Warming up з теми "Tag-questions"

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Warming up з теми "Tag-questions". Допоможе вчителю зорієнтуватись у рівні засвоєння учнями граматичного матеріалу. Потрібно лише вирізати картки, поділити учнів на команди та попросити їх з'єднати частини запитань.
Перегляд файлу

You were told to do your homework,



You received my e-mail,

Your father is a businessman,


They have a nice house,



You’re going on holiday soon,

He isn’t English,

You haven’t been to America,



He went to Nepal last year,

You own a sports car,

Your parents have just bought a new house,



She isn’t an actress,

My brother wasn’t there last night,

They weren’t here yesterday,



Your sister likes to play badminton,

You don’t want to go out tonight,







weren’t you?


is he?

do you?

didn’t you?


have you?

doesn’t she?

isn’t he?


didn’t he?

were they?

don’t they?


don’t you?

was he?

aren’t you?


haven’t they?

is she?