Вживання фразових дієслів в англійській мові.

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Вживання фразових дієслів в англійській мові: правила + вправи для перевірки знань.
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Verbs and prepositions

Do you know how to use the prepositions for, from, in, of, on, to and with after verbs?

Look at these examples to see how prepositions are used after verbs.

Can you wait for me to finish my lunch?
I'm relying on my co-worker to answer all my emails while I'm on holiday.
Sun cream protects you from getting burnt.

Try this exercise to test your grammar.

Write the correct preposition to complete the sentence. Choose from the following prepositions: for, from, in, of, on, to, with.

1. It smells ______ coconut in here.

2. Tax is based _______  how much you earn.

3. We promise to respond _______ all emails within three days.

4.  I'm doing a law degree, specializing _______ commercial law.

5. Our staff will provide you  _______ audio guides on request.

6. It took me two weeks to recover ________ the flu.

7. Shall I ask _______ the bill?

8. We succeeded _________ raising the money for the local animal shelter.


Grammar explanation

When a verb is part of a longer sentence, it is often followed by a specific preposition. 

I agree with Mike.
She listens to the radio a lot.
He thanked me for the flowers.

There are no grammatical rules to help you know which preposition is used with which verb, so it's a good idea to try to learn them together. To help you do this, write new vocabulary in your notebook in a sentence or phrase. Here are some common verbs for each preposition.

Verbs with for

They're waiting for a bus.
He apologised for being late. 
I applied for the job but I didn't get it.
How do you ask for a coffee in Polish?
I can't go out tonight because I have to prepare for my interview tomorrow.

Verbs with from

This spray should protect you from mosquitoes.
Has he recovered from the accident yet?
She won an award because she saved someone from drowning.
I suffer from allergies.

Verbs with in

She doesn't believe in coincidences.
Our company specialises in computer software.
You have to work hard if you want to succeed in life.

Verbs with of

I don't approve of hunting animals for their fur.
Our dog died of old age.
This shampoo smells of bananas.

Verbs with on

Their decision will depend on the test results.
The film is based on the novel by Boris Pasternak.
If you make so much noise, I can't concentrate on my work.
Come on! We're relying on you!
We don't agree on anything but we're still good friends.

Verbs with to

What kind of music do you like listening to?
Can I introduce you to my grandfather?
Please refer to the notes at the end for more information.
Nobody responded to my complaint.
She apologised to me the next day.

Verbs with with

I agree with everything you've said.
My assistant will provide you with more information if you need it.
We're finding it difficult to deal with the stress.

Do this exercise to test your grammar again.

1. I find it hard to concentrate _________ anything when the television is on.

2. They apologized __________ hurting her feelings.

3. I never agree __________ my sister on politics.

4. She suffers _________  terrible headaches in hot weather.

5. I'm applying ___________ internships this summer to get some work experience.

6. My mother didn't approve ____________ my friends when I was a teenager.

7. Do you believe ___________ ghosts?

8. Kerem, let me introduce you ________ Professor Tsang.


До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 липня 2023
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