students sense of identity a sense of belonging to a certain group the barriers between children from different economic background |
School Education
1. What is education aimed on?
Education |
helps us makes us |
to form an individual opinion to make a change in ourselves or in the world based on our knowledge broaden the mind curious about things, about life to draw conclusions from things to form an individual opinion widen the scope |
2. How does education help to succeed in life?
Education |
helps |
to master a good profession to succeed in your career to start your own business to get a high-paid job |
3. What systems of school education does Ukraine / USA / UK have?
Education in |
Ukraine UK USA |
comprises |
basic levels |
elementary primary secondary high pre-school |
School education |
is |
free of charge fee-paying compulsory comprehensive selective |
in Ukraine/USA/ UK |
4. What are the most important factors for success at school?
The most important factors for success are |
being organized being disciplined
high exams results
natural talents |
when you are interested in
when you keep rules and obligations
you become more confident
you need to do your best |
you are eager to do smth
the results are higher
to develop your talents |
5. How is school life organized?
School year School day |
consists of lasts begins ends |
9 months terms at 9 a. m at 3.13 p. m |
School |
works according
teaches |
National Carriculum National Standard core subjects optional courses |
6. What does school teach us?
Attending school |
teachers us |
to socialize with others to get along with students of all ages, teachers |
7. What are modern education technologies?
Distance education Distance learning E-learning |
is / are established focuses aims offers |
to provide access to deliver on technology courses online |
new technologies education to students |
8. Why is e-learning becoming very popular / useful/modern?
E-learning |
is |
a way |
to improve our education system to save money for education/building schools to less / low money spending for hiring teachers |
9. Do you think learning without teachers, classroom, schools in general will ever take place?
Computers |
open up give |
new roads in education access to online materials / video interviews ability to use information on internet access to the best educational technology presentation of information during lessons |
Teachers |
supervise engage talk to is |
students students in discussions students in face-to face discussions students directly the focus in the classroom |
10. What makes a good teacher?
A good teacher |
possesses is characterized with |
patience being a good listener kindness sense of humour sense of fairness ability to stimulate students enthusiasm knowledge of subjects |
11. What are the reasons students stay away from school?
Students stay away from school |
because of |
friends influence boredom during classes family problems problems at school |
1.Why do we like / admire / value works of art ?
Works of art |
show reflect help enrich |
shades and nuances of the time internal psychological and social drama of a painter apprehend the motley colours of the material world sensitive perception of reality hidden world of feelings |
The artists’works |
are |
impressive invaluable well-known |
for |
profound philosophical inference / |unprecedented / an unusual figurative structure of the composition |
2.What do the artists want to reflect by their works?
It goes without saying It’s no exaggeration to say |
that |
the artist |
developed his own theory of caricature created a caricature of his time made a lot of “moralities” influenced the development of satire of his time |
The painter’s goal |
is was |
to view the life philosophically to pay attention to follies and vices of the middle class to raise the problems of the morals to create a gallery of satirical portraits |
In his |
Canvases Pictures portraits |
the painter |
relied on asserted advocated presented conveyed |
the spiritual beauty of a man his personal observations the typical and essential modernity of his vision the grandeur and joy of earthly life compositions |
3.How can we characterize the artist ?
The artist |
was |
a painter of great distinction a master of genre and portrait painting a philosopher who grasped the poetic individuality of his people a searcher for an epic monumental idiom adequate to portray his time an outstanding portraitist and humanitarian a creator of poetic symbol of his homeland remarkable for lofty feelings of joy and sorrow |
1) Develop the topic using questions, substitution tables
Answer the questions:
Do you agree with all the statements of the preface written by the author to his book?
“The Picture of Dorian Gray?” Would you like to share your views on some of them?
2) Draw arguments to support your point of view.
“The artist is the creator of beautiful things. To reveal art and conceal the artist is art’s aim.”
“The artist can express everything.
Diversity of opinion about a work of art shows that the work is new, complex and vital.”
“When critics disagree the artist is in accord with himself. All art is quite useless.” (Oscar Wilde)
— What is “art”? How do you understand it?
— “Art ... is a veil rather than a mirror” (O. Wilde).
3) Can people live without art?
4) What purposes does true art serve?
5) How does it help to educate people?
6) Do you think art can be great if it is not linked with the life of the people, their interests and ideals?
7) Is it worth while creating pictures (works of art) if they are intended for a selected few?
8) Is it possible that an artist should be the first to notice things that other people fail to see?
Artists are eager to exhibit their pictures at the galleries.
All painters need sitters to create a portrait.
They say that a picture has a universal language. Agree or disagree.
9) Why do arts flourish when / if the society has reached a high level of development and prosperity?
10) When you see a picture what do you pay attention to: colour, composition, things, people’s faces?
11) True art elevates the mind and soul of people. Can that be said of abstractionism, which is now fashionable?
We are teenagers!
1. Is it easy to be a teenager?
You are teenager |
it is time |
of conflicting feelings and desires of important public exams of hard (demanding) school work of starting a serious relationship when relations can be unstable when you experiment with your image of conflicts at school of feeling of pressure of misunderstanding between you and parents |
2. What does it mean to be a teenager?
A “typical teenager” |
work is
neglect speak has are has are rebel |
hard at school rude and tactless lazy irresponsible industrious like his parents (teachers, friends, opinion) openly serious problems cool guys alcohol, drug- habits unpredictable against parents |
3. Do teenagers have common problems?
There are many common problems for all teenagers
How What |
to plan future to spend free time to deal with bulling (to escape bulling) to do after school to find friends to deal with your friends to solve conflicts with friends, parents to make parents understand you to find common language with parents to express your opinion to deal with girlfriend (boyfriend) to avoid conflicts to become independent to establish priorities |
4. Why is it important for parents/ teenagers to be tolerant?
It is necessary It is important It is a usual thing |
to be |
tolerant liberal |
with |
teenagers parents |
because |
You Both of you He She They
have has |
to solve conflicts to make the right choices to find balance in your relations to keep your opinions open to cultivate positive emotions to establish priorities |
5. Is it different being a teenager today from when my parents were teenagers?
It is different being a teenager today because
Teenagers We Life Pressure |
have need is goes on |
more freedom more space to act more complicated teenagers |
today |
6. What advice could be given to teenagers to escape bulling?
A |
teenager person |
should(not) |
be weak call class mates nasty words spread ramous about classmates make unpleasant remarks push kick anybody pinch deserve to be bullied behave himself in a violent, threatening way frighten someone who is weaker encourage someone who is being bullied |
The Pleasure of Reading
1. What does reading do for you? What do we read for?
Reading (books) |
Is |
useful interesting exciting waste of time important part pleasure |
for everybody of everybody’s life |
because |
while reading |
you we he she I |
widen your scope enrich, enlarge vocabulary develop your imagination begin to think about everything get interesting information learn how to behave yourself lose in dreams learn the history of different countries learn something interesting about persons character learn people |
2. What impressions do books produce on you?
How do books influence you?
Usually books |
produce teach (me) help give (me) |
long and lasting impression on us, me unforgettable impression on me to solve different problems to find decisions in different situations to become better positive examples of behavior |
3. What books do you prefer to read?
I he we you |
prefer like dislike |
to read |
war novels historical novels romances fairy tales science fiction detective novels humorous stories horror novels |
which |
are is |
keep me in easy to read well-written heavy going slow-moving boring fast-moving true-to life fascinating exciting amusing entertaining enjoyable interesting |
What |
are is |
main characters plot characters secondary characters |
of the |
novel? poem? story? |
The plot (of the story novel) The main characters The secondary characters |
is are |
disgusting amazing interesting thrilling witty entertaining powerful |
The word “leadership” has become a buzz word all over the world.
1. What are the reason for it?
The reason(s) |
are is |
the growth of social awareness the increase of managerial position in industry to growth of non-governmental organizations acute character of global issues |
2. What does it mean to be a leader?
To lead |
means |
to conduct to guide to be in charge of an activity or group of people to influence to persuade to guide actions and opinions of other people to direct the course of going before or along with |
3. How universal are characteristics of a leader?
The characteristic(s) of a leader |
depend(s) on |
different cultural environment person’s age person’s surrounding |
A modern leader |
should must |
play a leading part (role) in… be determined to do something inspire a feeling of achievement built up a team occupy a high managerial position pursue the objectives persistently confront difficulties display sense of responsibility overcome pressure remain determined gain public acclaim be recognized nationwide |
4. What does a leadership start with?
A leadership |
Starts |
when |
you a person |
are is can |
play a leading part (role) in… be determined to do something inspire a feeling of achievement built up a team occupy a high managerial position pursue the objectives persistently confront difficulties display sense of responsibility overcome pressure remain determined gain public acclaim be recognized nationwide |
5. What traits (features) should a modern leader possess?
A modern leader |
Must should |
possess |
Extraordinary features |
6. Can you give definite characteristics to a leader?
A leader |
needs |
to be to have to process |
organized inspiration determined a wider vision modesty honesty a sense of responsibility flexibility high moral and discipline ability to listen to others |
7. What qualities must a leader process?
What traits must a good leader possess?
Do you have what it takes to lead people
Is there a potential of becoming a leader in every person?
The qualities of a leader |
are |
determined by depends on universal in inborn |
specific life situation cultural environment |
A good leader An effective leader |
must have/
must be able to
must be
are |
emotional stability charisma motivate people put yourself in another person's shoes tolerate frustration and stress practical, logical well-adjusted often competitive and decisive and usually enjoy overcoming obstacles often dominated by a sense of duty active expressive energetic very optimistic open to change quick and alert tend to be uninhibited tend to be spontaneous risk-takers socially aggressive generally thick-skinned |
1. What words do we use to describe person’s character traits?
We |
characterize |
a person as |
kind expressive persistent smart sensitive witty daydreamer stubborn hardworking patient indifferent responsible easy-going greedy |
2. What feeling s do people experience?
A person People |
experience(s) |
pleasant neutral unpleasant |
feelings |
in different situations |
We |
feel |
delighted/cheerful/pleased/excited/thrilled bored/calm/relaxed terrified/worried/impatient/sad/annoyd/depressed/furious/miserable/ nervous/frustrated/shocked/ disappointed/angry/scared |
when |
we smb smth |
are afraid of smth don’t worry get presents terrible/unexpected happen complete to do smth are satisfied disturb you come across difficulties |
3. What do we talk about when we want to learn smth about smb’s character?
We People |
ask talk |
about |
childhood education
work family achievements
later years |
because |
character is formed in early years education shows the cultural level/interests/professional qualities how much a person earns/his professional experience shows the status of a person show if a person is a success/ has a good career/has a happy family show what a person is interested in |
4. What challenges are people undertaking?
People |
are undertaking try to overcome |
challenges difficulties in social, personal life troubles connected with health start a new business change work change a lifestyle |
5. What physical and emotional qualities would a person need to complete these types of challenges?
People A person |
should possess would have would be |
courage courageous ambitious optimistic confidence adventurous |
he she they |
didn’t let any obstacles discourage them consulted about all plans thought/think the idea is/was completely realistic |
6. Why do you think people take on challenges?
They A person |
take(s) on challenges |
to succeed to be a success to achieve goals to make money to have a high-paid job to have entertainments to risk to have adrenaline |
7. How does a society influence the character, behavior of its members?
The British The American The Ukranian |
society |
is |
more less |
informal social distinction |
8. Can we describe a “typical” character, behavior of the Americans / British / Ukrainians?
The Americans The British The Ukrainians |
(don’t) show are (not) |
consciousness of social distinction use the fist names calling each other slap on the shoulder joke easily show signs of friendship much freer in speech speak more / less slangly |
Fashion is Getting More Reasonable
1. Can you share the opinion that the first impression we make depends on our clothes?
The first impression |
I we he you |
produce(s) make(s) |
partly fully secondary |
depends on |
what we wear how we wear our manners our character |
It’s helpful |
to have your own style to have some “clothes sense” to know and feel the style |
2. What should you do to adapt the fashion to your personality?
You I He |
should would |
follow watch read learn |
your friends’(parents’) advice TV programs articles different styles |
to adapt the fashion to your personality (appearance) |
3. Why do we follow fashion?
We I He
follow(s) |
fashion certain style |
because |
we he people I |
want(s) |
to stand out of the group t be a bit different from the rest to attract smb’s attention to shock and provoke people |
4. Why it is important to wear the right things, to follow fashion?
It is(not) |
important necessary difficult |
to wear the right things to follow fashion to be in fashion |
to look good to feel ourselves comfortable to be accepted in some groups, layers of society to feel yourself closer |
5. What did / does fashion reflect?
Fashion |
reflects(ed) |
the values of the different times the stages of the history development tastes of designers influences of century hippy style punk style Beatles style |
6. Why should people keep a dress code?
They say |
casual formal |
style dress |
might can(not) |
encourage leads to |
sloppy work casual work increased productivity in work relaxed atmosphere |
7. How to look smart?
You She He I |
look(s) smart |
if |
colour of your clothes matches the colours of your accessories your casual dress is or informal events your dress is simple but beautiful your tie matches the suit you don’t wear jeans for a formal party your dress is tidy your suit fits you |
8. How does history of any countries influence fashion?
The 1930-40 1950 1960 The late 1960 The early 1970 1980 |
brought saw were |
a time of a time of a time of
age of teenagers |
a revolution in clothes mini-skirts, long boots famous Beatles style Hippy flower power loose maxi-skirts shoes with long pointed toes, high stiletto heels the teddy boy (long jackets in bright colors jumpers, wide skirts) with punk hairstyle (brightly colored make up) |
Choosing a career. Jobs and professions
1. Why should teenagers (young people) make a right choice of a future job and profession?
We Teenagers |
should must |
make a right choice of a future profession |
better job opportunities realization of our (their) ambitions high living standards our (their) career |
depend(s) on it |
The right choice |
helps |
to avoid |
backbreaking monotonous job un respected job unprestigious job tiring job disappointment |
2. What can influence the choice of a job or profession?
The teenagers’ choice My choice The choice of a job |
can be |
influenced encouraged |
by |
your friend’s example personal qualities the thing you are good at your ambitions your abilities your skills your bend for a job the necessity wish to study further pressure of your parents, teachers |
3. What should a person know before choosing a future profession?
We Teenagers |
should must |
analyze know learn |
abilities skills and experience what abilities to develop qualities of jobs, professions |
We Teenagers |
should must |
analyze know learn |
advantages disadvantages of jobs, professions |
Jobs Professions (name of a job) |
is can be |
stressful dangerous for life rewarding tiring monotorous depressing interesting demanding attention |
Jobs Professions (name of a job) |
can give a chance |
to sociate with people to work to a timetable to be disciplined to meet deadlines to work shifts not to be out of work to get a promotion to work overtime to get final rewards |
What qualities o |
do |
we people |
need require |
to master to have |
certain professions? |
A nurse A teacher A police officer An accountant An actress A secretary A shop assistant A telephone operator |
needs to be has to be should be requires to be |
confident polite creative energetic caring accurate brave observant dedicated knowledgeable persuasive understanding patient |
because |
(name of a job) |
takes care of children gives people information listens to people’s problems performs in front of people faces dangerous situations helps children to learn things makes people believe in them work with papers |
5. How do you think people acquire professional skills? Why?
Professional skills |
are acquired through |
education experience |
6. What skills need to be acquired in different jobs and professions?
I think |
conceptual administrative human-relation technical |
skills |
need to be acquired |
Every job has its technical requirements
Conceptual Administrative Human-relation Technical |
skills |
include abilities |
analyze interpret information to make complex decisions to use knowledge, tools to plan ahead to process paper work to interact effectively with people |
The World Round Us
Disasters and Accidents
1. What emotions do you experience when you witness a disaster? How did you feel?
Everybody Each person |
who |
witnessed (has ever) see / saw experienced |
natural disaster man-made disaster a hurricane road accident floods explosions an earthquake |
had a frightening experience felt awful felt exhausted felt embarrassed felt shocked felt nervous felt angry |
I We Any person |
usually sometimes |
lose control freeze in horror cover with sweat |
2. How do you save (help) yourself in case of a shipwreck / an earthquake/ a fire?
If |
flames a house a train a hurricane |
burst collapsed derailed swept through |
you we |
should |
use an alarm button call for help use a life belt cut ropes use a torch use a whistle use a fire extinguisher |
3. Have you ever been involved in an accident? What should you do to avoid accidents?
A car accident happens |
when a driver |
swerves over heads down the road speeds swerves to avoid hitting slams on the brakes crashes into the tree |
To avoid |
a car accident an earthquake road accident train crash |
you we |
should (not) |
swerve over speed down swerve to avoid hitting slam on the brakes crash into the tree |
Crimes and Communities
Which crimes do you consider the most serious problems for the community?
Crime(s) which make(s) people |
suffer get hurt be in danger |
is are |
cyber crime shoplifting mugging robbery pickpocketing vandalism burglary speeding arson |
breaking in a computer to get information taking smth in the shop attacking smb to steal smth stealing money stealing money from the pocket causing damage to the things breaking into the house driving over the speed setting fire to smth |
Travel Time
1. Why do people travel?
One of the good things about One of the benefits of |
travelling |
is |
a traveller a person you |
see new places learn about other cultures experience different lifestyles experience feeling of of luxury (extreme, relaxation, satisfaction) admire beauty of scenery satisfy curyosity taste local dishes enjoy new experience meet new people |
2. What do travellers experience?
While travelling |
we tourists |
broaden the mind (selections of sights) entertain ourselves (themselves) widen the scope visit different places enjoy lots of activities |
3. What is the reason of a holiday choice?
A holiday makers A traveller(s) |
like(s) are(is) |
to have fun to entertain influenced by advertisments limited by a family budget adventures |
4. What are advantages and disadvantages of tourism?
Sometimes Usually |
tourists |
leave rubbish everywhere are noisy |
Tourism |
bring people closer bring people no nature affects people’s outlook |
5. What kind of holiday do you prefer? Why?
What kind of holiday would suit you?
I |
prefer should like |
a cruise |
because |
I love the sea it is luxurious it provides lots of activities (entertainment) |
I |
eco-tourism |
to support developing countries no preserve Nature(environment) no gain skills in teamwork no identify sea(nature) life and landmarks |
I |
prefer should like |
to visit modern resorts |
because |
I |
enjoy |
relaxation feeling of luxury seeing new places meeting new people |
I |
prefer should like |
to visit ancient sites |
because |
I |
am |
interested in curious |
history and architecture |
Nature lovers |
would |
be excited with be suited with be provided with be interested in promote |
to have explotary holiday to no rafting(camping) a walking holiday a beach holiday a spa holiday green tourism different(interesting) activities educational information |
Mass Media
1. What principles are Media based on?
Media Press TV |
are/is based on |
public service accountable to people |
2. What role do Media play in Britain/Ukraine/any other country?
Media |
play inform challenge educate entertain communicate
a central role the society |
3. What technology is used to broadcast information?
High Tech Digital transmission Analogue transmission |
Is / are |
used for |
broadcasting |
4. What services do Media include?
Media |
include |
TV Radio (BBC, ITC, Independent Radio) Teletext cable transmission satellite transmission microwave transmission press |
5. What information do/does Media/Press carry?
How do/does press/Media/ journalists cover the events?
What is the role of newspaper journalism?
Newspaper journalists Press Media |
draw(s) readers to read more about the events report(s) the facts/truth / important events distort(S) truth/facts expose(s) scandals/truth mislead(s) the public give(s) reason and justification of the events exaggerate(s) the significance of the events write(s) the first draft of the history report(s) dramatic events dramatize(s) events to create history tend(s) to dramatize the events they report offer(s) general thoughts/objective statements on the events Address(es) the reader directly summarize(s) the main topic in an interesting way |
6. What do you know about the types of the press?
What do Popular / Quality papers concern themselves with?
What are the British press purposes?
What types of papers do readers appeal?
What British newspapers are associated with serious journalism?
Popular press
aims concentrates on |
to entertain readers to inform readers to give factual report to cover major national/international events to cover political/business/art/sport events emotive reporting of feature sex/violence/the Royal family / popstars |
Quality press/papers |
are/is allowed reflect(s) comment(s) report(s) |
freedom of expression political bias political parties’ opinions |
Tabloids Popular papers (The Dailly Mail, The Daily Express, Daily Mirror, The Sun) |
arouse the readers curiosity give eye-catching headlines give opinion articles attract the readers by gossips/scandals have a tendency to give emotive stories (about film stars, aims to entertain readers |
Science and Technology
1. What role does science play (have) in the world?
Modern science Modern technology |
makes arranges tries changes(d) improves(d) |
great influence on our life to prove the facts or theory correctly make sufficient and sound evidence facts orderly to work out theories our life in many different ways the living standards, communications |
2. What are the aims of science?
Science |
can provides
improves promotes made it possible
knowledge about the world an attempt to understand the world an intellectual enterprise give knowledge of our environment with base of modern technology, materials, sources of power the living standards, communications with new diseases like AIDS contact between people and government, knowledge and culture
to discover and develop new sources of energy to prolong man’s life
Tecnology |
is |
an application of science methods of research |
Scientists |
make collect arrange try
prove correct and make investigate discover apply |
observations facts in field they work in facts orderly to express the connection between the facts to work out theories the facts or theory sufficient and sound evidence the laws of the universe secrets of nature knowledge in practice |
3. What are advantages disadvantages of scientific discoveries and inventions?
Science Tecnology |
accelerate(s) help(s) |
the development of civilization in cooperation with nature |
Modern technology Scientific discoveries |
increase(s) |
the danger of violent death the ecological problems |
4. What new hi-tech are / will be invented / developed?
Nanotechnology Artificial intelligence |
are will be |
invented developed |
5. How can nanotechnology change our lives?
Nanorobots |
can |
save environment travel and rebuilt the ozon layer cure humans attack cancer cells in smb’s body be used in chemistry / biology / physics / engineering |
6. How can robots improve our lives? How can robots be programmed/used for?
Robots Nanorobots |
can |
be programmed for used for applied in |
lift heavy objects load/unload cargo medicine travel in space carry cameras collect information dispose of bombs gather information from enemies entertain people answer the phone space/deep-sea exploration |
7. Do you use social networking sites (such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)?
Why do you think social networking sites became so popular?
People Teens Everybody |
can |
join share interact socialize |
different groups based on hobbies interests different information in different ways in sharing music |
using social networks |
8. What is the role of hi-tech / computers in modern society?
People all over the world |
have use |
access to billions of pages of texts on the internet search engines to find information |
Intelligent computers |
help make |
people us |
(to) work as scientists / learn/plan (to) start / to make important discoveries solve scientific problems plan decide the tasks |
9. What are advantages and disadvantages of Internet?
Internet |
is used gives provides
cuts |
as a homework tools access to lots of information quick way to find information a variety of sourses distances (connect people who are far away) |
10. What are drawbacks to using Internet?
Students We |
don’t |
gain learn |
skills as only copy the information to analyze information they get |
11. How do you / students use computers?
Students |
scan pictures chat on line print/type documents play games download music send e-mail do research share files |
using computers |
1. What are the burning / main environmental problems (conditions each organism require to live and bread)?
The burning The main The urgent |
environmental problems |
are is |
overpopulation lack of resourses global warming deforestation endangered spicies |
2. What gave a birth to the problem of environment?
The achievements of the mankind in |
mechanization and automation of industrial processes chemical industry conquering outer space the creation of atomic power stations and ships |
gave a birth to caused |
the problem of environment |
Scientific and technological progress |
3. What are the consequences of damaging the environment?
The contamination of environment Acid rain Over-population in certain areas Deaths of plant and animals Chemical contamination of seas, lakes, rivers Atomic experiments Dumping of atomic waste Water shortage Destroying the ozone layer of the Earth Destroying soils Destroying wildlife Floods Unexpected draughts The greenhouse effect Acid rain(s) |
are is |
the consequences of damaging the environment |
4. Do you know how to preserve / save environment?
We people |
are must |
(to) stop / reduce pollution (to) grow plants and trees (to) purify waste (to) start urgent campaigns in order to preserve environment (to) conserve the planet’s resources to protect of all animals and plants in danger of extinction (to) end to the destruction of wildlife and habitats (to) adopt a program of energy conservation measures (to) install measures to protect rivers and seas from oil waters, wildlife, (to) install purifying systems for treatment of industrial waters |
5. Why is it important to preserve ecology / environment / wildlife clean?
We Everybody |
understand(s) know(s) |
how many important |
to preserve to save |
wildlife plants animals forests wetlands |
It is important |
to preserve to save |
wildlife plants animals forests wetlands |
for many reasons |
Plants Animals Forests |
provide |
us people |
with |
food fuel shelter medicine |
6. What measures should be taken to protect environment?
What should we do to protect environment?
We People |
should must |
avoid recycle prevent stop |
alternative sourses of energy forms of energy solar power solar panels power of wind wind turbines to generate electricity using fossil fuels waste products deforestation disappearing of wetlands |
7. How to stop pollution of environment at the national and international level?
How to draw the public attention to environment problems, to influence the government decisions?
Different pressure groups Different groups Different people Greenpeace “Friends of the Earth” (FoE) |
try(ies) |
to draw the public attention to environment problems to influence the government decisions to find solutions to the problems of pollution |
The aim(s) of |
Greenpeace “Friends of the Earth” (FoE) |
is are |
to protect wildlife of toxic wastes, nuclear tests to protect of all animals and plants in danger of extinction to put an end to the destruction of wildlife and habitats to set a program of energy conservation measures to ban hunting in England and Wales to indefinite delay in the construction of the Commercial East Breeder Reactor |