What Makes Our Food Healthy

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Урок "What makes our food healthy?"

 Цели и задачи:

1. Обучающая: активировать и закрепить употребление в речи лексического материала по теме “Food” , практиковать учащихся в аудировании и чтении текста.
2. Развивающая: обучить умению вести беседу, доказывать правильность своей точки зрения.
3. Воспитательная: воспитать в учащихся этикет питания, умение правильно питаться, уметь различать здоровую пищу от нездоровой.

Оснащение: аудиомагнитофон, аудиозапись, видеомагнитофон, видеозапись, телевизор.

 Ход урока.

  1. Вступление.

Our lesson today is going to concern the problem of healthy food. We will try to make out what is meant when they say ‘healthy food’ and work out the basic rules for making our food healthy.

  1. Аудирование.

I hope everyone in class agrees that food plays a great role in our life. We can’t live without food. But what food do we eat? Are we always sure that food we eat is healthy? Let’s listen to Andrew, Brigitte and Ed who talk about the food they buy for eating.

Учащимся предлагается прослушать материал дважды, каждый раз даётся новое задание. Учащимся раздаётся печатная основа материала для аудирования.

Задание перед первым прослушиванием следующее:While listening to the speaker for the first time you should fill in the gaps in the texts you have.

Проверка прослушанного материала производится с помощью чтения прослушанных предложений с пропусками.

1. Andrew.
What sorts of things do I buy? Well, I buy lots of meat because it makes me feel full of energy and it’s nice. I buy very little other fresh food, though. I prefer my meal 1.But I do like fruit, so on Thursdays I go to the market and get some apples, bananas, melons things like that. I know I don’t eat many vegetables. The trouble is there aren’t any vegetables I really like. Anyway, I have hardly any time for cooking these days.

2. Brigitte
Well I can’t eat 2- none at all – so when I’m in a supermarket I have to spend a lot of time 3... Actually, I don’t eat much tinned food. Or, even frozen food. I prefer everything fresh. And as for sweet things, they’re not very good for you so I never have any chocolates or things like that in the house – although sometimes I do buy a few home-made biscuits from a friend. What else? Oh, I like dairy products, particularly milk and yoghurt. And, oh yes, every Saturday I buy a little cheese as a treat. I try not to eat too many eggs, though. I don’t want 4.

3. Ed.
As to the type of food I eat, I don’t eat a lot of meat. I do eat things like chicken and turkey - 5but I don’t eat a lot of pork and beef, usually because, well beef especially is not supposed to be very good for you so I try to cut down on that. Fish, I love, but I don’t eat a lot of because it’s rather expensive to get good fresh fish anyway. Vegetables, I like a lot of broccoli especially – that’s one of my favorite ones – courgettes, peas, things like that, so usually have a good balance of vegetables with the meal. In summer I eat quite a lot of salads when it’s very hot but in the winter I usually find it’s a bit cold for salads. And usually have some fruit; try to have some fruit each day. Apples, I love Cox’s apples, they are very nice. Usually have an orange each day and I also love bananas.
Drinks? I usually drink tea, but not Indian tea much any more, usually 6 I used to drink gallons of Indian tea but I found a few years ago that it was keeping me awake at night because of all caffeine, so I started drinking things like 7 and 8 instead.

Задание перед вторым прослушиванием: Answer the following questions:

1 What are the speakers reasons of preferring this or that food?
2 What food dont they like?

(Вопросы задаются устно)

После второго прослушивания учитель спрашивает учащихся:

  • Does Andrew like meat? Why?
  • What about vegetables?
  • Andrew prefers frozen food, doesn’t he?
  • What food can’t Brigitte stand eating?
  • Why does she have to spend much time in supermarkets?
  • Does she prefer frozen or fresh food?
  • Why does she try not to eat eggs?
  • What meat does Ed enjoy eating?
  • He drinks a lot of Indian tea, doesn’t he? Why?
  • Why does he look at the ingredient’s list?
  • Which of the speakers seems to be the healthiest eater to you? Why?
  • Can you say that you eat healthy food?
  • Do you eat meat?
  • Do you ever look at the ingredient’s list?

После каждого этапа урока учитель просит учащихся сделать основные выводы, записывает их на доске и объясняет, что они и будут основными правилами для здорового питания, то есть обозначенными во вступительной части урока.
Выводы могут быть самыми разнообразными. Например, по первому этапу возможны следующие выводы:

  1. Eat fresh food.
  2. Eat fruit and vegetables.
  3. Don’t drink too much Indian tea.
    1. Закрепление речевых образцов на примере английских пословиц о еде.

Учащимся предлагается вспомнить пословицы о еде, которые они обсуждали на предыдущих уроках. Учитель называет ключевые слова, по которым учащиеся должны вспомнить всю пословицу и объяснить её значение на английском языке.

– Bread, life.
Bread is the staff of life.
Bread is the general word for food. We can’t live without food.

– Live, eat.
Live not to eat, but eat to live.
Though food is important, we shouldn’t become its servants. It should serve to us.

– Adam’s ale.
Adam’s ale is the best brew.
Adam’s ale meant water in old English. This proverb is against drinking alcohol.

– Meat, poison.
One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
What is useful for one person can be harmful for another one. (= tastes differ = There is no disputing about tastes.)

– Apple, doctor.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
If we eat healthy food, such as fruit and vegetables, no doctor will be needed.

IV.Чтение текста и проверка прочитанного.

Sometimes it’s difficult to decide which food is healthy and we have to consult a professional doctor. Do you know what we call a doctor who gives advice on what we should eat? Its a nutritionist.
Учащимся предлагается прочитать ‘Guide to Healthy Meals’ и выполнить задание по тексту.
Read the Guide to Healthy Meals and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. A whole-wheat cereal is better than ordinary cornflakes._____
2. Fish and chips have a lot of calories._____
3. Hamburger in a bun is a good low calorie meal._____
4. It’s always good thing to increase the fibre content in your food._____
5. Baked potatoes are healthier than chips._____
6. It’s a good idea to take sugar with your tea or coffee._____

Guide to Healthy Meals.

We asked some people what sort of meals and snacks they ate regularly, and asked a nutritionist to give a verdict on each meal and suggest ways of making small changes to improve them.

Bowl of unsugared muesli, cup of coffee. Both with semi-skimmed milk.
Very good choice.
Bowl of cornflakes with sugar and ordinary milk.
You could improve this by using low fat milk and less sugar. And you could increase the fibre content by choosing a whole-wheat cereal
rather than cornflakes.
Toast and marmalade. Cup of tea or coffee.
Using whole meal bread for the toast would provide much more fibre. Try cutting down the sugar in your tea.

Main Meals.

Spaghetti Bolognese. Mincemeat cooked with onions, herbs, spices, salt, pepper and a tin of tomatoes. Ordinary spaghetti.
This can be a good meal as long as the mince you start off with isn’t too fatty. It would be better if you had more spaghetti and less meat sauce. Whole-wheat spaghetti would improve the fibre content of the meal.


Baked potatoes with cheese filling.
Good choice. Try to go for the lower fat fillings like cottage cheese or chili con came, without butter.
Burger in a bun, chips.
Too fatty. Baked potatoes would be better than chips and a side salad would be a good idea. Ask for a whole meal bun.
Fish and chips, with vinegar.
Fish and chips tends to be very fatty but this varies a lot. OK as an occasional takeaway.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания.

Учащиеся делают сообщения по выполненным дома проектам. Им предлагалось выбрать одно из блюд русской или башкирской кухни и доказать, что оно является здоровым, и они могли бы порекомендовать его как врачи-диетологи.

  1. Просмотр видео отрывка и проверка понимания.

Учащимся предлагается просмотреть кадр из фильма “Pretty Woman” со следующим заданием:
There are cases when people try to eat healthy food, they go to the expensive restaurants where such food is served but it sometimes can be rather ridiculous. You are going to watch a scene at the restaurant and try to catch what dish they’ve ordered and what the problem with it is.

  1. Подведение итогов.

Так как после каждого этапа урока учитель записывает основные выводы на доске, в конце урока он предлагает учащимся обратить на них внимание. Именно они и являются основными правилами здорового питания
Возможные ответы:

1 Eat fresh food.
2 Eat fruit and vegetables.
3 Don’t drink too much Indian tea.
4 Don’t drink alcohol.
5 Consult a nutritionist.
6 Think and make your own food healthy.

  1. Домашнее задание

Написать “здоровое” меню на день с учётом всех правил, обсуждавшихся на уроке.



31 грудня 2019
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