"Weather and weather forecasts"

Про матеріал
Додатково до цієї розробки завантажена презентація з тією ж назвою, яка використовується під час уроку. Дані матеріали можно використовувати окремо від підручника. Мета - актуалізувати ЛО за темою та навчити описувати погоду, спираючись на прогноз.
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План уроку:

Тема: «Weather and weather forecasts» (5 клас)

Освітні завдання уроку:

  • забезпечити під час уроку засвоєння ЛО з теми;
  • навчити учнів описувати погоду, спираючись на метеопрогнози.

Розвивальні завдання уроку:

  • навчити інтерпретувати дані прогнозів погоди засобами англійської мови;
  • створити умови для розвитку комунікативних навичок аудіювання (сприйняття на слух прогнозів погоди) і монологічного мовлення (опис погоди на основі прогнозів).

Виховні завдання уроку:

  • сприяти розвитку інтересу до вивчення англійської мови;
  • сприяти підвищенню рівня мотивації на уроках англійської мови через засоби навчання.

Тип уроку: комбінований урок перевірки первинного розуміння й уміння застосування на практиці ЛО з теми, що вивчається.        

Наочність та обладнання: 

- торбинка з флеш-картками за темами “Weather”, “Clothes”

- презентация “Weather and weather forecasts”.

- картки для запису типів опадів.

  Lesson plan

  1. Warm-up activity “What’s in the bag?” (5-7 minutes)

Today our magic bag is full of weather and clothes words. Let’s divide into three groups and see which group will name more weather words correctly.

Round 1. Use flashcards to review weather vocabulary. Slowly reveal the flashcards and groups of learners shout out what they think it is).

Ask:  How’s the weather? What is it?

Round 2. Use flashcards to ask What’s the weather like when we wear …?

Round 3. Let’s sing a song “How is the weather today?” (Happy Sam English channel) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUkMzQ_UMrQ 

Now come up to the windows. Look outside. How is the weather today? (Elicit as many weather words as possible).


  1. Main part.


Slide 1. How do we usually know what weather is expected? Right you are! We know the weather from the forecasts.

Slide 2. Usually the weather forecast gives general impression and type of weather, temperature, type of expected precipitation, speed and direction of wind.

Slide 3. Let’s practice giving general impression of the weather.

Slides 4-8. Students choose the correct general impression looking at the pictures.

It’s … today.

Slide 9. What type of weather is it?

Slides 10-14. Students name the type of weather.

It’s … today. The weather is … .

Slide 15. Now let’s listen the weather report. What else does the speaker add except general impression and the type of weather? (Answer: a personal touch from the speaker  - some tips for people what to wear or take with them or what to do).

Slides 16. When we talk about temperature we usually say above zero or below zero.

Slides 17-21. Students give general impression, name the type of weather and state the temperature.

It’s … today. The weather is … . The temperature is … degrees above / below zero.

Slides 22-29. Now you are invited to work as a weatherman on BBC 1 Channel. Look at the picture and give a brief weather report.

Extra activities. Slides 30-31. What types of precipitation can you name? Listen to the song and write down the words naming precipitation.


1 – rain

2 – drizzle

3 – hail

4 – snow

5 – sleet


  1. Practise your pronunciation while playing online weather games:



  1. Riddles to guess (10 points)


This is something you see
When outside there’s a storm
It comes down from the clouds
And appears in droplet form   ___  ___  ___  ___ (rain)


If you see this striking Earth
A tree you don’t want to be under
It’s something that lights the sky
And is closely followed by thunder ___  ___  ___  ___ ___  ___  ___  ___ ___  (lightning)


Dropping from the sky
More beautiful than rain
There are no two pieces
That’ll ever look the same. ___  ___  ___  ___ (snow)


If you look up during the day
Then you will see this lit
Because it is Earth’s closest star
Around which we orbit.  ___  ___  ___  (sun)


This natural phenomenon
Cannot be seen when it is dark
For it’s caused by light hitting rain
To create a colorful arc. ___  ___  ___  ___ ___  ___  ___  (rainbow)


I’m a breeze or a squall
A cyclone or gale
I am what is measured
On the Beaufort scale. ___  ___  ___  ___ (wind)


I happen after a flash
But I’m not a photograph
You hear me in a bad storm
I am lightning’s other half.  ___  ___  ___  ___ ___  ___  ___  (thunder)


I can come in three forms
But this is my solid state
And when I’m hard enough
On me you’re able to skate. ___  ___  ___  (ice)


This is something you see in the sky
You’ll need more hints though so I’ll explain
It’s sometimes fluffy and sometimes gray
And can release snow, hail or rain.   ___  ___  ___  ___ ___  (cloud)


This is a type of weather
A phenomenon that was
What caused the house to lift up
In the film Wizard Of Oz. ___  ___  ___  ___ ___  ___  ___  (tornado)

  1.               Listening. Listen to the weather forecast.


(Transcript for Weather forecast.

News reporter: Here is the weather.

Weather reporter: Welcome to the weather forecast. Now, let’s see what the weather is like today. In the north of the country it’s very windy and cold. There is a chance of some rain too, so don’t leave home without your umbrella! The temperature is around 10º centigrade. In the east it’s rainy all day today, I’m afraid. There may be a thunderstorm in the afternoon. The temperature is a bit higher, at around 13º. In the west and middle of the country the weather is dry, but cloudy. So no rain for you, but it is quite windy and the temperature is just 10º. The south of the country has the best weather today. It’s cloudy most of the time but sunny this afternoon. The temperature is around 15º)

  1.        Match the two halves of the sentence.

1) The weather in the north is mostly

a. rainy.

2) The weather in the east is mostly

b. cloudy and sunny.

3) The weather in the west is mostly

c. dry and cloudy.

4) The weather in the south is mostly

d. windy

  1.        Mark the weather on the map.

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 січня 2021
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