Winter Party Свято Зими English extracurricular event Позакласний захід з англійської мови Form 3 3 клас

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Winter Party Свято Зими English extracurricular event Позакласний захід з англійської мови Form 3 3 клас
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Winter Party.

Pupil 1. Dear children, parents, teachers and guests. We are glad to see you! Welcome to our party.

Pupil 2. We hope, you are fine today. We shall have a talk about winter, Christmas and New Year! Are you ready to start our party?(Пісня)

Pupil 1. Do you hear? Who is it, I wonder?

Pupil 2. I think, it is our guest! Come in, please!

Winter.  I am Winter

I am white and beautiful.

I come with cold and snow,

But you like me, I know!

Pupil 1. And who are you?

December. I am December, the first winter month. December comes with white snow and cold winds begin to blow.

Pupil . This is the season

When mornings are dark.

And the birds do not sing

In the gardens and parks!

January. I am January, the second month of winter and the first month of the year. The weather is cold. There is snow on the ground.

Pupil .  In winter time we go

Walking in the field of snow,

Where there is no grass at all, 

Where the top of every wall,

Every fence and every tree,

Is as white as white can be.

February. I am February. I am the third winter month. It is cold and windy.

Pupil . The snow is falling,
                          The wind is blowing.

              The ground is white.
                           All day and night.

Wind. Little snowflakes, come and play,
             I’ve nothing to do today.

Come on, snowflakes, come with me.
            There are many things to see.
             Snowflake 1: Come on, sisters, back we go
             Where the earth is white with snow.

(They go round the Wind and sing a song)

Snowflake 2 From the cold and frosty sky

Merry snowflakes fly and fly.
            Snowflake 3 Snowflakes fall on trees and walk,
            Snowflakes fall as white as chalk,
            Snowflake 4 Snowflakes fall into my hand,
            Snowflakes brighten up our land.

 Pupil. Come to the garden

And play in the snow.

Make a white snowman

And help him to grow!

Pupil. We will make a snowman,

Big and round, big and round!

We will put the snowman

On the ground, on the ground!

Snowman  I’m a little snowman,

  Short and fat.

  Here’s my broomstick,

  Here’s my hat.

                    I like to sing and play,

                    during the day!

Christmas Story


Father Bear

Mother Bear

Little Bear



Santa Clause



Snowmen (1, 2)


(Будинок Ведмедів, ялинка, дерева,веселка. Звучить фонова музика…)

 Author: This is North Pole. Father Bear, Mother Bear and Little Bear live here. They are very happy family.

(По черзі зявляється сім’я ведмедів. )

Father Bear:

I am the Father Bear

And I’m from North Pole.

I’ve got a wife, a little son,

I love them most of all!

Mother Bear:

I am the Mother Bear

And I live here too.

With my son and my man too.

Little Bear:

I am the Little Bear,

They are my mum and dad.

We play the games, sing the songs

And make each other glad!

A: They are very friendly, but one day…

M/B: Christmas is coming. Look at this Christmas tree, my son. Do you like it?

L/B: But it’s white. I don’t like it.

F/B: Everything is white here: houses, trees, you and me....

L/B: But look at this Rainbow. It’s not white. It’s red, yellow, blue, green…

M/B: You are so funny! Winter is white and Christmas tree is white too.

L/B: I want to find colours for my tree.

F/B: You are a naughty boy. Forget about it!

A: Little Bear doesn’t listen to his parents and goes to find colours. It’s very cold and windy.

(Звучить музика Вітру. Вилітає Вітер зі сніжинками. Сніжинки танцюють. Дерева змінюють розташування.)

Wind: Where are you going, Little Bear?

L/B: I am going to find colours for my Christmas tree. Help me, please!

W: I can’t help you. I don’t know where they are. Ask the Moon.

(Звучить музика Місяця. З’являється Місяць.)

L/B: Moon! You are so high. You can see everything. Where are the colours for my Christmas tree?

M: I am high. But I can’t help you. Santa Claus can help you.

L/B: Where is he?

M: Can you see that cloud? Santa Claus is there. But he is busy now.

L/B: Thank you, Moon.

(Звучить фонова музика. Ведмежа йде далі.)

A: And Little Bear goes to Santa Claus’ house.

L/B: Hello! Is anybody here?

(Звучить музика Сніговиків. Зявляються Сніговими. Всі разом співають.)


Santa Claus has got a house

E – I – E – I – O

And in this house he lives with us

E – I – E – I – O

With a lot of snow here,

And a lot of snow there.

Here’s snow, there’s snow,

Every where’s snow!

Snowman 1: Who are you and what do you want?

L/B: I’m Little Bear and I need Santa Claus.

Sn 2: He isn’t at home. Go away. Christmas is coming.

L/B: I know. But I’ve got the problem.

Sn 3: A problem? What problem?

L/B: My Christmas tree is white, it has no colours. Only Santa Claus can help me.

Sn 1: Oh, poor Little Bear. We’ll help you.

(Сніговик 2 телефонує Санта Клаусу.)

Santa Claus (по телефону): Hello!

Sn 2: Santa Claus, we need your help. Come home, please.

S/Cl: I’m coming.

Sn 3: Santa Claus is coming.

S/Cl: I know your problem, little Bear. I’ll help you. Can you see that Rainbow?

L/B: Yes, I can.

(Всі зникають. Зявляється Веселка. Звучить музика Веселки.)

L/B: Oh! Dear Rainbow. Only you can help me.

R: You are welcome, Little Bear. What do you want?

L/B: I want your colours.

R: But why? You can see me in the sky.

L/B: No! My Christmas tree has no colours. It’s white.

R: You are so brave, Little Bear. I like you. Here you are. Take my colours.

L/B: Thank you, dear Rainbow. Goodbye.

R: Goodbye and Merry Christmas.

(Ведмежа бере новорічні кульки-кольори і прямує додому. Звучить фонова музика.)

A: Happy Little Bear went home, to his parents.

F/B & M/B:

Where is our little son?

He’s gone away and didn’t come.

He is not with us, it’s bad.

Oh, please, come back, we will be glad.

M/B: Where is our son? Christmas’ coming and our son is lost.

(Зявляється ведмежа, всі радіють.)

L/B: I’m here, my dear mummy and daddy! Look what I have!

F/B: Oh! They are so beautiful. Put them on Christmas tree!

(Ведмеді прикрашають ялинку. Звучить мелодія фінальної пісні. )

(Виходять діти з літерами слова Christmas)

Pupil. C is for children and

Christmas they like.

Pupil. H is for horses

Instead of a bike.

Pupil. R is for reindeer,

What can it hold.

Pupil.  I is for ice-cream –

Tasty and cold.

Pupil. S is for snow,

It’s so white.

Pupil.  T is for Christmas tree,

It’s so bright.

Pupil. M is for Mummy,

She is the best.

Pupil.  A is for apples,

We like how they taste.

Pupil. S is for Santa, 

Clever and kind.

He brings us presents –

Presents we like.

Pupil 2. It’s coming boys, it’s almost here,

It’s coming girls, the glad New Year!

New Year – 2020:

I’m Mr. New Year

I came to you over the snow.

Shaking my bells with a merry ring,

So open your doors and let me in!

Pupil. New things to learn

New friends to meet,

New songs to sing,

New joys to greet.

Pupil. New things to see,

New things to hear,

New things to do,

In this glad New Year!

Pupil. Santa Claus is on his way

He is coming on his sleigh

Jingle bells are ringing

Santa Claus is singing.

Pupil 1. Children, let’s call Santa Claus to us!

-One, two, three Santa Claus, come to me!

Santa Claus: Ho! Ho! Ho !I am here!

Hello, my friends! I am Santa Claus!

I am very old.

My land is very, very cold.

In my sleigh with two reindeer

I bring presents every year!

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Pupil 2 Thank you, Santa. And now we want to congratulate you all and wish you all the best!


These wishes aren't original

But still they're most sincere –

Have a really Merry Christmas

And a wonderful New Year!


Christmas is a time for sending

Wishes warm and true...

These wishes are for happiness

At Christmas time for you.


May you have the spirit of Christmas which is Peace,

 The gladness of Christmas which is Hope,

 And the Heart of Christmas which is Love!

(Учні співають пісню)

4 жовтня 2020
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