Засідання євроклубу на тему: «Визначні пам’ятники Великого Кобзаря Т.Г. Шевченка в Україні та за кордоном»

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Визначні пам’ятники Великого Кобзаря Т.Г. Шевченка в Україні та за кордоном
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Taras Shevchenko - an artist…

Номер слайду 2

The purpose of this presentation is to get you acquainted with the creation work of Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko an artist. Although trained as an academic artist in Saint Petersburg, T. G. Shevchenko moved beyond stereotypical historical and mythological subject to realistic depictions of ethnographic, that is deeply national themes.

Номер слайду 3

T. Shevchenko painted and drew numerous landscapes and recorded such Ukrainian architectural monuments as : Bohdan`s Church in Subotiv – 1845( Церква Богдана у Суботиві )Askoldova Mohyla - 1846 ( Аскольдова Могила )

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The Ascension Cathedral in Pereiaslav (1845 )The Pochaiv Monastery from the South (Почаївський Монастир з півдня 1846)

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Shevchenko also painted the landscapes of Central Asia. Fire in the Steppe ( Пожежа в степу 1848 )Dalismen-Mula-Aulye( Далісмен-Мула-Аулье 1848 )

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The Baigush ( Байгуші 1853 )Kazak on a Horse ( Казах на коні 1849 )While in exile he depicted the folkways of the Kirghiz and Kazak people

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And the misery of life in exile and in the imperial army. In Prison( У В`язниці 1856-57 )

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Shevchenko frequently turned in his paintings and drawings to literary, historical, and mythological motifs. Dioqenes ( Діоген 1858 )Narcissus and Echo( Нарцис і Ехо 1856 )

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Robinson Crusoe( Робінзон Крузо 1856 )Mermaids ( Русалки 1859)

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His portraits have a broad social range of subject from simple peasants: A Peasant Family ( Селянська родина 1844 )Often expressing veiled criticism of the absence of personal, social, and national freedom under tsarist domination.

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Portrait of Platon Zakrevsky( Портрет Платона Закревького 1843 )His portraits members of former Cossack starshyna families Portrait of Hanna Zakrevska ( Портрет Анни Закревської 1843 )Portrait of Illia Lyzohub( Портрет Іллі Лизогуба 1846 )Portrait of Princess Keikyatova( Портрет княжни Закревської 1843 )

Номер слайду 12

So we once again visibly felt the greatness and diversity of talent Shevchenko again convinced that thanks to the great work he managed to convey in verbal and pictorial works of his passionate love for the people of Ukraine and concern for her fate.

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Katerina ( Катерина 1842 )

Номер слайду 14

My Testament. When I am dead, then bury me. In my beloved Ukraine,My tomb upon a grave mound high. Amid the splendid plain. So that the fields, the boundless steppes,The Dnieper’s plunging shore. My eyes could see, my ears could hear. The mighty river roar. When from Ukraine the Dnieper bears. Into the deep blue sea. The blood of foes…then will I leave. These hills and fertile fields –I’ll leave them all and fly away. To the abode of God,аnd then I’ll pray…But till that day. I nothing know of God. Oh bury me, then rise ye up. And break your heave chains,And water with the tyrants’ blood. The freedom you have gained. And in the great new family,The family of free,With a softy spoken, kindly words. Remember also me. VERMÄCHTNISWenn ich sterbe, sollt zum Grab ihr. Den Kurgan mir bereiten. In der lieben Ukraine,Auf der Steppe, der breiten,Wo man hören kann sein Tosen,Seine wilden Sänge. Wenn aus unsrer Ukraine. Zum Meer dann, zum blauen,Treibt der Feinde Blut, verlaß ich. Die Berge und Auen,Alles laß ich dann und fliege. Empor selbst zum Herrgott,Und ich bete… Doch bis dahin. Kenn’ ich keinen Herrgott!So begrabt mich und erhebt euch!Die Ketten zerfetzet!Mit dem Blut der bösen Feinde. Die Freiheit benetzet!Meiner sollt in der Familie,In der großen, ihr gedenken,Und sollt in der freien, neuen. Still ein gutes Wort mir schenken.

Номер слайду 15

Shevchenko’s monuments in the world

Номер слайду 16

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Номер слайду 22

Zwenygorodka. ZVENIGORODKA

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Номер слайду 27

RUSSIA. MOSCOWRussland: Moskau

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Номер слайду 29

AZERBAIJAN. BAKUAserbaidschan. Baku

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KAZAKHSTAN. ALMATYKasachstan. Almata

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ARGENTINA. BUENOS AIRESArgentinien. Buenos- Aires

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Номер слайду 34

CANADA. WINNIPEGKanada. Winnipeg

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GREECE. ATHENSGriechenland. Athen

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DENMARK. COPENHAGENDänemark. Kopenhagen

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Номер слайду 39

Ungarn. Budapest. HUNGARY. BUDAPEST

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FRANCE. PARISFrankreih. Paris

Номер слайду 41

The Mighty Dnieper. The mighty Dnieper roars and bellows,The wind in anger howls and raves,Down to the ground it bends the willows,And mountain-high lifts up the waves. The pale-faced moon picked out this moment. To peek out from behind a cloud,Like a canoe upon the ocean. It first tips up, and then dips down. The cocks don't crow to wake the morning,There's not as yet a sound of man,The owls in glades call out their warnings,And ash trees creak and creak again.

Номер слайду 42

A Spring Evening A Spring Evening. Close by the house the cherries flower,Above the orchard the beetles hum,Still singing, the girls homeward come,The tired plowmen's steps grow slower,And mothers with supper wait at home. Close by the house they eat their supper;Just then the evening-star appears;As daughter serves. Her mother cares. To teach to do things in ways proper. The nightingale's song interferes. Close to the wall on the clay-benches. The mother lulls her Nell and Bill,And falls asleep ... But the sweet wenches. And nightingales are singing still.

Номер слайду 43

Lights Are Blazing. The lights are blazing, music's playing,Like jewels gleaming in the night. The eyes of youth are shining gaily,Alight with hope, with pleasure flaming;Their eyes are bright, for to the sight. Of innocence all things seem right. So all are laughing, all are jolly,And all are dancing. Only I,As though accursed, in melancholy. Look on and wipe a mournful eye. Why do I weep? Perhaps the reason's. That dreary, like the rainy season,My youth has uselessly slipped by.

Номер слайду 44


До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 березня 2024
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